How will they rule ??!

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Obama put 10 trillion in deficits. Lol

Derp derp derp

Cardkilla is working cashier at a store. Guy comes up, “Help! Someone stole my car! Call the police!”

Cardkilla rushes to his office to phone police. When he returns he notices the man is gone, along with an open register and no cash.

Cardkilla’s conclusion: someone robbed my store... and whoever it was kidnapped that poor man. I hope he finds his car.
I didn't say they deserved asylum but they are trying to get it. What you posted means nothing. They can and are still trying to get asylum. So yes, what I said is happening, is happening. And Mexico cannot provide a safe haven. They cannot even protect their own people.

What I posted is the international law you wrote about. It specifically states that they have to be persecuted for a number of reasons to gain asylum. Simply coming because your nation is poor or crime ridden is not one of the reasons.
Mexico can provide safety, but they aren’t coming for safety, they’re coming for economic reasons trying to bypass our immigration laws. That’s it, and you don’t care.
Guess you forgot about GW Bush huh? Like Trump Republicans are incapable of accepting blame for their terrible policies. Just wanna pass the buck and blame anyone but themselves. Just like the now standard trillion dollar deficits because of tax giveaway to corporations. Country's infrastructure is crumbling but instead of fixing it we're giving corporations with record breaking profits more free money!!! WOO HOOO!!

What was deficit when Obama took office? How about when he left? Meanwhile Trump is gonna leave office with 2T deficits and of course, Obama will be blamed.
Ka-Boom! U.S. Leapfrogs Singapore, Hong Kong to Win World’s Most Competitive Economy.

#MAGA. :americanflag:
And Mexico cannot provide a safe haven. They cannot even protect their own people.
So would you characterize a country where the government "cannot even protect their own people" a sh!thole? And what does that make the Honduras, if Mexico is not a worthy destination for Honduran immigrants?

Dig your self-contradicting hole, brother.
It is not surprising that the morally superior folks defend taking children away from their mothers and losing track of them. The same people mind you, that try to paint people who get abortions murderers. The hypocrites would have had no problem defending Hitler back in the day for programs that are looking eerily similar to Trumps. Simply because they view anyone who is different as sub-humans and unworthy of being treated with any type of humanity. Can no longer feign ignorance about what is going on.......
So let me get this straight. The party of family values is splitting up families very similar to what the third reich did and in the process lost 1500 children (I did fact check this story and it turned out to be true) all in the name of law and order. If that's what Christianity in America has become then I'm proud to call myself a pagan-heathen. How deep down into the abyss of moral failure will the Trump supporters go?

Guess you forgot about GW Bush huh? Like Trump Republicans are incapable of accepting blame for their terrible policies. Just wanna pass the buck and blame anyone but themselves. Just like the now standard trillion dollar deficits because of tax giveaway to corporations. Country's infrastructure is crumbling but instead of fixing it we're giving corporations with record breaking profits more free money!!! WOO HOOO!!

What was deficit when Obama took office? How about when he left? Meanwhile Trump is gonna leave office with 2T deficits and of course, Obama will be blamed.
Oh yeah so you care about deficits

Serious question can you be critical of Obama or democrats at all? Seriously, anything? Or do you apologize for everything they do and follow along like a sheep. I've disagree with several things trump did. Yet, you make excuses for Barry's awful presidency constantly. The drone king, spy maniac, who wiretapped the AP, but the patriot act on steroids, killed pol without due process, rigged the market through crony capitalism to help his buddies get rich, grew wasteful federal govt jobs, and thought he was an actual king so never got congressional approval on anything....but yeah, "trump gave tax cuts" is the best you got. Again why do you think the govt can spend my money better than I can? The envy and hatred liberals have for ppl is unreal.
Trump bragging about himself on Memorial Day shows exactly what he is really all me me. Soldiers didn't die so you can sit in the WH and tell lies to the American people and act like a dictator. Sad when you've got a President that only works for about 35% of the country.

On this Memorial Day, it's good to see that Trump is willing to rent out our soldiers to Poland. I guess our boys are not freedom fighters anymore, just mercenaries for hire! So proud!

Are they also helping build a Trump golf course or giving new copyright protections to Ivanka? Cause that's part of the deals now ya know.
Do you really want to go there, (the opinions of vets and soldiers)? Hint: It is roughly the same ratio as convicted felons support for your side.
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Seeking asylum in the US is not 'breaking the law' but protected international law. Sure some crossed over illegally but many walk up to the border and turn themselves into border patrol.
Again, not all break the law. You can go up to the border and ask for asylum. That's what most are doing.
I didn't say they deserved asylum but they are trying to get it. What you posted means nothing. They can and are still trying to get asylum. So yes, what I said is happening, is happening. And Mexico cannot provide a safe haven. They cannot even protect their own people.
[roll] Yeah that's wrong. Very bad people just sneak in. They don't ask for asylum. I'm amazed at how many lies and propaganda Trump suckers believe.

Except you're making it up, talking bullshit, not having a clue as usual. The Asylum seekers you describe, the ones who are legally seeking asylum, aren't being separated from their children. Only those who are caught crossing the border illegally because they're being charged with a crime.

A new "zero tolerance" border enforcement policy will launch a crackdown on people crossing the border illegally: They'll be charged with a crime, and children and parents will be separated into juvenile and adult detention centers, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday.

"If you are smuggling a child, then we will prosecute you and that child will be separated from you as required by law," Sessions said Monday in Scottsdale, Arizona. "If you don't like that, then don't smuggle children over our border."

Despite the new rules, border control agents will allow families legally seeking asylum and to stay together as they seek protected status, the Los Angeles Times reports.

The key word here is legally: If asylum-seekers are caught crossing the border illegally, they will be charged with a crime and their children sent to refugee shelters.

“We have always separated families under two situations, one when we can’t establish them as a parent and that child is being trafficked,” Homan said, adding that migrant smugglers sometimes pose as parents to children that are not theirs. “The second situation when we separate is when we prosecute.”
It is not surprising that the morally superior folks defend taking children away from their mothers and losing track of them. The same people mind you, that try to paint people who get abortions murderers. The hypocrites would have had no problem defending Hitler back in the day for programs that are looking eerily similar to Trumps. Simply because they view anyone who is different as sub-humans and unworthy of being treated with any type of humanity. Can no longer feign ignorance about what is going on.......
So let me get this straight. The party of family values is splitting up families very similar to what the third reich did and in the process lost 1500 children (I did fact check this story and it turned out to be true) all in the name of law and order. If that's what Christianity in America has become then I'm proud to call myself a pagan-heathen. How deep down into the abyss of moral failure will the Trump supporters go?
More on the "missing 1,500" , which got every-bodies' GD panties in an effing wad.

It certainly sounds bad. The US government has lost track of 1,475 undocumented immigrant children; an official admitted as much during a Senate committee hearing last month. Fairly, that admission has spurred widespread demand for more agency accountability.

The problem, as the Washington Post notes (paywall), is that many of those missing kids may well be with their parents or families, and they may have gone off the grid deliberately to avoid Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) authorities. Tracking them down could end up endangering more children and families......

Moving right along.
Trump bragging about himself on Memorial Day shows exactly what he is really all me me. Soldiers didn't die so you can sit in the WH and tell lies to the American people and act like a dictator. Sad when you've got a President that only works for about 35% of the country.

On this Memorial Day, it's good to see that Trump is willing to rent out our soldiers to Poland. I guess our boys are not freedom fighters anymore, just mercenaries for hire! So proud!

Are they also helping build a Trump golf course or giving new copyright protections to Ivanka? Cause that's part of the deals now ya know.
As soon as they are deployed at our expense you would be on here crying about the military budget. Unless Obama or Hillary did it.
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This ice story has a few layers. It's bad seeing all the people gobble up the fake news. But its far worse to see the msm intentionally misleading and duping these people.

We should be able to trust the media. To accept as fact what they report. It should be factual and without bias. It's anything but.

What a disgrace
Guess you forgot about GW Bush huh? Like Trump Republicans are incapable of accepting blame for their terrible policies. Just wanna pass the buck and blame anyone but themselves. Just like the now standard trillion dollar deficits because of tax giveaway to corporations. Country's infrastructure is crumbling but instead of fixing it we're giving corporations with record breaking profits more free money!!! WOO HOOO!!

What was deficit when Obama took office? How about when he left? Meanwhile Trump is gonna leave office with 2T deficits and of course, Obama will be blamed.
Seriously? Obama blamed Bush all the way through his presidency for all of his bad policies that failed. Plus, our national debt which increased to 10 trillion under many presidents was doubled under Obama. You are so far up Obama's ass when he said it smells like roses you had to believe him.

The left calling Trump Hitler is so insane and so stupid. The only ones who act like Hitler are the left. Conservatives are the opposite of what the left accuses them of. The left is the one that wants big government and to silence those who disagree with them.

I just want to say again to all of you retarded Democrats on here. Eff you! You are so stupid and brainwashed. I read history books and wondered how people could want the government as their savior and be so blind to what is occurring and then I see what the left has done by using media and entertainment and academia.

You bastards are the machine. You’re not the rebels.
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