How will they rule ??!

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Tl;dr? Here's the short version.

I don't have to bite my tongue and not call someone out for what I believe is idiocy just because they're black or Muslim. F*** that and f*** whoever doesn't like it.
So what did he do that was "idiocy" that you're calling out?
So what did he do that was "idiocy" that you're calling out?

That he's an elected official who said he would refuse to toast the Queen. It's petty, idiotic, divisive nonsense. My opinion would be the exact same regardless of that person's race, religion, sex, sexual preference or any other buzz category you can think of.
That he's an elected official who said he would refuse to toast the Queen. It's petty, idiotic, divisive nonsense. My opinion would be the exact same regardless of that person's race, religion, sex, sexual preference or any other buzz category you can think of.
You and I both know that isn't what Breitbart is saying in the article. Look at @warrior-cat's post on the same topic. It's right here, even if you're willfully ignoring it.
What some are pointing out is that this is where it is going with Muslims. When you get enough of them your government is finished and then if you think they (old government) was bad, wait for the atrocities they (Muslim government)commit against the people.
Says right there it's because he's Muslim.
I'm not Breibart or warrior-cat, so what's your point. Again, in my opinion, he's a disrespectful knucklehead and it has absolutely nothing to do with his race or religion. Piss off with your race baiting.
Neither are you @WKBlu who posted the article so you can't speak to his motivations either. That's your opinion, not his. Take your own advice about what you should do with your apologizing.
Where to start?
Nobody is running on a platform of illegal and minority first. That's your attempt to frame the discussion. Being open to all, being empathetic to people who are marginalized means we don't put your self interest above others. As for illegals, why are you down on poor people trying to do better for themselves and their families and not down on the people who create the magnet to bring them here by hiring them?

Conservatives should be concerned about why they attract the support of KKK and white nationalist groups. What is it about DJT that inspires them?

Lastly, I'm a well educated, well read individual who comes upon my stances on matters by looking at all sides. I don't stay in my little echo chamber and just listen to the bots that will tell me what I want to hear. I've been around the block and around the world several times so I have a pretty good perspective on things. Pardon me if I laugh at your characterization of me or my politics.

Some of us have no problem with poor people helping themselves. In fact, I'm all for it. I applaud and have a great deal of respect for those that want to work.....Just the other day, a client asked that I write a letter to the foodstamp office saying, due to his condition, he is unable to work. I told my supervisor she could fire me if she wanted, but I would NEVER write such a letter for anyone. On the other hand, I once needed a custodian. I'd hire people (citizens) and they'd quit after a day, would not show up for a day, etc... After two months without the help I needed, one of my aged relatives started spouting about how Mexicans had taken jobs her sons could have had....I didn't have to heart to mention the fact that her sons were both drunks and wouldn't stay with jobs when they had the opportunity. That gave me an idea. The next day, I thought of a little Mexican kid who always came to school clean, behaved himself and was respectful. I figured if the kid was clean, the mother had some standards. His mother supported us. I sent a Spanish speaking employee out to bring her to school. When she came in my office, you could tell she was scared. When I had my employee ask her if she wanted to work for me, she cried. She could not believe I was offering her a job that probably paid no more than 5-6 bucks an hour. She took it make a long story short, has not only been with us almost 25 years but is one of he most coveted employees in our system.
The issue with immigration is with ILLEGAL immigrants.

Fuzz, you can paint it anyway you want, but if they are here or coming here illegally, they should be sent home unless we can develop a plan to help them become citizens (if they are the people we want) On the other hand, I know some illegals that work circles around many people, like the one mentioned above. IMO, those that work, abide by the law, pay taxes...especially social security, should not only stay but sought out by our government. I'd not be opposed to having a plan for those who've been here for years to apply for citizenship. If they can demonstrate they have NEVER violated the law; they and/or their kids went to school , had exceptional attendance and behavor, graduated and entered the workforce; have never drawn welfare or received any type assistance....Those people should be given a form of probationary citizenship. Keep your noses clean for ten more years, and you're a citizen.

As for your "you can tell a person by the company one keeps" insinuation....IMO, "regressives" should be concerned and embarrassed by the groups that support them....lbgt groups, planned parenthood, national council for the arts, same sex marriage supporters, welfare recipients, all the idiots that protested Trump's election with violence...the list is massive.
Going to call @warrior-cat a "race baiter" too? The same standard applies to him right?

Muslim isn't a race, is it?

Not to mention, and since you need disclaimers or you'll cry racism, note that I am in no way claiming this is the intention of that man, he's just petty for his comments, but if enough of the bad ones accumulate power, enough power to dictate Sharia law, then warrior-cat has a point, doesn't he?
Cant see what he plead to cause it is still under seal.

Welp, can’t see it, it’s under seal! There ya go! Just have to wait patiently!!!

Hey bozo, anything and everything that makes MAGA look bad gets leaked before the ink dries....good lord I’d hate to live my life hanging on little threads of hope like this. You folks are some sad hombres.

You got your own side, nonetheless. The faster you guys realize it and start reforming your party the faster you’ll de-regionalize.....but we both know you’re nowhere near rock bottom yet.

Democrat party will return at some point but likely in a different form of some kind, will be interesting I guess.

Police officers shot and wounded a man who exchanged gunfire with them and shouted about President Trump on Friday at the Trump National Doral Golf Club in Florida, officials said.

Miami-Dade police director Juan Perez said the man was shouting about Mr Trump, and “actively shooting.”

“He was yelling and spewing some information about President Trump,” Mr. Perez said, “and he had an American flag that he did drape over the counter.”

The Doral police said there was “no further threat” at the club, which is west of Miami. The Secret Service also responded to the scene and F.B.I. agents were on their way, Mr. Perez said, adding that the local authorities were in charge for the time being.

Don't forget they were defending Iran just a week ago too.

Police officers shot and wounded a man who exchanged gunfire with them and shouted about President Trump on Friday at the Trump National Doral Golf Club in Florida, officials said.

Miami-Dade police director Juan Perez said the man was shouting about Mr Trump, and “actively shooting.”

“He was yelling and spewing some information about President Trump,” Mr. Perez said, “and he had an American flag that he did drape over the counter.”

The Doral police said there was “no further threat” at the club, which is west of Miami. The Secret Service also responded to the scene and F.B.I. agents were on their way, Mr. Perez said, adding that the local authorities were in charge for the time being.
Lib media gonna bury this story quickly. I'm surprised the NYTs even wrote about it.
Story starting to spread that the 1.6million payment made by Broidy was on Trumps behalf and he just willingly took the fall to get influence for his businesses. But Trump got Bechard pregnant, who got an abortion, and this one will be a big hit for him. It was always weird that Broidy would go to Cohen, who he had no relationship with, to represent him against Bechard. And Bechard also used the same lawyer. And the Bechard affair isn't old, happened in 15-16.

[laughing] It all makes sense now. You're in the Louise Mensch circle of 'information'. That's funny. You are officially a laughing stock.

I haven't checked in on this weirdo in awhile because even though her craziness was funny at first, it became downright sad just how unhinged, delusional and deranged she is. Sort of like you. Started off funny, but became pitiful real quick.

If you read that article he said, "I believe we should have an elected head of state. I love the Queen, she’s hard-working and a lovely person – but the system is outdated. I wouldn’t even do a toast to the Queen. I can’t please everyone. I will stick to my own principles."

So now us red-blooded Constitution lovers are supposed to be offended that someone called for a democratically elected head of state rather than a monarch? Why would that be? Oh right cause he's a black Muslim talking about a white woman.
Sigh....England is not America, and this is not about the Constitution. If you don't understand how these comments can be controversial in England, then you are incredibly insular and frankly ignorant of everything outside your bubble. Ironically, you undoubtedly accuse American conservatives of the same insularity. You are exactly the type of who typically accuses other Americans of being unappreciative of the differences in cultures and political systems between the USA and other countries, and yet here you are, showing the same lack of understanding yourself.
Put an end to the stonewalling and redaction games, declassify it all, demand the DOJ turn it all over to Congress, let the chips fall where they may.

Trump ready to side with Devin Nunes on push for Russia inquiry docs from DOJ

President Trump believes Congress should secure the release of classified information regarding special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation from the Justice Department, according to Trump's laywer, Rudy Giuliani.

Earlier this month, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., subpoenaed the Justice Department after the agency did not respond to a classified letter he sent late last month regarding Mueller’s inquiry. The subpoena reportedly demanded documents related to a U.S. citizen who contributed to the probe. However, the Justice Department — backed by the White House — withheld the documents and told Nunes in a follow-up letter that turning over the requested information would be a risk to national security.

However, Giualini suggested there might soon be a change, according to an interview with the Washington Post published Thursday evening.
Starbucks typede ***beaner*** on the cup of a spanish person

Think theyll close em all down for 2 days?

all I know is you can use the free $hitters at ANY starbucks. Nice clean bathrooms that you can leave your turds in for FREE! I might pick up a couple beggers , give them some towels and soap and just wait outside while they clean up in the complimentary bathrooms to the world of starbucks.

Spot on, but trying to point out hypocrisy with a far left liberal is like trying to play super heroes with the kid that always picks Superman and win. No matter what you do, no matter what you try, kryptonite doesn’t count, your attacks do nothing, and they have no weakness... except in this case they chose Superperson.
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