How will they rule ??!

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Then why old wise one, do black people hate and get offended by it?

No reason? Or perhaps, is there history behind it?
It seems to me it's white people raising hell over it way more than black people. In fact, white people in general are far more offended by perceived racist statements than black people seem to be from my experience.
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No, I just decided I'd rather not argue with someone who has absolutely no idea what they're talking about. You call your nonsense facts? Laughable.

When you finally discover that Valarie Jarrett isn't black, you can come back to me. along, son. Adult conversations are not for you.
It seems to me it's white people raising hell over it way more than black people. In fact, white people in general are far more offended by perceived racist statements than black people seem to be from my experience.

That’s simply not true...even if you do, in fact, know one black person.
When you finally discover that Valarie Jarrett isn't black, you can come back to me.
How many times can you post on one topic without learning anything? Your point has been refuted at least three times in this thread alone. Both of her parents are African-American. Doesn't matter if she was born in Iran, Germany, Botswana or Taiwan. She's black.
That’s simply not true...even if you do, in fact, know one black person.
I have several black friends, most of whom are pretty dang successful and don't throw pity parties for themselves because they happen to be black. They have thick skin(am I allowed to say that or does the pc police deam it racist?) and don't see racism in everything. In fact, the ones I talk politics with believe the media makes things out to be a lot worse than they are.
Apples to oranges comparison. The N word is a racial slur just for black people. No one calls a white person the N word as a slur. The word in itself means "black or dark." Apes or monkeys have no correlation to black people on the other hand. Examples are in this very thread of white people being compared to monkeys. There's a big difference and I'd imagine a black person would be pretty pissed that you have the nerve to equate being called a monkey to being called the N word. It's not mental gymnastics, it's logic. Your lack of the former is what's actually "spectacular."

My ex wife's racist grandmother calls black people "yard apes" all the time. It's most certainly derogatory.
So Romney comes clean and said who he voted for in 2016.....

His wife.

What a complete pu$$y who I am still beyond ashamed I voted for in 2012 except my other choice was the most corrupt administration in America’s history.
Kentucky you're assuming he married his sister like you did.

Why are you such a bigot? Why is it okay to stereotype all people from Kentucky as inbreds but not Valerie Jarrett as a monkey?

P.S. The ex-wife's grandmother is most certainly part of her bloodline.
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Bee can DIAF for all I care. Terrible human being who is loving the attention she is getting now. Both her and TBS knew exactly what they were doing.
Bee isn’t funny. And neither is that Trevor Noah guy? I don’t see how either continues to have a show.
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Doesn't mean she is either. Tasteless and crude. But I don't see the racism unless I'm just not up to par on Iranian racial slurs.
Are you being willfully ignorant or are you just so stupid that you can't comprehend something even after it's been stated at least 4 times now? Here it is bold and capitalized so maybe you'll see it after the fourth time. HER PARENTS ARE AFRICAN-AMERICAN.
Why are you such a bigot? Why is it okay to stereotype all people from Kentucky as inbreds but not Valerie Jarrett as a monkey?

P.S. The ex-wife's grandmother is most certainly part of her bloodline.
We had this same discussion the other day. There's a difference between making fun of someone for a choice they made, i.e. marrying your sister, and something they have absolutely no control over, i.e. being born black.

P.S. He was referring to @JohnKBA as a liberal, not his ex-wife of whom he has no knowledge of political affiliation. Reading comprehension is a basic skill.
Roseanne's dumbass joke or not; African American parents or not; born in Iran or not; white, black, brown, yellow skin or not; she's still ugly as hell and looks like a character from the Planet of the Apes. Reality doesn't give a shit about your feelings.
We had this same discussion the other day. There's a difference between making fun of someone for a choice they made, i.e. marrying your sister, and something they have absolutely no control over, i.e. being born black.

P.S. He was referring to @JohnKBA as a liberal, not his ex-wife of whom he has no knowledge of political affiliation. Reading comprehension is a basic skill.

How is Assuming someone from KY married their sister not racist, but claiming some illegal aliens from Mexico are rapists and murderers considered racist?
We had this same discussion the other day. There's a difference between making fun of someone for a choice they made, i.e. marrying your sister, and something they have absolutely no control over, i.e. being born black.

You stereotyped all people from Kentucky. All people from Kentucky don't marry their sisters. People don't choose where they're born. You're a bigot. Own it.

P.S. He was referring to @JohnKBA as a liberal, not his ex-wife of whom he has no knowledge of political affiliation. Reading comprehension is a basic skill.

No, he was referring to his ex-wife, assuming she's a liberal too because no self respecting conservative woman would marry him. You're right, reading comprehension is a basic skill, bigot.
Are you being willfully ignorant or are you just so stupid that you can't comprehend something even after it's been stated at least 4 times now? Here it is bold and capitalized so maybe you'll see it after the fourth time. HER PARENTS ARE AFRICAN-AMERICAN.

Who gives a shit at this point. Look what they are calling Trump, his family, and his staff.

Go **** yourself and what you thoth is wrong. The double standard is unbelievable with you libtarded haters.
We had this same discussion the other day. There's a difference between making fun of someone for a choice they made, i.e. marrying your sister, and something they have absolutely no control over, i.e. being born black.

Also, we both know who you were referring to with your inbred comment, don't we? Admit it, it was the Appalachian white people from Kentucky, the rednecks, the hillbillies, correct?

You stereotyped them all and attacked them for their skin color and because of where they were born. Both things they have absolutely no control over. Practice what you preach. You're not only a bigot, but a hypocritical, racist bigot.
Also, we both know who you were referring to with your inbred comment, don't we? Admit it, it was the Appalachian white people from Kentucky, the rednecks, the hillbillies, correct?

You stereotyped them all and attacked them for their skin color and because of where they were born. Both things they have absolutely no control over. Practice what you preach. You're not only a bigot, but a hypocritical, racist bigot.
You've been arguing that what Roseanne said wasn't racist because in your opinion Valerie Jarrett looks like an ape. @Mashburned looks to me from the assumptions made in his comment like the kind of Kentuckian that'd marry his sister. So that isn't bigoted according to your own logic right? Also, marrying your sister has nothing to do with skin color.
Lol that’s more than a few posts now, plus you @‘d....


We’re all apes. Public school taught me that. Is govt education the devil now? Any smart guys with racist family members wanna answer that.
You've been arguing that what Roseanne said wasn't racist because in your opinion Valerie Jarrett looks like an ape. @Mashburned looks to me from the assumptions made in his comment like the kind of Kentuckian that'd marry his sister. So that isn't bigoted according to your own logic right?

Now you're getting it. That's been the point. I was giving you a taste of your own backwards logic. Although, I've never defended Roseanne. I have no clue of her inner thoughts. I spoke for myself and gave only my opinion on Jarrett.

Anyways, you stereotyping the entire state aside, the reality is, you made fun of them because some actually marry their sisters, not because they're white. Same way I didn't make fun of Jarrett because she's black, but because she actually looks like a character from the Planet of the Apes. See? That's not racist.
Anyways, you stereotyping the entire state aside, the reality is, you made fun of them because some actually marry their sisters, not because they're white. Same way I didn't make fun of Jarrett because she's black, but because she actually looks like a character from the Planet of the Apes. See? That's not racist.
Historical context is the difference. Black people being called apes has a long history of racist connotations. Exactly why it isn't racist for Bill Maher to call Trump an orangutan, or why it is racist to refer to black people as negroes even though it's the Spanish word for black.
The historical context is the difference.
I couldn't give a shit less about historical context. Maybe you do but I don't. You don't get to dictate how I conduct myself, or decide what I find funny.

I have no problem making fun of someone because of how they look, regardless of their race, sex, sexual preference, etc. Does that make me an inconsiderate, rude asshole? Maybe, but it's still not racist. If Jarrett was white and looked the same, I'd make fun the same. Race has no bearing.
I couldn't give a shit less about historical context. Does that make me an inconsiderate, rude asshole? Maybe, but it's still not racist.
Not giving a shit about the historical context makes you a racist. If you walked up to a black person and called them the N word that is racist because of the historical context, even if you "couldn't give a shit less about historical context" and personally think that you're complimenting them on their beautiful complexion.
Not giving a shit about the historical context makes you a racist.

Not really, but keep on keeping on. Maybe you'll come across someone who cares. That word has zero effect on me. I know who I am and what I'm about. You imbeciles you the word as a shield to shut people up because you can't handle reality. Reality is, regardless of the color of Jarrett's skin, she looks like a character from the Planet of the Apes. Full stop.

If you walked up to a black person and called them the N word that is racist,

Yeah, because that's exactly the same as making fun of the way someone looks, regardless of their skin color. You're desperate, reaching for the stars, bringing out the big guns. It will not silence me nor garner an apology from me.