How will they rule ??!

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Gangs are everywhere, bro. Why in the hell does some shit called "MS-13" trigger you like this?

This is the dumbest argument the left makes. "Americans are gangbangers and criminals too so who cares if illegals are gangbangers and criminals".

Americans committing crimes is inevitable. There's no way to prevent it all. Horrible people do horrible things. That's why we have laws and a justice system. Criminals who break the law are arrested, prosecuted and jailed.

Compare that to illegal immigrants who commit crimes. It's 100% preventable. Stop them from entering the country illegally. End of story.
Welp, just took a bedtime shit. Turd mud got caught between my ass and scrotum hair. Going to wear a dress and go get a Brazilian wax tomorrow. If they say no, I'll sue them using Dionysus's post as legal precedent.

Thanks Dion! All I needed was to wear a dress!
And if those women don't wanna fondle your junk then they should just go work somewhere else by God.

The left loses their shit over two black guys loitering, refusing to buy anything and then getting arrested. Made a hero out of clock boy for his hoax bomb, idolize criminals like Michael Brown and Freddie Gray.

But then think it’s totally okay to punch anyone who disagrees with them and was super quick to throw crap on Tomi just like how feminists poured bottles of piss on Lauren Southern.

“Go for a vote this week asap before it fades. Tap peoples [sic] emotion. Make it simple assault weapons."

Never let a tragic event go to waste. Gotta strike while the iron is hot.

But that’s always been the liberal playbook. Try to get laws and legislation passed based on pure emotion rather than a hint of logical thought process.
This is the same type of white knight moron who, had that woman been a feminist, would have called that guy a misogynist pig for reinforcing outdated gender stereotypes and perpetuating patriarchal bigotry.

Saw a girl post about how most people usually say “men and women” was a sign of how America has made social construct to place women second. Men come first and women are secondary after thoughts.

Some guy said what about the phrase ladies and gentlemen? She responds, it’s part of the same construct in reverse. This is a way to show women are weak and need a man to hold them up.

In the world of a fringe leftist, there is no doing the right thing. The only questions are which way are you doing it wrong and who are you oppressing in the process?
The mess Rod Rosenstein made

Many liberals and critics are under the mistaken belief that President Trump is violating the rule of law and civil liberties by criticizing the Robert Muellerinvestigation and by ordering the Justice Department's Inspector General to investigate whether or not the FBI spied on his 2016 presidential campaign. In fact, the president is behaving totally lawfully, and it is Robert Mueller and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein who are acting unconstitutionally and who are violating Trump's civil liberties.

Presidents George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson all gave ordersto federal prosecutors to bring prosecutions, and Jefferson ordered a prosecution stopped. President Trump is entirely within his rights to ask the Justice Department's inspector general to investigate whether the Obama administration got the FBI to spy on Trump's campaign.

I've explained in previous writings why Robert Mueller's appointment is unconstitutional under Chief Justice Rehnquist's majority opinion in Morrison v. Olson. The basic problem is that Mueller is more powerful and famous than are any of the 96 U.S. attorneys, but unlike them he was never nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate.

In this investigation, Mueller is not acting like an assistant U.S. attorney who is an inferior officer. He is instead acting like a U.S. attorney, who is a principal officer and who must be nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate.

The unconstitutionality of Mueller's appointment renders everything he has done since May 17, 2017, unconstitutional as well. This includes obtaining a log of calls by President Trump's personal lawyer Michael Cohen, and his referral of Cohen to the United States attorney's office for the Southern District of New York. Both the logging and the referral are examples of what the Supreme Court calls the fruit of a poisonous tree.

When an official uses government power in an unconstitutional way, anything that results from it is subject to the exclusionary rule and is not admissible in court. Since the investigation by the U.S. Attorney's office for the Southern District of New York was started due to an arguably unconstitutional call log that violates both the Appointments Clause and attorney-client privilege, the federal courts should hold that any prosecutions that result of Cohen or anyone else that grew out of the Mueller referral are unconstitutional and null and void.

Moreover, Mueller's prosecution of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafortin Virginia is unconstitutional even if some of his prosecutors have special status as members of the relevant U.S. Attorney's office in that state. Their actions are under Mueller's supervision. Because of Mueller's unconstitutional appointment as special counsel, the raid of Manafort's house is also the fruit of a poisonous tree.

Deputy Attorney General's Rod Rosenstein's refusing to make public his full orderappointing Mueller and defining the scope of Mueller's investigation calls to mind the secret trials of the Court of Star Chamber in England, which has been justifiably reviled since its abolition in 1641.

I am not aware of any prior deputy attorney general of the United States who has made as big and as consequential a mistake as has Rosenstein in his appointment of Robert Mueller. Not only has he violated Trump's civil liberties and the rule of law by unconstitutionally giving Robert Mueller the powers of a principal officer without Mueller's having been nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate, he has undermined in the American people's eyes the integrity of the Justice Department itself.
Watched a bit of Pelosi last night. Going to absolutely nut those folks in the midterms. Nut.

That they trot her out as the face of their fresh, hip movement is nothing short of astonishing....

Nancy knows how to fund raise like no other leader in that party. That is why they keep her despite her many negatives. I hope they keep her as the face of the party for another decade.

"House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) raised $16.1 million in the first three months of 2018, her campaign office announced on Monday....Pelosi, who has held 71 fundraising events, has brought in a total of $66.7 million as of the end of March. The prolific fundraiser has raised $659.6 million for Democrats since she became part of Democratic leadership in 2002."
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The dems are about to blow their shot at picking up a bunch of GOP seats in California by picking ultra left candidates. This may be my favorite...

"And against ethically embattled Rep. Duncan Hunter, the Democratic front-runner is the grandson of a Palestinian terrorist who was linked to the rampage against Israelis at the 1972 Munich Olympics. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee-favored candidate, retired Naval officer Josh Butner, is badly lagging behind.".....
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Nancy knows how to fund raise like no other leader in that party. That is why they keep her despite her many negatives. I hope they keep her as the face of the party for another decade.

"House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) raised $16.1 million in the first three months of 2018, her campaign office announced on Monday....Pelosi, who has held 71 fundraising events, has brought in a total of $66.7 million as of the end of March. The prolific fundraiser has raised $659.6 million for Democrats since she became part of Democratic leadership in 2002."
She'd raise the money away if they removed her as leader. After all, she does it "for the people", not for power.
White house pulls out of korean summit

This will be a ploy... basing it on the pence comments

Trump had no choice but to walk away after the Pence comments and mostly because NoKo said something about meeting them on the battlefield nuke to nuke. It's unreasonable to try to meet face to face with someone who's still making those types of threats. He's calling their bluff, proving to them he has no problem walking away and showing them that they need this more than the US.
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The North Korean summit was all directed by China as a negotiating tactic with the US. Notice how Kim started getting belligerent the past week or so, precisely when the talks with China began.
China thought Trump would give in if they threatened the summit, Trump just called their bluff.
Trump wasn't willing to pull a John Kerry and sit around and listen to NoKo's version of "Death to America" over and over just for the sake of making a deal. Threats to America aren't going to be tolerated by this administration.

The North Korean summit was all directed by China as a negotiating tactic with the US. Notice how Kim started getting belligerent the past week or so, precisely when the talks with China began.
China thought Trump would give in if they threatened the summit, Trump just called their bluff.

He snuffed this out, too. During the press conference with Moon he made mention of it, saying he was very disappointed in their behavior and didn't think it was a coincidence that it started immediately after Kim met with China.
Trump wasn't willing to pull a John Kerry and sit around and listen to NoKo's version of "Death to America" over and over just for the sake of making a deal. Threats to America aren't going to be tolerated by this administration.


Damn right they wont.. and i would still lay odds the meeting happens.. maybe not in june, but it will happen.

The art of the deal