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Obama spied on Trump’s campaign. Where’s the outrage?

It’s been nearly 24 hours since it has been revealed to the world that President Barack Obama’s Justice Department conducted a counterintelligence investigation on the Trump campaign. The investigation began 100 days before the presidential election and was executed with all the traditional tools of spy trade-craft including informants (spies) and electronic surveillance (wire tapping.)

These stunning revelations were memorialized in the bible of the Mainstream Media: It was written in the Gospel According to the New York Times.

After two years of every sentence of Trump’s rhetoric being shot through the lens of “Hitler” or “1930’s style fascist” or “Banana Republic dictator” it’s fair to ask where is the universal condemnation of the Obama/Lynch/Brennan/Clapper/Comey cabal’s Stalinesque escapade on behalf of their chosen candidate, Hillary Clinton?

In short, and with apologies to Bob Dole: Where’s the outrage?How has the brain-trust that powers the endless, navel-gazing round table discussions on Morning Joe, Hardball and every single program on CNN (shouldn’t some of their shows dabble in a varied format?) not found a way to muster the slightest inquisitive segment on what is clearly a historic story comparable to Watergate, Iran/Contra-gate or any other “hyphen gate” they’ve thrown at us n the past several decades?

The collective yawn from the same news outlets who ran around with their figurative hair on fire for days over a Saturday Night Live sketch featuring a porn star is remarkable and, at the same time, utterly predictable.

Frankly, the absence of coverage of the Times’ game-changing expose reveals the political bias in America’s electronic newsrooms more than the “Trump called all immigrants ‘animals’” lie they pushed on us this week. What television news chooses to ignore is the best evidence of their bias than the fake news they choose to broadcast.

Let’s just reflect for a moment (with the help of Mollie Hemingway at The Federalist) on the damning revelations in this 4,000-plus article which paint a picture of an Obama White House meddling in a presidential election at a level that would make Vladimir Putin green with envy.

After going through these details with National Review’s Andrew McCarthy, a former Assistant US Attorney in the Southern District of New York, I asked him the question that seems to be ignored in the New York Times’ article: Is there any way this kind of counter-intelligence operation would go on without the White House knowing of it or approving it?

Indeed. What did President Obama know and when did he know it?

Why wouldn’t the New York Times ask that of their plugged-in, exclusive, anonymous sources? It seems like the most important question in this entire episode, wouldn’t you think? Since Sen. Howard Baker uttered the question in the height of the Watergate hearings in the early 1970s we’ve been told that this was the most fundamental question when breaking down a presidential scandal. Yet the word “Obama” only appers once in the Times article and is only used to reference the president for appointing Sally Yates as Deputy Attorney General.

Not only did the Times neglect to pursue this inquiry, America’s 24-hour, non-stop cable news analysis programming has been relatively bereft of such discussions as well. We’ve talked to death the subject of Trump’s knowledge of (or lack of) paying his attorney for an alleged bimbo eruption, but no one seems the slightest bit curious over when President Obama knew that his FBI was spying on his chosen successor’s political opponent just weeks before the 2016 election.

The bottom line remains: President Obama spied on the Trump campaign using wire taps, moles and spies, and James Comey’s FBI hid the fact from congress for nearly a year.

Where's the outrage?
John McCain is a disgrace. Sorry, Austin. Country will be much better off when he's dead.

Yep. The guy was part of the democrat deep state and rino neo-con to destroy America.

Sorry globalists, America ain't playing. McCain can die a painful death.
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When did they warn the Trump campaign?
Was it while they were wiretapping them, or after they had an informant planted?
Why was the informant asking incriminating questions, why not just say foreign agents are trying to infiltrate?

You need to come to grips with what the Obama admin was doing in the summer of 2016.
That's one thing they can't spin away. The informant/spy/mole whatever you want to call him was planted into the campaign before they opened up the counter intelligence investigation.

His purpose was to groom members of the campaign and pry incriminating information from them so they could open a counter intelligence investigation. That's entrapment.
That's one thing they can't spin away. The informant/spy/mole whatever you want to call him was planted into the campaign before they opened up the counter intelligence investigation.

His purpose was to groom members of the campaign and pry incriminating information from them so they could open a counter intelligence investigation. That's entrapment.

They were being set up, it’s plain as day.

More than likely that’s what the “insurance policy” was referring to. This entire collusion bullshit isn’t about justice, it’s a stall tactic trying to keep the Trump admin and Rep house tied up with the hopes the Dems take it back come midterms.

Never, has an outgoing admin acted the way Obama’s did to a political opponent. Why the hell are there still people defending it?
Trump is absolutely right when he wrote is was bigger than wateragate. Watergate was a burglary, Obama used the GD force of the intel community to get into the Trump campaign!
Why would they think they could get away with that? Because the media treated him with kid gloves, and still do. If any of them had a shred of integrity they’d put their personal feelings aside and act as journalists.
Pisses me off, they write about Trump being a threat to democracy and their hero was acting like a dictator.
They were being set up, it’s plain as day.

More than likely that’s what the “insurance policy” was referring to. This entire collusion bullshit isn’t about justice, it’s a stall tactic trying to keep the Trump admin and Rep house tied up with the hopes the Dems take it back come midterms.

Never, has an outgoing admin acted the way Obama’s did to a political opponent. Why the hell are there still people defending it?
Trump is absolutely right when he wrote is was bigger than wateragate. Watergate was a burglary, Obama used the GD force of the intel community to get into the Trump campaign!
Why would they think they could get away with that? Because the media treated him with kid gloves, and still do. If any of them had a shred of integrity they’d put their personal feelings aside and act as journalists.
Pisses me off, they write about Trump being a threat to democracy and their hero was acting like a dictator.

Knowing what we know now, it's sickening to go back and look at that smug bastard proclaiming that Trump will never be President. Hillary too, remember her smirking in the debates? They had it all figured out didn't they?
Was a meme of Pence leaning in towards Trump and it said “Bet you can’t make Dems support hamas and MS-13 in the same week”

“Hold my Diet Coke”
Do you think the person who sent the tweet deleted it, or someone else?

The image in this tweet was flagged as offensive and I had to click “view image” to see it.

Some of these people really can be offended by anything. Who goes through tweets and flags anything they disagree with as offensive material? (I know, I know... but sheesh)
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Devin Nunes: No more meetings with leaky DOJ until they cough up documents

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., on Sunday said he ignored an invitation by the Justice Department to continue talks Friday with government officials about documents he seeks related to the Russia investigation because he was sure someone at the agency was leaking.

"We're not going to go to another meeting where we don't get documents, and then the meeting leaks out," Nunes said during an interview on Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures" with Maria Bartiromo.

Nunes explained Sunday that he and Gowdy did not accept the invite because they found out they would not be receiving the documents they wanted.

During the Fox News interview, Nunes also said that had they gone, leaks about an supposed FBI informant who had contacts with President Trump's campaign would be pinned on them.

But did say if, as reported, the government "ran a spy ring or informant ring and paying people within the Trump campaign -- if any of that is true, that is an absolute red line."
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it actually the DOJ/FBI who -- when trying to cover their ass, get out in front of what's coming and control the narrative -- leaked the description of the spy to the NYT and WaPo, and it was the NYT's and WaPo's reporting of that description that 'blew up' the source?

Seriously, they basically described everything about the guy, in detail, except for his name, telephone number and address. To blame this on Trump and Nunes is to be totally devoid from reality. These people are indoctrinated to the point of no return. Everything they say is the complete opposite of the truth and what they're actually guilty of themselves.