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“I have no male wax staff,” Carruthers said Friday. So who's going to do the waxing that they're legally required to provide to both sexes and "transgender or gender non-conforming persons" if they have no male staff?
The guy who was hired to do it would be my guess. The one the owner said was out sick. What's so hard about coming back in a few days when he returns?
The guy who was hired to do it would be my guess. The one the owner said was out sick. What's so hard about coming back in a few days when he returns?
“I have no male wax staff,” Carruthers said Friday. Carruthers said 98 per cent of the spa’s clientele is female and all of his staff are female. He further explained the only staff member he had who did male waxing was off on a sick leave and there was no one else.

The staff member you're referring to is female.
“I have no male wax staff,” Carruthers said Friday. Carruthers said 98 per cent of the spa’s clientele is female and all of his staff are female. He further explained the only staff member he had who did male waxing was off on a sick leave and there was no one else.

The staff member you're referring to is female.

Okay then.

The girl who was hired to do it would be my guess. The one the owner said was out sick. What's so hard about coming back in a few days when she returns?

The point still remains the same. They have someone who works on the men. They were out sick. Come back next week. The answer definitely isn't forcing a girl who wasn't hired to do it to do it.
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Canadian Dio sure has a passion for ball waxing. He (I shouldn’t assume gender) Is going to write 50 messages in one day on the matter. I would not want to see his browser history...
Canadian Dio sure has a passion for ball waxing. He (I shouldn’t assume gender) Is going to write 50 messages in one day on the matter. I would not want to see his browser history...
Just happily shining a light on the bigotry rampant in this thread. It's like when you move the oven and all the cockroaches scurry back into the shadows.
Okay then.

The girl who was hired to do it would be my guess. The one the owner said was out sick. What's so hard about coming back in a few days when she returns?

The point still remains the same. They have someone who works on the men. They were out sick. Come back next week. The answer definitely isn't forcing a girl who wasn't hired to do it to do it.
Again you're incorrect. The female employee you're referencing doesn't do it either. There was no one who did it that was out sick to wait on. They provide the service to female customers but not male ones.

The spa has done waxing on the arms and backs of male clients in the past. “When we’ve been asked about a male Brazilian wax in the past we tell them we’re not able to provide that service and they move on,” Carruthers said.
Again you're incorrect. The female employee you're referencing doesn't do it either. There was no one who did it that was out sick to wait on. They provide the service to female customers but not male ones.

The spa has done waxing on the arms and backs of male clients in the past. “When we’ve been asked about a male Brazilian wax in the past we tell them we’re not able to provide that service and they move on,” Carruthers said.
Then their business is not waxing genitalia, it is waxing vaginas.
Then their business is not waxing genitalia, it is waxing vaginas.

But Dion thinks penises are the same as vaginas.

I knew this shit was going to happen. All you needed was some whacko like him to take the bait and run with it.

If it was a gay wedding cake that a muslim declined, I'd actually agree with him
Why Trump had to leave O's Iran Agreement when he did (Interesting - to me):

".....the high-stakes negotiations with North Korea all but required Mr. Trump to dump the Iran deal. If he had kept it in place notwithstanding his power to withdraw, Mr. Kim could seize on its provisions as the starting point for the coming negotiations. Why would Mr. Kim accept a worse deal for North Korea than what Iran had obtained? Leaving one bad deal still active would have established the precedent for another bad deal."

"What would the public think if a North Korea deal allowed Pyongyang to resume its nuclear program after 15 years? And included inspection procedures that were inadequate to verify compliance? And stood silent on North Korea’s rapidly advancing ballistic-missile program? And provided Mr. Kim with billions of dollars upfront in sanctions relief and other assistance? That would be a dubious deal by any light, and would certainly be bad by Mr. Trump’s terms."

Way smarter than Obama (& Kerry) regardless that smug Obama & all Libs laugh at the idea.


Kushner is a clown though. We all know that. He brings absolutely nothing positive to the table.

Hope Hicks was the one that the WH really needed to keep. She was somehow able to temper Trump's frustration. Even if that was her *only* job, it's better to keep her on staff than to let Trump fire off on Twitter like he has been the past couple weeks. Dude sounds like a maniac. All that damn cable TV news has his brain FRIED.



That's as a product and as an organization. WTF were they thinking with that 15-yard penalty shit? WEAK AND SAD!! So, so low-brow. Catering to their fans, presumably.
Kushner is a clown though. We all know that. He brings absolutely nothing positive to the table.

Why do you hate Jews, you Nazi.

By the way, if Trump twitter is so awful why isn't the MSM who is liberal urging him to keep tweeting? Wouldn't he be just hurting himself? Why is it that your side is so afraid of being the pussies that you are?

Trump and the GOP are going to goddamn demolish your party. And I hope we jump on the ashes of your dead
Kushner is a clown though. We all know that. He brings absolutely nothing positive to the table.

Your irrelevant opinion aside. Point is, Kushner attended the Trump Tower meeting with Don Jr. If there was anything to do with anything evolving from said meeting, Kushner definitely doesn't get permanent clearance. And if you haven't been paying attention, that meeting has been their smoking gun.

WTF were they thinking with that 15-yard penalty shit? WEAK AND SAD!!

That was just one of the ideas they were throwing around that got leaked out. Obviously, considering today's announcement, that's not the direction they went.

Catering to their fans, presumably.

Which sports league doesn't? You act like that's a bad thing.
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Trump fire off on Twitter like he has been the past couple weeks.

This is called the power of persuasion. He's their puppet master. If you haven't noticed, national cable TV news and newspapers/websites are parroting his message, stepping on their own narrative.

First they lied about it and denied it, then admitted it and claimed it was for Trump's own good, now "witch hunt" and "spygate" are being plastered across every TV, computer screen, etc in the country. When will you ever learn? There's a method to the madness.
Your irrelevant opinion aside. Point is, Kushner attended the Trump Tower meeting with Don Jr. If there was anything to do with anything evolving from said meeting, Kushner definitely doesn't get permanent clearance. And if you haven't been paying attention, that meeting has been their smoking gun.

That was just one of the ideas they were throwing around that got leaked out. Obviously, considering today's announcement, that's not the direction they went.

Which sports league doesn't? You act like that's a bad thing.

Okay, help me out then. What exactly does Jared Kushner bring to the table?

The fact that the NFL is even considering penalties for player protests is laughable at best, damning at worst.

Every sports league caters to its base. Definitely. But this is an indictment on the low-brow nature of NFL fans. You'd think that their dimwitted takes on entitlement and peaceful protest would make them blithely immune to criticism, but DAMN, bro.

These pussies mad at guys kneeling during the national anthem need to grow a Michelle-level set of balls. Such a lame take, especially when they bring up the military.
This is called the power of persuasion. He's their puppet master. If you haven't noticed, national cable TV news and newspapers/websites are parroting his message, stepping on their own narrative.

First they lied about it and denied it, then admitted it and claimed it was for Trump's own good, now "witch hunt" and "spygate" are being plastered across every TV, computer screen, etc in the country. When will you ever learn? There's a method to the madness.

Bro, our president parrots cable TV news, not the other way around. Fox News informs Trump. That's just downright pathetic.
Just happily shining a light on the bigotry rampant in this thread. It's like when you move the oven and all the cockroaches scurry back into the shadows.

Bigotry? How is it bigotry to think a woman shouldn’t be forced to wax a man’s balls?

The businesses clientele is 98% women, why should they be forced to have someone on staff just in case? That isn’t smart business.

The man could easily have gone to another establishment, problem solved.
Okay, help me out then. What exactly does Jared Kushner bring to the table?

The fact that the NFL is even considering penalties for player protests is laughable at best, damning at worst.

Every sports league caters to its base. Definitely. But this is an indictment on the low-brow nature of NFL fans. You'd think that their dimwitted takes on entitlement and peaceful protest would make them blithely immune to criticism, but DAMN, bro.

These pussies mad at guys kneeling during the national anthem need to grow a Michelle-level set of balls. Such a lame take, especially when they bring up the military.

It amazes me you're allowed around children's growth. You're no better than a child molester.

Name what exactly what in DETAIL Jared Kushner has done wrong. You can't name one thing in DETAIL.

The fact you mention "NFL protests" shows how stupid you are. Guess what? Freedom of speech doesn't expand to your GODDAMN job. How many F***** TIMES do sense minded AMERICANS have to tell you dumb ass dim witted America hating liberals. THERE ARE REPERCUSSIONS TO BAD BEHAVIOR ON THE GODDAMN JOB.

JESUS F****** CHRIST. If it was up to me you shit minded whackos would either be exiled or killed off
Okay, help me out then. What exactly does Jared Kushner bring to the table?

He just got the prison reform bill passed. Most bipartisanship we've seen since Trump had taken office.

The fact that the NFL is even considering penalties for player protests is laughable at best, damning at worst.

Damning for who? And they're not considering, they have. You must stand or stay in the locker room. If you come out and don't stand, it's a fine.

An employer does not have to tolerate protest at the work place. If you want to protest, do it on your own time. When you're on the clock there are rules and regulations.

Every sports league caters to its base. Definitely. But this is an indictment on the low-brow nature of NFL fans. You'd think that their dimwitted takes on entitlement and peaceful protest would make them blithely immune to criticism, but DAMN, bro

You just said NBA>NFL. Are you not aware that the NBA requires their players to stand or get fined? What makes the NFL low-brow and dimwitted but the NBA greater than?

These pussies mad at guys kneeling during the national anthem need to grow a Michelle-level set of balls. Such a lame take, especially when they bring up the military.

Of maybe the pussies kneeling need to virtue signal on their own time. Kneeling for the anthem because you're triggered by something totally unrelated is such a lame take. The football field isn't your megaphone.
Bro, our president parrots cable TV news, not the other way around. Fox News informs Trump. That's just downright pathetic.

No you are pathetic and fake news. I know you are trolling and doing a pretty dam good job acting like a dipshit stupid ass liberal, but come on. Move to another thread to troll. Try the football board.
Bro, our president parrots cable TV news, not the other way around. Fox News informs Trump. That's just downright pathetic.

Pay better attention. It's simple. All it takes is for the slightest bit of doubt to start to creep in for someone to start to question. If someone hears and/or reads "witch hunt" and "spygate" enough times, then it's not out of the question for that person to stop and think to themselves, "Maybe he was illegally spied on? Maybe this all is a witch hunt?"

Another example. Today he had several family members of MS-13 victims on TV with him openly and angrily calling MS-13 members animals and TV cable news had no choice but to air because it's the President. Needless to say, that's much, much more powerful and persuasive than Nancy Pelosi screeching about every human, including MS-13 members, having a divine spark and shouldn't be dehumanized.