How will they rule ??!

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I have a 100% reliable source that says FLOTUS is very rarely in the White House. I've got nothing against her and doubt she even controls her own Twitter account... but again as of last week she had spent fewer than a dozen nights in the WH since Trump took office.

The fantasy world this guy lives in must be epic. What are the odds that RQ is his 100% reliable source?
@duke4life831, just to be clear, it's nothing personal, man. As far as I'm concerned, you're more than welcome to post here. I was just messing around. One of the village idiots likes to claim that this thread was shown to Zion and it's the reason why he chose Duke instead of UK.

Figured I'd entertain his nonsense, blame you, and in the process take a shot, accusing you of being afraid and trying to scare even more recruits away since Cal is absolutely killing it lately. All in good fun.

I'd prefer you not to assume my gender.

Thats not true at all. The anthem used to be showed by almost every network before almost every game. It wasn't until last year when they started not showing them. I am a big NFL fan and I'm not sure you know what you're talking about.

He has a 100% legit source. His neighbor's wife's hairdresser is a third cousin of Roger Goodell's masseuse.
I made no comment about her...but she is one of the last people I would seek for advice on anything...other than maybe how to be famous for virtually no reasons. Had Obama sought out folks like the Kardashians to discuss policy he would have been roundly criticized and rightfully so.
Which black people do you think he should reach out to? I can name a few but they wouldn't make you happy. Trump is trying to reach out to black people in an attempt to bring the races together and unite the country. I agree that his choices aren't the best, but perhaps being constantly called a racist every day is making him a bit desperate and affecting his better judgment. You just don't like it because it proves he isn't the racist that you claim him to be, and it scares you shitless that black people may start to see that too and you'll lose the only group that's keeping liberals in power.
Has fuzzball ever said where he lives? Guess he must love in washington dc... also, pretty funny that his source has been assigned to the "trumps" since before election... pretty funny... SS get assigned to individuals..not a whole family.

Someone should report his ass even though hes 100% full of ish.
yeah I'm gonna say this is a lie. Really love when the party who loves to spread lies and fake news pulls some stats out of the arse and then doesn't even link to a source.

Pretty awesome to see all the R bags defending a racist like Roseanne. keep the excuses coming! Evidently no one can be racist unless they come out a say explicitly I am racist, or call someone the N word. Say anything else and they can make excuses (see above)

Poor Roseanne she didn't understand the difference between racist statements that get you fired and racist statements that get you elected President. She'll learn though.

Except it's not a criminal investigation, though. There's no evidence of a crime being committed. That's why they're having to call it a counter intelligence investigation; otherwise, they wouldn't have gotten away with it for this long.

Also, if the Democrats are now changing their tune, thinking the Mueller investigation coming off as political will hurt them at the ballot box, then the end is closer than most assume.
Then that is just too bad for the dems. Gotta allow it to continue.
Mitch McConnell is winning the long game

If McConnell’s low emotional metabolism allowed him to become agitated, he would do so about complaints — mostly from people inattentive to events or uninformed about possibilities — that Republican control of the two political branches is not producing results. McConnell says:

The largest tax reduction in 31 years has contributed to the best economy in 18 years. Defense spending is up, many Dodd-Frank banking rules and the Obamacare individual mandate have been repealed. Drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, blocked for 38 years, has been approved, as has a reconfigured National Labor Relations Board, a source of much Obama administration mischief. The Congressional Review Act, under which Congress can disapprove many regulations issued by federal agencies, has been used 19 times since it was enacted in 1996 — 18 of them during this Congress.

This, says McConnell, constitutes the best 18 months of center-right governance in his Senate career, which began when Ronald Reagan’s second term did. There also are the judges.

Some conservative warriors in the bleachers — people inordinately proud of their muscular spectatorship — deny McConnell’s toughness. Bruised Democrats know better. By preventing a vote on President Barack Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland — invoking a rule first suggested by Democratic Sens. Joe Biden and Charles E. Schumer: Supreme Court justices should not be confirmed in presidential election years — McConnell kept open the seat of Antonin Scalia, who died in February 2016. The election produced a president unburdened by jurisprudential convictions but deferential to the Federalist Society and other conservatives who think about such things. Furthermore, the White House Counsel’s Office, which oversees judicial nominations, is an island of professionalism.

To reshape the circuit courts of appeal (of 179 authorized positions, 21 have been filled in 18 months, and there are 14 current or announced vacancies), McConnell ended the requirement of a supermajority to stop filibusters of Supreme Court nominees. Filibusters had always been possible but were never practiced. Not even, McConnell notes, during the ferocious fight over the nomination of now- Justice Clarence Thomas. This nomination went to the Senate floor without the Judiciary Committee’s recommendation and barely passed (52 to 48), but was not filibustered.

To prevent Republicans from reciprocating with filibusters against Obama’s packing-by-enlargement of the nation’s second-most-important court, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Democrats changed Senate rules to bar filibusters of judicial nominees other than those for the Supreme Court. McConnell removed that pointless exemption to make possible the confirmation of Neil M. Gorsuch.

Almost 30 years after the end of his presidency, Reagan still shapes events because of his nomination of Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, who often has been 20 percent of a court majority. Three decades from now, McConnell will be shaping the nation through judges who today are in their 40s, some of whom might be destined to be Gorsuch’s colleagues. This is the long game.
Mitch McConnell is winning the long game

If McConnell’s low emotional metabolism allowed him to become agitated, he would do so about complaints — mostly from people inattentive to events or uninformed about possibilities — that Republican control of the two political branches is not producing results. McConnell says:

The largest tax reduction in 31 years has contributed to the best economy in 18 years. Defense spending is up, many Dodd-Frank banking rules and the Obamacare individual mandate have been repealed. Drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, blocked for 38 years, has been approved, as has a reconfigured National Labor Relations Board, a source of much Obama administration mischief. The Congressional Review Act, under which Congress can disapprove many regulations issued by federal agencies, has been used 19 times since it was enacted in 1996 — 18 of them during this Congress.

This, says McConnell, constitutes the best 18 months of center-right governance in his Senate career, which began when Ronald Reagan’s second term did. There also are the judges.

Some conservative warriors in the bleachers — people inordinately proud of their muscular spectatorship — deny McConnell’s toughness. Bruised Democrats know better. By preventing a vote on President Barack Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland — invoking a rule first suggested by Democratic Sens. Joe Biden and Charles E. Schumer: Supreme Court justices should not be confirmed in presidential election years — McConnell kept open the seat of Antonin Scalia, who died in February 2016. The election produced a president unburdened by jurisprudential convictions but deferential to the Federalist Society and other conservatives who think about such things. Furthermore, the White House Counsel’s Office, which oversees judicial nominations, is an island of professionalism.

To reshape the circuit courts of appeal (of 179 authorized positions, 21 have been filled in 18 months, and there are 14 current or announced vacancies), McConnell ended the requirement of a supermajority to stop filibusters of Supreme Court nominees. Filibusters had always been possible but were never practiced. Not even, McConnell notes, during the ferocious fight over the nomination of now- Justice Clarence Thomas. This nomination went to the Senate floor without the Judiciary Committee’s recommendation and barely passed (52 to 48), but was not filibustered.

To prevent Republicans from reciprocating with filibusters against Obama’s packing-by-enlargement of the nation’s second-most-important court, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Democrats changed Senate rules to bar filibusters of judicial nominees other than those for the Supreme Court. McConnell removed that pointless exemption to make possible the confirmation of Neil M. Gorsuch.

Almost 30 years after the end of his presidency, Reagan still shapes events because of his nomination of Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, who often has been 20 percent of a court majority. Three decades from now, McConnell will be shaping the nation through judges who today are in their 40s, some of whom might be destined to be Gorsuch’s colleagues. This is the long game.
As much of a shitbag Mitch is, spearheading the Garland block and waiting for Trump's nominee in Gorsuch was all worth it.
Sounds like someone threatened to Clinton him (along with Sessions).

Gowdy has always been Scrappy Doo. Talks big, never does anything.

About 99 percent of everything is just political theater. It’s exhausting. Nothing ever happens. We get a new story for the cycle that runs its course then off to the next one. Literally, nothing happens.

Anyone who uses “bombshell” is really setting themselves up for disappointment. Nothing happens. No one goes to jail. Media will act as apologists for Democrats and rile up the mob against Republicans with fake outage. Memos don’t matter. Being caught lying doesn’t matter, mass corruption doesn’t matter.

If Nixon were around today, he could literally just say GFY and it would be over in a couple of weeks before they found something new to be mad about.

The level of insanity by the left in regards to Trump is why it’s important to just take a break from being around these shitbags. They lose their minds over everything, report a bunch of false BS, mock him even when he’s right, it’s just constant virtue signaling. It’s like watching the same thing over and over again.

Oh what are we mad about now? What’s the new thing that’s taking down Trump?

Calling some illegals from Mexicans “rapists” oh noo

Wants to enforce a temporary immigration ban- SHUT DOWN THE AIPORTS, grab the signs and find an activist judge

Doesn’t want military having to pay for mentally ill transgender people- Libs completely ignore that a mentally ill person isn’t getting a weapon and then suddenly care about the military.

Trump fed koi fish too much! I’m pissed! Oh, CNN and TIME doctored the footage? Moving on.

Tax cuts! How dare this guy give people back more of their own money. Doesn’t he know that’s stealing from the government?

Uh oh, he allegedly called some third world countries “shitholes?” I’m outraged.

Starts to push a narrative that Trump is insane. Gets mad at his doctor who says that’s moronic.

Remember when the crazy cowboy hat wearing politician went nuts about some conversation that Trump apparently had? Lol

Uses some dumb teens to try and virtue signal and get people to give up the 2A.

Upset about Trump saying to say Merry Christmas again- pretend the left doesn’t constantly go after Christians.

Pushing pee dossier
Pushing Russia lie even when that has been shown to be complete BS

Using Stormy Daniels as their new “gotcha” lol

Not a day goes by where the left doesn’t give insane and vile people a platform, slander people they don’t like, collude with deep state and dnc to try and destroy those who go against them.

Every single day, they are mad about something else, which has a 24-48 hour lifespan on social media and then off to the next thing to try and devour. These people are the worst.
Doesn't matter who is tired of whatever in a criminal investigation.

No, it doesn't matter. What matters is how it affects people and their voting decisions.

I usually like Trey Gowdy but his take on Trump and spygate is laughable. "Informants are used all the time" umm not in political campaigns. What a stupid thing to say.

I would have asked Gowdy if suspects are allowed to destroy evidence in an FBI investigation "all the time" or if decisions are made to exonerate a suspect prior to the investigation are made "all the time".

Just because I'm liberal doesn't mean I need to blindly agree with everything liberals do. This ain't UK bball.

If you don't blindly agree, then you are not a true liberal. There may be hope for you yet.

It was never about changing anyone’s mind. It was about preventing bad press, and to prevent a twitter storm of Virtue signaling.

It was also throwing out the baby with the bath water. Look how many people lost their jobs just so the left could get at Roseanne. Dems are ruthless in their stupidity.

What happened to Gowdy? I used to be a big fan of his but he seems to have been in a tailspin for quite sometime now.

He's retiring. Gotta make a living.

Has fuzzball ever said where he lives? Guess he must love in washington dc... also, pretty funny that his source has been assigned to the "trumps" since before election... pretty funny... SS get assigned to individuals..not a whole family.

Someone should report his ass even though hes 100% full of ish.

Sounds like a National Security breach to me. Someone will be showing up at fuzz's door soon to ask a couple of questions. Hope they tell him to pay his bet.

Hmmmm, 7 men working together to touch underage girls? No pictures of suspects released. Lib/dims or muslims?

It's these guys...

The suspects have been identified as:

  • Gursharanpal Banga, 34
  • Manpreet Singh Dhillon, 26
  • Lakhveer Singh Gill, 30
  • Baljinder Singh Khaira, 38
  • Balwinder Singh Malhi, 32
  • Dharampal Singh, 21
  • Harpreet Singh Talwar, 18
No, it doesn't matter. What matters is how it affects people and their voting decisions.

I would have asked Gowdy if suspects are allowed to destroy evidence in an FBI investigation "all the time" or if decisions are made to exonerate a suspect prior to the investigation are made "all the time".

If you don't blindly agree, then you are not a true liberal. There may be hope for you yet.

It was also throwing out the baby with the bath water. Look how many people lost their jobs just so the left could get at Roseanne. Dems are ruthless in their stupidity.

He's retiring. Gotta make a living.

Sounds like a National Security breach to me. Someone will be showing up at fuzz's door soon to ask a couple of questions. Hope they tell him to pay his bet.

It's these guys...

The suspects have been identified as:

  • Gursharanpal Banga, 34
  • Manpreet Singh Dhillon, 26
  • Lakhveer Singh Gill, 30
  • Baljinder Singh Khaira, 38
  • Balwinder Singh Malhi, 32
  • Dharampal Singh, 21
  • Harpreet Singh Talwar, 18
MORMONS!! I knew it.
It's these guys...

The suspects have been identified as:

  • Gursharanpal Banga, 34
  • Manpreet Singh Dhillon, 26
  • Lakhveer Singh Gill, 30
  • Baljinder Singh Khaira, 38
  • Balwinder Singh Malhi, 32
  • Dharampal Singh, 21
  • Harpreet Singh Talwar, 18

Just good ole all American type boys.

NBC be like, "OPINION-Gursharanpal Singh is most all-American name."

Women are idiots if they want more immigration. All of the white men they're taught to hate by media and Democrats (same group) are the only ones stopping third world type savages doing this type of thing with no consequences.
Which black people do you think he should reach out to? I can name a few but they wouldn't make you happy. Trump is trying to reach out to black people in an attempt to bring the races together and unite the country. I agree that his choices aren't the best, but perhaps being constantly called a racist every day is making him a bit desperate and affecting his better judgment. You just don't like it because it proves he isn't the racist that you claim him to be, and it scares you shitless that black people may start to see that too and you'll lose the only group that's keeping liberals in power.
Kim Kardashian is black?

And if you would name people who are on the outside of the mainstream black community then's pretty dumb to reach out to people who are out of touch with the people you're trying to reach. Ben Carson is black but has little support in the black community.
Come talk to me when he receives support from 10% of the black community.

He's called racist because of his actions and lack of actions. When he praises a white teacher or cop that stops a gunman within hours of it happening...but then took 23 days before he acknowledged the black man who stopped a gunman in a Waffle House in Nashville. He is quick to defend or be silent about openly racist people and groups and slow/fails to do the same for people of color that do good. Receives praise from David Duke and then claims he doesn't know who David Duke is despite the fact that he is on record making countless remarks about David Duke in the past. If a Muslim or Mexican were to bomb or shoot someone he would be quick to condemn them...when a white redneck does the same he is silent or tepid at best with his response. If you don't see that you're as blind as a bat.

He is his own worst enemy and fails to admit to his own mistakes. Talk about a God complex... what other person who claims to be a Christian could say that he's never asked for forgiveness...a hallmark of Christianity...and still receives support from evangelicals???
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lol.. ALL shootings are now the equivalent of school shootings according to the fuzz licker. they ALL get the same amount of 24/7 live coverage. ol cletus nudges billy rays shotgun and causes him to miss, ben carson needs to comment. demetrius pops a cap in raykwons arm causing him not to kill the crack dealer, ben carson needs to comment.

the kid at waffle house was great.. seems like a great kid. but he himself didnt see the controversy... but ol fuzz licker does. i think we can all agree that stopping a school shooter is more newsworthy than stopping an over easy shooter. both great..but only one relates to national outpouring of emotion.
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