How will they rule ??!

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I was until this morning. As some have said, I too get ticked when I see that it is all the same BS day in and day out and what some people do not realize is that when you have struggled most of your life to get some where and finally do, you are willing to fight to keep it. Giving it to someone else because they feel they are entitled just rubs me the wrong way. Earn it. Not saying that I don't want to help the poor because I do give and give a lot but, you must first want to help yourself and show you are willing to contribute as well as take. There are a lot of entitlement minded people out there today that some do no see.

Man, I know you got a good heart.

Lazy people suck. Period.
So we have to maintain a two front global war posture forever? Very good reasons to transition the military post Cold War, which was an effort supported by Rs (first Bush and Sec Def Cheney) and Ds (Clinton and his team).
Not to sound LEKish but the vast majority of political opinions are a clear definition of confirmation bias. They only seek info until they find something they like and then they close off. It is why I scoff at liberals that call themselves open minded and then spew NYT or Vox info as gospel since they use big words... and also refuse to criticize their own.

I use to think conservatives were closed minded due to the rigid religious belief. But, frankly, I think liberals have taken the lead on close mindedness these days and it's only going to get worse as this PC movement escalates.
I use to think conservatives were closed minded due to the rigid religious belief. But, frankly, I think liberals have taken the lead on close mindedness these days and it's only going to get worse as this PC movement escalates.
The pc movement is annoying on two fronts. The liberals who use it to dismiss things they don't agree with and those who use it to try and get away with saying racist, sexist, offensive shit.
In the 90's Clinton balanced the budget and for a while a surplus was projected. How did this come to be you may ask?
There were two factors at work. One, the economy was good. Perhaps that was a result of clintons policies or Reagens tax cuts or combination of both. One absolute cause was the draconian cuts in the military. The Army went from 16 combat divisions to 10. The Navy was cut from 600 ships to about half that number. The Air Force lost a number of wings. Experienced people who are expensive to replace. The current plan is to make big reductions in personnel. Russia and China continue to be the long term security threats to this country.
Dude, we still spend more ($581B) than the #2 Chinese($129B), #3 Saudi Arabia ($80B), #4 Russia ($70B), #5 French ($53B), #6 Japan ($47B), #8 India ($45B), #9 Germany ($43B) and #10 S. Korea ($34)...combined.

Yeah, we really need a 600 ship navy when we have 10 Aircraft carriers to Russia's 1...and China's 1. How many does ISIS have?
From no less..."It's become a staple for the Republican candidates to trash Obama and argue that he has failed to spend enough on defense. At the debates and campaign stops, they've cast him as a feckless commander in chief, standing idly by while the world's finest military withers away."

I think it's just an easy way to rally the base and get votes. Here in SC there's a blitzkrieg of negative ads on every TV station comparing the candidates to Obama, Clinton or Sanders or otherwise liberal by usually being "weak" on defense. For literally every candidate except Ben Carson I have seen essentially the same attack ad.
Sometimes something is so broken that it can't be fixed. It has to be torn down to nothing, erased completely, then hopefully something new can take hold in the ashes and be rebuilt.

Or things descend even further into barbarian enclaves and the world descends into a dark age where religion trumps science in a primordial muck of cruelty and despair.

Even if you had all the answers, the correct ones, a way to fix everything... you would be pointless. Of no consequence. We no longer have the ability to function as a society. We are living on borrowed time. Waiting for the last shoe to drop. Hatred and revolution are stoked to the boiling point. There will be blood because we literally cannot stand each other and have absolutely no respect for truth, facts, logic, reason, or even science. When the entire base of your decision making process is non-testable, non-provable, non-arguable willful disdain for the basic building blocks of intelligence. Across the world and even in our own country religion is poisoning everything it touches because it demands blind obedience and free men cannot function when their decision making process is clouded by hate, intolerance, and intractable religious dogma.
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Dude, we still spend more ($581B) than the #2 Chinese($129B), #3 Saudi Arabia ($80B), #4 Russia ($70B), #5 French ($53B), #6 Japan ($47B), #8 India ($45B), #9 Germany ($43B) and #10 S. Korea ($34)...combined.

Yeah, we really need a 600 ship navy when we have 10 Aircraft carriers to Russia's 1...and China's 1. How many does ISIS have?
Fuzz, you're a smart guy but as far as the Navy goes you're wrong on this one. If you really do want to close and/or draw down some of these military bases in foreign countries then the carrier battle groups are absolutely vital in projecting power abroad, protecting supply lines, and giving you a foothold in any corner of the globe. And nothing is more intimidating than a carrier battle group sailing into your neighborhood with bad intentions. The best pilots and the best soldiers in the world are riding on those ships.
Dude, we still spend more ($581B) than the #2 Chinese($129B), #3 Saudi Arabia ($80B), #4 Russia ($70B), #5 French ($53B), #6 Japan ($47B), #8 India ($45B), #9 Germany ($43B) and #10 S. Korea ($34)...combined.

Yeah, we really need a 600 ship navy when we have 10 Aircraft carriers to Russia's 1...and China's 1. How many does ISIS have?
My point is it's really expensive to ramp up. When my son was awarded a ROTC scholarship in 2001 the military budgets under Clinton were cut to the point 5.56 ammo was budgeted so low a lot of units could seldom engage in live fire practice. Thank goodness by the time he commanded an infantry platoon in Afghanistan In 2007 Bush had been able to get some budgets in effect.
Are people arguing Obama is not feckless and his very low approval among those serving is misguided?
^ haha I was qualified as marksman or something (got a ribbon for it) in boot camp b/c I shot 35 bullets. Shot a gun exactly twice in 6 years. Air Force didn't give me shooting skills (but it did give me world class training and technical skills).
Obama is why I believe it is pointless to vote for a President based upon policy as even if they have great ideas they will be of no consequence if they can't get them passed. Obama was hamstrung from the beginning because he is not a great leader. Smart, intelligent, decent, but fundamentally lacking an ability to steer the carrier towards his aim and bring people with him.

He is cursed with the professorial belief that simply because you are right people will follow you. That is dangerously naive.
Are people arguing Obama is not feckless and his very low approval among those serving is misguided?

Anyone labeled (D) is universally loathed in the military. You would have thought John Kerry raped everyone's mother by the reaction even the sight of him would get from mid-tier leadership on down (those higher up (commanders, first sergeants) were smart enough to not interject politics into things like fixing planes). Outright hostility, threats (yes, not kidding), etc... Email chains that ripped Democrats, Muslims, and any liberal cause (global warming) sent from leadership to troops under their supervision. The stuff at the Air Force Academy was not at all the exception, at least in my experience. For a place that is supposed to be politically neutral (and imposes limits on the soldier's ability to participate in politics), it is not. It's not an easy place to be liberal, center-left, or against invading/bombing places. I went in hardcore Republican conservative, and came out without a party. A lot of that was the antics of those around me. I read sometime that the military as a whole is about 65% Republican (or conservative, can't remember which), which floored me. I would have put it at 85% +, easy. Guess those others just didn't speak up or out, or maybe everyone I worked with for 6 years was an odd sample.

Of course, Bush was going to be a tough act to follow regardless (he could charm the stripes off of a sergeant), and Obama was about the worst possible follow.
I've had plenty of family and friends in the military so I know the demographics and common bias very well. Some of the reasoning above I agree with but much of the distrust toward Dem leadership has been earned. Kerry is a good example. Many were frustrated with Bush but also saw all the Dems who voted for the war jump ship when the polling went south. Harry Reid told them they lost the war. Etc. Even those who saw Iraq as misguided felt they should have gotten more support once we committed but the desire for strong political rhetoric toward Bush turned into a competition.
... and any liberal cause (global warming) sent from leadership to troops under their supervision.
Calling global warming a "liberal cause" makes you look foolish beyond description. The entire scientific establishment of the world in every country under every form of government supports anthropogenic global warming.

Also, the DOD itself does. It is already scenario planning for a changing climate.

I wish it were possible to at least get to some fundamental point of intelligence, some baseline of scientific understanding, before the insanity steps in. To willfully be ignorant of basic scientific principles should be abhorrent in any civilized culture.
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Obama is why I believe it is pointless to vote for a President based upon policy as even if they have great ideas they will be of no consequence if they can't get them passed. Obama was hamstrung from the beginning because he is not a great leader. Smart, intelligent, decent, but fundamentally lacking an ability to steer the carrier towards his aim and bring people with him.

He is cursed with the professorial belief that simply because you are right people will follow you. That is dangerously naive.
Obama's biggest problem is he has not taken it upon himself to build solid relationships in Washington. Great leaders have the ability to bring friends and foes together to accomplish a common goal. Obama is incapable of doing that hence why he has had to go alone with his EO's because he has alienated himself in a bad way in Washington.
So by your circular logic the military budget can never be cut and waste will forever be tolerated and perpetuated because you don't trust where they will cut.

If I call for military spending cuts and I specify specific programs that I want cut, programs that the Pentagon itself says it doesn't want or can you not support and not call for the same?
As far as problems with the solution to the VA is to essentially replace it or redefine its purpose. All servicemen and veterans would receive a health service card that would essentially be lifetime health insurance that was good anywhere. If it made sense, perhaps a few VA hospitals would stay open that specialized in things like PTSD, prosthetics, TBI and other ailments that are common to soldiers...but in general any veteran could seek healthcare wherever they chose. Of course, I support a single payer system and if/when...because I truly believe it is a case of when, not if...that will all be moot.

The deal with contractors...why have we contracted out essential functions of supplying and supporting an army? I've got probably a half dozen friends from high school who work as contractors for the military.

Lastly, I've asked a few times and never received an answer. We constantly hear criticisms of the POTUS that he has "torn down the military" and that it needs to be "built back up". What has been torn down? What needs rebuilding?
You obviously have a comprehension problem or are just not getting it. I have on many occasions made it clear that cuts need to be made and where but, you seem to have missed it. Also, what some are saying about the military being torn down goes along the lines of troop strength and total morale as well. While I agree with an earlier point about buying weapons or weapons systems top commanders do not want I also think we should ensure to get the ones that they do want and need. We must stay ahead of the world on defense technological weaponry.

Now as far as contractors are concerned. They are needed however many are gouging the military with ungodly prices for common items. There can and should be an overhaul in how we spend our money for the equipment we receive.
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^ that's the danger of Team America: World Police. We get involved with everything, but only with bombs and intel. Rest of the world can step up any day now.
This something you and I can agree on. We need to pull out of everywhere and only go there if they can pay the bill required to help them or at least pay half. That would go a long way to helping us in military spending.
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I assume your black, he is white, and by definition that post makes you racist per media standards.

Honestly I'm kidding just felt like baiting since I was almost considered racist at point because I can't stand obomba.
Actually I am 1/4 Cherokee but, mostly white.;)
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Contractors are the biggest problem the military faces. They have embedded themselves at all levels and are cancerous in that they seek to undermine and increase their presence. Growth is their goal. For all intents and purposes they are conquering the military from within. Much more expensive to pay a contractor than a government civil service worker and even worse because instead of the money going to the individual thereby increasing he spending power of the middle class the bulk of the money is funneled into the contracting corporations. Undermine and replace, that is their MO. And the Government is all too happy to go along with the scheme as you have fake private sector jobs being created from the public sector which is nothing short of a scam as this means more taxpayer money for the same service and more money for corporations who care nothing for our sovereignty. Another one of the Obama administrations great failings is to allow this insideous form of union busting.
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In the Beast interview, Larry Sanders also described his brother as "very socialist."

“Bernard is a genuine socialist in his sense of class warfare — that he thinks there is not a national interest so much as there is an interest with sectors of the population,” he said.
Calling global warming a "liberal cause" makes you look foolish beyond description. The entire scientific establishment of the world in every country under every form of government supports anthropogenic global warming.

Also, the DOD itself does. It is already scenario planning for a changing climate.

I wish it were possible to at least get to some fundamental point of intelligence, some baseline of scientific understanding, before the insanity steps in. To willfully be ignorant of basic scientific principles should be abhorrent in any civilized culture.

[eyeroll] Try not to be so angry and reactionary. The point I was making is that anything considered a liberal cause, which global warming is in such an environment, is/was mocked by leadership in the military and sent to troops under their supervision. You don't have to try to convince me of global warming; I am behind the science and routinely express such on this board. Maybe I don't stand out because I try to post reasonably and you don't remember, fine. Carry on and keep it :100points:.
Class warfare has been going on since 1982 when the destruction of the middle class went into full swing and all the wealth of the country started flowing upwards to the 1% and it hasn't stopped yet. Matter of fact it has intensified. Prior to that we had the largest and healthiest middle class the world has ever known.

You cannot sustain a country with all the wealth stuck at the top. That is a recipe for creating another Mexico. Which we are hellbent on doing. An Oligarchy in the making.

Trickle down economics is the most disastrous failed economic theory in history. It has destroyed every country it has touched. Its proper name should be "Bread Crumbs Off the Rich Man's Table" economic theory.
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Contractors are the biggest problem the military faces. They have embedded themselves at all levels and are cancerous in that they seek to undermine and increase their presence. Growth is their goal. For all intents and purposes they are conquering the military from within. Much more expensive to pay a contractor than a government civil service worker and even worse because instead of the money going to the individual thereby increasing he spending power of the middle class the bulk of the money is funneled into the contracting corporations. Undermine and replace, that is their MO. And the Government is all too happy to go along with the scheme as you have fake private sector jobs being created from the public sector which is nothing short of a scam as this means more taxpayer money for the same service and more money for corporations who care nothing for our sovereignty. Another one of the Obama administrations great failings is to allow this insideous form of union busting.

At which specific contractors is your rant directed towards? You talking about Halliburton stuff? Overseas chow halls? Overseas base guards from Uganda getting like $700/month? Trash services on CONUS bases? Technical support for aircraft? And that's worse than military procurement which literally produces billions in unwanted equipment to keep jobs in the districts of influential Congressmen? Those aren't generally considered contractors, btw. That's just wasteful procurement.
Any permanent position in the DOD not filled by a government employee but instead is serving the interests of a private company.
Class warfare has been going on since 1982 when the destruction of the middle class went into full swing and all the wealth of the country started flowing upwards to the 1% and it hasn't stopped yet. Matter of fact it has intensified. Prior to that we had the largest and healthiest middle class the world has ever known.

You cannot sustain a country with all the wealth stuck at the top. That is a recipe for creating another Mexico. Which we are hellbent on doing. An Oligarchy in the making.

Trickle down economics is the most disastrous failed economic theory in history. It has destroyed every country it has touched. Its proper name should be "Bread Crumbs Off the Rich Man's Table" economic theory.
This. But we are not an oligarchy in the making. We are an oligarchy.
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I agree.

Also, I cannot resist. Trump has been a liberal his entire life. He is to the left of Hillary Clinton by a good margin. What I think happened was that Trump saw the Republicans wooing Sarah Palin and he must have calculated they are the biggest rubes in history and that he could play them, which he is. Masterfully. Throwing out red meat to them in the primary to gloss over the fact that his entire background and history is classic New York Liberalism. It even leaks out from time to time in the debates with his remarks on Planned Parenthood and the Iraq War.

I am enjoying immensely watching the Republicans get had. We're going to wind up with two Liberal choices for President, or maybe even a Socialist and a Liberal to choose from. LOL. I love these Republicans because they are like your dream match-up. Utterly clueless adversaries you can pretty much pick and choose how you want to play with and manipulate. Mere toys to even moderately skilled hands. Trump must be having the time of his life. I feel like I have my own little set of Neanderthal toys with which to move around the board.
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Any permanent position in the DOD not filled by a government employee but instead is serving the interests of a private company.

Which are those? The "permanent position" part is not at all clear. You're okay with contracts for chow halls in Afghanistan since they're not permanent (believe they're generally yearly, but it's been a while since I worked on a case related to that)? Security on bases that is, again, on a non-permanent basis? Technical support for weapons systems are okay under your definition since they're tied to the equipment and its shelf life? And I assume you're okay with DoD civilians on bases doing things like services, trash, chow halls, BX/PX, commissary? Most civilians at CONUS bases are DoD civilians (instructors at tech schools, etc...). And I believe the DODDS schools employees overseas are DoD civilians.
Which are those? The "permanent position" part is not at all clear. You're okay with contracts for chow halls in Afghanistan since they're not permanent (believe they're generally yearly, but it's been a while since I worked on a case related to that)? Security on bases that is, again, on a non-permanent basis? Technical support for weapons systems are okay under your definition since they're tied to the equipment and its shelf life? And I assume you're okay with DoD civilians on bases doing things like services, trash, chow halls, BX/PX, commissary? Most civilians at CONUS bases are DoD civilians (instructors at tech schools, etc...). And I believe the DODDS schools employees overseas are DoD civilians.
"Permanent" is a government civilian position classification like "temporary", "term", "agency employees only", or "seasonal"... not an abstract concept. Chow halls in Afghanistan are not permanent and that's not what I am talking about.
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Dude, we still spend more ($581B) than the #2 Chinese($129B), #3 Saudi Arabia ($80B), #4 Russia ($70B), #5 French ($53B), #6 Japan ($47B), #8 India ($45B), #9 Germany ($43B) and #10 S. Korea ($34)...combined.

Yeah, we really need a 600 ship navy when we have 10 Aircraft carriers to Russia's 1...and China's 1. How many does ISIS have?

Its not really the spending, its the waste. Pretty much say the same thing for every facet of government.

I think it's just an easy way to rally the base and get votes. Here in SC there's a blitzkrieg of negative ads on every TV station comparing the candidates to Obama, Clinton or Sanders or otherwise liberal by usually being "weak" on defense. For literally every candidate except Ben Carson I have seen essentially the same attack ad.

Which is why the primaries kill the GOP in the general. They have to act like fools to get through the primary because of people like Cruz and Huckabee dragging them down into the muck. Then come general election, theyre stuck with what they said 6-12 months ago.

Sometimes something is so broken that it can't be fixed. It has to be torn down to nothing, erased completely, then hopefully something new can take hold in the ashes and be rebuilt.

Or things descend even further into barbarian enclaves and the world descends into a dark age where religion trumps science in a primordial muck of cruelty and despair.

Even if you had all the answers, the correct ones, a way to fix everything... you would be pointless. Of no consequence. We no longer have the ability to function as a society. We are living on borrowed time. Waiting for the last shoe to drop. Hatred and revolution are stoked to the boiling point. There will be blood because we literally cannot stand each other and have absolutely no respect for truth, facts, logic, reason, or even science. When the entire base of your decision making process is non-testable, non-provable, non-arguable willful disdain for the basic building blocks of intelligence. Across the world and even in our own country religion is poisoning everything it touches because it demands blind obedience and free men cannot function when their decision making process is clouded by hate, intolerance, and intractable religious dogma.

Dont disagree necessarily. I do disagree its only people on the right, if thats what you were saying. Theres no doubt we're on the brink of complete collapse. If we're lucky, it will be Atlas Shrugged style. It will take nothing short of a miracle to turn this ship around at this point. I just dont see it happening.

You would have thought John Kerry raped everyone's mother by the reaction even the sight of him would get from mid-tier leadership on down

That really had nothing to do with his political party. Wasnt it mainly because of his war protest and affiliation with Jane Fonda?
^ haha I was qualified as marksman or something (got a ribbon for it) in boot camp b/c I shot 35 bullets. Shot a gun exactly twice in 6 years. Air Force didn't give me shooting skills (but it did give me world class training and technical skills).
Your butt wasn't getting shot at, nor shooting anyone in the Air Force. His was
This is a fantastic speech and dialogue about the insanity of American college campuses today and the left's obsession with putting people in categories, feminism and all of that craziness.They also touch on how the left (mostly college students) is constantly trying to shout you down, silence you and hijack your open dialogue at places like these.

You know like when he went to Rutgers last week and these feminist lunatics started smearing fake blood all over themselves.

It's been amusing to watch the political press go along with and even encourage the crazy notion that Hillary isn't a shoe-in and the Bernie somehow has a chance. He does not. I don't care if he wins Nevada by 20, it doesn't matter. If the primary were confined to only states that have no minorities and are as lilly white as Iowa and New Hampshire, he might have a shot. Rich whites and college kids. That's all he's got. Very soon, he'll be done. Everyone knows this. Just like they know Trump has a hard ceiling......
It's been amusing to watch the political press go along with and even encourage the crazy notion that Hillary isn't a shoe-in and the Bernie somehow has a chance. He does not. I don't care if he wins Nevada by 20, it doesn't matter. If the primary were confined to only states that have no minorities and are as lilly white as Iowa and New Hampshire, he might have a shot. Rich whites and college kids. That's all he's got. Very soon, he'll be done. Everyone knows this. Just like they know Trump has a hard ceiling......
IMO, the extraordinarily unfortunate reality is that not only does Bernie not have a chance over hrc, but ultimately neither will any of the Republican candidates. Rest assured, imagine the worst thing that can happen politically for the USA and that's what will happen. she will be the next potus. Lord help us all.