How will they rule ??!

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I like you my dude.... but youre trying too hard to act like youre too cool for stuff.. like all you do is golf and watch sports

Youve made over 60 posts in this thread in the last 12 hours. Face it, all that crap you say about hilljacks and laughing at the way people spend their lives and the way they post about world issues .. you are that dude.. as much as you try to pretend youre not.

Unless you got the worst IBS and are on the shitter every hour, this board ..and its characters..especially me :sunglasses::sunglasses: are way more important than you care to admit.

I admit I get some enjoyment out of the board.

I have a lot of downtime in my average day. I travel a lot so there is time in airports. I spend a lot of time on conference calls. I work from home most of the time. And yes, I play a lot of golf and that offers plenty of downtime as well. This is as good a way as any to kill time.
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"I am proof that parents who are legally seeking asylum are being separated from their children for seemingly no reason. My heart goes out to the other mothers who are still aching for their children. I pray for them to have strength, and that they encounter people who can help carry their spirits, like the other women in the detention facilities did for me. In the face of such cruelty, it made all the difference."

So, you agree with what the President said today.
Controversial take: In shape middle-aged women with olive skin and dark hair in a bob like Jarret’s do kind of look like the characters from Planet of the Apes.

One mod handed out a ban for comparing Michelle Obama’s masculine build and unfortunate face/body to something and it caused a total meltdown.

Say any derogatory thing you want about whites, Trump or people from the south and it’s totally acceptable though.
Yeah, you never hear the left make fun of anyone's looks. Well, as long as they are left leaning locksteppers. If not, anything goes. God you guys are insuferable hypocrites and bigots.

The group who did a naked Trump statue and makes fun of him by calling him “Cheeto” orange skin, claims he’s retarded and mentally ill are now upset that someone mocked someone’s looks. Lol
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And this whole spiel about they're not all criminals is misleading and nothing but a talking point. Many, many more are criminals than not.

Last year, 74% of all illegals arrested by Border Patrol had prior criminal convictions.16% had pending criminal charges. Only 10% with no known pending criminal charges or convictions.
yeah I'm gonna say this is a lie. Really love when the party who loves to spread lies and fake news pulls some stats out of the arse and then doesn't even link to a source.

Pretty awesome to see all the R bags defending a racist like Roseanne. keep the excuses coming! Evidently no one can be racist unless they come out a say explicitly I am racist, or call someone the N word. Say anything else and they can make excuses (see above)

Poor Roseanne she didn't understand the difference between racist statements that get you fired and racist statements that get you elected President. She'll learn though.
yeah I'm gonna say this is a lie.

Most immigrants arrested by ICE have prior criminal convictions, a big change from 2009

Immigrants with past criminal convictions accounted for 74% of all arrests made by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents in fiscal 2017, according to data from the agency. The remainder were classified as “non-criminal” arrestees, including 16% with pending criminal charges and 11% with no known criminal convictions or charges.
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Have you guys watched Trump and his rally in Tennessee? He never looks down at his script. That last dumbass had to read each word, and very slowly. Trump is educated and the difference is obvious. O'bama could barely speak a word without reading it.

If it was so necessary to have a black president, why couldn't it have been Thomas Sowell?

We’re going to build new airports. We’re going to build new highways. We’re going to build new dams. We’re going to build infrastructure. We’re fixing up all of our airports. Billions of dollars just got approved, and I’m signing it shortly.

We will build new strength into our country. We will breathe new hope into our communities and we will do it all with these big, beautiful hands. Look at these hands.
Say any derogatory thing you want about whites, Trump or people from the south and it’s totally acceptable though.

You can't sit through a black comedian's set without them making at least one white people joke or just making fun of how white people look, talk, act and so on.

Hell Chris Rock told a joke about white kids getting shot and killed and white mothers crying about it on his Netflix special. How many of them are labeled racist and get fired? They've created a massive double standard that a lot people find acceptable.
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Remember not a single virtue signaling lefty showed up in this thread to denounce him as a racist and vilify him. The political media even applauded him.

Michael Che “Trump is a bitch. A cheap cracker!”

SNL audience: *applause!*

Twitter: Michael Che wins the night!

'SNL' Fans Applaud Michael Che for Calling Trump a 'B-tch,' 'Cheap Cracker'

Many "Saturday Night Live" viewers take to Twitter to declare the "Weekend Update" anchor's Trump takedown "wins" the night.
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In a speech before law-enforcement officials in Arizona on Monday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that the federal government seeks to separate parents from their children at the U.S.-Mexico border in an effort to discourage more crossings.

The Los Angeles Times reports that the policy officially went into effect last week, though hundreds of children have already been taken from their parents in recent months. reviewed by The New York Times shows that more than 700 children have been taken from adults claiming to be their parents since October, including more than 100 children under the age of 4.
In a speech before law-enforcement officials in Arizona on Monday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that the federal government seeks to separate parents from their children at the U.S.-Mexico border in an effort to discourage more crossings.

The Los Angeles Times reports that the policy officially went into effect last week, though hundreds of children have already been taken from their parents in recent months. reviewed by The New York Times shows that more than 700 children have been taken from adults claiming to be their parents since October, including more than 100 children under the age of 4.

Pretty simple stuff. If you illegally enter the country you have broken the law and are arrested for your crime. You cannot take your kids to jail with you. It's really not that hard to understand. If you break the law tomorrow and go to jail your kids will not be allowed to go with you either.

Also from the New York Times just yesterday.

But the president is not the only one spreading wrong information. Across social media, there have been confusing reports of what happened to these immigrant children. Here are some answers.

Did the Trump administration separate nearly 1,500 immigrant children from their parents at the border, and then lose track of them?
No. The government did realize last year that it lost track of 1,475 migrant children it had placed with sponsors in the United States, according to testimony before a Senate subcommittee last month. But those children had arrived alone at the Southwest border — without their parents. Most of them are from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, and were fleeing drug cartels, gang violence and domestic abuse, according to government data.

Officials at the Department of Health and Human Services, which oversees refugee resettlement, began making calls last year to determine what had happened to 7,635 children the government had helped place between last October and the end of the year.

From these calls, officials learned that 6,075 children remained with their sponsors. Twenty-eight had run away, five had been removed from the United States and 52 had relocated to live with a nonsponsor. The rest were unaccounted for, giving rise to the 1,475 number. It is possible that some of the adult sponsors simply chose not to respond to the agency.

On Monday evening, Eric Hargan, the deputy secretary for Health and Human Services, expressed frustration at the use of the term “lost” to refer to the 1,475 unaccounted-for children. In a statement, he said that the department’s office of refugee resettlement began voluntarily making the calls as a 30-day follow-up to make sure that the children and their sponsors did not require additional services. Those calls, which the office does not view as required, Mr. Hargan said, are now “being used to confuse and spread misinformation.”

How did the Department of Health and Human Services manage to lose track of 1,475 migrant children?
Children who show up at the border by themselves are usually apprehended by federal agents. Once they are processed, they are turned over to the custody of the Department of Health and Human Services’ refugee office, which provides care until they can be turned over to a sponsor. Sponsors, usually parents or family members already residing in the United States, are supposed to undergo a detailed background check.

Historically, the agency has said it was not legally responsible for children after they had been released from its refugee office. But Congress is now examining the agency’s safeguards.

What is the Trump administration’s policy on separating migrant children from their parents at the border?
This is where people are likely getting the idea that the Trump administration has separated children from their parents and then lost them. Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced a new “zero tolerance” policy earlier this month that included imposing criminal penalties meant to deter Central American families from trying to cross the border illegally.

If a mother or father is with a child when apprehended for the crime of illegal entry, the minor must be taken from the parent. Hundreds of immigrant children have already been separated from their parents at the border since October, and the new policy will result in a steep increase. “If you don’t want your child separated, then don’t bring them across the border illegally,” Mr. Sessions said.

What will happen to children separated from their parents under the new ‘zero tolerance’ policy?
Undocumented immigrants who are stopped by the Border Patrol or customs officers will be sent directly to a federal court by the United States Marshals Service. Children will be placed in the custody of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement, administration officials said — the same office that handles minors who show up at the border unaccompanied by an adult. The adult immigrants would be sent to detention centers to await trial.

If convicted, immigrants would be imprisoned for the duration of their sentences, after which time they could be returned to their countries of origin. First-time illegal entry is a misdemeanor that carries up to a six-month prison sentence. Repeat entry constitutes a felony and carries a penalty of up to two years’ imprisonment. It is not clear how easily they would be able to reunite with their children.
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Belgium shooting: Attacker stabs two police officers and steals their guns before shooting them in 'terror-related' incident

An attacker stabbed two police officers in the Belgian city of Liege, stealing their weapons and shooting them dead before also gunning down a bystander in an incident authorities are treating as terror-related.

The man, who was later killed by police, approached the two female officers from behind and stabbed them several times

The attacker then shot dead a 22-year-old man, who was sat in a vehicle parked nearby, and took a woman hostage in a school close to where the shooting took place outside a city cafe.

“Liege police intervened. He came out firing at police, wounding a number of them, notably in the legs. He was shot dead,” said Philippe Dulieu, spokesman for the Liege prosecutor's office.

“The event is classed as a terroristincident.”

Newspaper La Libre Belgique quoted a police source as saying the gunman shouted “Allahu Akbar”.
yeah I'm gonna say this is a lie. Really love when the party who loves to spread lies and fake news pulls some stats out of the arse and then doesn't even link to a source.

Pretty awesome to see all the R bags defending a racist like Roseanne. keep the excuses coming! Evidently no one can be racist unless they come out a say explicitly I am racist, or call someone the N word. Say anything else and they can make excuses (see above)

Poor Roseanne she didn't understand the difference between racist statements that get you fired and racist statements that get you elected President. She'll learn though.

Dont care if Roseanne gets the boot...shes been a nutbag conspiracy theorist for decades and a socialist. Joy reid, on the other hand, is a journalist who works for a major media outlet and in an era of fake news this "journalist" blatantly lied with a claim that her bigotry can be excused bc time traveling hackers exist....yep nothing to see here.
I can see both are only cheer victory over one. Hmmm.

Also ABC is a private entity, a business. They can do what they want. So is the NFL. Again, you get upset about one.
From what I saw that show was actually good. Idc about her politics.
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Tell you what I'll do, bitch. I'll come to Lex and go to a psychologist of your choice and take an IQ test along with you. I'll spot you 10 points and bet you $1K that I kick your canuck ass. Make it $2K and I'll give you 15 points.

What do you say JOHN?


Matter of fact, y’all meet me at the Applebee’s parking lot and I’ll administer this IQ test - plus buy lots of riblets!

A Silent Coup in Italy

Italian President Sergio Mattarella on Sunday barred a coalition of euroskeptic parties from forming a government despite a clear mandate handed down by voters earlier this spring. The move amounted to nothing less than a bloodless coup d’état and laid bare the naked contempt for the vox populi among the Italian and European liberal establishment. Talk about liberalism without democracy.

The populist Five Star Movement (M5S) won the largest single share of ballots in March’s general election, followed by the hard-right League led by Matteo Salvini, yet Mattarella blocked M5S and the League from carrying out voters’ will.

Mattarella’s decision outraged even Paul Krugman, no friend of right-wing nationalists. “This is really awful,” the New York Times columnist tweeted. “You don’t have to like the populist parties who won a clear electoral mandate to be appalled at the attempt to exclude them from power . . . Faith in the single currency trumps democracy? Really? European institutions already suffering lack of legitimacy due to democratic deficit. This will make things much worse.”

Krugman is right (there, I said it). For starters, there is no guarantee that voters won’t return the same coalition to power in a do-over. The latest polls suggest that Salvini’s League has gained support in recent weeks. Mattarella, in other words, may have only strengthened Salvini’s hand. Yet if the League and M5S fare worse in a snap election this fall, the effect would be still more catastrophic for the long-term health of Italian democracy. The message to voters would be poisonous:
Your votes are appreciated, but your political class answers to a higher electorate of investors and bondholders.

Liberals on both sides of the Atlantic spend a lot of time these days fretting about the threat posed by populists and nationalists to Western democracies. An entire cottage industry of writers and think-tankers has sprung up to palliate and address these liberal anxieties. But as the Italian example makes clear, it is more often liberals who short-circuit the democratic process when it doesn’t go their way. “Heads we win, tails you lose” is no way to play politics in a free society.

A Silent Coup in Italy

Italian President Sergio Mattarella on Sunday barred a coalition of euroskeptic parties from forming a government despite a clear mandate handed down by voters earlier this spring. The move amounted to nothing less than a bloodless coup d’état and laid bare the naked contempt for the vox populi among the Italian and European liberal establishment. Talk about liberalism without democracy.

The populist Five Star Movement (M5S) won the largest single share of ballots in March’s general election, followed by the hard-right League led by Matteo Salvini, yet Mattarella blocked M5S and the League from carrying out voters’ will.

Mattarella’s decision outraged even Paul Krugman, no friend of right-wing nationalists. “This is really awful,” the New York Times columnist tweeted. “You don’t have to like the populist parties who won a clear electoral mandate to be appalled at the attempt to exclude them from power . . . Faith in the single currency trumps democracy? Really? European institutions already suffering lack of legitimacy due to democratic deficit. This will make things much worse.”

Krugman is right (there, I said it). For starters, there is no guarantee that voters won’t return the same coalition to power in a do-over. The latest polls suggest that Salvini’s League has gained support in recent weeks. Mattarella, in other words, may have only strengthened Salvini’s hand. Yet if the League and M5S fare worse in a snap election this fall, the effect would be still more catastrophic for the long-term health of Italian democracy. The message to voters would be poisonous:
Your votes are appreciated, but your political class answers to a higher electorate of investors and bondholders.

Liberals on both sides of the Atlantic spend a lot of time these days fretting about the threat posed by populists and nationalists to Western democracies. An entire cottage industry of writers and think-tankers has sprung up to palliate and address these liberal anxieties. But as the Italian example makes clear, it is more often liberals who short-circuit the democratic process when it doesn’t go their way. “Heads we win, tails you lose” is no way to play politics in a free society.

Trump starts bringing Washington bureaucrats to heel

Lost amid the barbecues, parades, and misleading reporting over Memorial Day weekend was good news from the federal capital. On Friday, President Trump signed three executive orders that will improve the federal bureaucracy and ensure government staff are accountable in the way all other workers must be.

The three orders make it easier for bad employees to be fired, limit how much they are paid to do union work, and direct agencies to negotiate better deals against unions. When determining layoffs, federal agencies will also now be allowed to take performance into account, rather than solely basing them on seniority. Plus, unions will be charged for the space they’ve been using for free in federal buildings.

It would seem to any reasonable person that the most amazing thing in all this is that these reasonable arrangements have not always been in place. But actually, more amazing than that is that an administration is at last taking action to end absurd boondoggles and abuses.