How will they rule ??!

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Again the key take away from this FBI spy and wiretapping scandal is - there was zero wrong doing by the trump campaign. ZERO. They literally looked at evweverythhe ever did and found zero.

The secondary issue the illegality of it all. For that people must go to jail. Not an option.
If the FBI was trying to protect Trump as the article stated, then why didn’t they inform the campaign that foreign agents were trying to infiltrate it?
They didn’t have a problem warning McCain’s campaign in 2008.

That’s the simplest way to deduct they weren’t trying to protect it.
Lol @ intelligence agencies. That's hilarious. You mean, James Comey led intelligence agency? Lol. Jesus goddamn christ.

I said "most likely" hillary had Seth killed.

100% fact that Russia did not hack those emails. Julian Assange who has a 100% accuracy reporting said no.

You want the red pill or the blue pill? If you take the red pill, it will take you to a truth that you better be ready for
This is the kind of post where I cant tell if it is satire or not
Haha. I mean....I probably will be swilling the classic Bud until my days are done, but I'm also down to kick back a few crafts before I get to the heavy lifting.

I can talk weed and wine all day though, and I barely drink wine. The wife has gotten deep into it (insert Michelle joke here) over the last few years so I've had at least a glass of about 300 new bottles. I can conclude, without a doubt, that 90% of wine sold in grocery stores is shit. The folks who swear by that stuff are just as bad as me and my beloved Budweiser.

Enjoy Colorado. I haven't been but it's on our short list for quick USA vacations. That and Detroit.
You're getting there. Slowly, but surely. You seriously need to party with me and brother @Willy4UK . We will save you from oblivion.

Have fun in Europe. I so love that freaking place, especially Germany and England. My son, a German national (his choice) and family, help me remain in touch these days. Gonna travel back over there in a few years to see the other grand baby.
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If this was posted on Paddock I haven’t seen it, that’s some crazy sh-t if true.
It’s all starting to make sense....

“Journalists' brains show a lower-than-average level of executive functioning, according to a new study, which means they have a below-average ability to regulate their emotions, suppress biases, solve complex problems, switch between tasks, and show creative and flexible thinking.”
Not to mention that they are the most mathematically challenged group of dunces in the world.
I remember well because I was part of the debate. Just went backed and looked. Sure enough this post of his has been deleted:

warrior-cat said:
What some are pointing out is that this is where it is going with Muslims. When you get enough of them your government is finished and then if you think they (old government) was bad, wait for the atrocities they (Muslim government)commit against the people.

It's obvious who was bent out of shape over it:

Dionysus444 said:

You and I both know that isn't what Breitbart is saying in the article. Look at @warrior-cat's post on the same topic.

Dionysus444 said:
Going to call @warrior-cat a "race baiter" too? The same standard applies to him right?

KBA said something over the top and honestly unacceptable/disgraceful in another thread about warrior’s wife.

I know @PhattyJ4UK called JohnKBA out for the comment. Mods deleted the messages quickly. I don’t know if warrior responded.

Seriously? And to think I once defended him about the same deal way back when he first started posting and was a sad little troll.

C'mon, now. I get it, @JohnKBA is a corny ass, low T cracker. I've even had a few choice words for him myself (although it looks like a mod deleted the post), but it's probably best to leave the man's old lady out of it. That's getting a little too personal, if you ask me. Just my two pennies worth.
I remember well because I was part of the debate. Just went backed and looked. Sure enough this post of his has been deleted:

warrior-cat said:
What some are pointing out is that this is where it is going with Muslims. When you get enough of them your government is finished and then if you think they (old government) was bad, wait for the atrocities they (Muslim government)commit against the people.

It's obvious who was bent out of shape over it:

Dionysus444 said:
You and I both know that isn't what Breitbart is saying in the article. Look at @warrior-cat's post on the same topic.

Dionysus444 said:
Going to call @warrior-cat a "race baiter" too? The same standard applies to him right?

Oh, good grief, what an effing stretch.
KBA said something over the top and honestly unacceptable/disgraceful in another thread about warrior’s wife.

I know @PhattyJ4UK called JohnKBA out for the comment. Mods deleted the messages quickly. I don’t know if warrior responded.

I'll gladly go to bat for @warrior-cat . He and I served in the same unit together during the Cold War -- 59th Ordnance Brigade under General Brailsford.

Yep, i was wondering why i got no likes or responses.. must have deleted mine too.

Imo, veterans are ten steps ahead of us. So thanks austin, warrior and the rest of you.

A vet has to be pretty much a murdering rapist to not be considered better than everyone else, in my book.

Or a liberal.
Yep, i was wondering why i got no likes or responses.. must have deleted mine too.

Imo, veterans are ten steps ahead of us. So thanks austin, warrior and the rest of you.

A vet has to be pretty much a murdering rapist to not be considered better than everyone else, in my book.

Or a liberal.

Yours probably got deleted cause you replied to the message so yours had the message quoted. You didn’t say anything wrong so that would be the only reason I would think
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Seriously. It was in the Horton’s thread. No longer there. Way over the top.
Hes made quite a few cheap shots in this thread to warrior the last 2-3 weeks as well. Not sure how he got away with it because if any of us posted those comments to a lib we would have to start a new account because the ban would be too long.
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Yep, i was wondering why i got no likes or responses.. must have deleted mine too.

Imo, veterans are ten steps ahead of us. So thanks austin, warrior and the rest of you.

A vet has to be pretty much a murdering rapist to not be considered better than everyone else, in my book.

Or a liberal.
Well, thanks, but here's the deal. Me and @warrior-cat rarely if ever complain to mods because we're old-school. What some loon finds offensive, we accept as normal business on a social media forum. He's been around forever here like me. We well remember the Obama lust days when Bret Bearup (RIP) posted here as a Hussein fan, and we took all kinds of hell for calling him by his middle name.
Well, thanks, but here's the deal. Me and @warrior-cat rarely if ever complain to mods because we're old-school. What some loon finds offensive, we accept as normal business on a social media forum. He's been around forever here like me. We well remember the Obama lust days when Bret Bearup (RIP) posted here as a Hussein fan, and we took all kinds of hell for calling him by his middle name.

I don’t think anyone thinks either one of you would complain to mods.

I had a liberal I know back when Jeff Sessions became AG who kept saying Jeff Beauregard Sessions...emphasis on the middle name...I said that’s interesting, you thought it was prejudice when people said Barrack’s full name.