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Trump starts bringing Washington bureaucrats to heel

Lost amid the barbecues, parades, and misleading reporting over Memorial Day weekend was good news from the federal capital. On Friday, President Trump signed three executive orders that will improve the federal bureaucracy and ensure government staff are accountable in the way all other workers must be.

The three orders make it easier for bad employees to be fired, limit how much they are paid to do union work, and direct agencies to negotiate better deals against unions. When determining layoffs, federal agencies will also now be allowed to take performance into account, rather than solely basing them on seniority. Plus, unions will be charged for the space they’ve been using for free in federal buildings.

It would seem to any reasonable person that the most amazing thing in all this is that these reasonable arrangements have not always been in place. But actually, more amazing than that is that an administration is at last taking action to end absurd boondoggles and abuses.

Go to opensecrets and see how much federal unions give Dems
In a speech before law-enforcement officials in Arizona on Monday, ......

In a speech before law-enforcement officials in Arizona on Monday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that the federal government seeks to separate parents from their children at the U.S.-Mexico border in an effort to discourage more crossings.

The Los Angeles Times reports that the policy officially went into effect last week, though hundreds of children have already been taken from their parents in recent months. reviewed by The New York Times shows that more than 700 children have been taken from adults claiming to be their parents since October, including more than 100 children under the age of 4.

Read the article Levi, it didn’t say they were the children’s parents, it said “claiming” to be the kids parents.
That is a major difference, that you glossed over because you want it to be true.

You’re emotions are being used.

And before anyone brings up, “duh it was a roast!1!!1” you know good and well if a white comedian even mentioned a monkey’s love for bananas they’d be done.

Double standard is insane. Speaking of, as I type this I just saw an ad for Bill Maher’s show. You know, the liberal white guy who drops F bombs. It’s okay though, he apologized.

Absolutely absurd to send this man back to prison.

I didn’t watch video. Read the link provided at bottom of tweet.
Yeah, I agree. Read about this the other day. Supposedly he's been out for two years, has a new job, volunteers, new girlfriend, life, etc... and they're wanting to send him back because a judge made an error and released him too soon. I'd say 21 years served is plenty, especially for drugs.
Pretty simple stuff. If you illegally enter the country you have broken the law and are arrested for your crime. You cannot take your kids to jail with you. It's really not that hard to understand. If you break the law tomorrow and go to jail your kids will not be allowed to go with you either.

Also from the New York Times just yesterday.

But the president is not the only one spreading wrong information. Across social media, there have been confusing reports of what happened to these immigrant children. Here are some answers.

Did the Trump administration separate nearly 1,500 immigrant children from their parents at the border, and then lose track of them?
No. The government did realize last year that it lost track of 1,475 migrant children it had placed with sponsors in the United States, according to testimony before a Senate subcommittee last month. But those children had arrived alone at the Southwest border — without their parents. Most of them are from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, and were fleeing drug cartels, gang violence and domestic abuse, according to government data.

Officials at the Department of Health and Human Services, which oversees refugee resettlement, began making calls last year to determine what had happened to 7,635 children the government had helped place between last October and the end of the year.

From these calls, officials learned that 6,075 children remained with their sponsors. Twenty-eight had run away, five had been removed from the United States and 52 had relocated to live with a nonsponsor. The rest were unaccounted for, giving rise to the 1,475 number. It is possible that some of the adult sponsors simply chose not to respond to the agency.

On Monday evening, Eric Hargan, the deputy secretary for Health and Human Services, expressed frustration at the use of the term “lost” to refer to the 1,475 unaccounted-for children. In a statement, he said that the department’s office of refugee resettlement began voluntarily making the calls as a 30-day follow-up to make sure that the children and their sponsors did not require additional services. Those calls, which the office does not view as required, Mr. Hargan said, are now “being used to confuse and spread misinformation.”

How did the Department of Health and Human Services manage to lose track of 1,475 migrant children?
Children who show up at the border by themselves are usually apprehended by federal agents. Once they are processed, they are turned over to the custody of the Department of Health and Human Services’ refugee office, which provides care until they can be turned over to a sponsor. Sponsors, usually parents or family members already residing in the United States, are supposed to undergo a detailed background check.

Historically, the agency has said it was not legally responsible for children after they had been released from its refugee office. But Congress is now examining the agency’s safeguards.

What is the Trump administration’s policy on separating migrant children from their parents at the border?
This is where people are likely getting the idea that the Trump administration has separated children from their parents and then lost them. Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced a new “zero tolerance” policy earlier this month that included imposing criminal penalties meant to deter Central American families from trying to cross the border illegally.

If a mother or father is with a child when apprehended for the crime of illegal entry, the minor must be taken from the parent. Hundreds of immigrant children have already been separated from their parents at the border since October, and the new policy will result in a steep increase. “If you don’t want your child separated, then don’t bring them across the border illegally,” Mr. Sessions said.

What will happen to children separated from their parents under the new ‘zero tolerance’ policy?
Undocumented immigrants who are stopped by the Border Patrol or customs officers will be sent directly to a federal court by the United States Marshals Service. Children will be placed in the custody of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement, administration officials said — the same office that handles minors who show up at the border unaccompanied by an adult. The adult immigrants would be sent to detention centers to await trial.

If convicted, immigrants would be imprisoned for the duration of their sentences, after which time they could be returned to their countries of origin. First-time illegal entry is a misdemeanor that carries up to a six-month prison sentence. Repeat entry constitutes a felony and carries a penalty of up to two years’ imprisonment. It is not clear how easily they would be able to reunite with their children.

I've read that story from this Administration as I also watched how this spin was also conducted in congressional testimony. I'm not sure you read my link in this forum of the woman who was applying for asylum then had her son taken from her. The crucial point to that story is she actually wound up being approved for asylum months after wondering where her son was and if she would ever see him again. She had committed no crime and was simply trying to survive with her son. If you are somebody who is interested in understanding the narrative I suggest you take the time and read the story of Rufina Amaya and read enough to find out how she was treated by the president of the USA. This is not a short story we are witnessing, it is a saga.
You're absolutely correct. It changes nothing and solves nothing as far as changing things.

The thing is, though, we are now ruled by the fascist social media mob created by politically correct, victim culture.

They must be appeased, an offering of someone's life being ruined; otherwise, they boycott and try to ruin the entire business.
Are you saying Al Sharpton and Joy Reid discussing on MSNBC last night is not helpful?
It is amazing how many people claim they are against big government while supporting the policies of an abusive colossal government running amok. It is a testament to the people's destructive resolve who failed over and over in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan how the brutal tactics that were used in Central America decades ago only planted the seeds of chaos we are still cultivating today. It is almost like a plan because it is so effective at using government violence to make a more violent world. People such as John McCain are finally seeing how Iraq was a mistake but they have no idea how to approach the many layered problem we have played the largest role in creating south of our border. I can't convince you, try as I may, but if you read history you may find the spring from which the river of violence starts. La Mantanza!
I've read that story from this Administration as I also watched how this spin was also conducted in congressional testimony. I'm not sure you read my link in this forum of the woman who was applying for asylum then had her son taken from her. The crucial point to that story is she actually wound up being approved for asylum months after wondering where her son was and if she would ever see him again. She had committed no crime and was simply trying to survive with her son. If you are somebody who is interested in understanding the narrative I suggest you take the time and read the story of Rufina Amaya and read enough to find out how she was treated by the president of the USA. This is not a short story we are witnessing, it is a saga.
So if any of the 6b people on this planet shows up at our border with a minor they (including family) should be allowed it. Idiotic.
It is amazing how many people claim they are against big government while supporting the policies of an abusive colossal government running amok. It is a testament to the people's destructive resolve who failed over and over in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan how the brutal tactics that were used in Central America decades ago only planted the seeds of chaos we are still cultivating today. It is almost like a plan because it is so effective at using government violence to make a more violent world. People such as John McCain are finally seeing how Iraq was a mistake but they have no idea how to approach the many layered problem we have played the largest role in creating south of our border. I can't convince you, try as I may, but if you read history you may find the spring from which the river of violence starts. La Mantanza!

You’re insane, you grasp onto a narrative that you want to believe and run with it.

Mexico is shithole, has nothing to do with the US. Has everything to do with how their Govt operates, hell, one party was in control for 70 years. There is rich people and there is poor people, no middle class.
If you don’t have the rule of law, you have no country. Mexico is exhibit A

John McCain’s first response to literally everything is to go to war, arm rebels.
It is amazing how many people claim they are against big government while supporting the policies of an abusive colossal government running amok. It is a testament to the people's destructive resolve who failed over and over in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan how the brutal tactics that were used in Central America decades ago only planted the seeds of chaos we are still cultivating today. It is almost like a plan because it is so effective at using government violence to make a more violent world. People such as John McCain are finally seeing how Iraq was a mistake but they have no idea how to approach the many layered problem we have played the largest role in creating south of our border. I can't convince you, try as I may, but if you read history you may find the spring from which the river of violence starts. La Mantanza!

Thank God Big Don Trump is cutting big government at a rate never before seen!

Also I don't really know what firing people for saying some racist does to combat racism. I understand it from the company's perspective. But is the person gonna be less racist now that he's unemployed?
Unlikely, in fact could possibly blame the other race for termination. Most likely scenario. Should make he/she work side by side with race in question.

When I was a Drill Instructor if we found a soldier to be racist, we would make his battle buddy change and bring in the biggest soldier of the color he protested to be his new battle buddy. We found this to be an effective strategy for combating racism. We would make sure the new battle buddy understood he was to protect this soldier and show him kindness and support him regardless of how he felt about the racist opinion of him. It worked most if not all of the time, at least while they were with us.
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Oh no, even better, America caused it.
You're showing on full display how little you know. But that's OK because you have the right to be as ignorant of history as you choose to be. BTW America is much more than one administration or even several failed policies. You probably think all these failed military intervention failed because the American public didn't support them. LOL
The government has instituted a new policy where they have said they want to criminally prosecute any person they apprehend between points of entry, even if they are an asylum seeker and even if they are a parent. They’ve said they want to do this to deter future families from seeking protection in the United States.

When they apprehend the parent, he or she goes over to the US Marshals, and the government has essentially created an unaccompanied minor [by separating the child]. They are treated just like any child who arrives by themselves. So it was unaccompanied minors that HHS didn’t make contact with over the phone, and now they’re putting an incredible burden on HHS by adding 700 new unaccompanied children to that population.

Sarah Kliff
So the kids being separated from their families, they’re essentially being added to the population of unaccompanied minors where that 1,475 number came from?

Jennifer Podkul
You're showing on full display how little you know. But that's OK because you have the right to be as ignorant of history as you choose to be. BTW America is much more than one administration or even several failed policies. You probably think all these failed military intervention failed because the American public didn't support them. LOL

Ignorant of history? You’re simply making things up.

You need to look at the big picture.
Pretty sure apprehended people who cross the border illegally and criminally charging them isn't a new policy. You're just used to the previous administration where the law was ignored.

That's why they're calling it zero tolerance. Nothing about it is 'new', the law is just finally being enforced, no exceptions.

Bottom line, entering into the country illegally is a crime. You are not absolved of your crime just because you decide to bring your children along.

Don't like it? Then don't break U.S. federal law with your children in tow.
You're showing on full display how little you know. But that's OK because you have the right to be as ignorant of history as you choose to be. BTW America is much more than one administration or even several failed policies. You probably think all these failed military intervention failed because the American public didn't support them. LOL

Was Korea a failed military policy? The North invaded the south, the US intervened, the North was driven back. The South has prospered while the North has been ruled by communists.
Vietnam was a failed war, that was handled poorly.
Is Iraq a failed policy? Are the people of that nation in better shape than prior?
Afghanistan is still ongoing, but it was a retaliation to the Taliban harboring al qaeda.
Ignorant of history? You’re simply making things up.

You need to look at the big picture.
I'm sorry but you are the one who is not looking for the big picture. You have decided you don't want to bother yourself with understanding why what is happening. Listen to what these people say they are seeking asylum from. When you put aside all your preconceived notions of who these people are and why these people are here the next question is well how did this all come to be. It is ignorant and stupid to think policy doesn't matter or have long term consequences, or that these people are a homogenous group of criminals. Stupid is thinking simple solutions will fix multi-layered long time problems that ultimately arose from policy that was/ is mostly aimed at helping corporations and megalomaniacs.
I'm sorry but you are the one who is not looking for the big picture. You have decided you don't want to bother yourself with understanding why what is happening. Listen to what these people say they are seeking asylum from. When you put aside all your preconceived notions of who these people are and why these people are here the next question is well how did this all come to be. It is ignorant and stupid to think policy doesn't matter or have long term consequences, or that these people are a homogenous group of criminals. Stupid is thinking simple solutions will fix multi-layered long time problems that ultimately arose from policy that was/ is mostly aimed at helping corporations and megalomaniacs.

I don’t have any preconceived notions of these people. What policies are you speaking of, you’re jumping from Wars to Central America and aren’t making any points whatsoever.

You don’t get to seek asylum simply because the Country your from is a dump and crime riddled, that isn’t how it works.

You’re blaming our nation for the corruption that’s prevalent in Central American nations. It isn’t our fault, it’s a cultural problem. I don’t know why they stand for it.

What I do know is that we have a border and border laws. Entering the country illegally is a crime.

You’re still grasping onto the 700 kids. “Claimed” is the key word you’re just flossing over.
Was Korea a failed military policy? The North invaded the south, the US intervened, the North was driven back. The South has prospered while the North has been ruled by communists.
Vietnam was a failed war, that was handled poorly.
Is Iraq a failed policy? Are the people of that nation in better shape than prior?
Afghanistan is still ongoing, but it was a retaliation to the Taliban harboring al qaeda.
Of course it was, that is if you think our founding fathers or George Washington knew anything they talked about and warned us of. Like Vietnam we certainly don't celebrate our "victory" in Korea and to suggest we do is ludicrous. You must be of the mind that unending continuous war is a victory. The fact that you cannot think past this "war is good mentality" is exactly why there is some much discord in the world today, people mostly white men in this country cannot come to terms that war has very seldom resulted in a net benefit for the human race since WWII. But I digress because I know talking to people like you is a waste of time, you have already solved all the worlds problems in your head without knowing history no less.
Yeah, I agree. Read about this the other day. Supposedly he's been out for two years, has a new job, volunteers, new girlfriend, life, etc... and they're wanting to send him back because a judge made an error and released him too soon. I'd say 21 years served is plenty, especially for drugs.

He also never had a disciplinary infraction in 20 plus years in prison. While in prison,took college and correspondence courses, taught a GED program for other inmates, organized bible studies, became a certified law clerk to help other inmates understand the judicial system...

The lack of common sense in the judicial system, and throughtout all of gov’t quite frankly is appalling.
Of course it was, that is if you think our founding fathers or George Washington knew anything they talked about and warned us of. Like Vietnam we certainly don't celebrate our "victory" in Korea and to suggest we do is ludicrous. You must be of the mind that unending continuous war is a victory. The fact that you cannot think past this "war is good mentality" is exactly why there is some much discord in the world today, people mostly white men in this country cannot come to terms that war has very seldom resulted in a net benefit for the human race since WWII. But I digress because I know talking to people like you is a waste of time, you have already solved all the worlds problems in your head without knowing history no less.

I didn’t say we celebrated victory, you stated policy as if we just decided to attack the North. The North invaded the South, you agree with that, right?
The UN decided to repulse that blatant aggression. The US led the effort and in fact did just that.
General MacArthur then decided he was going Drive all the way to the Yalu river. The Chinese got involved, and we retreated to the original 38th parallel.
The overall goal was achieved, the North was driven from the South. Because if that the South is a prosperous country. The North is a hermit kingdom.

I don’t have a love of war, I hate it. It should be the last recourse, but if that path is chosen you go to war. You don’t pussy foot trying to win hearts and minds, that results in more dead American youth, and failed attempts, see Vietnam, Iraq lasted much longer than necessary and Afghanistan is still ongoing.

You need to understand how awful WWII was, and those that fought never wanted to see that again. They took steps, right or wrong to prevent it, and they succeeded in that effort. Unfortunately people like you are too GD ignorant to see it.
You’d rather just blame ol whitey.
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