How will they rule ??!

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Surprised that nobody has mentioned the government wanting Apple to create a back door into the iPhone. Why does it not surprise me that the conservative talk hosts I've heard think that Apple should have to comply? ...and talk about that nobody has a right to a device that can't be searched???
The government has the phone, Apple has provided engineers to help search the phone... No devices, no encryption scheme exist that can't be cracked. If that were the case then the encryption would be useless because you could never retrieve the data. Figure out the password to the friggin phone. There is a finite number of possibilities...yes it is a very, very, very large number but for God's sake don't create a back door that once is there opens the OS to every hacker that ever walked the earth. Lastly, because you have the right to search something doesn't mean you have the right to find what it is you are seeking.
This is wrong so many ways it just boggles my mind that anyone would think it was a good idea.
First time I believe I've ever agreed with you Fuzz. This is one of the reasons why I left the Republican party and switched to Libertarian.
As I have said countless times now, Trump gets shi! done. If you want someone who is going to hold Washington politicians feet the the fire "Republicans and Democrats" Trump is the only guy who can do it, but also have the ability to lead and get things done. Ted Cruz would be a complete disaster because he is not a leader. Marco Rubio is not a leader. Ben Carson is a very intelligent and nice man, but he does not have the specific leadership ability it would take to hold Washington accountable. The rest are all the same. Career politicians who will keep business as usual in Washington. Bernie would get nothing one. He is Obama X 2. This country would probably officially go bankrupt under his term. He has been in Washington for 30 years now and has done hardly nothing during that time. Hilary does not have one ounce of leadership in her and is a criminal.

Think about this. What has really changed with Trump? He has always been a loud mouth self promoter. Anyone with half a brain knows he is essentially an Independent running as a Republican. However, he has been able to do business deals with some of the toughest folks on the planet and even those who probably hate his guts. The guy is by far the toughest leader in this race right now whether you like him or not. Its not even close and that is why so many people support him.

Go ahead and support these other folks and I promise you 4 years from now we are in an even bigger mess than we are now. They cannot and will not change things.
You're right Ukalumni. It's just sad that Donald freakin' Trump is the best we can come up with. Rand Paul would have been good, but no one would give him the time of day. I wish Justin Amash would run.
If Trump is the best leader this country has to offer then we might as well throw in the towel. We are effed. Have you seen the way Trump responds to anyone who disagrees with him? You think Obama behaves like a dictator? Wait until this megalomaniac gets elected.
America - where we all secretly yearn for a Putin? Isn't Trump Putin-lite? I'll bite - what is Trump going to change re foreign policy? Is China going to stop putting SAM missiles in the South China Sea because Trump has negotiated business deals? Will they think his threats of the use of force are credible? What happens when the bluff is called, are we in a war with China? Trump as our foreign policy leader terrifies me.
I quit MSNBC when they brought Al Sharpton on board. Right now Hillary is so completely playing up racial division trying to stir up the black and latino vote that it is nauseating. I despise the far right wing nuts on the Republican side but at the same time I am calling out the Democrats for descending purely into racial politics in order to win an election.

You can't govern that way. Did you see the bit with Hillary and the little girl that received a deportation letter? That was beyond nauseating.
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I quit MSNBC when they brought Al Sharpton on board. Right now Hillary is so completely playing up racial division trying to stir up the black and latino vote that it is nauseating. I despise the far right wing nuts on the Republican side but at the same time I am calling out the Democrats for descending purely into racial politics in order to win an election.

You can't govern that way. Did you see the bit with Hillary and the little girl that received a deportation letter? That was beyond nauseating.
Join us Libertarians man!:pimp:
When you lead you simply must be able to make decisions in a callous perhaps even sociopathic manner. Meaning you cannot allow the weight of the decision itself to impact your ability to make it. Men who agonize over decisions do not make great leaders.

Whether it be war, the economy, or whatever, Trump will be able to make the tough calls without being bogged down by emotion or detail. That, counter-intuitively, is what is needed.
Join us Libertarians man!:pimp:
I'm nearly there. I hate where my Democratic party is going with the race stuff because I know how that worm turns. Anyone that thinks equality is on the other side of this is naive. When you have oppressed people and they finally gain the upper hand, then just have a peek at history to see what happens. Black Lives Matter is giving you a preview right now. Ugly crazy stuff that is not about equality at all. It descends into vengeance. And those fires are being purposefully stoked and we aren't even into the general election yet where it will get 100 times more crazy.
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Yes, those pesky details when dealing with foreign policy.
At the Presidential level you are damned right. That is my entire point. Do not look at the President as a legislator or policy maker pounding out the details. A President is not for that, at least a good one isn't. The President needs to be the big picture guy. The details are down the line and for Congress. That, anyway, is the position I have arrived at after a lifetime of watching Presidents. If they can't lead then it doesn't matter how good of a man they are or even how brilliant they are. It all comes to nothing if they cannot lead. We need somebody that can LEAD to be President. Then you will see stuff get done. Finally.
Surprised that nobody has mentioned the government wanting Apple to create a back door into the iPhone. Why does it not surprise me that the conservative talk hosts I've heard think that Apple should have to comply? ...and talk about that nobody has a right to a device that can't be searched???
The government has the phone, Apple has provided engineers to help search the phone... No devices, no encryption scheme exist that can't be cracked. If that were the case then the encryption would be useless because you could never retrieve the data. Figure out the password to the friggin phone. There is a finite number of possibilities...yes it is a very, very, very large number but for God's sake don't create a back door that once is there opens the OS to every hacker that ever walked the earth. Lastly, because you have the right to search something doesn't mean you have the right to find what it is you are seeking.
This is wrong so many ways it just boggles my mind that anyone would think it was a good idea.

This is a tough one, but I guess it's similar to getting a warrant and seizing somebody's bank and phone records. Get the warrant first.
This is a tough one, but I guess it's similar to getting a warrant and seizing somebody's bank and phone records. Get the warrant first.
No, it's more than that. You would have the courts making a company effectively create a flaw in their product that would make it vulnerable to hackers and foreign intelligence sources. The Government is going to get the floor wiped with them in court over this. It's a slam dunk for Apple that's why they are being so public about it as they know they have the nuts (poker phrase).

You guys do realize Apple is being asked to put a back door in their encryption here, right? To give the government a way around their security features that pretty much are the entire point of their product. Not going to happen. The Government loses every time in these cases. This is different than the ATT/Verizon stuff. Big difference.
If Trump is the best leader this country has to offer then we might as well throw in the towel. We are effed. Have you seen the way Trump responds to anyone who disagrees with him? You think Obama behaves like a dictator? Wait until this megalomaniac gets elected.
When other private sector very successful folks start stepping to the plate and go through the toughest job interview in the world, call me. For now, Trump and Carson are the only ones left who had the guts to do it. That are the choices. I made mine.
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As I have said countless times now, Trump gets shi! done. If you want someone who is going to hold Washington politicians feet the the fire "Republicans and Democrats" Trump is the only guy who can do it, but also have the ability to lead and get things done. Ted Cruz would be a complete disaster because he is not a leader. Marco Rubio is not a leader. Ben Carson is a very intelligent and nice man, but he does not have the specific leadership ability it would take to hold Washington accountable. The rest are all the same. Career politicians who will keep business as usual in Washington. Bernie would get nothing one. He is Obama X 2. This country would probably officially go bankrupt under his term. He has been in Washington for 30 years now and has done hardly nothing during that time. Hilary does not have one ounce of leadership in her and is a criminal.

Think about this. What has really changed with Trump? He has always been a loud mouth self promoter. Anyone with half a brain knows he is essentially an Independent running as a Republican. However, he has been able to do business deals with some of the toughest folks on the planet and even those who probably hate his guts. The guy is by far the toughest leader in this race right now whether you like him or not. Its not even close and that is why so many people support him.

Go ahead and support these other folks and I promise you 4 years from now we are in an even bigger mess than we are now. They cannot and will not change things.
I get the support of Trump (despite his crazy comments and incoherent cumulative stance on issues). I do. People are sick of supporting Republicans who say the right things and appear to be good candidates, only to invariably disappoint once they get elected. With that background, you don't care what Rubio or Bush or Kasich has to say, because it's meaningless.

Having said all that, a vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary. Simple as that. Anyone who has a hard ceiling at 45 or 50%, who is net negative favorability ratings (more people dislike him than like him), cannot win a national election. Simple as that. Whatever you think of Trump and his ability to lead or to give them hell, however much Rubio or Bush or Kasich disgusts you, if Trump is the nominee the Democrats will party all summer. Because the win is in the bag.

And in the end, when Trump is trounced (by a pretty weak and vulnerable candidate, I might add), there will be a lot of gnashing of teeth. Trump supporters will complain the Republicans deserted him, will blame this or that. Meaningless, there was no way he could win to begin with.
At the Presidential level you are damned right. That is my entire point. Do not look at the President as a legislator or policy maker pounding out the details. A President is not for that, at least a good one isn't. The President needs to be the big picture guy. The details are down the line and for Congress. That, anyway, is the position I have arrived at after a lifetime of watching Presidents. If they can't lead then it doesn't matter how good of a man they are or even how brilliant they are. It all comes to nothing if they cannot lead. We need somebody that can LEAD to be President. Then you will see stuff get done. Finally.
This country is in the middle of it's second civil war, people just don't realize it. But instead of it being the north vs the south, it's the democrats vs the republicans. Our politicians have forgotten that they all play for the same team. They play different positions, but they are on the same team. It's like in football, you have the offense and the defense. They both have totally different skill sets, but they work together to accomplish the same goal. The offense scores points and keeps the defense off the field so they can rest. The defense gets the ball back for the offense. Republicans and democrats have different view points. That in itself is a good thing. It creates an environment in which compromise and happy mediums can be met. Unfortunately, they have lost sight of this and instead see themselves as members of opposing teams, and work against each other to the point that both have become radicalized in a detrimental way for this country. We need a leader that can remind them that we all need to work together to make this country the best that it can be. United we stand, divided we fall.
This country is in the middle of it's second civil war, people just don't realize it. But instead of it being the north vs the south, it's the democrats vs the republicans. Our politicians have forgotten that they all play for the same team. They play different positions, but they are on the same team. It's like in football, you have the offense and the defense. They both have totally different skill sets, but they work together to accomplish the same goal. The offense scores points and keeps the defense off the field so they can rest. The defense gets the ball back for the offense. Republicans and democrats have different view points. That in itself is a good thing. It creates an environment in which compromise and happy mediums can be met. Unfortunately, they have lost sight of this and instead see themselves as members of opposing teams, and work against each other to the point that both have become radicalized in a detrimental way for this country. We need a leader that can remind them that we all need to work together to make this country the best that it can be. United we stand, divided we fall.
Lack of Leadership and vision has led to this environment. Its that simple. Obama has been nothing but divisive and Bush made his fair share of mistakes as well.
No, it's more than that. You would have the courts making a company effectively create a flaw in their product that would make it vulnerable to hackers and foreign intelligence sources. The Government is going to get the floor wiped with them in court over this. It's a slam dunk for Apple that's why they are being so public about it as they know they have the nuts (poker phrase).

You guys do realize Apple is being asked to put a back door in their encryption here, right? To give the government a way around their security features that pretty much are the entire point of their product. Not going to happen. The Government loses every time in these cases. This is different than the ATT/Verizon stuff. Big difference.
Exactly! They want to make it easy for the government to search the phone. The problem with that logic is that there is no way to limit that ease of access only to the if you're ok with that itself. A search warrant gives you the right to search, not the right to find what it is you are seeking. There is a password that will unlock that phone...people hack passwords all the time. Your ability to create a strong password determines how hard it is to hack. If the cops come knock on your door, warrant in hand, you have the obligation to allow them to search your home or whatever the warrant specifies. You don't have to tell them where you have hidden what it is that they are seeking...assuming that you have what it is that they want. That is their job to find it.
^ read that the San Bernadino guy was using an iPhone 5(c), which does not contain the hardware based encryption. So possible solution that would not affect 6s and newer. But bad precedent to create security vulnerabilities to allow government (or other) access. Good for Apple.
What is the point here? The guy is dead so they can't get his passcode and if they try too many times it wipes the phone?

He's dead. So what are they trying to find? If he had any accomplices? Don't they already have that information through the other sweeping domestic spy programs?

Or are they really going to argue that they already spy on people so much, they can't efficiently go through the data, and they need companies to start intentionally putting defects into their products so people can be spied on easier?
Or are they really going to argue that they already spy on people so much, they can't efficiently go through the data, and they need companies to start intentionally putting defects into their products so people can be spied on easier?
Ding, ding, ding!!! We have a winner!

BTW...Apple can prevent the phone from being wiped. BTW...there are about 75.4 novemdecillion possible passwords. That's 1 followed with 60 zeros.
This is larger than the number of atoms in our planet.
... or so they say.

If you tried a trillion passwords a second, it would take you about 2.38 tridecillion years to test them all
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As I have said countless times now, Trump gets shi! done. If you want someone who is going to hold Washington politicians feet the the fire "Republicans and Democrats" Trump is the only guy who can do it, but also have the ability to lead and get things done.

Think about this. What has really changed with Trump? He has always been a loud mouth self promoter. Anyone with half a brain knows he is essentially an Independent running as a Republican. However, he has been able to do business deals with some of the toughest folks on the planet and even those who probably hate his guts. The guy is by far the toughest leader in this race right now whether you like him or not. Its not even close and that is why so many people support him.

Go ahead and support these other folks and I promise you 4 years from now we are in an even bigger mess than we are now. They cannot and will not change things.

You don't get to be Commander In Chief and run the most powerful country and economy in the world with a history of filing bankruptcy 4 times on your companies, taking $150,000 in small business government relief after 9/11 when you weren't a small business, and running little old ladies out of their homes so you can build a parking garage for on of your casinos that ultimately fail.

Trump is nothing what you think he is. Nothing. He's not going to accomplish one damn thing in trade with other countries. He's not going to "beat" China. All he wants is to put the Trump stamp on the White House is his grand ego statement, and he's fracturing the Republican Party in the process. He's clueless about so many topics, he never answers a question directly, and he calls everybody else a liar when they point out his record.

The worst part is, he cannot beat Hillary in November. He's alienated and pissed off too many groups and minorities (and now Pope Francis) to get the majority to vote for him, let alone get key swing states to go his way. It would be a landslide win for Hillary. As horrible a candidate as she is, she's going to be perceived by many as the lesser of the two evils.

If you are a Republican and you want to actually win in November, you've got to get away from Trump. He's a Democrat running as a Republican, and he's hell-bent on destroying whatever he can to ensure his legacy.
When other private sector very successful folks start stepping to the plate and go through the toughest job interview in the world, call me. For now, Trump and Carson are the only ones left who had the guts to do it. That are the choices. I made mine.
Trump is in bed with the banks and Wall Street. He supported the bailouts. He himself was bailed out by several banks. This guy is exactly the opposite of what this country needs. Keep buying his lies though.
Rubio, Trump, Cruz, Clinton, Sanders.

Out of hundreds of millions of people, that's what it comes down to.

I really wish you people would stop lobbying for policies that give more and more centralized power to the federal government.

Thanks to you Obamacare supporters, we get to go from Obama at the top of our health care system in the country to Rubio/Trump/Cruz/Clinton/Sanders. Can't wait to see the way they use executive orders to just change the law however the hell they want like Obama did. Some of you actually supported that stupid ass policy. And that's just one of the many examples.

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I agree that these choices on both sides really suck.

However, i have no idea why people wouldn't want people to be educated and healthy. I see no reason why those things should cost a gazillion dollars.

Maybe we should cut back on military spending that seems to be over the top and get out of other countries business...?? I know that pisses off the "USA USA USA" crowd.

To me, the most important thing in this world is education. But I can't help but feel that people somehow want to keep people uneducated.
I agree that these choices on both sides really suck.

However, i have no idea why people wouldn't want people to be educated and healthy. I see no reason why those things should cost a gazillion dollars.

Maybe we should cut back on military spending that seems to be over the top and get out of other countries business...?? I know that pisses off the "USA USA USA" crowd.

To me, the most important thing in this world is education. But I can't help but feel that people somehow want to keep people uneducated.

Because military spending is a jobs program for each and every state, which is why Congress appropriates tanks that the Army does not want or need (as one of many, many examples). Eisenhower was prescient.
Another thing. talk radio and these news shows are part of the problem. They've turned politicians into rock stars when in reality they're all a bunch of jaggoffs. The radio and news shows throw red meat and play on people's feelings of frustration and having things out of their control all for ratings.
You don't get to be Commander In Chief and run the most powerful country and economy in the world with a history of filing bankruptcy 4 times on your companies, taking $150,000 in small business government relief after 9/11 when you weren't a small business, and running little old ladies out of their homes so you can build a parking garage for on of your casinos that ultimately fail.

I hate to defend Trump because I'm not committed to supporting him, but I need to play devil's advocate.

One, filing bankruptcy is a legitimate tool when investing in high risk real estate. In fact, all he's done is use the tax code to his advantage (we should all be so lucky as to have his tax advice).

Two, if the fed'l gov't is dumb enough to give him a low interest loan, why wouldn't he take it?

Three, what makes you think anyone not named Trump or Sanders will do anything different if given the reins? The system is BROKEN. The definition of insanity is "doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result".

Fourth, he doesn't have to be an expert in all phases of the Presidency. I'll take someone who can delegate properly EVERY TIME. Reagan certainly wasn't experienced in foreign affairs yet did a great job by surrounding himself with knowledgeable people.

Fifth, America needs a leader. Hard to argue his leadership potential.

Sixth, Trump has several philosophical differences with the traditional conservative Republican. Doesn't that mix of liberal and conservative viewpoints make him the "moderate" that so many folks believe is needed to win?

Take this with all due respect as I'm not picking on you at all.
I hate to defend Trump because I'm not committed to supporting him, but I need to play devil's advocate.

One, filing bankruptcy is a legitimate tool when investing in high risk real estate. In fact, all he's done is use the tax code to his advantage (we should all be so lucky as to have his tax advice).

Two, if the fed'l gov't is dumb enough to give him a low interest loan, why wouldn't he take it?

Three, what makes you think anyone not named Trump or Sanders will do anything different if given the reins? The system is BROKEN. The definition of insanity is "doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result".

Fourth, he doesn't have to be an expert in all phases of the Presidency. I'll take someone who can delegate properly EVERY TIME. Reagan certainly wasn't experienced in foreign affairs yet did a great job by surrounding himself with knowledgeable people.

Fifth, America needs a leader. Hard to argue his leadership potential.

Sixth, Trump has several philosophical differences with the traditional conservative Republican. Doesn't that mix of liberal and conservative viewpoints make him the "moderate" that so many folks believe is needed to win?

Take this with all due respect as I'm not picking on you at all.

Your fifth and sixth points are very good. We need someone with some balls and the opposite of Obama in that department. Obama is a weak POS ideologue who made us a joke to the rest of the world. We need someone not afraid to piss people off and will not apologize for being American, successful or even white (yeah, white guilt is real on the left).

And he isn't a traditional Republican. He was a Democrat for 8 years and an independent before that. He's not a religious zealot, which they should love. He's conservative on immigration, which living in SoCal is my No.1 concern because it's directly tied to economical and cultural ramifications by continuing to give this country away to third world groups who do not assimilate or properly contribute.

I think he's a dick but he's easily the best candidate compared to Hillary, Bernie, Rubio and Cruz.
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I hate to defend Trump because I'm not committed to supporting him, but I need to play devil's advocate.

One, filing bankruptcy is a legitimate tool when investing in high risk real estate. In fact, all he's done is use the tax code to his advantage (we should all be so lucky as to have his tax advice).

Two, if the fed'l gov't is dumb enough to give him a low interest loan, why wouldn't he take it?

Three, what makes you think anyone not named Trump or Sanders will do anything different if given the reins? The system is BROKEN. The definition of insanity is "doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result".

Fourth, he doesn't have to be an expert in all phases of the Presidency. I'll take someone who can delegate properly EVERY TIME. Reagan certainly wasn't experienced in foreign affairs yet did a great job by surrounding himself with knowledgeable people.

Fifth, America needs a leader. Hard to argue his leadership potential.

Sixth, Trump has several philosophical differences with the traditional conservative Republican. Doesn't that mix of liberal and conservative viewpoints make him the "moderate" that so many folks believe is needed to win?

Take this with all due respect as I'm not picking on you at all.

Bankruptcy may be a "legitimate tool" but that doesn't make it right. Abortion is viewed by the left as a "legitimate tool" and it's f'ing murder of an unborn child. He didn't pay back what he owed. Trump boasts of his $3 billion net worth, but it's okay to not pay his debts and saddle them on taxpayers??? Why should any Presidential candidate be put in charge of the world's largest economy when he can't manage his own companies properly? He's supposed to be the King of the Deal? 4 business BKs sounds to me like he's not that great at making deals.

He stole money from the 9/11 Small Business assistance program. $150,000 of it. None of his holdings should ever have been allowed to apply for that.

Trump is not a fixer. Golf courses and high rise buildings aren't exactly fixing the economies where they are. If he were, Atlantic City wouldn't be the armpit of the eastern seaboard.

The system is broken, because our major parties have decided to go nuclear on one another basically since the 1992 election. Trump would be the worst possible solution, because EVERYBODY hates him. And if you think Bush or Obama have been awful with Executive Orders and bypassing Congress, Trump will be the worst abuser of this you will ever see.
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Bankruptcy may be a "legitimate tool" but that doesn't make it right.

If you own a home and deduct the interest then you are also using the tax code to your advantage.

Why does the homeowner get a tax advantage over a renter?

I wont even get into your comparison of bankruptcy and abortion; you're on your own with that one.
Not sure how a Trump presidency would work. I can't see him having a strong constituency with the GOP house and senate. I could see him working better with Dems on economic and social issues.
^ the bankruptcy issue is relevant to the extent that people tout his business experience and personal wealth. Regardless, he was born into wealth and increased it, although we cannot know whether he outperformed even a market index fund or is awesome at business. He's not a guy that started from the ground up, and untangling his contributions is neigh impossible because we don't know 1) what he got from family and when, 2) how much he has now, and 3) what effect bankruptcy had on his companies. Hard to suss out noise from fact.

But at least we're rallying behind the strong strength of strong men again. Was worried that we'd resorted to reason and deliberation. Trump - the truck nuts of presidential candidates.
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