How will they rule ??!

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@Levibooty please, in your own opinion.. what had obama done up to that point that qualified him for a nobel peace prize?

bonus points. how was he an "inspiration to fathers"?

sounds like youre lowering the bar because hes black. which is racist as hell. fricken hilljack racist.
The peace prize was due for some affirmative action you white racist bigoted shitlord
Obama never had to hire a lawyer, there was never a whiff of a scandal while he was in office and he was a role model for fathers everywhere. In fact the world thought of Obama as one of the most admirable men living, he was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize, Trump may get a participation trophy. Yeah it's reasonable to think people who ignore those facts and try to besmirch his reputation are ignorant racist hillbilly's from Kentucky. That's not really anything new for this state or this forum.

All that is great, although not true. However, Obama was elected to lead the Country, not win worldwide popularity contests because he was a pussy.
The media gave Obama a complete pass, they cheerleaded for him, they still do. That enabled him and his admin to get to the point they could surveil a GD opposing party during the Presidential race. It’s astonishing that you don’t understand the danger in that.
It’s the opposite of peaceful transition of power.
Man, a week of not reading the mindless drivel on this board has done wonders for me.

I think I’ll take another week off voluntarily and see if the trend continues.

I do miss some of you bastards though - Willy, jstaff, Austin, even Moe.

Happy Memorial Day weekend. Pound some whisky everyone. It’s good for the soul.
Interesting. A week away from hearing you brag about how much money you make and how much better Canada is even though you moved here has been rather refreshing as well. Don't go away mad John, just go away.
I've found where our white liberals go for drinks

All that is great, although not true. However, Obama was elected to lead the Country, not win worldwide popularity contests because he was a pussy.
The media gave Obama a complete pass, they cheerleaded for him, they still do. That enabled him and his admin to get to the point they could surveil a GD opposing party during the Presidential race. It’s astonishing that you don’t understand the danger in that.
It’s the opposite of peaceful transition of power.
You're still swallowing I see. What's astonishing is you talk that garbage when it now common knowledge the Russians interfewred with our elections. At least the Iranian people knew who to be piss at when we tried to rig their election. BTW just because you say something is not true doesn't mean you know where straight up is.
The only material I need is librul tears. I will whore my principles out to no end to acquire them brother.

no, youve already told us you sell your out your principles for disguised racist policies. you want to be able to shout that other are racist misogynistic bigots, while supporting policies and leaders that are good at hiding being racist misogynist bigots. congratulations.. you take the cake
You're still swallowing I see. What's astonishing is you talk that garbage when it now common knowledge the Russians interfewred with our elections. At least the Iranian people knew who to be piss at when we tried to rig their election. BTW just because you say something is not true doesn't mean you know where straight up is.

we talk garbage because your supreme leader and her minion couldnt win even with russian support. its absolutely comical. you are literally so stupid they are lying to your face, slapping you with it and getting you to carry their bullshit. youre literally the only type person that they expect to buy into the bullshit. and you do.

absolutely hysterical. i see you were too much of a B***h to answer my other questions in your own words.
You're still swallowing I see. What's astonishing is you talk that garbage when it now common knowledge the Russians interfewred with our elections. At least the Iranian people knew who to be piss at when we tried to rig their election. BTW just because you say something is not true doesn't mean you know where straight up is.

You’re playing word semantics because that’s all you have. What did the Russians do that was so heinous? Put ads on Facebook, give me a f*cking break. That gets you angrier than an administration surveilling the opposing party during an election? If the Russians were in fact trying to get into the Trump campaign, why weren’t they warned? It’s a simple question.
It’s all BS, it’s simply the Dems attempt at stonewalling Trump. Did the Russians try to screw with the US during the elections, sure.
Do you honestly believe they’d rather have Trump in office than a continuation of the Obama presidency? Hell no, they did whatever they wanted.
Hillary was totally going to win until the Jesus Satan arm wrestling Facebook post.

She had no chance after that

And here's the kicker which our dear boy Levi doesn't mention. Russia paid for 2 anti-Trump rallies. One of which fat stupid liberal Michael Moore attended with his bullhorn.

This is one of the umpteen reasons that no one should take the russia collusion seriously. Ridiculous
Obama never had to hire a lawyer, there was never a whiff of a scandal while he was in office and he was a role model for fathers everywhere. In fact the world thought of Obama as one of the most admirable men living, he was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize, Trump may get a participation trophy. Yeah it's reasonable to think people who ignore those facts and try to besmirch his reputation are ignorant racist hillbilly's from Kentucky. That's not really anything new for this state or this forum.
And the dumbest post of the day award goes too...
Obama never hired a lawyer. That’s f****** fresh, man. That’s a fresh take. Bold. Strong. Just a lot of adjectives frankly.

False is another one, but I don’t want that to get in the way of a take like that. On the one hand it’s like “man that guy should delete his catpaw account because of how dumb” but then it’s like “I want more fresh takes out of that dumb guy” i don’t know, it’s a tough call.
You know who else interfewred with our election? Russia. Russia interfewred with our election. That’s who. Gave disinformation about hookers peeing on Obama or whatever to a Brit foreign agent to disrupt our political system.

So I guess England interfewred with our election. Or really meddled more than interfewred. But meddled for shore.

You know who else? Mexico meddled. Sent a bunch of people over here for about 3 decades illegally to register people to vote. And birth voters. Mexico meddled in our election.

Btw, I like how meeting with anyone who is not an American citizen is treason or whatever (if you’re a republican).....weird times.

Seriously though, lot of dumb lately here. More than normal. Trying to get in the way of a wildly successful president by way of dumbassery.

God bless, there’s some dumb and or treasonous folks on the left. It’s one or the other, candidly.
You’re playing word semantics because that’s all you have. What did the Russians do that was so heinous? Put ads on Facebook, give me a f*cking break. That gets you angrier than an administration surveilling the opposing party during an election? If the Russians were in fact trying to get into the Trump campaign, why weren’t they warned? It’s a simple question.
It’s all BS, it’s simply the Dems attempt at stonewalling Trump. Did the Russians try to screw with the US during the elections, sure.
Do you honestly believe they’d rather have Trump in office than a continuation of the Obama presidency? Hell no, they did whatever they wanted.

These people are so GD stupid. Their theory makes zero sense. Why would Russia want a guy who was pro America instead of the greedy c-nt that sold government favors for cash and would be an extension of Obama? Lol

Just look at the Clinton speaking fees in Russia.
I am still concerned that I'm not hearing the talk about O'bama's name being on some of those 33k emails that Hillary was allowed to delete by the FBI. If, IF, the Russians hacked the emails, then they have done us a great service. Exposing treasonous behavior should be welcomed regardless of it's origin.

The fact that there happened to be an election going on at the time is secondary to the duplicitous nature of the O'bama administration and his singular mission to destroy the United States as we know it.
Obama never had to hire a lawyer, there was never a whiff of a scandal while he was in office and he was a role model for fathers everywhere. In fact the world thought of Obama as one of the most admirable men living, he was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize, Trump may get a participation trophy. Yeah it's reasonable to think people who ignore those facts and try to besmirch his reputation are ignorant racist hillbilly's from Kentucky. That's not really anything new for this state or this forum.
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majority of white college educated women
North Carolina

Your party is fighting for felon voting, not having to even present an ID to vote, and pandering to uneducated immigrants.

I’m a huge fan of liberals calling people racist by thinking black people are made of glass and are off limits to criticism and that the only possible reason anyone could be critical of corruption and being a POS, is that you “hate their skin color.”
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Obama never had to hire a lawyer, there was never a whiff of a scandal while he was in office and he was a role model for fathers everywhere. In fact the world thought of Obama as one of the most admirable men living, he was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize, Trump may get a participation trophy. Yeah it's reasonable to think people who ignore those facts and try to besmirch his reputation are ignorant racist hillbilly's from Kentucky. That's not really anything new for this state or this forum.

Never a whiff of scandal? Are you retarded? How brainwashed are you? Because the media serves as the DNC PR firm, you’re this misinformed? Do you need a list of all of his bullshit even after what has come out since 2016?

I legitimately think you’re that clueless, which is terrifying that people can allow media to brainwash them that much.
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Russia wanting Trump to win is a joke. I can guarantee you Putin was not the least bit happy when Trump won. Want to know why? Because a strong America hurts Russia almost more than anybody on the planet.

Also if Russia really wanted Trump to win, why did they help create that phony BS dossier? The f*****g Russian government was behind almost that whole dossier that the democrats and media helped spread. There's your GD collusion.