How will they rule ??!

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^ and it will be interesting to see how it plays out this year. Both bases seem to dislike their candidate selections (or are at least divided - just read a piece today on BernMen or some stupid name going all #gamergate on Hillary supporters), which might suppress turnout. But both bases seem very motivated on other issues - despising the candidates on the other side, SCOTUS appointments, Islamic terrorism, immigration, abortion, etc.... even more so than most years.
^ and it will be interesting to see how it plays out this year. Both bases seem to dislike their candidate selections (or are at least divided - just read a piece today on BernMen or some stupid name going all #gamergate on Hillary supporters), which might suppress turnout. But both bases seem very motivated on other issues - despising the candidates on the other side, SCOTUS appointments, Islamic terrorism, immigration, abortion, etc.... even more so than most years.

There's a lot going on this election season. There's a generation gap of sorts as well IMO. The younger crowd is ready to try socialism, pitted against their parents generation, who are close enough to the greatest generation, that they think this country is still the best of a list of imperfect options. IMO, history proves this to be true.
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If you are 25 or younger you were not alive when the Evil Soviet Empire existed, you have no living memory of the Cold War. So sure, socialism sounds great to a young skull full of mush, what could go wrong, provide everyone with free education and free health care and then whatever else they need from cradle to grave free as well just get the money to pay for it from evil corporations & even more evil rich.
I know when I think of cool and trying to relate to the youth, this automatically comes to mind...


In all seriousness, most politicians are going to be seen in this manner because they're adults. It's the same reason why when we grow up, we don't dress and talk like 19-year-olds. However, Bill Clinton is likable and charismatic. Obama is charismatic too although I detest that POS but his people were smart enough to pander to the celebrity obsessed culture and has been on so many talk shows and reality shows. That's why he referenced Jay Z songs, released his favorite shows he watches that just happened to be the ones everyone else likes and pushed his "cool hip black guy" image when the desired audience was around. It paid off.

Like I said, we live in a different time and not many presidents are going to be considered "cool" to college kids and that goes for both parties. And you're right about having to pander to the Christian crowd. They are handcuffed in that regard where as a Dem can have an "anything goes mentality." Want to pretend a guy that chops his dick off is now a woman and should use the same bathroom as your kid? Cool. No problem on the Dem side. No standards to disappoint.

I will say, you know Bush was probably pretty cool to hang out with and probably smoke a j with.

While I wasn't too keen on Bush II's policies, he definitely would've been awesome to party with. Probably had some hilarious stories.

My earlier post was an opinion. You've worked in media. It's filled with lefties. And you're right about the "anything goes" thing the Dems can use. I really think the GOP could benefit if they said "don't care who you bang, love or marry" but those handcuffs you reference have been on really tight since the 1984 election cycle.
If you are 25 or younger you were not alive when the Evil Soviet Empire existed, you have no living memory of the Cold War. So sure, socialism sounds great to a young skull full of mush, what could go wrong, provide everyone with free education and free health care and then whatever else they need from cradle to grave free as well just get the money to pay for it from evil corporations & even more evil rich.
wow, Nicki Haley to endorce Rubio tonight. thought she was going to sit it out on the sidelines. have to think she sees a surge in his numbers to give him her nod of approval. and she also is doing so to get on his good side to be on the short list of VP's without worry of pissing off Cruz or Trump.
Rubio now has the endorsements of Senator Tim Scott, Trey Gowdy, and Nikki Haley. Pretty good lineup from SC.
Rubio now has the endorsements of Senator Tim Scott, Trey Gowdy, and Nikki Haley. Pretty good lineup from SC.

Do you think that Marco Rubio will get all the delegates despite losing South Carolina?

I can see that happening. Imagine the RNC is trying to do anything it can to prevent Trump from taking that nomination.
Maybe not but Cruz if flat out lying at every chance to undermine anyone to create a thought that he has a chance. His stunts in New Hampshire were just disgusting to be honest.

I don't hinge on every word Donald says but the fact he just rambles and hasn't said any specifics past Mexico will pay for a wall leads me to believe he at least believes his BS.

Cruz can not honestly believe his, and as a matter of fact when it's all said and done Cruz should really reconsider politics all together. He is f'n awful.
Not sure if the GOP has the super delegates like/or to the extent the Dems do. Hillary lost NH by 20%, but ended up with more delegates.
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Not sure if the GOP has the super delegates like/or to the extent the Dems do. Hillary lost NH by 20%, but ended up with more delegates.
from what I remember of 2008 & '12, no they do not. the GOP primary is more decided by actual votes as compared to the crooked insider game the Dems run.
from what I remember of 2008 & '12, no they do not. the GOP primary is more decided by actual votes as compared to the crooked insider game the Dems run.

Agree about dems being crooked insider, but Iowa screwed Ron Paul in 2012 by his own party.

It happens. These conventions will elect their person, even if it means costing themselves an election.
I have 2 main problems with Cruz.
1) Not sure if he can win a general election
2) Politicizes his faith too much for my liking

He will not win a general election and that's why we need to get him out. He'd be great on the Supreme Court because he's intelligent but he's not likable to the masses. You have to think in terms of who can beat Hillary.

We have two options. Trump and Rubio. Both candidates are cause for concern in the overall election. The GOP has done a great job at hurting themselves with so many contenders. The GOP did not benefit at all by having Christie on stage if they wanted Rubio to do well.

Trump doesn't know when to shut up. He's like the team that has a big lead but instead of runnin the clock down, he keeps chucking up shots and turning the ball over.
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Imagine the RNC is trying to do anything it can to prevent Trump from taking that nomination.

Agree. It looks pretty clear the RNC is willing to sell its soul to stop Trump or Cruz from getting the nomination.

Cruz can not honestly believe his, and as a matter of fact when it's all said and done Cruz should really reconsider politics all together. He is f'n awful.

Cruz is terrible. I was sure of that when he kept saying SCOTUS had no authority to hear the same sex marriage case; even though he was a SCOTUS CLERK. He knew better, but was willing to say anything for votes.
He will not win a general election and that's why we need to get him out. He'd be great on the Supreme Court because he's intelligent but he's not likable to the masses.

We have two options. Trump and Rubio.

I think Rubio would get eaten alive by Hillary. Once she got him uncomfortable and he falls back on those robot canned speeches, he'll melt like that green witch in Wizard of Oz.

Trump will be the only person that will beat her and he may end up being a pretty liberal president.

Just wish Johnson would get more serious pull. He's exactly what the Repubs need.
Agree. It looks pretty clear the RNC is willing to sell its soul to stop Trump or Cruz from getting the nomination.

Cruz is terrible. I was sure of that when he kept saying SCOTUS had no authority to hear the same sex marriage case; even though he was a SCOTUS CLERK. He knew better, but was willing to say anything for votes.

Agreed on both points.
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He will not win a general election and that's why we need to get him out. He'd be great on the Supreme Court because he's intelligent but he's not likable to the masses.

We have two options. Trump and Rubio.
We need to get him out because he's a zealot dominionist. I'm hoping he has something so embarrassing happen that he will never run again.
There is better examples than that too! I mean half the things he "stands for" are most likely things he isn't for and has said as much within the last 2-3 months.

Trump has them all gassed up and guessing which way the wind is blowing. Not one of them are still standing firm on any principles, and TBH Trump hasn't presented a single reason for anyone to change anything because Trump isnt really saying much about principles of policies.

We know he is pro Wall, anti-immigration for a short term period, and wants to bring back business(which means give corporations huge tax breaks).

That's it, that is Trumps campaign.
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I think Rubio would get eaten alive by Hillary. Once she got him uncomfortable and he falls back on those robot canned speeches, he'll melt like that green witch in Wizard of Oz.

Trump will be the only person that will beat her and he may end up being a pretty liberal president.

Just wish Johnson would get more serious pull. He's exactly what the Repubs need.

Agreed. Rubio would get smoked. I still think Trump wins the nomination and his ability to win the general election will depend on two things

1. Who his VP would be- to offset lack of experience or likability issues

2. Will Republicans come out and vote for Trump or stay at home because he's not Christian enough or because he's kind of a jerk?

And I would have preferred Paul to actually have been given a platform to sell his ideas. He's like the good player that got put on the bench in favor of the coach's kid and the coach's buddy's kid.
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Agreed. Rubio would get smoked. I still think Trump wins the nomination and his ability to win the general election will depend on two things

1. Who his VP would be- to offset lack of experience or likability issues

2. Will Republicans come out and vote for Trump or stay at home because he's not Christian enough or because he's kind of a jerk?

And I would have preferred Paul to actually have been given a platform to sell his ideas. He's like the good player that got put on the bench in favor of the coach's kid and the coach's buddy's kid.

You nailed it.

Trump could pull Rubio as a VP and let Rubio be groomed for the job in the future. If I'm Trump, I may also want to consider Justin Amash from Michigan. I think he's a rockstar Repub.
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A significant chunk of the GOP base would stay home on Trump in a general election. People are scared of him. I, for one, would probably do a write-in.

Enjoying watching the Republican establishment contort themselves in fits and starts on who needs to drop out of the race so they can have their establishment candidate, Rubio or Jeb.
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Because unemployment down to 5%, the stock market nearly tripled, and gas at a buck fifty are so much worse than what he was handed.

First the stock Mickey was as low as it had been so it was going up regardless and its remained up because of bogus interest rates that should be rising and aren't. That game is easy to play but it will bust some enough.

I wonder what the true unemployment rate is. By that I mean my brother is unemployed and register through unemployment as looking for a job so he is determined employed as a statistic. I'm dead serious! So I wonder how many others fit that mode too. However it is better than 08 when Obama came in.

Gas at $1.50 has nothing to do with Obama, idiot! But it does have a little to do with his deal with Iran, so I assume your happy about that?
Obama also put on about $10 trillion in debt Z.

But we got that buck fiddy gas doe...

I was trying to hold back that trump card, but since you jumped right to it there is the amount of debt he added to our credit card.
If you are 25 or younger you were not alive when the Evil Soviet Empire existed, you have no living memory of the Cold War. So sure, socialism sounds great to a young skull full of mush, what could go wrong, provide everyone with free education and free health care and then whatever else they need from cradle to grave free as well just get the money to pay for it from evil corporations & even more evil rich.
The "Evil Soviet Empire" was communist, not democratic socialist. All of western Europe is democratic is almost the entire industrialized world. I've never heard anyone describe western Europe as an evil empire. Perhaps those young minds understand that communism and democratic socialism aren't the same thing. Ya think?
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I was trying to hold back that trump card, but since you jumped right to it there is the amount of debt he added to our credit card.

American money has no credit line on the Obamacard.

"Doesn't matter if you leave home without it"
The "Evil Soviet Empire" was communist, not democratic socialist. All of western Europe is democratic is almost the entire industrialized world. I've never heard anyone describe western Europe as an evil empire. Perhaps those young minds understand that communism and democratic socialism aren't the same thing. Ya think?

I'm going to blindly say that western Europe and "evil empire" have both been on Glenn Beck's chalkboard at the same time. For a blind guess, I feel pretty solid on that.
Not sure if the GOP has the super delegates like/or to the extent the Dems do. Hillary lost NH by 20%, but ended up with more delegates.
Out of 2,470 total delegates at the Republican National Convention in 2016, 437 are unpledged delegates, who play the same role as superdelegates. Of the 437, 168 are members of the Republican National Committee.

Superdelegates make up one-fifth of the delegates at the Democratic National Convention. So, 747 of the 5,083 delegates attending the 2016 Democratic National Convention can choose whichever candidate they prefer.

If you do the math 17.7% of the GOP delegates are unpledged vs 14.7% of the Democratic delegates.