How will they rule ??!

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Their outrage vanished once they found out it happened under God King.

If they all really cared about the kids then they would have corrected their tweets instead of deleting them. They'd still be outraged and continue to report on the story.

It's telling when as soon as they realized it happened during the Obama years they lost all interest in being outraged over it, completely stopped reporting on it, deleted their tweets and washed their hands of it entirely. They couldn't care less about those kids.
If they all really cared about the kids then they would have corrected their tweets instead of deleting them. They'd still be outraged and continue to report on the story.

It's telling when as soon as they realized it happened during the Obama years they lost all interest in being outraged over it, completely stopped reporting on it, deleted their tweets and washed their hands of it entirely. They couldn't care less about those kids.
Its almost like the outrage was political or something.
Cardkilla calling everyone a hypocrite. I wonder how many people in need they have invited into their home unchecked to live? How much of their money they’ve given to homeless people to start a new life? How many children that don’t have parents they’ve adopted or given a home? I bet we all know the answer.

None of us expect anyone to do those things because it’s extremely hard and realize it takes someone with the time and means to do so, so we don’t lecture everyone else on what they should be doing. But the way Cardkilla talks, we should all drop everything and solve world problems. Well what the hell are you doing to solve them? You sure are good at lecturing everyone else about what to do. Tell us what happens when we take on all comers, eventually everything collapses on itself and we can’t help anyone, including our own? You talk like no one cares because they’re realistic and that’s bullshit. You’re probably no different than Hollywood; telling everyone else how to live life, while not practicing a damn thing you preach.
Funny you should ask dipsnot - we HAVE fostered kids, we have helped my brother with a place to stay and getting him into rehab, we have helped another friend with a place to live TWICE over the past couple of years. My wife donates her time to families with Huntington's disease. I've built and maintained websites for local Alzheimer's association groups for a couple of years. We actually do invest time vs. money which is what most people do. We've talked about fostering older kids because those are the ones who generally need the most help and people don't want them. Selfishly I don't know if I want to take in kids that old but luckily my wife has opened my heart and I'm willing to be uncomfortable for a little while to help a kid maybe have a chance in this life. Before I met her I would have donated money and patted myself on the back. But I don't go to church so I guess that automatically makes me worse than the 'christian' who goes to church a couple times a year and misquotes bible verses.

It always cracks me up when people compare letting immigrants into the country to letting them in your house. Really bad analogy. Never did I advocate taking in everyone. But you can't actually make any relevant points so you have to exaggerate. You act like we're just giving these people everything in the world and it's costing us soo much money. If I remember, immigrants are a net positive on the economy according to recent studies (the study the WH tried to hide btw). Immigrants in general work pretty hard and provide for multiple family members. They don't come here to get a bunch of free stuff. They come for the opportunity to better their life and get their family away from gang violence.

Hollywood, Trump and the religious leaders in this country all have this problem you speak of. Melanie is preaching about bullying while her husband tweets insults and hate to his followers.

But sorry, I didn't realize advocating we not rip kids away from their parents is lecturing you [roll]
Funny you should ask dipsnot - we HAVE fostered kids, we have helped my brother with a place to stay and getting him into rehab, we have helped another friend with a place to live TWICE over the past couple of years. My wife donates her time to families with Huntington's disease. I've built and maintained websites for local Alzheimer's association groups for a couple of years. We actually do invest time vs. money which is what most people do. We've talked about fostering older kids because those are the ones who generally need the most help and people don't want them. Selfishly I don't know if I want to take in kids that old but luckily my wife has opened my heart and I'm willing to be uncomfortable for a little while to help a kid maybe have a chance in this life. Before I met her I would have donated money and patted myself on the back. But I don't go to church so I guess that automatically makes me worse than the 'christian' who goes to church a couple times a year and misquotes bible verses.

It always cracks me up when people compare letting immigrants into the country to letting them in your house. Really bad analogy. Never did I advocate taking in everyone. But you can't actually make any relevant points so you have to exaggerate. You act like we're just giving these people everything in the world and it's costing us soo much money. If I remember, immigrants are a net positive on the economy according to recent studies (the study the WH tried to hide btw). Immigrants in general work pretty hard and provide for multiple family members. They don't come here to get a bunch of free stuff. They come for the opportunity to better their life and get their family away from gang violence.

Hollywood, Trump and the religious leaders in this country all have this problem you speak of. Melanie is preaching about bullying while her husband tweets insults and hate to his followers.

But sorry, I didn't realize advocating we not rip kids away from their parents is lecturing you [roll]
Didnt read..but turns out your dad, God King, was just taking immigrant children and putting them in detainment camps. Where were you?
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You speak of hypocrisy, what has the Trump admin done that’s corrupt? The last GD admin surveilled the opposing party during an election, do you not understand the magnitude of that, really? That was status effing quo for them. Protect their power at any cost, that is what tyrants do.
The sacred media gave him a freaking pass and carried his water, that is the exact opposite of why the media is protected.

Who respected Obama in the world? Russia, they simply took a portion of the Ukraine, even though we had a treaty to protect them. Iran, they walked all over us in a negotiation aimed at protecting Obama’s legacy, China, they built unsinkable carriers in international waters, NK, they simply honed their ability to hit the US with Nuclear weapons, ISIS damn bear conquered Iraq and Syria, we see how long they lasted when the military was actual able do their job without calling DC.

You’re a fu*king joke if you believe any of what you wrote. It’s all bullshit, you’re simply ruled by emotion and symbolism, just like the Democratic Party. You stand for nothing, you just want to feel warm and special.
Son, that isn’t how the real world operates.
What have they done that is corrupt? Is that a serious question? Well just last week China is giving Trump $500 million for a golf course which I'm sure is just coincidentally after he let ZTE off the hook for lying and deceiving the US government by selling to Iran and North Korea. That's just one of many examples of Trump and his administration thinking they are above the law. It will all eventually come out and you guys are gonna look really stupid.

Carter was already under surveillance by the FBI before election, so one person does not equal the entire Republican party. I'm sorry but using Trump's lies as your evidence is not gonna work. If Trump didn't want his guys being watched he shouldn't put criminals and traitors on the payroll. BTW, you are also the same group wanting to lock up Clinton for being a Clinton I guess.

You mean our enemies didn't respect Obama and the United States? WOW, what a shocker! Well now our friends and allies don't respect us. Realizing that Trump's word is worth less than his marriage vows.

Are we world's police or aren't we? It seems like when a Dem is in office it's the 'we can't police the world' but now it is ' we should police the world'.

I stand for nothing huh? I didn't vote for the guy with no moral compass or the ability to care for anyone other than himself. LMAO at anyone supporting Trump talking about standing for something. He stands for whatever makes him look better. Has the thinnest skin of anyone I've ever seen, and takes zero responsibility and blames ANYONE but himself. But then congratulates himself for stuff that he had little or nothing to do with THIS IS THE GUY YOU SUPPORT so STFU with your lack of character b.s.

Obama administration placed children with human traffickers, report says

‘It’s modern day slavery’: Teens nabbed at border, sent to egg farm. Teens are trafficked from Guatemala, sent to Ohio egg farm under slave-like conditions, government says.

The Obama administration failed to protect thousands of Central American children who have flooded across the U.S. border since 2011, leaving them vulnerable to traffickers and to abuses at the hands of government-approved caretakers, a Senate investigation has found.

The Office of Refugee Resettlement, an agency of the Department of Health and Human Services, failed to do proper background checks of adults who claimed the children, allowed sponsors to take custody of multiple unrelated children, and regularly placed children in homes without visiting the locations, according to a 56-page investigative report released Thursday.

And once the children left federally funded shelters, the report said, the agency permitted their adult sponsors to prevent caseworkers from providing them post-release services.
Trump separated this poor guy from his family and put him in a prison camp. Avenge him by voting against Trump!!!

But sorry, I didn't realize advocating we not rip kids away from their parents is lecturing you [roll]

I didn't read much of the first salvo but instead went straight to the punch line. Just like when an American parent makes the CHOICE to commit a crime and put themselves at risk of being separated from their children, these people who break our laws and attempt to use their children as a shield have made a CHOICE to subject themselves to our laws.

Why do you insist on taking away their right to make decisions for themselves?
Funny you should ask dipsnot - we HAVE fostered kids, we have helped my brother with a place to stay and getting him into rehab, we have helped another friend with a place to live TWICE over the past couple of years. My wife donates her time to families with Huntington's disease. I've built and maintained websites for local Alzheimer's association groups for a couple of years. We actually do invest time vs. money which is what most people do. We've talked about fostering older kids because those are the ones who generally need the most help and people don't want them. Selfishly I don't know if I want to take in kids that old but luckily my wife has opened my heart and I'm willing to be uncomfortable for a little while to help a kid maybe have a chance in this life. Before I met her I would have donated money and patted myself on the back. But I don't go to church so I guess that automatically makes me worse than the 'christian' who goes to church a couple times a year and misquotes bible verses.

It always cracks me up when people compare letting immigrants into the country to letting them in your house. Really bad analogy. Never did I advocate taking in everyone. But you can't actually make any relevant points so you have to exaggerate. You act like we're just giving these people everything in the world and it's costing us soo much money. If I remember, immigrants are a net positive on the economy according to recent studies (the study the WH tried to hide btw). Immigrants in general work pretty hard and provide for multiple family members. They don't come here to get a bunch of free stuff. They come for the opportunity to better their life and get their family away from gang violence.

Hollywood, Trump and the religious leaders in this country all have this problem you speak of. Melanie is preaching about bullying while her husband tweets insults and hate to his followers.

But sorry, I didn't realize advocating we not rip kids away from their parents is lecturing you [roll]

Brother. Friend. Color me impressed. I don’t know many people that would ever help out friends and family.
Your wife seems to do a bit more than you. Perhaps she has more room to talk than you do. Kudos on fostering kids though, sincerely.

Going to church doesn’t make one a Christian. In fact, I’d argue just going to church to go is about the worst thing you can do. Just wanted to throw that out there.

Then where do we stop? You say not let everyone in. Where’s this line? And I realize there are people trying to do what’s best for their family, but there are also really bad people who use that as a cover. You have to be able to vet everyone that isn’t an American. I don’t care if they’re from Mexico, Central America, Canada, England, etc. I can’t help if some murdering scum was born here in the USA, so I damn sure don’t want any just waltzing in. And to act as if no one comes here for a handout is laughable. There are a lot that want to be here for the right reasons. There are a lot that aren’t here for the right reasons.

You said Trump was “bullying” NK to get rid of their nukes. I couldn’t care less what you think about “hateful speech” and “bullying” done by Trump. For someone so concerned about doing good, you sure ignore any and all the good he has done.

We live in a nation of laws. But let’s go with your “they have kids!!!!1!” logic. So I guess the next time a rapist gets arrested but has children, we shouldn’t rip them from their parents? Too extreme? What about when a drug dealer gets busted, but has kids? Look the other way? Still too much for you? How about next time an inmate breaks out of jail for their kids, we should just let them go?
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Obama administration placed children with human traffickers, report says

‘It’s modern day slavery’: Teens nabbed at border, sent to egg farm. Teens are trafficked from Guatemala, sent to Ohio egg farm under slave-like conditions, government says.

The Obama administration failed to protect thousands of Central American children who have flooded across the U.S. border since 2011, leaving them vulnerable to traffickers and to abuses at the hands of government-approved caretakers, a Senate investigation has found.

The Office of Refugee Resettlement, an agency of the Department of Health and Human Services, failed to do proper background checks of adults who claimed the children, allowed sponsors to take custody of multiple unrelated children, and regularly placed children in homes without visiting the locations, according to a 56-page investigative report released Thursday.

And once the children left federally funded shelters, the report said, the agency permitted their adult sponsors to prevent caseworkers from providing them post-release services.

@cardkilla didn’t want you to accidentally skip over this.
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I love the ignorant fools that are just finding out there are illegal immigrants in this country and think they just discovered it. 25 years ago when I was trying to talk to people about this problem they didn't want to hear about it. And anybody from Texas should shut their mouths about this problem because they made it worse and I watched in Texas as they did so. I said all along for at least 25 years if they would put the CEO's of the corporations that use these illegals in jail rather than fine them the problem would go away. 25 years ago if the problem was addressed like it should have been and the corporations that made this problem saw their leaders put in jail we wouldn't have a problem today. Frontline did a two documentary about this years ago and conservatives didn't have one thing to say then. But conservatives are too damn stupid to understand that and lay down like the wimps they are when corporate america tells them to shut up and eat their crap. The GOP trys to solve every problem by blaming some poor schmuck trying to make a living.
What have they done that is corrupt? Is that a serious question? Well just last week China is giving Trump $500 million for a golf course which I'm sure is just coincidentally after he let ZTE off the hook for lying and deceiving the US government by selling to Iran and North Korea. That's just one of many examples of Trump and his administration thinking they are above the law. It will all eventually come out and you guys are gonna look really stupid.

Carter was already under surveillance by the FBI before election, so one person does not equal the entire Republican party. I'm sorry but using Trump's lies as your evidence is not gonna work. If Trump didn't want his guys being watched he shouldn't put criminals and traitors on the payroll. BTW, you are also the same group wanting to lock up Clinton for being a Clinton I guess.

You mean our enemies didn't respect Obama and the United States? WOW, what a shocker! Well now our friends and allies don't respect us. Realizing that Trump's word is worth less than his marriage vows.

Are we world's police or aren't we? It seems like when a Dem is in office it's the 'we can't police the world' but now it is ' we should police the world'.

I stand for nothing huh? I didn't vote for the guy with no moral compass or the ability to care for anyone other than himself. LMAO at anyone supporting Trump talking about standing for something. He stands for whatever makes him look better. Has the thinnest skin of anyone I've ever seen, and takes zero responsibility and blames ANYONE but himself. But then congratulates himself for stuff that he had little or nothing to do with THIS IS THE GUY YOU SUPPORT so STFU with your lack of character b.s.

China did not give Trump 500 million for a GD golf course you idiot. You want to know what corruptness looks like, it happened this very week with Obama getting repaid by Netflix to the tune of 50 million dollars, that is what corruption looks like. Nothing is going to come out Card, you e been saying that all along, it’s all bullshit to hinder Trump, all of it.

I wasn’t even speaking of Carter Page, but since you brought him up, the FISA warrants were in the summer, fall of 16 based on, get this, more bullshit that the Dem informant got from Russia of all places.
That doesn’t even touch on the informants secretly meeting with the campaign. If Russia was trying to get into the campaign why didn’t the FBI give a heads up to them?

A shocker that they didn’t respect him, hmm. He let them walk all over the US, and now they aren’t, I’ll be damned.
The difference between Obama and Trump is one is a leader, and one was symbolic.

Who were the criminals and traitors, there weren’t any. None gave money for prisoners, swapped terrorists for deserters, spies on US citizens or political opponents. In fact, how many Obama appointees lies under oath, wonder why they weren’t charged?

You think Trump has thin skin, lol. The SOB has been under attack for 2 straight years, and he just keeps on working his ass off, and we’re all the better for it.

I don’t worry about my character, I know what type person I am. I want a leader in office, not a buddy.
By saying voter ID is voter suppression. That's a crock of shit. The only way you can believe requiring an ID suppresses votes is if you believe people aren't capable of actually obtaining an ID. Again, blacks folks shake their heads at such ignorance.
I never said anyone was incompetent at all. You read into that. Racist much?
I understand the desire to kick illegal immigrants out with no further stipulations, I just don't think it is practical. There are far too many to reasonably find and deport and they already provide a huge amount of services in our economy. I think allowing them to stay but not allowing them other privileges associated with being a citizen (including voting) until they have completed the legal immigration process after everyone else is the best way we can deal with it.

Who said round them all up and kick them out? Your question was should they be given amnesty. Youre now moving the goal posts.

Reading must be hard for that wee brain of yours.

Did you really just say "wee" ?? Youre even lamer than i thought.

Funny you should ask dipsnot - we HAVE fostered kids, we have helped my brother with a place to stay and getting him into rehab, we have helped another friend with a place to live TWICE over the past couple of years. My wife donates her time to families with Huntington's disease. I've built and maintained websites for local Alzheimer's association groups for a couple of years. We actually do invest time vs. money which is what most people do. We've talked about fostering older kids because those are the ones who generally need the most help and people don't want them. Selfishly I don't know if I want to take in kids that old but luckily my wife has opened my heart and I'm willing to be uncomfortable for a little while to help a kid maybe have a chance in this life. Before I met her I would have donated money and patted myself on the back. But I don't go to church so I guess that automatically makes me worse than the 'christian' who goes to church a couple times a year and misquotes bible verses.

It always cracks me up when people compare letting immigrants into the country to letting them in your house. Really bad analogy. Never did I advocate taking in everyone. But you can't actually make any relevant points so you have to exaggerate. You act like we're just giving these people everything in the world and it's costing us soo much money. If I remember, immigrants are a net positive on the economy according to recent studies (the study the WH tried to hide btw). Immigrants in general work pretty hard and provide for multiple family members. They don't come here to get a bunch of free stuff. They come for the opportunity to better their life and get their family away from gang violence.

Hollywood, Trump and the religious leaders in this country all have this problem you speak of. Melanie is preaching about bullying while her husband tweets insults and hate to his followers.

But sorry, I didn't realize advocating we not rip kids away from their parents is lecturing you [roll]

Please stop. These kids have it hard enough. They dont need to be brought into a fringe terrorists pedo's house.
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All the well educated people happen to like to live together. The poor smucks like to live in ****sville nowhere and whatch tumbleweeds roll by. Conservatives should be thrilled this happens because it heavily dilutes liberal votes and allows the nominee to lose by 3 million votes and still win. If liberals left big cities and swarmed heartland areas they could get 75%+ of the electoral college forever.
All the well educated people happen to like to live together. The poor smucks like to live in ****sville nowhere and whatch tumbleweeds roll by. Conservatives should be thrilled this happens because it heavily dilutes liberal votes and allows the nominee to lose by 3 million votes and still win. If liberals left big cities and swarmed heartland areas they could get 75%+ of the electoral college forever.
Half those votes came from ONE county. Los Angeles.

Candidate(s) Votes Percent
Hillary Clinton (D) 2,464,364 72.03%
Donald J. Trump (R,A) 769,743 22.50%
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Front page of CNN: "Teacher edits Trump's letter, sends it back." So, this retired teacher who wrote a letter to the White House about the Parkland shooting, received a personalized letter from the president...and then, for attention, mark it up, took a picture of the marked-up letter, and supposedly sent it back.

That's front page. That's what CNN features as news. And we are supposed to take them seriously as a news source.
All the well educated people happen to like to live together. The poor smucks like to live in ****sville nowhere and whatch tumbleweeds roll by. Conservatives should be thrilled this happens because it heavily dilutes liberal votes and allows the nominee to lose by 3 million votes and still win. If liberals left big cities and swarmed heartland areas they could get 75%+ of the electoral college forever.

Not just tumbleweeds, we like to "whatch" the wheather as well. So, you say all the well educated people like to live together? Well, in Los Angeles Co. that means they like to live here...

...where they don't have to work to survive. They can just sit on their ass all day and live off the work of others while they engage in intellectual pursuits.
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