How will they rule ??!

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I don’t think anyone thinks either one of you would complain to mods.

I had a liberal I know back when Jeff Sessions became AG who kept saying Jeff Beauregard Sessions...emphasis on the middle name...I said that’s interesting, you thought it was prejudice when people said Barrack’s full name.
One of the few things I personally detest on here is the John McCain hate. It really sickens me. The hate turns my stomach.

Senator McCain is a hero in every sense of the word. He paid a greater price while in captivity than any of us may ever dream of. Because he disagrees with President Trump, well. that's his business.

The McCain hate here must stop. It must stop now. Senator McCain is a great American hero.
If the FBI was trying to protect Trump as the article stated, then why didn’t they inform the campaign that foreign agents were trying to infiltrate it?
They didn’t have a problem warning McCain’s campaign in 2008.

That’s the simplest way to deduct they weren’t trying to protect it.
They warned TRump multiple times. He was also told not to hire Flynn.
One of the few things I personally detest on here is the John McCain hate. It really sickens me. The hate turns my stomach.

Senator McCain is a hero in every sense of the word. He paid a greater price while in captivity than any of us may ever dream of. Because he disagrees with President Trump, well. that's his business.

The McCain hate here must stop. It must stop now. Senator McCain is a great American hero.

Have I demonstrated over the top McCain hate I’m unaware of?
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He was also told not to hire Flynn

You mean the same Flynn who still had his national security clearance under the Obama administration? This thought that Flynn was a Russian agent of some sort is the most delusional nonsense imaginable. If you didn't follow conspiracy news, then you'd know Flynn's troubles with the FBI have absolutely nothing to do with Russia.
One of the few things I personally detest on here is the John McCain hate. It really sickens me. The hate turns my stomach.

Senator McCain is a hero in every sense of the word. He paid a greater price while in captivity than any of us may ever dream of. Because he disagrees with President Trump, well. that's his business.

The McCain hate here must stop. It must stop now. Senator McCain is a great American hero.

I greatly agree, in part. His active service went above and beyond.

However I think his civil service is fair game. If he didn't want to face criticism for civil service, he would not run for office.

I don't criticize him because he parts with trump. I criticize him because the last few years his policy decisions really can't be reconciled with the rest of his career. He changed his entire tune soon as he went on Soros payroll.

I thank the both of you for your military service.
It's a goddamn shame if Warrior got a ban
Dude served our country. If i ever met a liberal off this board I'd break their face. Wanna call my bluff libs? F***** try me. Jesus christ i wish you'd try me.
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You? No, and I say that resoundingly. Big NO, not you.

Others have.

Stop the John McCain hate. God damn it, just stop it. NOW! He has his opinions. He may leave us soon.

In 2000, I was youngster, no real political affiliation and I remember after listening to a lot of the candidates running...McCain was my favorite. Liked what he was saying and the way he said a lot more than guys like Bush and Gore.

McCain’s speech the night he lost to Obama (yeah he went out and gave a speech unlike Hillary) was a good and honorable speech.

The story he once told of one of his captors in Vietnam who loosened the ropes one night or a few nights to relieve his pain and how that same captor stood by him around Christmas and drew a cross in the dirt with his foot was one one of the most touching stories I ever heard.

I have several criticisms of him politically the last few years. He hasn’t seemed to be the same McCain politically that he was the two decades prior. But I have never said nor would ever say anything about his military service. I thought Trump’s most dishonorable moment was saying of McCain ‘I like soldiers who weren’t captured’ or something like that. Impossible to defend that statement.

I think the man loves his country and once paid a price for our country that only those who have been in his situation (captivity) could understand.
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It's a goddamn shame if Warrior got a ban
Dude served our country. If i ever met a liberal off this board I'd break their face. Wanna call my bluff libs? F***** try me. Jesus christ i wish you'd try me.

Willy you can’t be apart of the army against liberals until you stop that vegan crap. Bacon and eggs for breakfast...steak for dinner.
In 2000, I was youngster, no real political affiliation and I remember after listening to a lot of the candidates running...McCain was my favorite. Liked what he was saying and the way he said a lot more than guys like Bush and Gore.

McCain’s speech the night he lost to Obama (yeah he went out and gave a speech unlike Hillary) was a good and honorable speech.

The story he once told of one of his captors in Vietnam who loosened the ropes one night or a few nights to relieve his pain and how that same captor stood by him around Christmas and drew a cross in the dirt with his foot was one one of the most touching stories I ever heard.

I have several criticisms of him politically the last few years. He hasn’t seemed to be the same McCain politically that he was the two decades prior. But I have never said nor would ever say anything about his military service. I thought Trump’s most dishonorable moment was saying of McCain ‘I like soldiers who weren’t captured’ or something like that. Impossible to defend that statement.

I think the man loves his country and once paid a price for our country that only those who have been in his situation (captivity) could understand.
Well. honestly, McCain came off as much too GD cheesy when addressing Obama during the debates. I felt his desperation. It was very childish of him.
In 2000, I was youngster, no real political affiliation and I remember after listening to a lot of the candidates running...McCain was my favorite. Liked what he was saying and the way he said a lot more than guys like Bush and Gore.

McCain’s speech the night he lost to Obama (yeah he went out and gave a speech unlike Hillary) was a good and honorable speech.

The story he once told of one of his captors in Vietnam who loosened the ropes one night or a few nights to relieve his pain and how that same captor stood by him around Christmas and drew a cross in the dirt with his foot was one one of the most touching stories I ever heard.

I have several criticisms of him politically the last few years. He hasn’t seemed to be the same McCain politically that he was the two decades prior. But I have never said nor would ever say anything about his military service. I thought Trump’s most dishonorable moment was saying of McCain ‘I like soldiers who weren’t captured’ or something like that. Impossible to defend that statement.

I think the man loves his country and once paid a price for our country that only those who have been in his situation (captivity) could understand.
Nice post. But he is ruining his legacy by his hatred and bitterness of Trump. McCain has hurt this country by some of his antics the last year. Now he just sounds like a bitter old man who is lashing out because of what Trump said. I totally understood what Trump meant when he said that.
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One of the few things I personally detest on here is the John McCain hate. It really sickens me. The hate turns my stomach.

Senator McCain is a hero in every sense of the word. He paid a greater price while in captivity than any of us may ever dream of. Because he disagrees with President Trump, well. that's his business.

The McCain hate here must stop. It must stop now. Senator McCain is a great American hero.

Cant agree with you here.

Its okay and quite frankly its healthy for their to be disagreement.. but hes taking it to a whole other level of trump derangement syndrome. He participated in the russian dossier nonsense. And hes basically a full fledged "resistor".

But his military service is also questionable. 3rd to last in class, yet because of who his daddy is he got rank over othet more qualified hard working soldiers. He crashed how many planes?

He rode daddys coattails. Period. Its a damn disgrace. Military should be 100% politics free. Its not who you know but how you do. If he had any semblance of manhood he would have turned down any job he wasnt qualifiefld for...which is every job hes ever had.
I greatly agree, in part. His active service went above and beyond.

However I think his civil service is fair game. If he didn't want to face criticism for civil service, he would not run for office.

I don't criticize him because he parts with trump. I criticize him because the last few years his policy decisions really can't be reconciled with the rest of his career. He changed his entire tune soon as he went on Soros payroll.

I thank the both of you for your military service.
Politically speaking, he had his moments. However, he normally remained steadfast when it came to veteran support and outreach to Vietnam. Despite his captivity, he could still relate. Unlike me, he held few grudges on an international stage.

He remains a great American hero in my view.

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They warned TRump multiple times. He was also told not to hire Flynn.

When did they warn the Trump campaign?
Was it while they were wiretapping them, or after they had an informant planted?
Why was the informant asking incriminating questions, why not just say foreign agents are trying to infiltrate?

You need to come to grips with what the Obama admin was doing in the summer of 2016.
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I wish McCain and Lieberman would've ran together in 08. I honestly think that was the initial plan. They would've won and really unified the nation in a way we can't imagine today.

Instead we got Obama. Rest is history
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I wish McCain and Lieberman would've ran together in 08. I honestly think that was the initial plan. They would've won and really unified the nation in a way we can't imagine today.

Instead we got Obama. Rest is history

They weren’t beating the Dems in 08, it wasn’t going to happen.
That’s the reason McCain chose Palin as a running mate. It was desperation move in hopes to garner enough female votes to over come Obama.
I wish McCain and Lieberman would've ran together in 08. I honestly think that was the initial plan. They would've won and really unified the nation in a way we can't imagine today.

Instead we got Obama. Rest is history
I don't think it would've changed much tbh. I like Lieberman (one of the few good guy democrats) but McCain was just such a lousy candidate. Besides, Obama still would have fooled a lot of morons to vote for him anyway.
I don't think it would've changed much tbh. I like Lieberman (one of the few good guy democrats) but McCain was just such a lousy candidate. Besides, Obama still would have fooled a lot of morons to vote for him anyway.
Well, the Bush whisper campaign in South Carolina was no help way back when.

Bottom line: Name brand recognition back then.
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They weren’t beating the Dems in 08, it wasn’t going to happen.
That’s the reason McCain chose Palin as a running mate. It was desperation move in hopes to garner enough female votes to over come Obama.

I don't think it would've changed much tbh. I like Lieberman (one of the few good guy democrats) but McCain was just such a lousy candidate. Besides, Obama still would have fooled a lot of morons to vote for him anyway.

Both make good points. I think Lieberman would've taken enough Dem votes to beat Obama.

We will never know
Nothing he could do. The country was very unhappy with Bush...almost an impossible race for a Republican to win.
Had little to do with W & everything to do with the timing of the economy meltdown plus McCain's stopping/suspending campaigning over it in late Sept. Looked like a wuss. He was ahead in the polls on Labor Day.
One of the few things I personally detest on here is the John McCain hate. It really sickens me. The hate turns my stomach.

Senator McCain is a hero in every sense of the word. He paid a greater price while in captivity than any of us may ever dream of. Because he disagrees with President Trump, well. that's his business.

The McCain hate here must stop. It must stop now. Senator McCain is a great American hero.
Agreed. McCain has lived lifetimes of service to the country. The personal hatred he receives is a symptom of everything wrong with our country.
As a side note, I find it, interesting, that the moonbats are making it a point to say that more people have died in school shootings in 2018 than have active duty miltary in operations.

Now, seeing as how we have crushed ISIS, achieved other objectives, mayhaps that speaks not to the few tragic deaths in U.S. public schools, but to the kick ass job being done by our Commander in Chief, and Jim Mattis, and others.
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As a side note, I find it, interesting, that the moonbats are making it a point to say that more people have died in school shootings in 2018 than have active duty miltary in operations.

Now, seeing as how we have crushed ISIS, achieved other objectives, mayhaps that speaks not to the few tragic deaths in U.S. public schools, but to the kick ass job being done by our Commander in Chief, and Jim Mattis, and others.
Yep, now the military can pitch to kids that they're less likely to get shot in the Middle East than math class.
Well, if it's true, it is true.

Exactly how many have died in 2018 school shootings?

Off the top of my head I think 29?

2 Marshall County, 17 parkland, 10 Sante fe? Please, correct if I'm wrong or forgot one.

Point remains....

Tell me the last year we had less than ~29 active duty military deaths.

Granted, the year is not over, and that number could go up, but unfortunately, the attention seeking nutjobs who will undoubtedly shoot up a couple more schools this year will probably keep that number higher.

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Surely any ban for Warrior is a short one. Happens to the best of us.

However, I hope that f#cking American hating Canuck is sent packing back to Canada where he can sit in his igloo and stare at his W2 while his wife is out banging an Eskimo for whale blubber.
It was short, must have been all of the support. Up until this morning all I could do is like or report.
Narratives breaking down as predicted but let's hope it doesn't end when the kabuki theater closes up shop on election meddling.

Enough with the distractions about who cheated to win an election.

Let's get to the real crimes of human trafficking, guns, drugs, oil, and uranium. You know the whole reason why they couldn't risk an outsider actually getting into office.

McCain could have served in 10 WWs and it wouldn't matter if he is involved with any of that after the fact. Celebrate his service but destroy him "if" he is involved selling out after the fact. Cancer or no cancer.

Why do you think so many get into philanthropy? Don't look at all the bad stuff I do for money focus on all my charity work I do to help humanity.
Yep, now the military can pitch to kids that they're less likely to get shot in the Middle East than math class.
Obama repeatedly commented about ways you would more likely die than from terrorism and you were so enthralled by him that you, ahem, switched parties. I wonder how DT would be treated if he made a comment about the low odds about school shootings as BO does below?

President Obama: “The Odds of Dying In a Terrorist Attack Are a Lot LOWER than They Are of Dying In a Car Accident”
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You? No, and I say that resoundingly. Big NO, not you.

Others have.

Stop the John McCain hate. God damn it, just stop it. NOW! He has his opinions. He may leave us soon.
I agree about the hate being too much but his are not opinions, they are contrived grandstanding to get accolades from the media/left. He is a pawn and loves it. As with John Lewis marching with MLK, I don't think what someone goes through 50 years ago gets them a lifetime pass.
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Narratives breaking down as predicted but let's hope it doesn't end when the kabuki theater closes up shop on election meddling.

Enough with the distractions about who cheated to win an election.

Let's get to the real crimes of human trafficking, guns, drugs, oil, and uranium. You know the whole reason why they couldn't risk an outsider actually getting into office.

McCain could have served in 10 WWs and it wouldn't matter if he is involved with any of that after the fact. Celebrate his service but destroy him "if" he is involved selling out after the fact. Cancer or no cancer.

Why do you think so many get into philanthropy? Don't look at all the bad stuff I do for money focus on all my charity work I do to help humanity.
I submit that McCain has done more to harm this country than help it.

And his Vietnam history depends on who you talk to. He was not Captain America.