How will they rule ??!

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As I told my son the other night, I'm having enough trouble paying for college for my 2 kids, much less spending the later years of my life paying for others to go to college too, in the form of higher taxes.

Nothing is free. Somebody pays.
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Having said all that, a vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary. Simple as that. Anyone who has a hard ceiling at 45 or 50%, who is net negative favorability ratings (more people dislike him than like him), cannot win a national election. Simple as that. Whatever you think of Trump and his ability to lead or to give them hell, however much Rubio or Bush or Kasich disgusts you, if Trump is the nominee the Democrats will party all summer. Because the win is in the bag.

And in the end, when Trump is trounced (by a pretty weak and vulnerable candidate, I might add), there will be a lot of gnashing of teeth. Trump supporters will complain the Republicans deserted him, will blame this or that. Meaningless, there was no way he could win to begin with.
Yeah, excellent point except for the small nagging fact that Hillary also has a net negative favorability rating... 54% negative to 42% positive.

So there's that. Otherwise, good job on pretty much being wrong on your central point upon which your entire argument falls apart once it is revealed to be based on a farcical premise.
If you own a home and deduct the interest then you are also using the tax code to your advantage.

Why does the homeowner get a tax advantage over a renter?

I wont even get into your comparison of bankruptcy and abortion; you're on your own with that one.

It's about taking responsibility for your actions by accepting the consequences. That's liberal/Democrat/Bernie/Hillary bullshit. 4 BKs versus a tax credit for home ownership is a worse comparison than the BKs to an abortion.
As I told my son the other night, I'm having enough trouble paying for college for my 2 kids, much less spending the later years of my life paying for others to go to college too, in the form of higher taxes.

Nothing is free. Somebody pays.
If colleges were funded the same way today as they were prior to the 1980's college would be much more affordable than it is today. When most of public university budgets were coming from the coffers of the state, those constraints kept a lid on college tuition. That and the fact that student loans and grants weren't easy to come by. Colleges and universities would have to live with the same constraints that limit public schools...that is the appetite of the public to fund them.
It is the same reason that countries with universal health care spend much less on health care than do we. There is only a certain level of taxation that will be accepted by the people. Those functions of government, or those functions of life that government pays for have to adapt to the resources available. Every working example of these two functions show that they are much less costly while being at a minimum equally effective to the private sector alternative.
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As I told my son the other night, I'm having enough trouble paying for college for my 2 kids, much less spending the later years of my life paying for others to go to college too, in the form of higher taxes.

Nothing is free. Somebody pays.
Taxing is going to happen whether we like it or not. I would prefer my tax dollars to be spent in a way that benefits the majority of Americans and not the ultra rich. Education that can provide opportunity for better paying jobs and healthcare that can extend lives and quality of life is a good way to spend tax dollars in my opinion. It's better than bailouts, perpetual warfare, etc.
It's about taking responsibility for your actions by accepting the consequences. That's liberal/Democrat/Bernie/Hillary bullshit. 4 BKs versus a tax credit for home ownership is a worse comparison than the BKs to an abortion.
What about the responsibility of the people who lend the money? One of the consequences of lending is that you might not get paid...that's why credit costs more to people who have poor credit history.
BTW, Trump's bankruptcies have all been chapter 11 bankruptcies where the terms of the credit/debt were reorganized and renegotiated. Creditors got their money...perhaps not on the original terms of the deal but they didn't take a total loss.
Look, if you don't like the laws then you should push to do away with incorporations, LLCs and the like that limit the loss exposure for the principals of the business. Make everything be proprietorships and partnerships so that when the business goes under we can attach their personal possessions to make everything whole.
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You can spend your tax dollars on college education all you want, but that isn't going to increase the # of better paying jobs...and making it free (feel the bern) will put it slightly above a HS diploma/ opportunity to distinguish yourself from the next guy will be even harder.

Much rather have tax $ go towards trade school co-ops and paid internships than free school. What a waste
Not sure how a Trump presidency would work. I can't see him having a strong constituency with the GOP house and senate. I could see him working better with Dems on economic and social issues.

Just someone who will actually work with both groups would be a nice start. Compromise has not been in the vocabulary of either side and it swings both ways. You can't do everything you can to divide someone, blame someone, ostracize them and then tell them that "we need to work together" when you need them to do something for you.

Get spending under control, protect our borders from people who do not produce or assimilate and I'll find it to be a successful presidency. I don't care about anything else at this point. Follow the constitution and do those things I mentioned and we're gravy. Not going to get caught up in the gay, abortion type crap.
You can spend your tax dollars on college education all you want, but that isn't going to increase the # of better paying jobs...and making it free (feel the bern) will put it slightly above a HS diploma/ opportunity to distinguish yourself from the next guy will be even harder.

Much rather have tax $ go towards trade school co-ops and paid internships than free school. What a waste

Great post and I agree.

I like how people think college is a right. Nope. It is not a right. There's a price to pay if you want a ticket to the show. You want to not spend money on college? Go to the military or work hard to get a scholarship.

De-valuing something simply for the self-esteem of others will not help any of us. It makes your degree worthless like you said. Also, there's nothing wrong with trade schools. Chances are you're going to make better money than you would have with that Philosophy degree.
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You can spend your tax dollars on college education all you want, but that isn't going to increase the # of better paying jobs...and making it free (feel the bern) will put it slightly above a HS diploma/ opportunity to distinguish yourself from the next guy will be even harder.

Much rather have tax $ go towards trade school co-ops and paid internships than free school. What a waste

Not sure why trade schools couldn't be part of the equation...and again, while college prior to 1980 wasn't was much more affordable than it is today. But the chart below shows that the further we have gotten away from taxpayer funded higher education, the more costly it has become.


Here's another sobering chart...
Great post and I agree.

I like how people think college is a right. Nope. It is not a right. There's a price to pay if you want a ticket to the show. You want to not spend money on college? Go to the military or work hard to get a scholarship.

De-valuing something simply for the self-esteem of others will not help any of us. It makes your degree worthless like you said. Also, there's nothing wrong with trade schools. Chances are you're going to make better money than you would have with that Philosophy degree.
A price to pay wouldn't be bad if it was a fair price. It's not. It's too expensive and millions of families can't afford it. This philosophy degree thing you always mention is an over simplified assertion. Not everyone is going to pursue philosophy or something else you deem pointless. I would think the numbers, if we were to dig, would suggest that very few pursue degrees of this nature. And I agree trade schools have a great value. Some people are more suited for trade schools than academia. Emphasis on this would be of great benefit as well. The simple fact is that a college degree holds the same weight a high school diploma did 50 years ago. If you don't have one then good luck getting your foot in the door.

You can spend your tax dollars on college education all you want, but that isn't going to increase the # of better paying jobs...and making it free (feel the bern) will put it slightly above a HS diploma/ opportunity to distinguish yourself from the next guy will be even harder.

Much rather have tax $ go towards trade school co-ops and paid internships than free school. What a waste
Maybe you misunderstood me. I didn't mean it would create jobs. It would create more opportunities for the individual to get a better paying job. And it's slightly above a high school diploma right now. Almost every single job posting will state, "must have 3-5 years experience or a 4 year degree. That's the simple fact. Creating more jobs is another problem that needs to be addressed.
A price to pay wouldn't be bad if it was a fair price. It's not. It's too expensive and millions of families can't afford it. This philosophy degree thing you always mention is an over simplified assertion. Not everyone is going to pursue philosophy or something else you deem pointless. I would think the numbers, if we were to dig, would suggest that very few pursue degrees of this nature. And I agree trade schools have a great value. Some people are more suited for trade schools than academia. Emphasis on this would be of great benefit as well. The simple fact is that a college degree holds the same weight a high school diploma did 50 years ago. If you don't have one then good luck getting your foot in the door.

Yeah, well, there's a ton of factors that go into these things. I agree that college is insanely expensive and you can no longer be 18-years-old and work your way through school.

But you have something that is extremely high in demand because they know most people feel they have to go to college to be successful. However, less males are going to college these days. The numbers have decreased significantly. But that is neither here nor there. Look at things such as athletics and administrator's salaries as some of the driving forces. I know we all love sports but colleges were supposed to be about education; not athletic factories.

I still believe you can make sacrifices to get where you want to go if you want it bad enough.

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Yeah, well, there's a ton of factors that go into these things. I agree that college is insanely expensive and you can no longer be 18-years-old and work your way through school.

But you have something that is extremely high in demand because they know most people feel they have to go to college to be successful. However, less males are going to college these days. The numbers have decreased significantly. But that is neither here nor there. Look at things such as athletics and administrator's salaries as some of the driving forces. I know we all love sports but colleges were supposed to be about education; not athletic factories.

I still believe you can make sacrifices to get where you want to go if you want it bad enough.

You can and I think hard work and sacrifice should be fostered. I taught for a few years in a very poor county in EKY. The majority of the kids I taught wanted to go to college. The majority of them didn't. They're taught at a young age that college is this unattainable thing for them. Is it because it's too expensive? Is it some other reason? I don't know. Poverty and lack of opportunity plays a role in this as well. I think making the path to college easier for them, from a financial standpoint, could do nothing but help. That doesn't mean you pay for some kid to take 6-7 years to get their degree. Put parameters in place and throw in some incentives. Four year degrees take five years now. Why is that? Could it be to make more money? I think so. Every undergrad degree should be able to be obtained in 3 to 4 years. And I agree with you about salaries. That is ridiculous.
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Get spending under control, protect our borders from people who do not produce or assimilate and I'll find it to be a successful presidency. I don't care about anything else at this point. Follow the constitution and do those things I mentioned and we're gravy. Not going to get caught up in the gay, abortion type crap.

Good post, but what about aborted gays?

And it's slightly above a high school diploma right now. Almost every single job posting will state, "must have 3-5 years experience or a 4 year degree. That's the simple fact. Creating more jobs is another problem that needs to be addressed.

This. There is a big disconnect between skills needed for jobs and degrees. For a lot of positions it's just a filter.

Let's make student loans dischargeable in bankruptcy. See what that does to education costs over the next decade.

I would immediately switch to bankruptcy litigation and coast to easy money. That alternate universe would be fun to observe from a distance. We have to move away from easy credit for school, but it's hard to do so without crippling a generation of students.

Another culprit in rising tuition is endowments. There's a trickle down of tuition increases, only most schools don't have $20b endowments to help provide aid, so Johnny Not Harvard pays more as Not Harvard seeks to keep up with the Joneses. It's also amazing that schools hit you up before graduation for alumni donations. Literally before graduation. My tuition went up thousands in only 3 years (iirc, from ~$43k to ~ 48k).
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Taxing is going to happen whether we like it or not. I would prefer my tax dollars to be spent in a way that benefits the majority of Americans and not the ultra rich. Education that can provide opportunity for better paying jobs and healthcare that can extend lives and quality of life is a good way to spend tax dollars in my opinion. It's better than bailouts, perpetual warfare, etc.
Bad take here. Basically saying take it when we tax you. No. We need to fight taxation at every turn. It is always the same thing with the left, cut the military, spend big in other areas like pork, failing green companies, lazy people, illegals, corporate buddies, etc....then raise taxes to cover it all, blah, blah, blah. Eventually, those who are paying the taxes will not have enough money to cover all of the spending done by the politicians. If you cut the military do it where there is fraud, waist, and abuse. Not by cutting troop strength and troop care.There is a lot of waste but, much is done in congress with monies given to contractors who are making a killing but, when we cut we do a lot of cutting of our troops and their benefits. People are not going to come together on this issue until there is a proper balance in the cuts to the military.
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"A price to pay wouldn't be bad if it was a fair price. It's not. It's too expensive and millions of families can't afford it. This philosophy degree thing you always mention is an over simplified assertion. Not everyone is going to pursue philosophy or something else you deem pointless. I would think the numbers, if we were to dig, would suggest that very few pursue degrees of this nature. And I agree trade schools have a great value. Some people are more suited for trade schools than academia. Emphasis on this would be of great benefit as well. The simple fact is that a college degree holds the same weight a high school diploma did 50 years ago. If you don't have one then good luck getting your foot in the door."

It is also unfair to ask the tax payer to pay for it at the current cost.
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Bad take here. Basically saying take it when we tax you. No. We need to fight taxation at every turn.
Take a drive through some of these Republican controlled states where cutting taxes has left the infrastructure in tatters. A reasonable level of wisely spent tax aimed at helping grow an educated middle class workforce instead of subsidizing ultra wealthy leisure activities would be a great start. Let's all agree the Eisenhower years were wonderful so let's go back to those tax rates. Also, the middle class has no business providing tax cuts to finance what the wealthy eat for lunch, who they take on vacations that masquerade as business trips, their fourth and fifth homes, their boats, yachts, and RVs. All the perks that are provided to the rich at taxpayer expense need to end.

That's a starting point. Then we can talk about what comes next.
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Bad take here. Basically saying take it when we tax you. No. We need to fight taxation at every turn. It is always the same thing with the left, cut the military, spend big in other areas like pork, failing green companies, lazy people, illegals, corporate buddies, etc....then raise taxes to cover it all, blah, blah, blah. Eventually, those who are paying the taxes will not have enough money to cover all of the spending done by the politicians. If you cut the military do it where there is fraud, waist, and abuse. Not by cutting troop strength and troop care.There is a lot of waste but, much is done in congress with monies given to contractors who are making a killing but, when we cut we do a lot of cutting of our troops and their benefits. People are not going to come together on this issue until there is a proper balance in the cuts to the military.
Bad take here. The right doesn't help out their corporate buddies? The whole lazy people thing is so far beyond dumb that I can't even wrap my mind around it. You clearly don't live in an area filled with thousands of homeless people. You think all of them are lazy? A large portion of them are disabled vets. You think they are lazy? GD man. You are the epitome of everything I despise in a human. And the thing is I don't really blame you. I think you have legitimate grievances and a right to air those grievances. I just don't think you really know or understand where to direct them. Your points about military I agree with by the way.
Yeah, excellent point except for the small nagging fact that Hillary also has a net negative favorability rating... 54% negative to 42% positive.

So there's that. Otherwise, good job on pretty much being wrong on your central point upon which your entire argument falls apart once it is revealed to be based on a farcical premise.
damnit crow those are hateful words. I shan't recover quickly.
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It's about taking responsibility for your actions by accepting the consequences. That's liberal/Democrat/Bernie/Hillary bullshit. 4 BKs versus a tax credit for home ownership is a worse comparison than the BKs to an abortion.

So your not mad that a billionaire is allowed to file bankruptcy, just that this billionaire filed? Got it!

Laws are in place, if smart people take advantage of those laws then that is exactly what smart business does. It sounds as though he was building a monster casino during the boom era and things went bust, and in that case Id say it's tough to blame him for using the bankruptcy laws to his advantage.

Maybe just maybe those laws need to be changed so that billionaires can't manipulate them! Just maybe.
The problem is at this level you can not sustain as a country immigrants that not only take jobs away but then send the money to their country and do not contribute to our tax system.

It really is our tax system that causes the issue. The IRS is a waste because they aren't anything more than a small accounting division for our country.

People don't like the sales tax method but some how you must tap into the illegal money in this country!
Bad take here. The right doesn't help out their corporate buddies? The whole lazy people thing is so far beyond dumb that I can't even wrap my mind around it. You clearly don't live in an area filled with thousands of homeless people. You think all of them are lazy? A large portion of them are disabled vets. You think they are lazy? GD man. You are the epitome of everything I despise in a human. And the thing is I don't really blame you. I think you have legitimate grievances and a right to air those grievances. I just don't think you really know or understand where to direct them. Your points about military I agree with by the way.

No, I understand there are homeless people. What you do not understand is some chose to be that way. Not all of them but some. With the supposed low unemployment rate why are there so many then? Should they not be able to get a job? Why are there a lot more now then there were before Obama took over if the job market is better? Why is the first thing out of the mouth of liberals we need more taxes to pay for this or that?

Take a drive through some of these Republican controlled states where cutting taxes has left the infrastructure in tatters. A reasonable level of wisely spent tax aimed at helping grow an educated middle class workforce instead of subsidizing ultra wealthy leisure activities would be a great start. Let's all agree the Eisenhower years were wonderful so let's go back to those tax rates. Also, the middle class has no business providing tax cuts to finance what the wealthy eat for lunch, who they take on vacations that masquerade as business trips, their fourth and fifth homes, their boats, yachts, and RVs. All the perks that are provided to the rich at taxpayer expense need to end.
That's a starting point. Then we can talk about what comes next.

No, if you want to start about talking what comes next talk about cutting the cost of these colleges everyone is so angry with because of cost so we can educate our children better. But, that would not work because most of those institutions are run by liberals who are complaining about all of the rich people who are going there. Oh and by the way, they are getting rich too. Hypocrisy? Yes.
No, I understand there are homeless people. What you do not understand is some chose to be that way. Not all of them but some. With the supposed low unemployment rate why are there so many then? Should they not be able to get a job? Why are there a lot more now then there were before Obama took over if the job market is better? Why is the first thing out of the mouth of liberals we need more taxes to pay for this or that?

No, if you want to start about talking what comes next talk about cutting the cost of these colleges everyone is so angry with because of cost so we can educate our children better. But, that would not work because most of those institutions are run by liberals who are complaining about all of the rich people who are going there. Oh and by the way, they are getting rich too. Hypocrisy? Yes.
You blame liberals for everything. Do you not see how narrow this is? The left and right, blue and red, the entire system should be blamed. But no. For you it's always liberals and democrats. It's just dumb. And did I say I wanted more taxes? I don't like paying taxes. But if they are going to tax, and they are going to tax, both teams, then I would like to have a say in where that tax money goes. Right now we don't have any influence on tax policy. And that is bullshit. This is supposed to be our government. It's not. It's the government of the rich.
You blame liberals for everything. Do you not see how narrow this is? The left and right, blue and red, the entire system should be blamed. But no. For you it's always liberals and democrats. It's just dumb. And did I say I wanted more taxes? I don't like paying taxes. But if they are going to tax, and they are going to tax, both teams, then I would like to have a say in where that tax money goes. Right now we don't have any influence on tax policy. And that is bullshit. This is supposed to be our government. It's not. It's the government of the rich.
Liberals for taxation, yes. It is the truth not narrow. The problem is some do not want to own it. But, you missed the earlier point about those not being able to pay the bills because of the spending of politicians. That meant all of them. We (The People) need to put our foot down and stop the stupidity.
Bad take here. Basically saying take it when we tax you. No. We need to fight taxation at every turn. It is always the same thing with the left, cut the military, spend big in other areas like pork, failing green companies, lazy people, illegals, corporate buddies, etc....then raise taxes to cover it all, blah, blah, blah. Eventually, those who are paying the taxes will not have enough money to cover all of the spending done by the politicians. If you cut the military do it where there is fraud, waist, and abuse. Not by cutting troop strength and troop care.There is a lot of waste but, much is done in congress with monies given to contractors who are making a killing but, when we cut we do a lot of cutting of our troops and their benefits. People are not going to come together on this issue until there is a proper balance in the cuts to the military.
WC, why would you think anyone who calls to cut military budgets wouldn't prefer that waste and abuse be put front an center on the chopping block? Let's stop building tanks that the Army doesn't want, stop building aircraft that the Air Force doesn't want and stop building ships that the Navy doesn't about starting there? Personally, I think that all soldiers should receive lifetime college tuition and healthcare in exchange for their service. But also there is no reason in this day and time for us to have permanent bases around the world. Bring those soldiers home and then even if you didn't cut troop strength you'd have the money those troops spend being spent here at home creating jobs for others and we aren't paying billions in rent to Germany, Japan, Australia Italy, United Kingdom, Singapore, Spain...
As I've said 100 times...we spend more on our military than the next dozen largest militaries in the world, most of which are our allies.
Liberals for taxation, yes. It is the truth not narrow. The problem is some do not want to own it. But, you missed the earlier point about those not being able to pay the bills because of the spending of politicians. That meant all of them. We (The People) need to put our foot down and stop the stupidity.
Did you see Ted Cruz's tax plan? Do you think that is going to benefit middle class Americans? No. It's not. Reagan raised taxes 11 times while he was in office. Both sides are the same. And I agree we need to put our foot down and take our country back.
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Bankruptcy may be a "legitimate tool" but that doesn't make it right. Abortion is viewed by the left as a "legitimate tool" and it's f'ing murder of an unborn child. He didn't pay back what he owed. Trump boasts of his $3 billion net worth, but it's okay to not pay his debts and saddle them on taxpayers??? Why should any Presidential candidate be put in charge of the world's largest economy when he can't manage his own companies properly? He's supposed to be the King of the Deal? 4 business BKs sounds to me like he's not that great at making deals.

He stole money from the 9/11 Small Business assistance program. $150,000 of it. None of his holdings should ever have been allowed to apply for that.

Trump is not a fixer. Golf courses and high rise buildings aren't exactly fixing the economies where they are. If he were, Atlantic City wouldn't be the armpit of the eastern seaboard.

The system is broken, because our major parties have decided to go nuclear on one another basically since the 1992 election. Trump would be the worst possible solution, because EVERYBODY hates him. And if you think Bush or Obama have been awful with Executive Orders and bypassing Congress, Trump will be the worst abuser of this you will ever see.
You know how you can tell when you've said something stupid? Lek is the only one to like it.
If you cut the military do it where there is fraud, waist, and abuse. Not by cutting troop strength and troop care.There is a lot of waste but, much is done in congress with monies given to contractors who are making a killing but, when we cut we do a lot of cutting of our troops and their benefits. People are not going to come together on this issue until there is a proper balance in the cuts to the military.

Yup. So much waste in the military budget. Disagree a bit about contractors, though (full disclosure, I did both enlisted and contractor). It's a supply and demand issue. Send me to Iraq as an Airman? What am I going to do, say no? Send me as a contractor? Better pay a shit ton. That's simple supply and demand, and it would take armies of contractors to come close to the waste in, say the F35 program. Or tanks. Or the refueling fiasco that costs people in the Air Force their jobs (iirc, McCain just owned the Secretary of the Air Force). Those are billions just wasted.

WC, why would you think anyone who calls to cut military budgets wouldn't prefer that waste and abuse be put front an center on the chopping block? Let's stop building tanks that the Army doesn't want, stop building aircraft that the Air Force doesn't want and stop building ships that the Navy doesn't about starting there? Personally, I think that all soldiers should receive lifetime college tuition and healthcare in exchange for their service. But also there is no reason in this day and time for us to have permanent bases around the world. Bring those soldiers home and then even if you didn't cut troop strength you'd have the money those troops spend being spent here at home creating jobs for others and we aren't paying billions in rent to Germany, Japan, Australia Italy, United Kingdom, Singapore, Spain...
As I've said 100 times...we spend more on our military than the next dozen largest militaries in the world, most of which are our allies.

Lots of waste, agreed. Post-911 GI Bill is freaking amazing, though. Just astoundingly amazing. My average career earnings more than double when you add in what I got for the GI Bill in 3 years to what I made in 6 enlisted (although my 3 years GI Bill just happened to be pretty much the most I could have gotten b/c cost of living in NYC and amount per credit hour in NYS). Healthcare is hit and miss. VA doesn't do a great job with everyone, but once receiving care they're all right. And lots of vets have disability claims that are... sketchy. Like anywhere else, free money attracts free riders.
Tax system for the rich? WTF?

I mean I know you all understand things so I won't talk to you like children, but for Christ sake does know one understand why big businesses deserve huge tax incentives and breaks?

Now if your talking about the tax loopholes in which people hide money then that's different and the exact same as having bankruptcy laws. People just have to have enough money or reason to learn the system. If you don't you simply pay too much and get your return, smile for a few weeks and continue the struggle.
WC, why would you think anyone who calls to cut military budgets wouldn't prefer that waste and abuse be put front an center on the chopping block? Let's stop building tanks that the Army doesn't want, stop building aircraft that the Air Force doesn't want and stop building ships that the Navy doesn't about starting there? Personally, I think that all soldiers should receive lifetime college tuition and healthcare in exchange for their service. But also there is no reason in this day and time for us to have permanent bases around the world. Bring those soldiers home and then even if you didn't cut troop strength you'd have the money those troops spend being spent here at home creating jobs for others and we aren't paying billions in rent to Germany, Japan, Australia Italy, United Kingdom, Singapore, Spain...
As I've said 100 times...we spend more on our military than the next dozen largest militaries in the world, most of which are our allies.
The problem with that is that that is not where they cut most of the time. I am not against cutting in those areas but, until we make that commitment, we cannot not afford to let them cut troop strength and troop care. As far as bases around the world I agree and have said on numerous occasions that we need to pull out of all areas unless those countries agree to at least foot half of the bill or more.
Did you see Ted Cruz's tax plan? Do you think that is going to benefit middle class Americans? No. It's not. Reagan raised taxes 11 times while he was in office. Both sides are the same. And I agree we need to put our foot down and take our country back.
We (the middle class) are now taking home as an average $5,000.00 less a year since Obama took office. Taxing us more would only take more. What part of that do you not understand? You say I am the one of the worst and yet, my kind foots a lot of the bills and I gave 20 years of my life to this country without really getting much in return. It has been only since I have retired that I have actually started to make a little money for me and my family. I would tell you to kiss my ass for comments like that because you really have no clue of the type of person I am.
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No, I agree with DaBoss. I'm pretty sure you're one of the worst. His spite for you was pretty much on point.
Yeah, that is because both of you are too stupid to really see what is going on in our country today. You're both the quintessential lemmings for the left.
So your not mad that a billionaire is allowed to file bankruptcy, just that this billionaire filed? Got it!

Laws are in place, if smart people take advantage of those laws then that is exactly what smart business does. It sounds as though he was building a monster casino during the boom era and things went bust, and in that case Id say it's tough to blame him for using the bankruptcy laws to his advantage.

Maybe just maybe those laws need to be changed so that billionaires can't manipulate them! Just maybe.

I'm mad that the Trump humpers will defend this piece of shit Democrat running for the wrong party. You are practically guaranteeing a Hillary presidency by supporting this blithering moron. THAT'S what pisses me off.
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You know how you can tell when you've said something stupid? Lek is the only one to like it.

There you go, Trump humper. Call it stupid, and you offer zip to refute anything I've said. Keep supporting him blindly. In November when he gets his ass handed to him by Hillary GD Clinton, you make sure you're right back in this thread defending your guy's abject failure.
Your conjecture has no power over me, pander to a dumbass like lek. Hillary has no chance.
I probably know the type of person you are better than you know yourself. You blame poor people for being poor. That alone tells me tons about the kind of person you are. Let's just agree to hate each other and never acknowledge each other again. I hate every cell in your body. And it makes me very sad that you exist. Now never quote me again and I will do the same. Thanks.

now now Daboss. You're a good dude. Warrior is a good dude too. Let's not get crazy.

Ignoring Warrior won't give you anyone to debate ideas. All you'll be left with is listening to Albanycat spoon f*** Hillary with his tongue. Is that the kinda world you wanna live in? A guy who sniffs his own farts and drives a Prius?
Well, the Dems and Repubs have finally got to the point where they wanted this whole thing. They got you all to turn on each other.

Hope it's worth it. Getting to the point now that you assholes are no different than Shiites and Sunnis.

Keep fighting. Please. Jesus Christ just keep fighting so that you assholes never have to compromise on anything. Just die a miserable death and be done with it. BUT, make sure you teach your kids too!!!! Can't let them miss out on this shit show.