How will they rule ??!

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This is true, starting with Cain and Abel, continuing through world history.

However, something is different with these school shootings and society than when I was growing up.
only difference is now we have a 24 hr news cycle that sensationalizes everything. If extrapolate school shootings with population growth & increased number of schools factored in, there is no more of them now than before.
only difference is now we have a 24 hr news cycle that sensationalizes everything. If extrapolate school shootings with population growth & increased number of schools factored in, there is no more of them now than before.

With Trump opening the cases to Obama's Fast & Furious guns program, I'm sure we will see a direct link to the school shootings from the gun sales that were approved by Obama.

So basically Obama is causing these school shootings
With Trump opening the cases to Obama's Fast & Furious guns program, I'm sure we will see a direct link to the school shootings from the gun sales that were approved by Obama.

So basically Obama is causing these school shootings

Obummer and Killary and good ole William are untouchable. They are above the law yet I hope all die slow painful horrible deaths.
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Here’s the other side of the coin regarding thoughts and prayers:


Whether you believe in God, a higher power or nothing, one thing rings true in every scenario: people have free will. When it comes to a shooter, rapist, murderer, etc. it’s no different. A person decided to do those things.
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It was another islamic terrorist! oh wait it was another crazy, white, right wing, gun obsessed, nazi loving nutjob. All these young right wingers need to be rounded up in concentration camps so they can stop killing our kids.
It was another islamic terrorist! oh wait it was another crazy, white, right wing, gun obsessed, nazi loving nutjob. All these young right wingers need to be rounded up in concentration camps so they can stop killing our kids.

"right wingers" what an ignorant description by the left. so is "alt right". it can't happen soon enough that the left is wiped off of the face of the planet. Worse than ebloa and aids combined.
It was another islamic terrorist! oh wait it was another crazy, white, right wing, gun obsessed, nazi loving nutjob. All these young right wingers need to be rounded up in concentration camps so they can stop killing our kids.
He was wearing commie symbols in a few pictures. Yeah, totally sounds like a right winger.

BTW nazis are liberals you dumb SOB.
It was another islamic terrorist! oh wait it was another crazy, white, right wing, gun obsessed, nazi loving nutjob. All these young right wingers need to be rounded up in concentration camps so they can stop killing our kids.
Ah, you really stepped in it this time, millennial hipster. As it turns out, he's yet another leftist moonbat, and probably Antifa, at that. It seems that a disproportionate amount of these clowns are Hard Left types- the Columbine killers, the Beltway Snipers, the Gifford shooter, the Denver cinema killer, the Scalise shooter, and probably Lanza and Paddock as well.
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Ah, you really stepped in it this time, millennial hipster. As it turns out, he's yet another leftist moonbat, and probably Antifa, at that. It seems that a disproportionate amount of these clowns are Hard Left types- the Columbine killers, the Beltway Snipers, the Gifford shooter, the Denver cinema killer, and probably Lanza and Paddock as well.

The left are complete idiots. I have friends I have to work with on a daily basis that still don't know who the antifa are and listen to CNN and MSNBC to let them know that the antifa are the "alt-right" when anyone with even a single brain cell that watches any of the videos available on youtube showing the Antifa understands that they are all liberals...the burnie sanders group of nazis. hell they will even tell you that straight up. but don't hold your breathe waiting for a liberal to actually do any investigation that could shake their reality.
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i think we have establish left wingers shoot at politicians and right wingers shoot at kids.
We have "establish"? Are you even literate, man?

Anyway, we haven't established that right wingers shoot at kids. As a matter of fact, most of these shooters are moonbat types, including the latest example.
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Ted Cruz says God will be with the victims families . How bout God do his ****ing job and stop letting the families have victims.
There will be a day that liberals want to ban potassium nitrate, sulfur and charcoal because those are the ingredients of gunpowder and all made easily available by nature. if that can't be done then they will just try and ban reality.
I expect heartache and tragedy in this life. God told us to expect it in the Bible. Jesus told us he has overcome this world. Revelation tells us one day, God will wipe away all tears, and there will be no more pain, nor death.

But for now, this is a bad world. I am never amazed as what people can do to other people.
That informant planted in the TRump campaign Giuliani is ranting about of course turns out to be bs. It is someone that has been a CIA rat for years and Trump was stupid enough to hire to help run his campaign. Trump keeps ranting about the corrupt DOJ, but its his god damn fault because he is the moron that picked Sessions. Any other AG would have this shit under control by now, not hiding under a rock.

Here is Giuliani getting his ass kicked, by himself, lmao. Cried like a baby when Cuomo showed a clip of Giuliani saying a President can't avoid a subpoena.

Is this where you wanna be when Jesus comes back; making a fool of yourself in the Political thread, trafficking in crazy Louise Mensch conspiracies?
Revelation tells us one day, God will wipe away all tears, and there will be no more pain, nor death.

Yes, that's Revelation 21:3,4.

The temporary permission of suffering, violence, death is related to the issue of universal sovereignty (who has the right to rule?) It is the direct result of human independence from their own creator.

It takes true ignorance to choke on that independence so many yearn for, only to lament that God's "not doing his job".