How will they rule ??!

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He doesnt care...he was unaware they even had a tech that deals with male clients. Facts arent important, only narrative.
The CEO himself stated, “When we’ve been asked about a male Brazilian wax in the past we tell them we’re not able to provide that service and they move on." And here's another one. “I have no male wax staff,” Carruthers said Friday. “We are not able to provide that service.” Seems to contradict your statement.
I stated I'm not personally for banning Trumpers, but legally businesses are allowed to because that falls under political discrimination. What they aren't allowed to discriminate on are skin color, race, religion, sex, and nationality.
So does that same discrimination occur in the reverse...why wont any of these women come get Brazilian waxes from the men...they arent predators. They are just trying to make a living. Women should have to go to those businesses to, so they can perform the service, they wanted the service any way. Right to earn a living! Oh understand capitalism some times...but not when it doesnt fit your narrative.
So does that same discrimination occur in the reverse...why wont any of these women come get Brazilian waxes from the men...they arent predators. They are just trying to make a living. Women should have to go to those businesses to, so they can perform the service, they wanted the service any way. Right to earn a living! Oh understand capitalism some times...but not when it doesnt fit your narrative.
This makes no sense. If a woman goes to a Brazilian waxing salon they are legally entitled to be served yes.
The IRS pushed back today against states like NY and NJ that have tried to come up with work-arounds for the new SALT deduction limits. These states are letting its wealthiest taxpayers recharacterize the tax payments as charitable contributions. The IRS is calling the move B.S. and people who try it are looking at owing serious penalties and interest in addition to the back tax.

"Calling an alligator a hairless, toothy, non-barking dog doesn’t make it so,” said Mark Klein, the chairman of law firm Hodgson Russ in New York. “I have grave concerns that taxpayers who ‘voluntarily’ give to these state and local charities could be subject to tax, interest and penalties if the IRS picks up on it.”
But, but I thought the tax cut targeted massive deductions for wealthy taxpayers?


It is their job. They work at a salon that sells Brazilian waxes.
No, it's not their job. I've tried explaining this to you a dozens times. Their job is to wax women, not men pretending to be women. A tranny coming and claiming "Women have penises. Women have balls." doesn't make him a woman. He somehow thinks dressing in drag makes him an exception, regardless of his cock and balls.

Following a conversation with an employee, she asked to speak with the owner. Carruthers said he called her back and explained that the female employee working that day was a practising Muslim who refrains from physical contact with males outside of her family.

He further explained the only staff member he had who did male waxing was off on a sick leave and there was no one else.

Carruthers said he decided to go public with the issue because of a derogatory video about his business that was posted online and threats from the complainant to create “a media circus.”

“I once again reiterate and state my position and the position of Mad Wax Windsor Inc. that all clients, regardless of sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, are welcome,” he said in a statement. “However, we also welcome and support all of our staff members and respect their religious beliefs and feelings of safety and dignity in regards to the right to perform waxing services on males or male genitals.”
No, it's not their job. I've tried explaining this to you a dozens times. Their job is to wax women, not men pretending to be women. A tranny coming and claiming "Women have penises. Women have balls." doesn't make him a woman. He somehow thinks dressing in drag makes him an exception, regardless of his cock and balls.

Following a conversation with an employee, she asked to speak with the owner. Carruthers said he called her back and explained that the female employee working that day was a practising Muslim who refrains from physical contact with males outside of her family.

He further explained the only staff member he had who did male waxing was off on a sick leave and there was no one else.

Carruthers said he decided to go public with the issue because of a derogatory video about his business that was posted online and threats from the complainant to create “a media circus.”

“I once again reiterate and state my position and the position of Mad Wax Windsor Inc. that all clients, regardless of sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, are welcome,” he said in a statement. “However, we also welcome and support all of our staff members and respect their religious beliefs and feelings of safety and dignity in regards to the right to perform waxing services on males or male genitals.”
You're making my point, not yours. "staff member he had who did male waxing" directly contradicts your premise that "Their job is to wax women, not men".
You're making my point, not yours. "the only staff member he had who did male waxing" directly contradicts your premise of, "Their job is to wax women, not men".
This isn't that hard to understand. The women working at the time the tranny came into the establishment, it isn't their job to wax males, only females. That's the policy. Stop being insufferable.
This isn't that hard to understand. The women working at the time the tranny came into the establishment, it isn't their job to wax males, only females. Stop being insufferable.
I agree it isn't that hard to understand. They work at a salon that offers Brazilian waxes and is not legally allowed to discriminate based on sex, or in Ontario, sexual orientation. It is their job. I'm not the one who's insufferable.
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For all the her body, her choice we get from the left, seems a bit hypocritical to argue women should be force to fondle the balls of any man that walks through the door.
For all the her body, her choice we get from the left, seems a bit hypocritical to argue women should be force to fondle the balls of any man that walks through the door.
If you don't want to wax genitals, don't work at a genital waxing salon. Seems pretty easy to avoid.
They work at a salon that offers Brazilian waxes and is not legally allowed to discriminate based on sex,

And they don't. Men are more than welcome, so are trannies.

It is their job

It wasn't the job of those who were on the clock that day. They were hired to specifically wax women, not men or men pretending to be women.

I'm not the one who's insufferable.

Sure you are. You couldn't be more wrong and just can't let it go. I'll do you a favor and stop responding.
Shutting up because you're wrong. If only more conservatives would follow your lead!

Last time. Certain employees carrying out specific jobs at a business isn't a new concept, and most certainly not illegal no matter how many times you say it.

Nowhere under the law does it say that all employees are required to preform all functions of a job. Bottom line, women who work at spas do not have to wax the balls of men or men pretending to be women.
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[laughing] @ Shaun King. What a waste.

The allegations were published in The Root and by far-left activist Shaun King, who appeared to add even more allegations to those made by Dixon-Cole, saying that she was "kidnapped" and was "being held hostage."

In a 704-word Facebook post that got more 56,000 shares, King wrote:

This woman was kidnapped and raped by a Texas State Trooper— OFFICER HUBBARD, she is now being held hostage in Ellis County Jail!...

...He drove the car behind the vacant dealership and told Cole “why don’t you just give me some of that sweet pussy you have been given your fiancé and then you can go home.” Cole begged Hubbard to just take her to jail. He placed his hands back up her skirt and penetrated her vagina, warning her “not to be stupid!” He explained, she could “go home tonight” if she just gave him what he wanted...
Nowhere under the law does it say that all employees are required to preform all functions of a job. Bottom line, women who work at spas do not have to wax the balls of men or men pretending to be women.
“I have no male wax staff,” Carruthers said Friday. So who's going to do the waxing that they're legally required to provide to both sexes and "transgender or gender non-conforming persons" if they have no male staff?
1) It is not settled law that sexual orientation is a protected class under the constitution such that strict scrutiny should be applied. Heightened or intermediate scrutiny is still the level of review applied in most circuits. IMO, I do not agree that sexual orientation should be a true protected class
2) IMO, there should be a balancing of interests applied when someone's freedom of religion (which is a very fundamental, powerful and personal right) clashes with another's rights under the equal protection clause. Again, IMO, where strict scrutiny is not applied (in the absence of a protected class), one's good-faith religious objections to serve another should outweigh another person's right to make that person serve them.
Which is why the best solution is to let owners run their business how they see fit, and consumers shop where they see fit. If a business chooses not to sell to a certain clientele, it will open up opportunities for another business to come along who will. I'm a wedding DJ. I have no problem Djing a gay wedding. Some DJ's won't and that's more money for me. I want to be able to choose my clients. I wouldn't want to DJ a satanic wedding for example. I'm sure there is someone who would. Where there is a need, someone will come along to make money off of it. Demanding someone offer you their services is slavery. Keep it free for everyone to choose and you won't have to worry about religious conflicts, or sexual orientation issues. Simple.
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