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As someone who believes we all evolved from some type of ape-like creature. Why is it racist to compare Jarret, who does look like the character from Planet of the Apes, and not racist when the same comparison is made with George Bush who did sometimes look like a monkey? Or when Trump is compared with an orangutan? I don't give a shit about Rosanne. I think she's a pretty sorry human being. But at what point does this silly shit stop?
How many times can you post on one topic without learning anything? Your point has been refuted at least three times in this thread alone. Both of her parents are African-American. Doesn't matter if she was born in Iran, Germany, Botswana or Taiwan. She's black.

People from those countries are not American.

I see her parents are American. She has French, Scottish and Native American ancestry.
As someone who believes we all evolved from some type of ape-like creature. Why is it racist to compare Jarret, who does look like the character from Planet of the Apes, and not racist when the same comparison is made with George Bush who did sometimes look like a monkey? Or when Trump is compared with an orangutan? I don't give a shit about Rosanne. I think she's a pretty sorry human being. But at what point does this silly shit stop?

Because historical context. Basically, whites are fair game in their minds. Curse them, make fun of their looks, etc, etc, all you want. Minorities are above criticism, jokes, etc..
Do you guys REALLY not know the history behind the racist comparison?

I swear...some of you need to learn just a little bit of history on the matter.
You did not answer the question, do you not know what you're talking about?Are you just talking out of your butt? The point is, one race can be compared to.monkeys and the other not, why?
I see her parents are American. She has French, Scottish and Native American ancestry.
Which makes her of French, Scottish, and Native American ancestry. She also has people of African-American descent in her ancestry. Her great-grandfather was the first African-American admitted to MIT to specifically name one. This makes her of African-American ancestry as well as the French, Scottish, and Native American you mentioned. Don't know why that's hard to understand.
As someone who believes we all evolved from some type of ape-like creature. Why is it racist to compare Jarret, who does look like the character from Planet of the Apes, and not racist when the same comparison is made with George Bush who did sometimes look like a monkey? Or when Trump is compared with an orangutan? I don't give a shit about Rosanne. I think she's a pretty sorry human being. But at what point does this silly shit stop?
You did not answer the question, do you not know what you're talking about?Are you just talking out of your butt? The point is, one race can be compared to.monkeys and the other not, why?
See the myriad posts above. Because of historical context.
This makes zero sense.

By that logic, if you call a black person the N word, then anyone that calls you racist is racist because they assume you meant the racial slur?

The mental gymnastics you guys do on here are spectacular.
When has anyone on here used the N word. Racist has been used just for being the opposition. That takes a lot more mental gymnastics from you guys. The kind of mental that got you medicated.
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Which makes her of French, Scottish, and Native American ancestry. She also has people of African-American descent in her ancestry. Her great-grandfather was the first African-American admitted to MIT to specifically name one. This makes her of African-American ancestry as well as the French, Scottish, and Native American you mentioned. Don't know why that's hard to understand.

Is Patty Mills African American?

Sammy Sosa?
Historical context is irrelevant to reality. That's the delusional talk. Join us in real world. Just because a small percentage of whites many, many decades ago owned slaves, which has absolutely nothing to do with me, doesn't mean that Valerie f***ing Jarret is off limits or above reproach.

I'll make fun of her being an ugly as hell the same as I will Lena Dunham, and it has absolutely nothing to do with their race and everything to do with their busted faces.
I see, you can't answer the question because it would show your hypocrisy and ignorance. Not to mention your lack of character.
I did answer the question. It's racist to say Valerie Jarrett is an ape because of the long history of comparing black people to apes for racist reasons which has led to the black/ape comparison having racist connotations. It is not racist to compare Trump to an orangutan because calling whites who overuse orange spray tan orangutans does not have the same history and hence connotations. Google connotation if you are confused.
I did answer the question. It's racist to say Valerie Jarrett is an ape because of the long history of comparing black people to apes for racist reasons which has led to the black/ape comparison having racist connotations. It is not racist to compare Trump to an orangutan because calling whites who overuse orange spray tan orangutans does not have the same history and hence connotations. Google connotation if you are confused.

lol rationalizes racial slurs. You're a real piece of work, Dion.
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Can’t wait till Trudeau slaps a big tariff on maple syrup and crown royal.

Or maybe he could propose a UFC style brawl with Trump. Would be be nice to someone who takes some pride in his appearance kick the **** out of that fat orange ape.
Trudeau's a coward, just like you. That is why he panders to every terrorist out there. You are here because you are even too scared to stand up to him. You know people like me will protect you, you're welcome.

It feels good to be an American to protect those who cannot protect themselves.
You stereotyped all people from Kentucky. All people from Kentucky don't marry their sisters. People don't choose where they're born. You're a bigot. Own it.

No, he was referring to his ex-wife, assuming she's a liberal too because no self respecting conservative woman would marry him. You're right, reading comprehension is a basic skill, bigot.

My ex wife is a hardcore Christian conservative, like I used to be. I divorced her because I woke up and realized both of those are looney stances.
I did answer the question. It's racist to say Valerie Jarrett is an ape because of the long history of comparing black people to apes for racist reasons which has led to the black/ape comparison having racist connotations. It is not racist to compare Trump to an orangutan because calling whites who overuse orange spray tan orangutans does not have the same history and hence connotations. Google connotation if you are confused.
Jarrett is Iranian. And a Mooslim.
Are you being willfully ignorant or are you just so stupid that you can't comprehend something even after it's been stated at least 4 times now? Here it is bold and capitalized so maybe you'll see it after the fourth time. HER PARENTS ARE AFRICAN-AMERICAN.

Then how is she Iranian?

I'm legit asking because I don't know enough about her to get the racism connotation
State Farm just dropped sponsorship of Samantha Bee's show. LOL

Auto Trader was the first one to drop sponsorship

Good for them. When these liberal idiots start being held accountable on the same scale as idiots like Rosanne, instead of celebrated for their comments, we are moving in a better direction.
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Jarrett is Iranian. And a Mooslim.
This is getting ridiculous. You guys constantly crow about fake news. How many posters is this at this point who've stated that Valerie Jarrett is Iranian and therefore not black, and how many times are others going to have to debunk it?
I divorced her because I woke up and realized both of those are looney stances.

Conservative stances are loony? Compared to what? Liberal stances? Yeah, you didn't wake up.

There's nothing nearly as loony as what we see constantly from the left. And it's always something so far out that's it's become slapstick at this point. You'd have to be radicalized to be on board with the nonsense they're pushing.
I did answer the question. It's racist to say Valerie Jarrett is an ape because of the long history of comparing black people to apes for racist reasons which has led to the black/ape comparison having racist connotations. It is not racist to compare Trump to an orangutan because calling whites who overuse orange spray tan orangutans does not have the same history and hence connotations. Google connotation if you are confused.
This is getting ridiculous. You guys constantly crow about fake news. How many posters is this at this point who've stated that Valerie Jarrett is Iranian, not black, and how many times are others going to have to debunk it?

She is multi race. Not Black.
Which makes her of French, Scottish, and Native American ancestry. She also has people of African-American descent in her ancestry. Her great-grandfather was the first African-American admitted to MIT to specifically name one. This makes her of African-American ancestry as well as the French, Scottish, and Native American you mentioned. Don't know why that's hard to understand.
So, are you one of those people that thinks if you have one drop of black blood, you're black? That was the belief years ago. Are you that racist?
She is multi race. Not Black.
So, are you one of those people that thinks if you have one drop of black blood, you're black? That was the belief years ago. Are you that racist?
Both of her parents self-identify as African-American. I merely mentioned the famous ancestor as one example. Her father was not allowed to enter St. Luke’s Hospital in Chicago through the front door when he was a resident due to the dark color of his skin. There's another.
Why are you such a bigot? Why is it okay to stereotype all people from Kentucky as inbreds but not Valerie Jarrett as a monkey?

P.S. The ex-wife's grandmother is most certainly part of her bloodline.
His ex-wife is Trudeau, that is why he came here. He new Americans had the courage to stand up to her.
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Is it racist if I make fun of this black guy's looks, even though what I find funny has absolutely nothing to do with the color of his skin and everything to do with the fact he looks like the Arnold?

Conservative stances are loony? Compared to what? Liberal stances? Yeah, you didn't wake up.

There's nothing nearly as loony as what we see constantly from the left. And it's always something so far out that's it's become slapstick at this point. You'd have to be radicalized to be on board with the nonsense they're pushing.

Not all conservative stances, just the "hardcore" stances - which is clearly stated in my post. Hardcore liberals are just as bad.

Comprehension, man. Try it sometime.
Self identity goes in garbage when we have your DNA.
Her DNA is of African-American descent with no known Iranian ancestry, so why do people here keep saying she's Iranian and not black? Her father was expected to use the back door at St. Luke’s Hospital in Chicago when he was a resident instead of the front because of his dark skin. I don't really understand your argument as she is African-American both cosmetically and genetically.