How will they rule ??!

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I still don't see how what Roseanne said was racist. Valarie Jarrett isn't even black. I think it is racist however to assume that apes=black people. Which is what your side is doing.

Do you guys REALLY not know the history behind the racist comparison?

I swear...some of you need to learn just a little bit of history on the matter.
Do you guys REALLY not know the history behind the racist comparison?

I swear...some of you need to learn just a little bit of history on the matter.
Is what I said wrong? You guys are the ones assuming apes=black people. That's not me or anyone else on the right .That's yall doing that. How is that not racist as f**k?
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This is why people on the right need to stop apologizing. The left always has a get away free card. Rosanne should take her apology back.

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Is what I said wrong? You guys are the ones assuming apes=black people. That's not me or anyone else on the right .That's yall doing that. How is that not racist as f**k?

This makes zero sense.

By that logic, if you call a black person the N word, then anyone that calls you racist is racist because they assume you meant the racial slur?

The mental gymnastics you guys do on here are spectacular.
This makes zero sense.
It should make sense, because that is exactly what you guys are doing.

By that logic, if you call a black person the N word, then anyone that calls you racist is racist because they assume you meant the racial slur?
Once again let me help you out here.

Valarie. Jarrett. Is. Not. Black. Shes f*****g Iranian for christ sake. Unless you think Iranians are apes?

The mental gymnastics you guys do on here are spectacular.
Yeah, sure bud. You are the one who is assuming comments about apes automatically means it is about black people, and then trying to deny it.
Again lost in all of the muh racism bs is the real vetting of VJ. The only color that matters is red.

FBI Files Document Communism in Valerie Jarrett’s Family
JUNE 22, 2015

Jarrett’s dad, pathologist and geneticist Dr. James Bowman, had extensive ties to Communist associations and individuals, his lengthy FBI file shows. In 1950 Bowman was in communication with a paid Soviet agent named Alfred Stern, who fled to Prague after getting charged with espionage. Bowman was also a member of a Communist-sympathizing group called the Association of Internes and Medical Students. After his discharge from the Army Medical Corps in 1955, Bowman moved to Iran to work, the FBI records show.

It’s been well documented that Valerie Jarrett, a Chicago lawyer and longtime Obama confidant, is a liberal extremist who wields tremendous power in the White House. Faithful to her roots, she still has connections to many Communist and extremist groups, including the Muslim Brotherhood. Jarrett and her family also had strong ties to Frank Marshal Davis, a big Obama mentor and Communist Party member with an extensive FBI file.

JW has exposed Valerie Jarrett’s many transgressions over the years, including her role in covering up a scandalous gun-running operation carried out by the Department of Justice (DOJ). Last fall JW obtained public records that show Jarrett was a key player in the effort to cover up that Attorney General Eric Holder lied to Congress about the Fast and Furious, a disastrous experiment in which the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives (ATF) allowed guns from the U.S. to be smuggled into Mexico so they could eventually be traced to drug cartels. Instead, federal law enforcement officers lost track of hundreds of weapons which have been used in an unknown number of crimes, including the murder of a U.S. Border Patrol agent in Arizona.
It's my thing. Kind of like how Moe always has to have at least one spelling error in all of his posts.
Cite them. Shouldn't be hard. I make dozens of posts. Oh, my phone accidentally typed bigot's instead of bigots and you suddenly think I don't know the difference between plural and possessive? You are lame.
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Plus you did it all completely shit faced, right? A case of beer before breakfast, 2 more on the golf course, and now you're sitting on your manly ass watching sports while finishing off an expensive 5th of small batch bourbon. Ya f****** alcoholic!

I don't allow small batch bourbon into my house. Unfiltered, single barrel, barrel proof only. Small batch whisky is for the peasants.
It should make sense, because that is exactly what you guys are doing.

Once again let me help you out here.

Valarie. Jarrett. Is. Not. Black. Shes f*****g Iranian for christ sake. Unless you think Iranians are apes?

Yeah, sure bud. You are the one who is assuming comments about apes automatically means it is about black people, and then trying to deny it.

Dude, being born in a foreign country doesn't make a black person not black.

As I pointed out the other day, this would be like saying Andrew Wiggins isn't black, he's Canadian.
It should make sense, because that is exactly what you guys are doing.

Once again let me help you out here.

Valarie. Jarrett. Is. Not. Black. Shes f*****g Iranian for christ sake. Unless you think Iranians are apes?

Yeah, sure bud. You are the one who is assuming comments about apes automatically means it is about black people, and then trying to deny it.

Jesus. Just because she was born in another does not mean she isn’t black.

Good god...the stupidity
I still don't see how what Roseanne said was racist. Valarie Jarrett isn't even black. I think it is racist however to assume that apes=black people. Which is what your side is doing.

Accurate. It was a very crude remark but not racist. At least unless Iranians are also often victimized by ape racial slurs?
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What did Bee say that was racist?

Oh yeah...she didn't.

THAT is the difference.

I actually have no problems with ABC cancelling the show. I thought the tweet was in horrible taste and Im sure ABC sponsors were on the phone with ABC very quickly.

The thing I dont get is why cant they both be bad? Why cant you be outraged, pissed off, or turned off by both of them? Again I didnt like the tweet, but I also think Bee went way overboard when she called Ivanka a feckless C*** on live TV. Especially knowing it was scripted and that went through an editing team and production team and they all went, "Ya all sounds good with me."

I dont think people have to die on their political parties hills on stuff like this.
Ivanka is a **** by enabling her pos daddy that wants to **** her. so Bee was just beeing honest.
Three branches of government. Go learn about what they are and how they work. Maybe Bee can figure it out for you and do a segment on her show because she's doesn't seem to have a clue either.

Trump is simply enforcing the laws already on the books. These aren't his immigration laws, they're America's immigration laws.
Can’t wait till Trudeau slaps a big tariff on maple syrup and crown royal.

Or maybe he could propose a UFC style brawl with Trump. Would be be nice to someone who takes some pride in his appearance kick the **** out of that fat orange ape.
Ivanka Trump is hot.

Prime Ivanka >>> Prime Melania

But really. These tariffs on steel. WTF??
JohnK you are talking about a 6'4 250lb dude against a skinny 5'10 queer in a UFC style brawl. Yea that usually turns out ok. You Canadians trying to be tough lol.

the U.S. economy doesn't need shit from Canada. Your country would fold like the French looking across the farm and seeing the panzers coming in without ours. so suck it.
Thought I'd drop in to let everyone know I'm making progress breaking my addiction, and holy shit was this a good time to do it. The OUTRAGE over Roseanne and Samantha Bee is really too much to handle. But, as they always say, if it wasn't for double standards, the left wouldn't have standards at all. I for one am a big fan of people saying what they feel like saying.

Calculated my Q2 payments yesterday. Pretty nice only having to pay tax on 80% of my wife's income. Doing our part to stimulate the NKY economy with the savings.

Clients are all pretty happy with the Q2 numbers. Almost all of their businesses are going gangbusters. Even some of those that aren't growing like crazy are actually opting to stay on prior year safe harbor and wait until year end to realize the big cash savings from Trump.

One of the biggest focuses now for clients is the ability to immediately write off capital expenditures. All sorts of new investments in equipment and business acquisitions.

After a long string of losses, Cincinnati got (I guess what's perceived as) a win with a MLS team. Good for the city I guess.

PJ is back. That's good.

Anyone fly WOW airlines? Keep popping up on my radar. Not the biggest fan of discount airlines, but damn those are some discounts. Would like to see more of Europe while it's still Europe.

Biggest fake news bullshit I've seen in a while:

This rain sucks. Probably Trump working with Russia to manipulate the weather.
So has @Platinumdrgn or anyone weighed in on how joy reid, a journalist for a major media network blatantly lied about time traveling hackers....and now it comes out shes an alex jones level 9/11 conspiracy theorist?
The brand I buy comes from Vermont and is just as good as any other Grade A. Dozens of whiskeys out there much, much better than Crown Royal.
JohnK you are talking about a 6'4 250lb dude against a skinny 5'10 queer in a UFC style brawl. Yea that usually turns out ok. You Canadians trying to be tough lol.

the U.S. economy doesn't need shit from Canada. Your country would fold like the French looking across the farm and seeing the panzers coming in without ours. so suck it.

250? Hahaahahah. 350 is more like it. And 290 of that is fat. He's out of shape AF. Trudeau would wallop him in 30 seconds.
Trudeau is a fag. Halfway through the fight he'd pretend to be attempting some grappling move, but instead would be groping Trump, trying to give him a reach around.
How's it going, eh? I just got done playing 36 holes of golf. Shot a 57 and a 59...both course records. But not before I closed two million dollar deals before breakfast this morning...which was the finest back bacon and maple syrup this side of Ontario.

I have a little down time now before my meeting with the governor at 2:30 so I thought I would check in and see what you losers with no life are up to today.

Can't stay long though. I have a very busy afternoon. So what's the news of the day, eh?

Haha Great work, but not quite full of complete contempt for others and impotent rage to be spot on.
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Showed PJ this thread a couple days ago. Told him to make sure he shared it with Vanderbilt and Wenyen. Obviously he decided to bogart all of the awesomeness to himself.

Shame. Could have had all three back if PJ wasn't a "selfish motherf***er". Pumped to have him back, but maybe Cal should address his attitude, teach him more about being his brother's keeper.
This makes zero sense.

By that logic, if you call a black person the N word, then anyone that calls you racist is racist because they assume you meant the racial slur?

The mental gymnastics you guys do on here are spectacular.
Apples to oranges comparison. The N word is a racial slur just for black people. No one calls a white person the N word as a slur. The word in itself means "black or dark." Apes or monkeys have no correlation to black people on the other hand. Examples are in this very thread of white people being compared to monkeys. There's a big difference and I'd imagine a black person would be pretty pissed that you have the nerve to equate being called a monkey to being called the N word. It's not mental gymnastics, it's logic. Your lack of the former is what's actually "spectacular."
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Apples to oranges comparison. The N word is a racial slur just for black people. No one calls a white person the N word as a slur. The word in itself means "black or dark." Apes or monkeys have no correlation to black people on the other hand. Examples are in this very thread of white people being compared to monkeys. There's a bug difference and I'd imagine a black person would be pretty pissed that you have the nerve to equate being called a monkey to being called the N word. It's not mental gymnastics, it's logic. You're lack of the former is what's actually "spectacular."

Then why old wise one, do black people hate and get offended by it?

No reason? Or perhaps, is there history behind it?
This is how you **** up, get shown facts and act like it didn’t happen.
No, I just decided I'd rather not argue with someone who has absolutely no idea what they're talking about. You call your nonsense facts? Laughable.

When you finally discover that Valarie Jarrett isn't black, you can come back to me.