How will they rule ??!

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Kim Kardashian is black?

And if you would name people who are on the outside of the mainstream black community then's pretty dumb to reach out to people who are out of touch with the people you're trying to reach. Ben Carson is black but has little support in the black community.
Come talk to me when he receives support from 10% of the black community.

He's called racist because of his actions and lack of actions. When he praises a white teacher or cop that stops a gunman within hours of it happening...but then took 23 days before he acknowledged the black man who stopped a gunman in a Waffle House in Nashville. He is quick to defend or be silent about openly racist people and groups and slow/fails to do the same for people of color that do good. Receives praise from David Duke and then claims he doesn't know who David Duke is despite the fact that he is on record making countless remarks about David Duke in the past. If a Muslim or Mexican were to bomb or shoot someone he would be quick to condemn them...when a white redneck does the same he is silent or tepid at best with his response. If you don't see that you're as blind as a bat.

He is his own worst enemy and fails to admit to his own mistakes. Talk about a God complex... what other person who claims to be a Christian could say that he's never asked for forgiveness...a hallmark of Christianity...and still receives support from evangelicals???

What has he said thats racist about the black community? Why wouldn't Ben Carson be supported in the black community?

When has he defended or supported a racist group? He can't help who praises him, I guess you think no one is pushing David Duke out there, or running at him with a microphone.
Don't you find it funny that Islamic terrorism has all but stopped in the US since Trump became President, weird.

Remember when Obama wouldn't criticize BLM, after the 6 cops were killed in Dallas.
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What has he said thats racist about the black community? Why wouldn't Ben Carson be supported in the black community?

When has he defended or supported a racist group? He can't help who praises him, I guess you think no one is pushing David Duke out there, or running at him with a microphone.
Don't you find it funny that Islamic terrorism has all but stopped in the US since Trump became President, weird.

Remember when Obama wouldn't criticize BLM, after the 6 cops were killed in Dallas.

Because theyve succesfully turned him into an uncle tom.. hes a black republican.. status quo, duh.
Kim Kardashian is black?

And if you would name people who are on the outside of the mainstream black community then's pretty dumb to reach out to people who are out of touch with the people you're trying to reach. Ben Carson is black but has little support in the black community.
Come talk to me when he receives support from 10% of the black community.

He's called racist because of his actions and lack of actions. When he praises a white teacher or cop that stops a gunman within hours of it happening...but then took 23 days before he acknowledged the black man who stopped a gunman in a Waffle House in Nashville. He is quick to defend or be silent about openly racist people and groups and slow/fails to do the same for people of color that do good. Receives praise from David Duke and then claims he doesn't know who David Duke is despite the fact that he is on record making countless remarks about David Duke in the past. If a Muslim or Mexican were to bomb or shoot someone he would be quick to condemn them...when a white redneck does the same he is silent or tepid at best with his response. If you don't see that you're as blind as a bat.

He is his own worst enemy and fails to admit to his own mistakes. Talk about a God complex... what other person who claims to be a Christian could say that he's never asked for forgiveness...a hallmark of Christianity...and still receives support from evangelicals???

Lol this episode of Fuzz Knows Black People! is hilarious.
ya lets pardon the guy who plead guilty to making campaign donations under fake names! MAGA! Rule of law doesn't matter as long as you kiss Trumps ass.

I agree actually. Should others be prosecuted for doing the same? Yes. But don't agree with pardoning someone who was prosecuted and convicted of actually committing the crime just because that person is a supporter.

Granted this is how it's worked over the past several administrations. But I don't support the decision

Hilarious. Their ability to bullshit propaganda at every turn is remarkable, really. First, that conversation did not happen like that. Second, you had the economy set up for him? LOL. WHAT? Your genius plan took eight years of shit and record foot stamps and lowest workforce participation just to coincidentally start working when you left?

Perhaps Obama was absolute shit because he was a community organizer with no business sense and loved regulations on everything. Imagine if the media portrayed this POS in an impartial way instead of worshiping him. This guy did nothing but push racial division, participate in constant corruption and was a foreign policy disaster.
I agree actually. Should others be prosecuted for doing the same? Yes. But don't agree with pardoning someone who was prosecuted and convicted of actually committing the crime just because that person is a supporter.

Granted this is how it's worked over the past several administrations. But I don't support the decision
I think Obama going after Dinesh was mostly for political reasons.
yeah I'm gonna say this is a lie. Really love when the party who loves to spread lies and fake news pulls some stats out of the arse and then doesn't even link to a source.

Pretty awesome to see all the R bags defending a racist like Roseanne. keep the excuses coming! Evidently no one can be racist unless they come out a say explicitly I am racist, or call someone the N word. Say anything else and they can make excuses (see above)

Poor Roseanne she didn't understand the difference between racist statements that get you fired and racist statements that get you elected President. She'll learn though.

Kim Kardashian is black?

And if you would name people who are on the outside of the mainstream black community then's pretty dumb to reach out to people who are out of touch with the people you're trying to reach. Ben Carson is black but has little support in the black community.
Come talk to me when he receives support from 10% of the black community.

He's called racist because of his actions and lack of actions. When he praises a white teacher or cop that stops a gunman within hours of it happening...but then took 23 days before he acknowledged the black man who stopped a gunman in a Waffle House in Nashville. He is quick to defend or be silent about openly racist people and groups and slow/fails to do the same for people of color that do good. Receives praise from David Duke and then claims he doesn't know who David Duke is despite the fact that he is on record making countless remarks about David Duke in the past. If a Muslim or Mexican were to bomb or shoot someone he would be quick to condemn them...when a white redneck does the same he is silent or tepid at best with his response. If you don't see that you're as blind as a bat.

He is his own worst enemy and fails to admit to his own mistakes. Talk about a God complex... what other person who claims to be a Christian could say that he's never asked for forgiveness...a hallmark of Christianity...and still receives support from evangelicals???
I didn't say Kim Kardashian was black. I asked a simple question that you wrongly read into. Nice job. So if black people don't agree with your line of thinking, they aren't REALLY black. They are out of touch so their opinion on race relations doesn't matter. I love how you're the claimed defender of minorities yet you pick and choose which ones have voices that matter. You aren't a champion for black people, you are a champion for black people who agree with you. No one on the left ever trashed Kanye until he diverted from the left group think. Then all of a sudden he was just an out of touch rich dude who might as well be white. You never answered my simple question of who in the black community Trump should consult with regarding policy.

Trump says some stupid things and he's no genius when it comes to having a way with words. I believe a lot of what he said was misunderstood or taken out of context but I digress. There isn't a single piece of evidence in his enacted policy or his actions that demonstrates he is racist. There's things about Trump I myself don't like but as far as his actually policy for Americans, it's pretty sound. He may be quick to point out a Muslim terrorist but that's mainly because there is a problem with Muslim terrorism throughout the world that Obama wouldn't even acknowledge.

As far as the religious stuff you ranted about, that has nothing to do with the conversation. I'm agnostic anyway so I couldn't give a shit less. It would be nice to have a president with solid morals, but we gave up on that with our politicians many many moons ago. As I've said, I didn't vote for Trump but I'm happy to have someone in office who thinks highly of America, it's citizens, and what it has done throughout history. I'll take it.
How's it going, eh? I just got done playing 36 holes of golf. Shot a 57 and a 59...both course records. But not before I closed two million dollar deals before breakfast this morning...which was the finest back bacon and maple syrup this side of Ontario.

I have a little down time now before my meeting with the governor at 2:30 so I thought I would check in and see what you losers with no life are up to today.

Can't stay long though. I have a very busy afternoon. So what's the news of the day, eh?
How's it going, eh? I just got done playing 36 holes of golf. Shot a 57 and a 59...both course records. But not before I closed two million dollar deals before breakfast this morning...which was the finest back bacon and maple syrup this side of Ontario.

I have a little down time now before my meeting with the governor at 2:30 so I thought I would check in and see what you losers with no life are up to today.

Can't stay long though. I have a very busy afternoon. So what's the news of the day, eh?


That Bill Mayer junk was crazy.
How's it going, eh? I just got done playing 36 holes of golf. Shot a 57 and a 59...both course records. But not before I closed two million dollar deals before breakfast this morning...which was the finest back bacon and maple syrup this side of Ontario.

I have a little down time now before my meeting with the governor at 2:30 so I thought I would check in and see what you losers with no life are up to today.

Can't stay long though. I have a very busy afternoon. So what's the news of the day, eh?
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Absolutely. But he was also guilty of the conduct. Someone's political affiliation should never be the deciding factor on something like this. No matter the party in power.
Oh I totally agree. I for the most part highly doubt Obama even cared if Dinesh broke a law, he was probably highly upset at Dineshs movies about him. Had to try to take him out somehow
Oh I totally agree. I for the most part highly doubt Obama even cared if Dinesh broke a law, he was probably highly upset at Dineshs movies about him. Had to try to take him out somehow

Or he actually, you know, committed a crime and was convicted for said crime.
Look, I understand that most presidents get elected with (relatively speaking) very little knowledge on international trade. It's something you learn on the job. You read, you listen, you ask questions, you propose ideas and welcome all feedback.

Trump's dimwitted "America First" approach to these steel tariffs is just inexcusable, and apparently no one attempted to talk him down with just a TINY bit of foresight.

What is Trump's plan exactly for supplying all the auto plants with materials? Does he really think we're going to do this all with "beautiful, American steel?" He looks at these numbers and acts irresponsibly because he has no idea how trade works. He sees the word "deficit" and throws tariffs at our allies, blindsiding the entire global economy.

That he would bludgeon the EU, Canada, Mexico...and yes, America, with these moves but then chase a deal that would economically benefit North Korea? WTF?

IMO we should've just tariffed the shit out of Chinese steel and called it a day. I will say though -if Trump somehow leverages this into an even better situation for the US economy, I will be the first to eat crow and praise him.
Can an African American reply to this> . Why is it racist to compare a black person to an ape, but not a white person? I'm genuinely curious. George Bush and Donald Trump have been compared to orangutans, chimps, etc. with no blowback or righteous indignation from our impartial press. Valerie Jarrett gets the same treatment and the race industry goes into DEFCON 5.

I'm on record as supporting ABC's decision to fire Roseanne, but now I'm wavering. Just want to know the difference.
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How's it going, eh? I just got done playing 36 holes of golf. Shot a 57 and a 59...both course records. But not before I closed two million dollar deals before breakfast this morning...which was the finest back bacon and maple syrup this side of Ontario.

I have a little down time now before my meeting with the governor at 2:30 so I thought I would check in and see what you losers with no life are up to today.

Can't stay long though. I have a very busy afternoon. So what's the news of the day, eh?

Plus you did it all completely shit faced, right? A case of beer before breakfast, 2 more on the golf course, and now you're sitting on your manly ass watching sports while finishing off an expensive 5th of small batch bourbon. Ya f****** alcoholic!