How will they rule ??!

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Rubio now has the endorsements of Senator Tim Scott, Trey Gowdy, and Nikki Haley. Pretty good lineup from SC.
And Trump is still going to whip him on Sat. Just shows that a lot of folks could care less about endorsements these days because they frankly hate politicians.
I think what "those young minds understand" is that it sounds super sweet to not have to work hard or pay for anything.

Wouldn't expect any of them to even know wtf the Soviet Union was.
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Social democracies work in europe because the countries are small and largely culturally monolithic. Where Europe is and will fail is not because of the individual governments, but their desire to make a United States of Europe (European Union) and import cheap labour from Northern Africa and the Middle East.

I still say Trump can't get the Republican nomination...there is still a majority non-Trump vote out there that will coalesce around someone once the field whittles down further.
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Democratic socialist countries are heavily taxed.
And if you added your health insurance premiums to your tax would that work out for you?
The cost of health insurance is higher than most people's tax liability.

The average cost for family health insurance today is $16,000/yr. The median family income in the US is $65,900. For a family of 4 after their 12,600 std deduction and $16,000 for 4 exemptions they would pay tax on $37,300 of income...or $4,669 assuming they had no other deductions or tax credits. Europeans don't have to pay health insurance per se as it is included in their tax bill. IF their tax bill rose to $20,669 they would be no better or worse off...and that doesn't account for the college tuition that they wouldn't be paying.
^ Shhh... your company gets a tax break for that which they surely pass on to you (you also get a tax break on your portion of the premiums). Why should we have functioning, competitive markets for health insurance when our corporate overlords can dictate to us what plans are available? It's much more reasonable, after all, to have few options and be beholden to the religious or other views of your employer when you purchase something as private as health insurance. Good thing this tax break is only about $260 billion/year, or over half of Medicaid expenditures! Huzzah, largest tax break in the United States that has severe distorting effects on the market for health insurance, leading to things like the ACA and Hobby Lobby! Let's go grab lunch at a company-sponsored meal facility to celebrate!

Seriously, how does the fact that the market for health insurance is (in practical terms) dictated by employers and subsidized through the biggest tax break in the United States not get more coverage? It's like the Republicans and Democrats are handed the script to The Godfather and just shrug.
And Trump is still going to whip him on Sat. Just shows that a lot of folks could care less about endorsements these days because they frankly hate politicians.

Bush and Kasich need to drop out for the good of the party. Roll with Rubio. Trump ain't beating Hillary.
Obama surely did what the country wanted with Obamacare, correct? Definitely didn't say to hell with most of you while I stick this up your ass. I'm sure there are polls evidencing that. And the Republican obstructionists likely suffered historic defeats since they tried to stop something most of the country wanted, right?

You mean like the 2012 election? I thought that election was the referendum on whether or not the country wanted ObamaCare?

Well, he won in a landslide and I guess we can conveniently ignore that result. I mean, let's more the goal posts and come up with some new narrative. I mean, when's the last time the Dems have come out and voted in non-presidential election years?

It's going to suck for you all when Hillary is elected. I mean, the amount of optimism on here of late is just delicious. Between Trump and Cruz, talk about slam dunk. Rubio is finished.
^ Shhh... your company gets a tax break for that which they surely pass on to you (you also get a tax break on your portion of the premiums). Why should we have functioning, competitive markets for health insurance when our corporate overlords can dictate to us what plans are available? It's much more reasoanable, after all, to have few options and be beholden to the religious or other views of your employer when you purchase something as private as health insurance. Good thing this tax break is only about $260 billion/year, or over half of Medicaid expenditures! Huzzah, largest tax break in the United States that has severe distorting effects on the market for health insurance, leading to things like the ACA and Hobby Lobby! Let's go grab lunch at a company-sponsored meal facility to celebrate!

Seriously, how does the fact that the market for health insurance is (in practical terms) dictated by employers and subsidized through the biggest tax break in the United States not get more coverage? It's like the Republicans and Democrats are handed the script to The Godfather and just shrug.

Of the fact that we pay four times as much for healthcare with less results than our European friends...oh yeah, capitalism.
Whose back you got Z....Hilldog or Bern?
I am a lifelong student of politics so what I am going to say will be unsettling. I say it because I am trained in leadership. Have studied it. Ben sent to school for it by the finest fighting force the world has ever known. I know the inner workings of what it takes to get people to do things.

I love Bernie Sanders. He above all others thinks the same way I do. I would love to just blanketly approve and implement all his policies in a vacuum without consequences. But I also understand that if he were actually elected there wouldn't be much point to it. His policies will not be passed. His agenda will not move forward through the legislature. His polices on the military may well embolden our enemies. Unintended consequences of electing a good man instead of the right man.

Look at history. Nice guys seldom if ever have made great leaders. It's the a-holes that have been the great ones, for the most part.

Anyway, I think it is a failed idea to vote for a President because they have policies you support and want to advance. That's why Senators tend to make bad Presidents, IMO. Do not think of the President as a legislator. As a policy advocate of a certain way of thinking. That will only lead you to disappointment. See Obama, for example.

So what should we elect a President for? What type of person will make the best PRESIDENT?

My contention is that we should elect a President based upon their ability to move the needle and set the agenda. To light a fire under the American people towards a particular purpose. That is leadership. That is the office of the Presidency. History tells us these are the men that do great things. The ability to make people talk about what you want them to talk about. The ability to project an air of confidence. To let the world know we are a force to be reckoned with. To bargain from a position of strength instead of politically correct appeasement.

I am of the opinion that Donald Trump would make the best President. God help me but tell me another candidate, ever, that has been able to set the agenda at will in a primary? A man whose every word is immediately the subject for debate by the entire country, the press, and his fellow candidates on both sides? I've never seen a candidate that could do that at will.

Trump is already leading. He's already President. His hands are firmly on the wheel of where the country is going. What it is talking about. Trump is not following anyone he is leading everyone whether you like him or not. He is filling the office of the Presidency by setting the agenda for the country. What he is displaying is leadership. Pure, simple leadership.

There is no more desirable quality in a leader. God help us but Donald Trump should be the next President of the United States and he would be a great one.
For the first time in recent history, Trump is no longer leading the polls among Republicans nationwide. Cruz is ahead (but within the margin of error), followed by Rubio in 3rd, Kasich in 4th, Carson in 5th, and Bush in a very very distant 6th.
Enjoying watching the Republican establishment contort themselves in fits and starts on who needs to drop out of the race so they can have their establishment candidate, Rubio or Jeb.
That is because your candidates suck so bad you need the GOP to implode so as to give Bernie or Billary a chance.
I am a lifelong student of politics so what I am going to say will be unsettling. I say it because I am trained in leadership. Have studied it. Ben sent to school for it by the finest fighting force the world has ever known. I know the inner workings of what it takes to get people to do things.

I love Bernie Sanders. He above all others thinks the same way I do. I would love to just blanketly approve and implement all his policies in a vacuum without consequences. But I also understand that if he were actually elected there wouldn't be much point to it. His policies will not be passed. His agenda will not move forward through the legislature. His polices on the military may well embolden our enemies. Unintended consequences of electing a good man instead of the right man.

Look at history. Nice guys seldom if ever have made great leaders. It's the a-holes that have been the great ones, for the most part.

Anyway, I think it is a failed idea to vote for a President because they have policies you support and want to advance. That's why Senators tend to make bad Presidents, IMO. Do not think of the President as a legislator. As a policy advocate of a certain way of thinking. That will only lead you to disappointment. See Obama, for example.

So what should we elect a President for? What type of person will make the best PRESIDENT?

My contention is that we should elect a President based upon their ability to move the needle and set the agenda. To light a fire under the American people towards a particular purpose. That is leadership. That is the office of the Presidency. History tells us these are the men that do great things. The ability to make people talk about what you want them to talk about. The ability to project an air of confidence. To let the world know we are a force to be reckoned with. To bargain from a position of strength instead of politically correct appeasement.

I am of the opinion that Donald Trump would make the best President. God help me but tell me another candidate, ever, that has been able to set the agenda at will in a primary? A man whose every word is immediately the subject for debate by the entire country, the press, and his fellow candidates on both sides? I've never seen a candidate that could do that at will.

Trump is already leading. He's already President. His hands are firmly on the wheel of where the country is going. What it is talking about. Trump is not following anyone he is leading everyone whether you like him or not. He is filling the office of the Presidency by setting the agenda for the country. What he is displaying is leadership. Pure, simple leadership.

There is no more desirable quality in a leader. God help us but Donald Trump should be the next President of the United States and he would be a great one.
I'm with you and have been amazed at his following. He fills up stadiums when he speaks, what other candidate is doing that.

All the other candidates are talking about him and he is the only candidate talking to the people not only of the US but the world.

Yes he can be foul mouthed, but he really does not take any crap from anybody.

A lot of people do not realize that he makes a fortune speaking at those leadership seminars that have been held all over the country for years. Think how many successful people throughout the private sector that have listent to him teach.

He works non stop. Think about all he is into on a daily basis as a businessman. Socially. The man knows and is friends with more foreign leaders now then any other Predident had in the past.

If he wins I would not want to be a congressman or a senator who is not willing to do things as fast as Trump is use to. He will get our elected officials working.
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Man Rubio is good at town hall set up. He sounds about like Obama did coming into this point in 08.

Z I already picked your simple at face post apart. You have to be willing to ignore a lot of things in order to give Obama credit for the things you do yet not hold against him the negatives. Pretty funny to see actually.
Hey, the way sources are these days, and "facts" being thrown around, you dissenters to my statements on this failing presidency can interpret those as you wish. Goodness knows what one news outlet, book, or paper says is fact, another will refute it.

Here is the main point in case you missed it--Obama is arguably the worst president in history because of his disastrous lack of leadership. And despite that lack of leadership (part of which is a tendency to trash talk to those who don't share his views), he continues to piss and moan vociferously about republicans who stonewall and obstruct. What else would they or should they do? Laughingly but not shockingly, after seven years--SEVEN YEARS--he still hasn't learned a thing. That's a hell of a witch's brew: arrogant, ideological, stubborn, and biased.

Never before has the stupidity of this nation's young and liberal thinkers been more on display than during the last two general election nights. One huge mistake, and a lot of folks got duped, big-time. Hopefully, soon, this will all be over. We should do what is right for all of America and not just what is right for Obama and the far-left. Of course, in yet another good move, on top of all of this, he is also not willing to go to Scalia's funeral. Politically motivated? Good leadership? Time for him to go...
Of the fact that we pay four times as much for healthcare with less results than our European friends...oh yeah, capitalism.

Not capitalism at all. It's a tax code induced distortion to the ability to develop a free market of competitive health insurance plans (of course, lots of state and federal laws go into that as well). No real market for health insurance plans (higher prices), employers dictating coverage (why should anyone accept this? they don't for other services), job inelasticity (at least with ACA can get preexistings covered, people used to pass up better jobs due to that), lack of market information (wages further decoupled from cost to employ and lack of information about how much health care actually costs), and shit like Hobby Lobby (total disaster)? What a failure.
You mean like the 2012 election? I thought that election was the referendum on whether or not the country wanted ObamaCare?

Well, he won in a landslide and I guess we can conveniently ignore that result. I mean, let's more the goal posts and come up with some new narrative. I mean, when's the last time the Dems have come out and voted in non-presidential election years?

It's going to suck for you all when Hillary is elected. I mean, the amount of optimism on here of late is just delicious. Between Trump and Cruz, talk about slam dunk. Rubio is finished.

So, you are ok with a felon being POTUS?
Obama truly wants to change what America was. He wants different enemies and allies and he wants the rich to crumble and people so dependent on his govt that they will never know a better way or better yet how to enjoy the fruits of their labor.

He was bad for this country because now we have to go back to are real allies and say our bad Americans lost their minds for a few years, but hopefully we hire someone actually believable enough to regain trust in those we need to.

I am honestly shocked how much damage he did and yet those that defend him don't even know enough to understand that he did any damage at al.

Cheap gas, fake unemployment numbers and the stock market is booming!

Smoke and f'n mirrors! Goodness!!
OK here's a health care morsel to chew over - went to the Pharmacy today to pick up a prescription for my teenage daughter -- acne medicine. We have Blue Cross Blue Shield-- I paid $35 out of pocket -- the pills cost $1100. It's shit like that that makes everyone's insurance unaffordable - Is someone's palm is getting greased to make that a covered drug? Any ideas?
Damn man, we used to used oxy pads or some shit for $5. I remember a few buddies had it bad enough to order that activeX type cleanser which was only $100 or so.

$1100 for acne medicine is outrageous and I'm sure that part of why premiums are now sky high, that probably wasn't covered before which meant the company knew it couldn't gouge like that.
Damn man, we used to used oxy pads or some shit for $5. I remember a few buddies had it bad enough to order that activeX type cleanser which was only $100 or so.

$1100 for acne medicine is outrageous and I'm sure that part of why premiums are now sky high, that probably wasn't covered before which meant the company knew it couldn't gouge like that.
It's shit like that, and it's cancer drugs that cost $15,000 a month that will help you live a half a year longer.... It's insane.
OK here's a health care morsel to chew over - went to the Pharmacy today to pick up a prescription for my teenage daughter -- acne medicine. We have Blue Cross Blue Shield-- I paid $35 out of pocket -- the pills cost $1100. It's shit like that that makes everyone's insurance unaffordable - Is someone's palm is getting greased to make that a covered drug? Any ideas?

When you can get coverage for "not getting it up" then there's a problem with the system.
If there is a brokered convention then who gets the nomination?

Hard to say. I would think Trump wouldn't fare well at a GOP convention. The establishment and tea party would fight out some sort of compromise, I suspect. That said, I'd guess Rubio would part of any ticket they come up with.
Surprised that nobody has mentioned the government wanting Apple to create a back door into the iPhone. Why does it not surprise me that the conservative talk hosts I've heard think that Apple should have to comply? ...and talk about that nobody has a right to a device that can't be searched???
The government has the phone, Apple has provided engineers to help search the phone... No devices, no encryption scheme exist that can't be cracked. If that were the case then the encryption would be useless because you could never retrieve the data. Figure out the password to the friggin phone. There is a finite number of possibilities...yes it is a very, very, very large number but for God's sake don't create a back door that once is there opens the OS to every hacker that ever walked the earth. Lastly, because you have the right to search something doesn't mean you have the right to find what it is you are seeking.
This is wrong so many ways it just boggles my mind that anyone would think it was a good idea.
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Obama truly wants to change what America was. He wants different enemies and allies and he wants the rich to crumble and people so dependent on his govt that they will never know a better way or better yet how to enjoy the fruits of their labor.

So you actually think that Obama wants "people so dependent on his govt that they will never know a better way or better yet how to enjoy the fruits of their labor?" You think that's an actual goal of his? Like his endgame isn't more equality or some other crap, but it's denying people the fruits of their labor? Denying people the fruits of their labor isn't a side effect of other policies enacted for other (laudable) goals, it's the medicine itself?
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Only? Damn per the commercial that is 16 hours of sex. I'm sure it goes to waste!

Maybe I'm just older, but the thought of 4 hours of sex at a time is exhausting. Give me an hour or two tops, then I'd rather watch some college basketball. And the chafing!