How will they rule ??!

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Pay better attention. It's simple. All it takes is for the slightest bit of doubt to start to creep in for someone to start to question. If someone hears and/or reads "witch hunt" and "spygate" enough times, then it's not out of the question for that person to stop and think to themselves, "Maybe he was illegally spied on? Maybe this all is a witch hunt?"

Another example. Today he had several family members of MS-13 victims on TV with him openly and angrily calling MS-13 members animals and TV cable news had no choice but to air because it's the President. Needless to say, that's much, much more powerful and persuasive than Nancy Pelosi screeching about every human, including MS-13 members, having a divine spark and shouldn't be dehumanized.

That first part makes you sound paranoid as hell, bro. Use this weekend as a time of rest and relaxation, if possible. As for your fearless leader, he should unwind with a nice Diet Coke and a well-done steak. Maybe a couple slices of "real New York pizza" stacked up, ready to be devoured via fork and knife.

If you mention MS-13 you are a sad little man. A scared little man.

Gangs are everywhere, bro. Why in the hell does some shit called "MS-13" trigger you like this? Be like Michelle. Grow large and grow strong.
German asylum scandal: Interior Minister strips Bremen office of authority.

Interior Minister Horst Seehofer says the Bremen branch of the Migration Office won't decide any more asylum cases. The move is an attempt to counter accusations that the office wrongly approved hundreds of applications.

..... The center has been accused of improperly approving some 1,200 applications for political asylum between 2013 and 2016. Critics allege that center employees essentially waved people through without carrying out background checks.....


Oakland and other leftist municipalities might learn something from the decision against this city/state.
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That first part makes you sound paranoid as hell, bro. Use this weekend as a time of rest and relaxation, if possible. As for your fearless leader, he should unwind with a nice Diet Coke and a well-done steak. Maybe a couple slices of "real New York pizza" stacked up, ready to be devoured via fork and knife.

If you mention MS-13 you are a sad little man. A scared little man.

Gangs are everywhere, bro. Why in the hell does some shit called "MS-13" trigger you like this? Be like Michelle. Grow large and grow strong.

You're sad you POS. MS 13 gang is a dominantly ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION GANG.

SO effing stupid. I hope my kid never ends up in your classroom, if he does, I hope he gives you Hell.
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You're sad you POS. MS 13 gang is a dominantly ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION GANG.

SO effing stupid. I hope my kid never ends up in your classroom, if he does, I hope he gives you Hell.

Would be the first school shooting I would support

That's a freaking joke mods.
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Use this weekend as a time of rest and relaxation, if possible.

I'm relaxed now.

As for your fearless leader, he should unwind with a nice Diet Coke and a well-done steak. Maybe a couple slices of "real New York pizza" stacked up, ready to be devoured via fork and knife.

You're are up with it. You have zero room to talk about being triggered. You're about as deranged and delusional as I've encountered them. Always with your go to smack about what he drinks and eats. Not as witty as you thought, huh? You sure you don't watch cable TV news? They're the only ones who scrape the barrel that low.

Gangs are everywhere, bro. Why in the hell does some shit called "MS-13" trigger you like this?

Who's triggered? I'm simply pointing out the persuasive nature in what he does. Maybe if you weren't so outraged about everything the man says/does/eats/drinks/screws you'd be able to catch on.
Hope Hicks was the one that the WH really needed to keep. She was somehow able to temper Trump's frustration. Even if that was her *only* job, it's better to keep her on staff than to let Trump fire off on Twitter like he has been the past couple weeks. Dude sounds like a maniac. All that damn cable TV news has his brain FRIED.
Pubs know what "somehow" was. Libs can't fathom it.

Concerning your reaction to Drumpf's Tweets, it perfectly demonstrates your lack of understanding of Da Man!! Smooth talk with no substance is what you miss & crave.
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That first part makes you sound paranoid as hell, bro. Use this weekend as a time of rest and relaxation, if possible. As for your fearless leader, he should unwind with a nice Diet Coke and a well-done steak. Maybe a couple slices of "real New York pizza" stacked up, ready to be devoured via fork and knife.

If you mention MS-13 you are a sad little man. A scared little man.

Gangs are everywhere, bro. Why in the hell does some shit called "MS-13" trigger you like this? Be like Michelle. Grow large and grow strong.


The left loses their shit over two black guys loitering, refusing to buy anything and then getting arrested. Made a hero out of clock boy for his hoax bomb, idolize criminals like Michael Brown and Freddie Gray.

But then think it’s totally okay to punch anyone who disagrees with them and was super quick to throw crap on Tomi just like how feminists poured bottles of piss on Lauren Southern.
Trump’s Superpower

He can make Democrats defend anything.

Democrats have increasingly defined themselves by opposing anything Trump does. Trump, unlike his predecessor, has promulgated a mainstream conservative agenda: He’s cut taxes and regulations and spent more on defense. Most Americans aren’t averse to that agenda, particularly considering the booming economy and a relatively quiet foreign sphere. But Democrats painted Trump during the campaign as an emissary of Cthulhu, and now they’re struggling to justify that depiction.
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Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald on the left.

The idea that blocking someone from harassing you on social media is a violation of the first amendment is so retarded.

All you have to do is log out and you can see anything you want. It just stops someone from being harassed by you and that’s all the left does on social media .

But good to see they’re upset now after constantly censoring conservatives and demonetizing them all the time.
8 signs pointing to a counterintelligence operation deployed against Trump's campaign

It may be true that President Trump illegally conspired with Russia and was so good at covering it up he’s managed to outwit our best intel and media minds who've searched for irrefutable evidence for two years. (We still await special counsel Robert Mueller’s findings.)

But there’s a growing appearance of alleged wrongdoing equally as insidious, if not more so, because it implies widespread misuse of America’s intelligence and law enforcement apparatus.

Here are eight signs pointing to a counterintelligence operation deployed against Trump for political reasons...
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