How will they rule ??!

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More Cohen payoff leaks coming down the pipeline. He was paid an additional $4 million in bribes on top of what was already leaked, that was only 1 of 3 referrals to the treasury for illegal activity

Is that the pipeline of fake news? I'm assuming this story is where you got your information.

Well today his story is being corrected and he is being called out for pushing false conspiracies.

The other records aren't missing and there's was nothing nefarious going on. Needless to say that whistleblower panicked for no reason and outed himself. He better be finding a damn good lawyer.

Ice has shown that they will call anyone Ms-13 to get them deported even if they know its not true. They lied over and over in federal court this guy was a gang member even though they had multiple experts tell them he wasn't. And none of them will be punished for this illegal activity. Law and order my ass.

Ice doesn't need to call anyone a gang member to deport them. Gang member or not he was in the country illegally. The law doesn't say only gang members can be deported. It says anyone in the country illegally can be deported. ICE's job is to deport illegals. They can't be punished for doing their job.
Basically- avoid public schools.

Private school and homeschooled kids aren’t getting shot by kids pumped full of psych meds and desperate for attention and notoriety.
Forgetting the gun control debate for a second, what is causing these things to happen? What's different than 30 years ago? Serious question.

30 years ago was the left entirely made up of lunatics who support North Korea, Iran, ISIS, Hamas, school shooters, etc. so long as they score political points?

This shooting will be blamed on Donald Trump and the NRA. Not the lunatic shooter and everyone in his life who could have done something to stop it. I'm sure we'll find out he'd been reported to the FBI multiple times.
Is that the pipeline of fake news? I'm assuming this story is where you got your information.

Well today his story is being corrected and he is being called out for pushing false conspiracies.

The other records aren't missing and there's was nothing nefarious going on. Needless to say that whistleblower panicked for no reason and outed himself. He better be finding a damn good lawyer.

Ice doesn't need to call anyone a gang member to deport them. Gang member or not he was in the country illegally. The law doesn't say only gang members can be deported. It says anyone in the country illegally can be deported. ICE's job is to deport illegals. They can't be punished for doing their job.
The kid they were trying to illegally deport on the basis he was a Gang member was a DACA kid. The judge told the government to never talk to the kid again. He can't touch the agents because they have general immunity, but the ICE lawyers are now being refereed to the bar for punishment for lying to the judge.
if you're getting picked on via social media how about this....get off social media. these kids have become glued to Facebook and twitter. they honestly believe that's where life actually exists instead of the physical world. and it wont get any better. in fact, far far worse. in ten years this will look like a trip to the park.
Thoughts and prayers will make it all better.

Well it may not make it better, but it certainly doesn't make it worse.

What, exactly, is the problem with sending prayers their way? When my mother passed away it gave me comfort knowing others were genuinely sending prayers to me and my family. Some of which were from people I hardly knew or didn't know at all.

Why is it ALWAYS a liberal/dem that posts crap like that? I mean, I know plenty of agnostic/atheist republicans yet I have never seen them so causally dismiss thoughts and prayers.

It's pathetic. And yes Cujo, very generic/predictable.
Forgetting the gun control debate for a second, what is causing these things to happen? What's different than 30 years ago? Serious question.
Society has changed for the worse IMO. I don't think people value life as much as they used too. And it obviously appears to be a big problem among the youth.

And as stated above terrible parenting doesn't help either.
Forgetting the gun control debate for a second, what is causing these things to happen? What's different than 30 years ago? Serious question.


Idk if this is true, but news said 25% of school kids are on medication. That's beyond nuts, but I do believe it. Everybody either has anxiety or add. That's just legally prescribed medication for "mental" disorders.
That informant planted in the TRump campaign Giuliani is ranting about of course turns out to be bs. It is someone that has been a CIA rat for years and Trump was stupid enough to hire to help run his campaign. Trump keeps ranting about the corrupt DOJ, but its his god damn fault because he is the moron that picked Sessions. Any other AG would have this shit under control by now, not hiding under a rock.

Here is Giuliani getting his ass kicked, by himself, lmao. Cried like a baby when Cuomo showed a clip of Giuliani saying a President can't avoid a subpoena.
Society has changed for the worse IMO. I don't think people value life as much as they used too. And it obviously appears to be a big problem among the youth.

And as stated above terrible parenting doesn't help either.
When did humans ever value life more than we do now? Do you read history books? We spent the first 2 thousand years in nonstop war and religious genocides.
Great, now we get another school shooting and 24 hour coverage of how gun owners being terrible people, NRA is the Devil, etc. MSM and politicians licking their chops as always. Sure they are already doing their due diligence finding their next crop of anti-gun kids they will take advantage of to further their narrative.
That informant planted in the TRump campaign Giuliani is ranting about of course turns out to be bs. It is someone that has been a CIA rat for years and Trump was stupid enough to hire to help run his campaign. Trump keeps ranting about the corrupt DOJ, but its his god damn fault because he is the moron that picked Sessions. Any other AG would have this shit under control by now, not hiding under a rock.

Here is Giuliani getting his ass kicked, by himself, lmao. Cried like a baby when Cuomo showed a clip of Giuliani saying a President can't avoid a subpoena.

You really have an alternate reality. All I saw was him answering a question pretty meltdown, no ranting, and nothing close to crying like a baby.

Where do you come up with this shyte?
It's trophy culture and lack of discipline. Nowadays young kids dont learn failure or adversity. The first time some of them get an introduction to life, they lack the cognitive and emotional ability to cope.

These school shootings are essentially akin to a violent temper tantrum of a toddler. Except now it happens much later in life, so the vehicle for the violence is much more serious than just throwing toys
It’s pretty amazing to think of how people are simply getting famous just based on if they hate the president or can badmouth the president. That’s how unhinged Democrats are.

A failed figure skater gets idolized cause he bashed Pence and the admin. Got on DWTS.

Teenage students get to make the rounds on TV and a time cover.

A woman who has sex on video for money has got constant coverage.

Parents, schools and social media all share the biggest portion of the blame, save the shooter themselves. In most cases the parents failed the child at home by not taking the time to correct bad behavior.
The school tried to shelter and baby the kid rather than guide them and prepare them for the real world. We also know school shootings have been out of control lately. Why is there little movement to increase safety measures?
Parents that let their child have unchecked social media accounts are insane IMO. As mentioned earlier, there’s no escape from other kids... and kids can be very cruel.

You factor all this in with a kid that is either insane or very fragile and doesn’t know how to handle any adversity or criticism...

It also doesn’t help the nonstop coverage of these shootings. Every time one happens we have to hear about it for 2 weeks. To a sick or twisted individual, it is glorifying. Obviously you report it, but this nonstop coverage is way over the top.
When did humans ever value life more than we do now? Do you read history books? We spent the first 2 thousand years in nonstop war and religious genocides.

This is true, starting with Cain and Abel, continuing through world history.

However, something is different with these school shootings and society than when I was growing up.