How will they rule ??!

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looks like Trumps half wit son met with every foreign agent that came knocking. Eric was supposed to be the mentally handicapped one. now he is on wiretaps In Spain meeting with another Russian spy.
How can your beta ass be offended by this while the Clinton's were raking in $500k speaking fees for years from all over the globe heading into the election?
How can your beta ass be offended by this while the Clinton's were raking in $500k speaking fees for years from all over the globe heading into the election?

You'll never get an answer.

He posts lie after lie after lie and then when someone like Moe shits all over his lie, he never comebacks to counter his lie. He just moves on to his next lie.

Harvey Weinstein has donated over $1 million to Democrats since 2000

Top Democrats including former President Barack Obama, 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, and Sens. Elizabeth Warren, Al Franken, Cory Booker, and Kirsten Gillibrand have all received contributions from Weinstein, the Hollywood mega-executive who co-founded Miramax Films and The Weinstein Company.

Nice picture though.
Obama never had to hire a lawyer, there was never a whiff of a scandal while he was in office and he was a role model for fathers everywhere. In fact the world thought of Obama as one of the most admirable men living, he was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize, Trump may get a participation trophy. Yeah it's reasonable to think people who ignore those facts and try to besmirch his reputation are ignorant racist hillbilly's from Kentucky. That's not really anything new for this state or this forum.
Obama never had to hire a lawyer, there was never a whiff of a scandal while he was in office and he was a role model for fathers everywhere. In fact the world thought of Obama as one of the most admirable men living, he was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize, Trump may get a participation trophy. Yeah it's reasonable to think people who ignore those facts and try to besmirch his reputation are ignorant racist hillbilly's from Kentucky. That's not really anything new for this state or this forum.

Lol- that is total horse shit

You couldn't polish a turd any better than that
Obama never had to hire a lawyer, there was never a whiff of a scandal while he was in office and he was a role model for fathers everywhere. In fact the world thought of Obama as one of the most admirable men living, he was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize, Trump may get a participation trophy. Yeah it's reasonable to think people who ignore those facts and try to besmirch his reputation are ignorant racist hillbilly's from Kentucky. That's not really anything new for this state or this forum.

The notion is obviously absurd on the face of it, for anyone who paid unbiased attention over the eight years of his presidency. Mark Hemingway and Hans Von Spakovsky have gone through the labors of detailing many (but not all) of the scandals of the Obama years. The short list includes Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS targeting, Solyndra, the Veteran Administration… how much time do you have?

And the peace prize was a joke. I’m willing to bet you did more to deserve the peace prize than Obama did.
Man, a week of not reading the mindless drivel on this board has done wonders for me.

I think I’ll take another week off voluntarily and see if the trend continues.

I do miss some of you bastards though - Willy, jstaff, Austin, even Moe.

Happy Memorial Day weekend. Pound some whisky everyone. It’s good for the soul.
I live in Tampa about to be in West Palm Beach. Nice try.

No one with any sense is going to entertain that fiction you wrote. None of that crap you posted was even remotely true.

I used to have a client in West Palm. We wore out the spearmint rhino down there. Pretty solid talent.

All the far left scoured the internet and found a pic of trump and Weinstein. Of course it's one where Weinstein is basically jumping into the pic on a photo bomb.

Contrast with the ones of him tongue kissing the Dems heroes while giving them millions

Obama never had to hire a lawyer, there was never a whiff of a scandal while he was in office and he was a role model for fathers everywhere

Lol. Ok.
Kim on the brink of getting on his knees and offering DON a blowjob if he will just meet with him. surprise meeting at the DMZ with Moon
There is no doubt Trump is playing chess with these fools. By cutting us out of negotiations entirely, tax dollars are saved that can offset his golf outings. MAGA