How will they rule ??!

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I love the ignorant fools that are just finding out there are illegal immigrants in this country and think they just discovered it. 25 years ago when I was trying to talk to people about this problem they didn't want to hear about it. And anybody from Texas should shut their mouths about this problem because they made it worse and I watched in Texas as they did so. I said all along for at least 25 years if they would put the CEO's of the corporations that use these illegals in jail rather than fine them the problem would go away. 25 years ago if the problem was addressed like it should have been and the corporations that made this problem saw their leaders put in jail we wouldn't have a problem today. Frontline did a two documentary about this years ago and conservatives didn't have one thing to say then. But conservatives are too damn stupid to understand that and lay down like the wimps they are when corporate america tells them to shut up and eat their crap. The GOP trys to solve every problem by blaming some poor schmuck trying to make a living.
Ranting and general dipshittery (tm) aside, a basic google search will show you the national chamber and business community has sided with the Dems on immigration and has opposed DT. And every single supply-side approach involving housing and business accountability has, and will forever, be opposed by your side with dramatic feelings-based demagoguery.

Body cams are the best thing to happen to this police/racism issue. Racist cops will be outted, as well as liars who use their race to be the victim.

Only problem is people like this keep spreading their lies and victimhood even after there is indisputable proof that they’re FOS... and a small segment of idiots will believe it despite the evidence that says otherwise.
What have they done that is corrupt? Is that a serious question? Well just last week China is giving Trump $500 million for a golf course which I'm sure is just coincidentally after he let ZTE off the hook for lying and deceiving the US government by selling to Iran and North Korea. That's just one of many examples of Trump and his administration thinking they are above the law. It will all eventually come out and you guys are gonna look really stupid.

Carter was already under surveillance by the FBI before election, so one person does not equal the entire Republican party. I'm sorry but using Trump's lies as your evidence is not gonna work. If Trump didn't want his guys being watched he shouldn't put criminals and traitors on the payroll. BTW, you are also the same group wanting to lock up Clinton for being a Clinton I guess.

You mean our enemies didn't respect Obama and the United States? WOW, what a shocker! Well now our friends and allies don't respect us. Realizing that Trump's word is worth less than his marriage vows.

Are we world's police or aren't we? It seems like when a Dem is in office it's the 'we can't police the world' but now it is ' we should police the world'.

I stand for nothing huh? I didn't vote for the guy with no moral compass or the ability to care for anyone other than himself. LMAO at anyone supporting Trump talking about standing for something. He stands for whatever makes him look better. Has the thinnest skin of anyone I've ever seen, and takes zero responsibility and blames ANYONE but himself. But then congratulates himself for stuff that he had little or nothing to do with THIS IS THE GUY YOU SUPPORT so STFU with your lack of character b.s.
Had the thinness skin of anyone you have ever seen? No wonder you praise your God king ex-president, you don't get out much. The outrage from everyone on the left when Obama's lies and corruption were talked about or brought to light when he was in office was deafening. Trump is using the only venue available to him to combat all of the fake news and liberal bias that the left and media are spewing. I wonder what would happen to you snowflakes if he answered every negative fake news comment you guys spout. It would take an army of media to do it. You guys would be destroyed in an instant. The little bit he gets out now now has you weaklings scrambling for cover.
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It is not surprising that the morally superior folks defend taking children away from their mothers and losing track of them. The same people mind you, that try to paint people who get abortions murderers. The hypocrites would have had no problem defending Hitler back in the day for programs that are looking eerily similar to Trumps. Simply because they view anyone who is different as sub-humans and unworthy of being treated with any type of humanity. Can no longer feign ignorance about what is going on.......
So let me get this straight. The party of family values is splitting up families very similar to what the third reich did and in the process lost 1500 children (I did fact check this story and it turned out to be true) all in the name of law and order. If that's what Christianity in America has become then I'm proud to call myself a pagan-heathen. How deep down into the abyss of moral failure will the Trump supporters go?

A couple loudmouths just got their asses owned. OWNED.
*** preface I don't want a police talk just a criminal/aclu comment ***

So Louisville is adding some more cop body cams....I'm sure this is going to get widespread which is fine, not my point.

Once widespread, how long do you guys think the boomerang will take to happen? More arrests/convictions because they were caught on tape? ACLU steps in? People should have the right to ask the cops to turn their cameras off to protect their crime errrrrrrrrrrr civil liberties and privacy?

I don't know, could be wrong.
Posted that in ‘15 but whatever...
I love the ignorant fools that are just finding out there are illegal immigrants in this country and think they just discovered it. 25 years ago when I was trying to talk to people about this problem they didn't want to hear about it. And anybody from Texas should shut their mouths about this problem because they made it worse and I watched in Texas as they did so. I said all along for at least 25 years if they would put the CEO's of the corporations that use these illegals in jail rather than fine them the problem would go away. 25 years ago if the problem was addressed like it should have been and the corporations that made this problem saw their leaders put in jail we wouldn't have a problem today. Frontline did a two documentary about this years ago and conservatives didn't have one thing to say then. But conservatives are too damn stupid to understand that and lay down like the wimps they are when corporate america tells them to shut up and eat their crap. The GOP trys to solve every problem by blaming some poor schmuck trying to make a living.
I would have given a like but then, I read the last few sentences where you blame it all on conservatives corporations. Ignorance truly is bliss.
I've said this before... there's nothing more comical than liberals trying to claim moral superiority and take the high moral ground.

It's almost as if they don't even understand what "moral" means...

This ripping kids from their parents crap is insane. They broke the law. They won’t mention that part. People steal from grocery stores everyday for their families. They get desperate and don’t think about food banks, churches, etc. it’s sad, but you can’t just steal things. But I don’t see these people being defended. Only illegal immigrants and minorities get the “it’s immoral” defense.

You want to talk about ripping kids from their parents? What about social workers who take kids from their parents just for spanking their tails when they’re out of control? Or when they won’t let their 6 year old take hormones because they think they’re the opposite sex? But no, that stuff is cool.

Abortion is a woman’s choice. Okay. Well isn’t it the parents choice to illegally enter the country? It’s a risk they’re taking. I don’t blame the ones that truly are looking out for their family. I’d do the same. But I’d also understand what would happen if I got caught.

And speaking of moral superiority, they sure were morally superior when Trump had those unaccompanied minors in cages... oh it was Obama? *deleted*
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This ripping kids from their parents crap is insane. They broke the law. They won’t mention that part. People steal from grocery stores everyday for their families. They get desperate and don’t think about food banks, churches, etc. it’s sad, but you can’t just steal things. But I don’t see these people being defended. Only illegal immigrants and minorities get the “it’s immoral” defense.

You want to talk about ripping kids from their parents? What about social workers who take kids from their parents just for spanking their tails when they’re out of control? Or when they won’t let their 6 year old take hormones because they think they’re the opposite sex? But no, that stuff is cool.

Abortion is a woman’s choice. Okay. Well isn’t it the parents choice to illegally enter the country? It’s a risk they’re taking. I don’t blame the ones that truly are looking out for their family. I’d do the same. But I’d also understand what would happen if I got caught.

And speaking of moral superiority, they sure were morally superior when Trump had those unaccompanied minors in cages... oh it was Obama? *deleted*
Seeking asylum in the US is not 'breaking the law' but protected international law. Sure some crossed over illegally but many walk up to the border and turn themselves into border patrol.
Trump bragging about himself on Memorial Day shows exactly what he is really all me me. Soldiers didn't die so you can sit in the WH and tell lies to the American people and act like a dictator. Sad when you've got a President that only works for about 35% of the country.

On this Memorial Day, it's good to see that Trump is willing to rent out our soldiers to Poland. I guess our boys are not freedom fighters anymore, just mercenaries for hire! So proud!

Are they also helping build a Trump golf course or giving new copyright protections to Ivanka? Cause that's part of the deals now ya know.
Seeking asylum in the US is not 'breaking the law' but protected international law. Sure some crossed over illegally but many walk up to the border and turn themselves into border patrol.

You need to stop posting what you want to believe, and do some reading.

In order to seek asylum, according to the Geneva convention, there are parameters.
Simply wanting a better life doesn’t cut it, they have to be persecuted by the Govt of the Country they’re leaving.
Furthermore, they crossed hundreds of miles through a country, Mexico, that could’ve provided safe haven.

They’re trying to find a loophole to enter the US.
Trump bragging about himself on Memorial Day shows exactly what he is really all me me. Soldiers didn't die so you can sit in the WH and tell lies to the American people and act like a dictator. Sad when you've got a President that only works for about 35% of the country.

On this Memorial Day, it's good to see that Trump is willing to rent out our soldiers to Poland. I guess our boys are not freedom fighters anymore, just mercenaries for hire! So proud!

What’s he done that’s like a dictator? Undermine an incoming president? Spy on journalists and citizens? Release names of Americans that were listened in on? Sell out the US to protect his legacy? Drag his feet while hundreds of thousands of Syrians were killed so refugees could flood the west?

You’re angry because you realize how awful Obama was as President, and you have nothing left but bitterness.
I didn't read much of the first salvo but instead went straight to the punch line. Just like when an American parent makes the CHOICE to commit a crime and put themselves at risk of being separated from their children, these people who break our laws and attempt to use their children as a shield have made a CHOICE to subject themselves to our laws.

Why do you insist on taking away their right to make decisions for themselves?
Again, not all break the law. You can go up to the border and ask for asylum. That's what most are doing.
You need to stop posting what you want to believe, and do some reading.

In order to seek asylum, according to the Geneva convention, there are parameters.
Simply wanting a better life doesn’t cut it, they have to be persecuted by the Govt of the Country they’re leaving.
Furthermore, they crossed hundreds of miles through a country, Mexico, that could’ve provided safe haven.

They’re trying to find a loophole to enter the US.
I didn't say they deserved asylum but they are trying to get it. What you posted means nothing. They can and are still trying to get asylum. So yes, what I said is happening, is happening. And Mexico cannot provide a safe haven. They cannot even protect their own people.
Again, not all break the law. You can go up to the border and ask for asylum. That's what most are doing.

You’re speculating. I can speculate that many are “seeking asylum” just to get in. It’s all speculation.

Truth is you nor I know if most are sincere or not. We aren’t there. What I do know is if you accept all asylum seekers, you’re going to also be letting in some very bad people as well.
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Guess you forgot about GW Bush huh? Like Trump Republicans are incapable of accepting blame for their terrible policies. Just wanna pass the buck and blame anyone but themselves. Just like the now standard trillion dollar deficits because of tax giveaway to corporations. Country's infrastructure is crumbling but instead of fixing it we're giving corporations with record breaking profits more free money!!! WOO HOOO!!

What was deficit when Obama took office? How about when he left? Meanwhile Trump is gonna leave office with 2T deficits and of course, Obama will be blamed.
You’re speculating. I can speculate that many are “seeking asylum” just to get in. It’s all speculation.

Truth is you nor I know if most are sincere or not. We aren’t there. What I do know is if you accept all asylum seekers, you’re going to also be letting in some very bad people as well.
[roll] Yeah that's wrong. Very bad people just sneak in. They don't ask for asylum. I'm amazed at how many lies and propaganda Trump suckers believe.
Guess you forgot about GW Bush huh? Like Trump Republicans are incapable of accepting blame for their terrible policies. Just wanna pass the buck and blame anyone but themselves. Just like the now standard trillion dollar deficits because of tax giveaway to corporations. Country's infrastructure is crumbling but instead of fixing it we're giving corporations with record breaking profits more free money!!! WOO HOOO!!

What was deficit when Obama took office? How about when he left? Meanwhile Trump is gonna leave office with 2T deficits and of course, Obama will be blamed.

Obama put 10 trillion in deficits. Lol

Derp derp derp