How will they rule ??!

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I'm sorry but your thumbnail knowledge doesn't impress me. MS-13 the gang in America did start in LA so explain the connection with El Salvador. Read a book instead of a wikipedia. Frontline did a story on this subject
if you can't read.
Oh my f*cking gawd. Frontline is now the GD expert on these bastards. Who knew? Who TF knew?

Nice gloss over the other relevant statements I made. Nevertheless, thank you for such a shortsighted, partisan hack response. Your BS, blame-shifting assertions leave one hell of a lot to be desired.

For starters, Atlacatl Battalion formed under the CARTER administration, you incredible loon.

I've got errands. I'll deal with your remaining disingenuous BS assertions upon return.
Prince Charles isn't even Harry's real dad. Just like Chelsea isn't Bill's nor Trudeau being the son of the former prime minister.
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You assume such because you don't know and do not possess the integrity to find out. BTW you are wrong about everything even that is was verbal communication and a holiday.
Ahhhh, call everyone stupid and racist that disagree with you then talk about integrity and assumptions. My comment was satire of your obvious smug POS personality.
So now it wasn't just Russia? Lol Jesus these people make Alex Jones look sane.

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Why better educated people in general, but only less hateful white trash? What about all the other hateful trash?

That comment would have been deemed racist if any other race had been used.
And why it is funny when liberals like Matt Jones talk about "better messaging" to white non-coastal voters.
This will not persuade right wing ideologues that make up most of the right wing propaganda butter knives that infect this board but maybe somebody with a curious mind will take the time to read a book or two about what I'm talking about. BTW I have several family members who are on both sides of the political spectrum and serve as high ranking officers in MI who agree with me on this point.

I think MS-13 needs to be put down BUT every American should research where and how young men from El Salvador as well as most of Central America learned the violence and hate they visit on America. If you do not know the history of South America right wing militarism, the School of The Americas at Fort Benning, GA., La Matanza, or the Atlacatl Battalion in El Salvador trained by US Special forces, then you don't know the why's and what you are talking about. We keep making the same mistakes over and over for short term benefits! Never mind most of those benefits go to the President at the time and most of the bad results (such as MS-13) show up years after that President is gone. A good example is Rios Mont and Ronald Reagan--good friends while in power and oppressing people in El Salvador both now dead and one convicted of genocide by his own people. America needs better educated people and less hateful white trash.

You do know that MS13 originated in los angelas right?
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That is a GD lie. Russia did not "hack" the DNC emails. Cite your evidence for that claim. It was Wikileaks who dropped those emails. Wikileaks has 100% truthful reporting and they 100% said it was not Russia.

Wikileaks never revealed their source. Most likely it was Seth Rich, who was killed. Most likely by Hilllary. Those emails detailed extensive collusion with the campaign with the Clinton Foundation and the Obama admin with foreign interests. Treason. 100%.

You just lied.
Just going with our intelligence agencies. And LOL at "need evidence, Hillary killed Seth Rich"
Just going with our intelligence agencies. And LOL at "need evidence, Hillary killed Seth Rich"

Lol @ intelligence agencies. That's hilarious. You mean, James Comey led intelligence agency? Lol. Jesus goddamn christ.

I said "most likely" hillary had Seth killed.

100% fact that Russia did not hack those emails. Julian Assange who has a 100% accuracy reporting said no.

You want the red pill or the blue pill? If you take the red pill, it will take you to a truth that you better be ready for
Evidence? How much evidence is there that Trump colluded with Russia after a year and half of investigations?

CNN evidence. You know, the same CNN that was working with Hillary that was discovered in the emails.

It's funny these stupid liberals cite evidence from sources that were actually discovered in the emails in the DNC that actually showed collusion. Talk about irony
+1. Heading to CO July 4th week.

Please add craft beer and we may possibly have some dialog here. Dude, ya can't continue swilling that GD Bud crap forever.

Haha. I mean....I probably will be swilling the classic Bud until my days are done, but I'm also down to kick back a few crafts before I get to the heavy lifting.

I can talk weed and wine all day though, and I barely drink wine. The wife has gotten deep into it (insert Michelle joke here) over the last few years so I've had at least a glass of about 300 new bottles. I can conclude, without a doubt, that 90% of wine sold in grocery stores is shit. The folks who swear by that stuff are just as bad as me and my beloved Budweiser.

Enjoy Colorado. I haven't been but it's on our short list for quick USA vacations. That and Detroit.
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Haha. I mean....I probably will be swilling the classic Bud until my days are done, but I'm also down to kick back a few crafts before I get to the heavy lifting.

I can talk weed and wine all day though, and I barely drink wine. The wife has gotten deep into it (insert Michelle joke here) over the last few years so I've had at least a glass of about 300 new bottles. I can conclude, without a doubt, that 90% of wine sold in grocery stores is shit. The folks who swear by that stuff are just as bad as me and my beloved Budweiser.

Enjoy Colorado. I haven't been but it's on our short list for quick USA vacations. That and Detroit.
Bud diesel love may be the best thing you have ever posted. And “may be” is definitely.
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Not to mention, the 'best' is all subjective. Most growers strive to hit 20+% THC. Once you've done that you have arrived. 20+% is a high dollar, top shelf, "the best I've ever smoked" strain. Low/mid 30's% to, in some cases, high 30's% is stupid strong, but that doesn't necessarily mean the best.

For instance, the strongest I ever smoked was a strain called Sirius Black in Eugene, Oregon. Look it up. The buds are dark purple, not the hairs, but the actual flower. It's was pushing 38% THC, but it was more of a high strung, heart pumping, racey buzz which isn't for me. So even though the strongest ever for me, definitely not the best.

As you point out, the strength is there, but when it comes to best it's a matter of preference. Do you prefer Indica or Sativa? Body stone or head high? Couch lock or energetic? High CBD% offering a narcotic like stone? The list goes on. Weed is just way too evolved for an outright 'best'.

Yeah it's definitely subjective, so to me the pinnacle is amazing taste and a soaring, comfortable high. Practically everyone I talk to is all "SATIVAS, BRO"...but I love a good body buzz, even when I'm just walking around and listening to music. I like the hybrids.

38% is just absurd for flowers. Damn.

That kind of physical, unrelenting high is basically why I approach edibles with so much caution. I prefer knowing that I'll only be stoned for so long. My last encounter with homemade edibles had us BLASTED from like 7 PM until noon the next day. Not fun. I'll stick with the occasional (THC% labeled) novelties from the dispensaries if I want an alternative to blazing.
So now it wasn't just Russia? Lol Jesus these people make Alex Jones look sane.

You got that right. I can't stand Jones but the next imbecile who brings him up, just point to the liberal media. It's way beyond a witch-hunt at this point. They're straight up pushing conspiracies in the mainstream. According to them, It's now breaking news that members of the Trump campaign met with someone and, without any evidence to back it up, it automatically 'suggest' they were offering to help Trump.

But while all this is on going on they completely ignore that Russia did, in fact, help Hillary. Steele paid the Kremlin for dirt on Trump. That's a fact. The information in the dossier came straight from Putin's government, indirectly paid for by Hillary. That's a fact.

Also, this story has all but been forgotten. Ukraine, along with a member of Hillary's campaign, admitted to trying to sabotage Trump in an attempt to help Hillary. Ukraine called Trump to apologize and make amends once he won, knowing they were going to have to be dealing with him as President.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
Kiev officials are scrambling to make amends with the president-elect after quietly working to boost Clinton.

We have clear, irrefutable proof that the Hillary campaign conspired with two foreign governments to smear and sabotage Trump in an attempt to help Hillary and the media is silent. Trump campaign members meet with someone and the media automatically goes into conspiracy mode suggesting, without any evidence, they were conspiring.
You got that right. I can't stand Jones but the next imbecile who brings him up, just point to the liberal media. It's way beyond a witch-hunt at this point. They're straight up pushing conspiracies in the mainstream. According to them, It's now breaking news that members of the Trump campaign met with someone and, without any evidence to back it up, it automatically 'suggest' they were offering to help Trump.

But while all this is on going on they completely ignore that Russia did, in fact, help Hillary. Steele paid the Kremlin for dirt on Trump. That's a fact. The information in the dossier came straight from Putin's government, indirectly paid for by Hillary. That's a fact.

Also, this story has all but been forgotten. Ukraine, along with a member of Hillary's campaign, admitted to trying to sabotage Trump in an attempt to help Hillary. Ukraine called Trump to apologize and make amends once he won, knowing they were going to have to be dealing with him as President.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
Kiev officials are scrambling to make amends with the president-elect after quietly working to boost Clinton.

We have clear, irrefutable proof that the Hillary campaign conspired with two foreign governments to smear and sabotage Trump in an attempt to help Hillary and the media is silent. Trump campaign members meet with someone and the media automatically goes into conspiracy mode suggesting, without any evidence, they were conspiring.

Lol, shit. I see what's happening here. Now the media is taking all the crap from Hillary's email collusion and applying it to Trump.

Next thing you know, Trump was pizzagate. Oh, and he had Seth Rich murdered. And he made Harvey Weinstein, Anthony Weiner, and that Schneiderman rape women.

Yep. Trump did it all
If this was all on the up and up, trying to protect Trump, and was for his own good, then why have they been denying it all, constantly lying about it and trying to cover it up for the last two years?

Illegally unmasking; illegally leaking; lying to the FISA court; stonewalling Congress; lying under oath during Senate hearings; secret, shady text messages; dozens of high ranking officials involved either fired or demoted for misconduct; suspicious, heavy handed redactions to cover up embarrassing/illegal behavior in the name 'national security', only later forced to unredact, clearly showing they were lying and there weren't any national security implications.

I'm sure I'm leaving out plenty, but the list of shady, embarrassing, illegal behavior goes on and on.