How will they rule ??!

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but she is one of the last people I would seek for advice on anything

No one is seeking advice from her. She's advocating for for criminal justice reform, particularly for two people to have their prison sentences commuted.

Had Obama sought out folks like the Kardashians to discuss policy he would have been roundly criticized and rightfully so.

Again, Trump didn't seek her out to discuss policy with her. Not to mention, Obama had more lame celebrities visit the White House than a pedophile party.
It was actually made worse by the commentators and all the other sport outlets. Every Sunday ESPN's top headline was who was protesting. The first 15 minutes or so of the game they would talk about who was sitting.

The networks got smart and stopped showing the anthem and didn't talk about the protests for the last few weeks of the season and it was totally fine.

I was not a Trump voter, but to put this on Trump is beyond stupid. It was already a big deal before he talked about it. The blaming Trump for every little thing had gotten so annoying. It's like the progressives saw how annoying it was by the right to always blame Obama with the "Thanks Obama" and said we will be 10x annoying with blaming Trump on everything.
The networks never did show the anthem unless it is a Monday Night game or playoff.

I said that Trump made the situation worse by calling the NFL players SOBs. There were more players protesting after his comments than before. It was isolated to a small group of players on a few teams... he made it a league wide issue. That ain't blaming, that's stating facts.
No one is seeking advice from her. She's advocating for for criminal justice reform, particularly for two people to have their prison sentences commutated.

Again, Trump didn't seek her out to discuss policy with her. Not to mention, Obama had more lame celebrities visit the White House than a pedophile party.
BS moe, this is all on the heels of Trump cozying up with know that guy who's married to Kim???
I made no comment about her...but she is one of the last people I would seek for advice on anything...other than maybe how to be famous for virtually no reasons. Had Obama sought out folks like the Kardashians to discuss policy he would have been roundly criticized and rightfully so.

Yeah, Obama met with gangsta rappers about prison reform. They were much more qualified. Just listen to their lyrics.
@duke4life831, just to be clear, it's nothing personal, man. As far as I'm concerned, you're more than welcome to post here. I was just messing around. One of the village idiots likes to claim that this thread was shown to Zion and it's the reason why he chose Duke instead of UK.

Figured I'd entertain his nonsense, blame you, and in the process take a shot, accusing you of being afraid and trying to scare even more recruits away since Cal is absolutely killing it lately. All in good fun.
I made no comment about her...but she is one of the last people I would seek for advice on anything...other than maybe how to be famous for virtually no reasons. Had Obama sought out folks like the Kardashians to discuss policy he would have been roundly criticized and rightfully so.
Once again you do not understand the end game. Trump isn't seeking her advice on policy. She came to ask him to commute a sentence and that is what he's going to do. First though he has to build up the publicity.

What he is expertly doing is stealing a lot of the traditional black vote from the dems. He's made it harder for you guys to import votes and now he's stealing the ones you already counted on.

He's destroying the Democratic Party piece by piece because he's smarter than you guys.


Once again you do not understand the end game. Trump isn't seeking her advice on policy. She came to ask him to commute a sentence and that is what he's going to do. First though he has to build up the publicity.

What he is expertly doing is stealing a lot of the traditional black vote from the dems. He's made it harder for you guys to import votes and now he's stealing the ones you already counted on.

He's destroying the Democratic Party piece by piece because he's smarter than you guys.


Why aren't you upset over Joy Reid's bigotry? It was waaaay more serious than Roseanne's twitter
I take both of them at their word that they're sorry. I just think people on the left can get too caught up in how right they may be on issues concerning prejudice and demanding blood when it's an opportunity to allow people to grow. You dont have to coddle bigotry, but we can't expect anyone to change their minds by crucifying them.
“I think the American public will be tired of it if this is not wound down in this calendar year,” Virginia Sen. Mark Warner said of the investigation.

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I take both of them at their word that they're sorry. I just think people on the left can get too caught up in how right they may be on issues concerning prejudice and demanding blood when it's an opportunity to allow people to grow. You dont have to coddle bigotry, but we can't expect anyone to change their minds by crucifying them.

Except when more damning evidence of bigotry was found, Reid said her blog was hacked. Way back archives proved that was a damn lie. Crickets.... and you obviously dgaf.
The networks never did show the anthem unless it is a Monday Night game or playoff.
Thats not true at all. The anthem used to be showed by almost every network before almost every game. It wasn't until last year when they started not showing them. I am a big NFL fan and I'm not sure you know what you're talking about.
@duke4life831, just to be clear, it's nothing personal, man. As far as I'm concerned, you're more than welcome to post here. I was just messing around. One of the village idiots likes to claim that this thread was shown to Zion and it's the reason why he chose Duke instead of UK.

Figured I'd entertain his nonsense, blame you, and in the process take a shot, accusing you of being afraid and trying to scare even more recruits away since Cal is absolutely killing it lately. All in good fun.
I've always wondered what that poster thinks when they like one of my posts. Lol
I take both of them at their word that they're sorry. I just think people on the left can get too caught up in how right they may be on issues concerning prejudice and demanding blood when it's an opportunity to allow people to grow. You dont have to coddle bigotry, but we can't expect anyone to change their minds by crucifying them.

It was never about changing anyone’s mind. It was about preventing bad press, and to prevent a twitter storm of Virtue signaling.
Doesn't matter who is tired of whatever in a criminal investigation.
Except it's not a criminal investigation, though. There's no evidence of a crime being committed. That's why they're having to call it a counter intelligence investigation; otherwise, they wouldn't have gotten away with it for this long.

Also, if the Democrats are now changing their tune, thinking the Mueller investigation coming off as political will hurt them at the ballot box, then the end is closer than most assume.