How will they rule ??!

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He also never had a disciplinary infraction in 20 plus years in prison. While in prison,took college and correspondence courses, taught a GED program for other inmates, organized bible studies, became a certified law clerk to help other inmates understand the judicial system...

The lack of common sense in the judicial system, and throughtout all of gov’t quite frankly is appalling.
Really hope Trump pardons him. He absolutely should.
Not everyone will agree with this because it is a touchy subject, but, in my opinion, this is also another example. These kinds of games have existed for decades. Maybe not the school theme but most certainly mass shootings and murdering police/civilians are very common in video games.

Now, since all the rage is over school shootings (rightfully so), the fascist mob goes to work, threatening to boycott Steam and forcing the to be game pulled. Not that I care to play this particular game or agree with its premise, but mob rule and censorship isn't the way to handle it. The market is perfectly capable and would respond appropriately.

I'm against censorship but that's definitely a f****d up game.

No other race of people has this type of shit directed at them. None. No one goes to China and Japan and complain about the lack of diversity. Only where white people are a majority is this shit pushed.

Plus, where are the lack of diversity arguments in regards to the NBA and NFL? You can look at most basketball games and not see a non-black person on the floor at all. No one bats an eye. “That’s because they’re better.” Oh, but it’s an issue when another race has shown they’re better in other fields and then as a result, gets mandatory diversity quotas.
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The government has instituted a new policy where they have said they want to criminally prosecute any person they apprehend between points of entry, even if they are an asylum seeker and even if they are a parent. They’ve said they want to do this to deter future families from seeking protection in the United States.

When they apprehend the parent, he or she goes over to the US Marshals, and the government has essentially created an unaccompanied minor [by separating the child]. They are treated just like any child who arrives by themselves. So it was unaccompanied minors that HHS didn’t make contact with over the phone, and now they’re putting an incredible burden on HHS by adding 700 new unaccompanied children to that population.

Sarah Kliff
So the kids being separated from their families, they’re essentially being added to the population of unaccompanied minors where that 1,475 number came from?

Jennifer Podkul
Asylum seekers as was pointed out yesterday may not be legal asylum seekers and that could be what they are talking about. The left talking points you are listening to are clouding your judgement.
Pretty sure apprehended people who cross the border illegally and criminally charging them isn't a new policy. You're just used to the previous administration where the law was ignored.

That's why they're calling it zero tolerance. Nothing about it is 'new', the law is just finally being enforced, no exceptions.

Bottom line, entering into the country illegally is a crime. You are not absolved of your crime just because you decide to bring your children along.

Don't like it? Then don't break U.S. federal law with your children in tow.
I guess under his line of thinking, if you take a child along to shoplift and get caught you should get released. Where does he live by the way, I need a new smart TV.
I'm sorry but you are the one who is not looking for the big picture. You have decided you don't want to bother yourself with understanding why what is happening. Listen to what these people say they are seeking asylum from. When you put aside all your preconceived notions of who these people are and why these people are here the next question is well how did this all come to be. It is ignorant and stupid to think policy doesn't matter or have long term consequences, or that these people are a homogenous group of criminals. Stupid is thinking simple solutions will fix multi-layered long time problems that ultimately arose from policy that was/ is mostly aimed at helping corporations and megalomaniacs.
How many people from nations with socialist failing policies can we afford to take in? Are they really being oppressed? Are they being targeted by local/federal governments of their country. Do they have the legal right for asylum? If so, how do you know that? If you don't then, how do you bash those on the border who actually have interaction with them? Would they not know more than you? Asking all of this for a friend.
I didn’t say we celebrated victory, you stated policy as if we just decided to attack the North. The North invaded the South, you agree with that, right?
The UN decided to repulse that blatant aggression. The US led the effort and in fact did just that.
General MacArthur then decided he was going Drive all the way to the Yalu river. The Chinese got involved, and we retreated to the original 38th parallel.
The overall goal was achieved, the North was driven from the South. Because if that the South is a prosperous country. The North is a hermit kingdom.

I don’t have a love of war, I hate it. It should be the last recourse, but if that path is chosen you go to war. You don’t pussy foot trying to win hearts and minds, that results in more dead American youth, and failed attempts, see Vietnam, Iraq lasted much longer than necessary and Afghanistan is still ongoing.

You need to understand how awful WWII was, and those that fought never wanted to see that again. They took steps, right or wrong to prevent it, and they succeeded in that effort. Unfortunately people like you are too GD ignorant to see it.
You’d rather just blame ol whitey.
The Korea's should be the poster children for the contrasting styles of governments. On one hand you have a nation that is thriving and has a higher standard of living than the other which its people are oppressed and are living a poor controlled life. Why anyone would ever push for socialism/communism is beyond me.

According to 2013 figures, the GDP of North Korea is estimated at $33 billion, while that of South Korea is $1.19 trillion. The GDP per capita is $33,200 in South Korea, while it is $1,800 in the North, according to the CIA World Factbook. South Korea's trade volume was a gigantic $1.07 trillion in 2013.
No other race of people has this type of shit directed at them. None. No one goes to China and Japan and complain about the lack of diversity. Only where white people are a majority is this shit pushed.

Japan has it right: they let NO ONE in. No Muslims, nobody.

My daughter is there right now on the UK study abroad program... absolutely loves it there.

Amazing contrast in terms of respect for authority vs everywhere else.
Japan has it right: they let NO ONE in. No Muslims, nobody.

My daughter is there right now on the UK study abroad program... absolutely loves it there.

Amazing contrast in terms of respect for authority vs everywhere else.

Because Japan cares about the Japanese and protecting their culture. Immigration destroys it. A nation can’t survive with tribalism bullshit.
Pretty sure apprehended people who cross the border illegally and criminally charging them isn't a new policy. You're just used to the previous administration where the law was ignored.

That's why they're calling it zero tolerance. Nothing about it is 'new', the law is just finally being enforced, no exceptions.

Bottom line, entering into the country illegally is a crime. You are not absolved of your crime just because you decide to bring your children along.

Don't like it? Then don't break U.S. federal law with your children in tow.
With all due respect you don't know what you're talking about here.
I didn’t say we celebrated victory, you stated policy as if we just decided to attack the North. The North invaded the South, you agree with that, right?
The UN decided to repulse that blatant aggression. The US led the effort and in fact did just that.
General MacArthur then decided he was going Drive all the way to the Yalu river. The Chinese got involved, and we retreated to the original 38th parallel.
The overall goal was achieved, the North was driven from the South. Because if that the South is a prosperous country. The North is a hermit kingdom.

I don’t have a love of war, I hate it. It should be the last recourse, but if that path is chosen you go to war. You don’t pussy foot trying to win hearts and minds, that results in more dead American youth, and failed attempts, see Vietnam, Iraq lasted much longer than necessary and Afghanistan is still ongoing.

You need to understand how awful WWII was, and those that fought never wanted to see that again. They took steps, right or wrong to prevent it, and they succeeded in that effort. Unfortunately people like you are too GD ignorant to see it.
You’d rather just blame ol whitey.

First of all you are an idiot as shown by the post above, especially the last paragraph. You know nothing of my family or who was lost and how, so stick that stupid presumptive ignorance back up your ass. Secondly since you obviously couldn't address it the first time around, go back and read Washington's advice and then try and apply that to the penis measuring reason we were in Korea to start with. The Korean war had less to do with Korea than the global resource and land grab that was going between Russia, China to a lesser extent and the US. I'm done talking to you.
So now that even Fox News is saying the FBI was doing what they were supposed to do. is Trump going to apologize to for his baseless attacks? or his base admit they were duped like always.
You say Fox news and then post 3 links and none of them are Fox News. Odd.

Btw I thought you guys were saying Trump lied about there being a spy. Now you guys are saying the FBI did its job putting a spy (probably were multiple spies really) in Trumps campaign.
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What kind of illiterate twat can use 1st and 3rd person in the same sentence and make Roseanne being a racist bitch all about him.
The Korea's should be the poster children for the contrasting styles of governments. On one hand you have a nation that is thriving and has a higher standard of living than the other which its people are oppressed and are living a poor controlled life. Why anyone would ever push for socialism/communism is beyond me.

According to 2013 figures, the GDP of North Korea is estimated at $33 billion, while that of South Korea is $1.19 trillion. The GDP per capita is $33,200 in South Korea, while it is $1,800 in the North, according to the CIA World Factbook. South Korea's trade volume was a gigantic $1.07 trillion in 2013.

And east/west Berlin. Had to literally build a wall to keep people from escaping towards capitalism
With all due respect you don't know what you're talking about here.

First of all you are an idiot as shown by the post above, especially the last paragraph. You know nothing of my family or who was lost and how, so stick that stupid presumptive ignorance back up your ass. Secondly since you obviously couldn't address it the first time around, go back and read Washington's advice and then try and apply that to the penis measuring reason we were in Korea to start with. The Korean war had less to do with Korea than the global resource and land grab that was going between Russia, China to a lesser extent and the US. I'm done talking to you.

I didn’t mention your family, you sensitive prick. I specifically wrote YOU! You’re the only one I’m having a discussion with.

You’re completely making shit up as you go.
First it was Korea was a failed US policy. Then when pointed out that in fact, the Korean War met its objective, and the free South is far better off than the Communist North, it’s now not really about US policy?

You’re an idiot that took some classes.

No other race of people has this type of shit directed at them. None. No one goes to China and Japan and complain about the lack of diversity. Only where white people are a majority is this shit pushed.

Plus, where are the lack of diversity arguments in regards to the NBA and NFL? You can look at most basketball games and not see a non-black person on the floor at all. No one bats an eye. “That’s because they’re better.” Oh, but it’s an issue when another race has shown they’re better in other fields and then as a result, gets mandatory diversity quotas.
Maybe had “white countries” not established policies directly placing minorities as second class citizens for centuries then none of this would happen. BTW, none of those other nations you mentioned have the racial or cultural deversity in their populations as does the US.
Trump signs 'Right to Try" today. Pretty darn big deal and achievement since several Presidents and Congresses could not get it done. Makes ZERO sense that anyone with serous health issues HAD to go to a different country to get a treatment done.

Another day another campaign promise achieved!
With all due respect you don't know what you're talking about here.

With all due respect, learn how your government works. Trump (Potus), Sessions (DOJ), nor Neilsen (DHS) can create new laws out of thin air. Everything they're doing is already on the books, the supreme law of the land. They're just choosing to enforce it with a zero tolerance approach.
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