How will they rule ??!

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It's doltish to bash the idea of ethnic diversity in America and yet clamor for "diversity of thought" in the "POLITICAL THREAD," bro. Do you even read what's posted here?

Pretty sure it wasn't this thread being referenced when the idea of diversity of thought came up. You're literally putting this thread on the same platform as the real world, comparing them as equals, and this isn't the first time you've tried that nonsense. Who's really the dolt?

By the way, you can wear a Hillary shirt in front of those in this thread and not have to worry about being assaulted.

That article you posted was weak, by the way. I read it all. Who in the hell is that guy

He's a well known gay progressive. He used to be a fan favorite among the 'progressive' troglodytes until he refused to be labeled as part of an identity group instead of being recognized as an individual, and until he decided to think for himself instead of going along with mob.

You can't challenge his assertions, either. He's a member of a designated protected class. Above all criticism. You can only sit back and accept them as fact. If you do challenge/criticize him, then you're an alt-right homophobe. Those are the rules.
It's doltish to bash the idea of ethnic diversity in America and yet clamor for "diversity of thought" in the "POLITICAL THREAD," bro. Do you even read what's posted here? I'm not talking about opinions based on one's ethnicity...I'm talking about the obsessive nature of this thread's posters to bash everyone who isn't "conservative" or who thinks Trump is a charlatan bitch of a man.

That article you posted was weak, by the way. I read it all. Who in the hell is that guy?

shut up, bro.
I'm talking about the obsessive nature of this thread's posters to bash everyone who isn't "conservative" or who thinks Trump is a charlatan bitch of a man.

Can't the same be said about the obsessive nature of you to be outraged by, bashing everything Trump says and does? Why is it a problem for them but not for you? Just as you can think Trump is a charlatan bitch of a man, they can have whatever opinion of you they so desire.

I'm not seeing the problem. You're every bit as partisan as you're crying about them being.
Can't the same be said about the obsessive nature of you to be outraged by, bashing everything Trump says and does? Why is it a problem for them but not for you? Just as you can think Trump is a charlatan bitch of a man, they can have whatever opinion of you they so desire.

I'm not seeing the problem. You're every bit as partisan as you're crying about them being.
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In the real world, I have never once heard someone refer to this "tactic" used by the Democrats to maintain power. On this thread, however, that idea seems to be universally accepted.

Do you know how freaking stupid and paranoid that sounds, bro?? DOES lends itself perfectly to the idea of hating anyone who wasn't born here, so I can see why you guys support this thick-headed theory.

As for diversity, do you remember that dolt who once posted that he desires "diversity of thought" in cities and communities? LMFAO was that you???

You’ve never heard a Democrat, Hollywood figure, liberal, or Fortune 500 company say diversity is our strength? Bullshit.

Who said anything about hating anyone not born here? You don’t even realize that you do exactly what you’re accusing posters on here of doing.

You think it sounds stupid and paranoid? Have you even looked at what the entire Democrat party’s plan moving forward?
It’s race based politics, that’s it.
As far as your assertion about God given rights, first question for me is whose God obviously it's your God

You are in the west... he is therefore likely and most everyone else you encounter in this respect would be talking about the JudeoChristian God, the God of Abraham and Jacob whose characteristics are clear and undeniable to anyone who lives or grew up in a western culture; you cannot feign incredulity to what His characteristics are. He is obviously not talking about Buddha, who was not a God or Krishna or Shiva or some Zorastrian whatever or Allah who seems to be ok with shoving homos off buildings.

I swear man, you marginally above average intelligence leftists will be the death of this country. You know full well what God he was talking about.

You see this flag?


This is a fundamental truth... Quit dividing us with your pseudo intelligent BS.
Actually he is saying that not all knowledge emanates from the USA, only a fool would disagree. There is a mountain of evidence that healthcare is far more adequately addressed by multiple countries all around the globe where profit motive is second to actual healthcare, ample enough evidence and different systems that we could address the issues here at home far better than we do. That is his very point and it is a good one.

As far as your assumption about healthcare and population density I believe you are again making assumptions. For instance China is far, far better than the US in infant mortality rates. However we do lead the world in bankruptcies due to health care debt.

As far as your assertion about God given rights, first question for me is whose God obviously it's your God because you haven't thought about it any farther than that. It is also abundantly proven that eguns results in fewer deaths no matter how you try to slice that pie. Maybe look at research that the NRA didn't fabricate also. Just saying.

I shouldn't be responding because almost without exception this board like so many others is more about arguing predilections than actual knowledge. Americans do not want to know nearly as much as they want to convince, again one of the points the author was making.
Didnt read all your post but I'm sure you, as all universal healthcare nuts leave out....the USA is the most diverse country on earth, therefore, healthcare is much more complex. It's hilarious when ppl point to Scandinavian or Asian countries where the entire country is completely homogeneous and every single person is genetically similar.

Btw, which country you think has the best physicians?

Also, which country you think develops and has the best med technology...probably the one that pushes innovation, competition.
Let me preface this by letting you know I don’t trust most republican politicians either. I think a lot of them are just as bad as democrats and some are even worse. With that said...

Dems have changed, but only in strategy. Again, tell me how great things are in areas that are heavily liberal. Tell me how much the dems fighting for equality for blacks “the last 60 years” have done for them? I’d argue things have only gotten worse. Why is it anytime a successful black person thinks differently than a liberal they are uncle toms and mentally ill? They are holding them back. These programs they have to help (which btw, stop helping the millisecond you try to help yourself) might as well be shackles to the Democratic Party.

Dems decided to throw away the white working class in favor of every demographic out there. And they are the only ones labeling everyone, while at the same time crying anytime someone uses that label.

To answer your question about the KKK, (as if they’re even relevant today. You’re one to talk about 60 years ago and apply it to today) you’ve got Dems running on the platform of illegal and minority first and sadly we only have a 2 party system. When your whole party is nothing but identity politics and you claim to champion minorities, where do you think the super huge, still relevant KKK will turn to? Also, conservatives want immigrants here, but legally. They welcome immigrants who want to be here, work, and contribute. Your propaganda news network has convinced you and other SJWs that means conservatives are super huge racists who hate anyone who isn’t white... by God that almost sounds like something the KKK could get behind.

Where to start?
Nobody is running on a platform of illegal and minority first. That's your attempt to frame the discussion. Being open to all, being empathetic to people who are marginalized means we don't put your self interest above others. As for illegals, why are you down on poor people trying to do better for themselves and their families and not down on the people who create the magnet to bring them here by hiring them? Used to be a few conservatives out there preaching that the solution to the illegal problem was to lock up the people that are giving them jobs. But too many of those people giving them jobs were also supporting other GOP causes so they all backed off. Let's blame the poor Mexican who often risks their life to try to find better opportunity. You know...that whole idea that this nation was founded upon? Facts are if they weren't able to find work they wouldn't be here. I guarantee that if you lived there, was making $10/day and you knew you could cross that river and make 5x that amount to help take care of your family your ass would be crossing that river. Those people have a .0001% chance of ever receiving a visa to come here and work legally. But let's bitch because they want the same thing you want. If you want them here legally then f**king learn about the visa process. Protest that the 50,000 work visas for unskilled labor are all consumed and spoken for by the Disney and other hotel and resort industry kingpins. Again another one of those topics where ignorance about the topic is easily exposed. Go live and work in Mexico for several years and find out what it takes to get a work visa. Then come back to me and tell me where the problems lie. I did so for 3 years so excuse me if I think I'm a bit more educated on this subject than are you.

If you think things have gotten worse for black folks then again you're not very smart. There are issues in the black community for sure but they also have opportunities that they never had. Yeah, there are a few black "conservatives" out there and they get attacked just like the black liberals do from the other side. I guess you missed all the things said about them?

If being an advocate for all people equally causes some ignorant white working class redneck to go against their own economic interest then I can't help them.

Conservatives should be concerned about why they attract the support of KKK and white nationalist groups. What is it about DJT that inspires them?

Lastly, I'm a well educated, well read individual who comes upon my stances on matters by looking at all sides. I don't stay in my little echo chamber and just listen to the bots that will tell me what I want to hear. I've been around the block and around the world several times so I have a pretty good perspective on things. Pardon me if I laugh at your characterization of me or my politics.
Go live in one of those other countries Fuzz because you obviously hate this one.
Naw, I don't hate this country. I just hate what some people want it to be and forgot how it got where it is.

Now run along and study hard so you don't say more stupid things.
Where to start?
Nobody is running on a platform of illegal and minority first. That's your attempt to frame the discussion. Being open to all, being empathetic to people who are marginalized means we don't put your self interest above others. As for illegals, why are you down on poor people trying to do better for themselves and their families and not down on the people who create the magnet to bring them here by hiring them? Used to be a few conservatives out there preaching that the solution to the illegal problem was to lock up the people that are giving them jobs. But too many of those people giving them jobs were also supporting other GOP causes so they all backed off. Let's blame the poor Mexican who often risks their life to try to find better opportunity. You know...that whole idea that this nation was founded upon? Facts are if they weren't able to find work they wouldn't be here. I guarantee that if you lived there, was making $10/day and you knew you could cross that river and make 5x that amount to help take care of your family your ass would be crossing that river. Those people have a .0001% chance of ever receiving a visa to come here and work legally. But let's bitch because they want the same thing you want. If you want them here legally then f**king learn about the visa process. Protest that the 50,000 work visas for unskilled labor are all consumed and spoken for by the Disney and other hotel and resort industry kingpins. Again another one of those topics where ignorance about the topic is easily exposed. Go live and work in Mexico for several years and find out what it takes to get a work visa. Then come back to me and tell me where the problems lie. I did so for 3 years so excuse me if I think I'm a bit more educated on this subject than are you.

If you think things have gotten worse for black folks then again you're not very smart. There are issues in the black community for sure but they also have opportunities that they never had. Yeah, there are a few black "conservatives" out there and they get attacked just like the black liberals do from the other side. I guess you missed all the things said about them?

If being an advocate for all people equally causes some ignorant white working class redneck to go against their own economic interest then I can't help them.

Conservatives should be concerned about why they attract the support of KKK and white nationalist groups. What is it about DJT that inspires them?

Lastly, I'm a well educated, well read individual who comes upon my stances on matters by looking at all sides. I don't stay in my little echo chamber and just listen to the bots that will tell me what I want to hear. I've been around the block and around the world several times so I have a pretty good perspective on things. Pardon me if I laugh at your characterization of me or my politics.
Naw, I don't hate this country. I just hate what some people want it to be and forgot how it got where it is.

Now run along and study hard so you don't say more stupid things.

What do some people want it to be fuzz? And how did it get to where it is?

People simply want a Govt that follows the law, that’s it. It’s real ****ing simple.
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Actually he is saying that not all knowledge emanates from the USA, only a fool would disagree. There is a mountain of evidence that healthcare is far more adequately addressed by multiple countries all around the globe where profit motive is second to actual healthcare, ample enough evidence and different systems that we could address the issues here at home far better than we do. That is his very point and it is a good one.

As far as your assumption about healthcare and population density I believe you are again making assumptions. For instance China is far, far better than the US in infant mortality rates. However we do lead the world in bankruptcies due to health care debt.

As far as your assertion about God given rights, first question for me is whose God obviously it's your God because you haven't thought about it any farther than that. It is also abundantly proven that eguns results in fewer deaths no matter how you try to slice that pie. Maybe look at research that the NRA didn't fabricate also. Just saying.

I shouldn't be responding because almost without exception this board like so many others is more about arguing predilections than actual knowledge. Americans do not want to know nearly as much as they want to convince, again one of the points the author was making.
The Chinese eat a lot better and live a healthier lifestyle so, bad comparison. You guys really need to learn more than what liberal mouth breathers tell you.
In the real world, I have never once heard someone refer to this "tactic" used by the Democrats to maintain power. On this thread, however, that idea seems to be universally accepted.

Do you know how freaking stupid and paranoid that sounds, bro?? DOES lends itself perfectly to the idea of hating anyone who wasn't born here, so I can see why you guys support this thick-headed theory.

As for diversity, do you remember that dolt who once posted that he desires "diversity of thought" in cities and communities? LMFAO was that you???
Do you realize how stupid and ignorant you sound saying bro?

Manforts son in law has flipped on him and plead guilty. Cant see what he plead to cause it is still under seal.

And it has absolutely nothing to do with Trump, the Trump campaign and/or Russia collusion. He was once a business partner of Manafort's, so it's more than likely he was mixed up in the same shady business dealings.

Not sure why you think anyone cares about Manafort possibly going to jail for bank fraud, tax evasion and money laundering. Manafort has always been known as a shady character. None of this is news. Matter of fact, the entire case is old. Mueller didn't find any of this out. He dusted off the boxes of evidence already sitting at DOJ and is using it to put the screws to Manafort.

And if you're thinking Manafort is going to flip on Trump and point to evidence of collusion, then good luck with that. There isn’t any evidence of collusion because there wasn't any collusion. Did you not read the NYT story yesterday? The FBI had multiple spies within the campaign on top of surveilling multiple people, including Manafort, for over a year. If there was evidence of collusion, it would have already been found by now.

Manafort has been indicted in federal courts in Washington and Virginia with charges ranging from tax evasion to bank fraud and has pleaded not guilty to the charges.

Jeffrey Yohai, a former business partner of Manafort, was divorced from Manafort’s daughter last August.

Yohai has not been specifically told how he will be called on to cooperate as part of his plea agreement, but the two people familiar with the matter say they consider it a possibility that he will be asked to assist with Mueller’s prosecution of Manafort.

Andrew Brown, a federal prosecutor in Los Angeles, had been overseeing an investigation into Yohai’s real estate and bank dealings in California and New York several months before Mueller was appointed to his post in May 2017.

Yohai’s agreement, which was concluded early this year, included him pleading guilty to misusing construction loan funds and to a count related to a bank account overdraft.
Where to start?
Nobody is running on a platform of illegal and minority first. That's your attempt to frame the discussion. Being open to all, being empathetic to people who are marginalized means we don't put your self interest above others. As for illegals, why are you down on poor people trying to do better for themselves and their families and not down on the people who create the magnet to bring them here by hiring them? Used to be a few conservatives out there preaching that the solution to the illegal problem was to lock up the people that are giving them jobs. But too many of those people giving them jobs were also supporting other GOP causes so they all backed off. Let's blame the poor Mexican who often risks their life to try to find better opportunity. You know...that whole idea that this nation was founded upon? Facts are if they weren't able to find work they wouldn't be here. I guarantee that if you lived there, was making $10/day and you knew you could cross that river and make 5x that amount to help take care of your family your ass would be crossing that river. Those people have a .0001% chance of ever receiving a visa to come here and work legally. But let's bitch because they want the same thing you want. If you want them here legally then f**king learn about the visa process. Protest that the 50,000 work visas for unskilled labor are all consumed and spoken for by the Disney and other hotel and resort industry kingpins. Again another one of those topics where ignorance about the topic is easily exposed. Go live and work in Mexico for several years and find out what it takes to get a work visa. Then come back to me and tell me where the problems lie. I did so for 3 years so excuse me if I think I'm a bit more educated on this subject than are you.

If you think things have gotten worse for black folks then again you're not very smart. There are issues in the black community for sure but they also have opportunities that they never had. Yeah, there are a few black "conservatives" out there and they get attacked just like the black liberals do from the other side. I guess you missed all the things said about them?

If being an advocate for all people equally causes some ignorant white working class redneck to go against their own economic interest then I can't help them.

Conservatives should be concerned about why they attract the support of KKK and white nationalist groups. What is it about DJT that inspires them?

Lastly, I'm a well educated, well read individual who comes upon my stances on matters by looking at all sides. I don't stay in my little echo chamber and just listen to the bots that will tell me what I want to hear. I've been around the block and around the world several times so I have a pretty good perspective on things. Pardon me if I laugh at your characterization of me or my politics.

Good God, man, was that supposed to be a message board post, or was it an attempt at a dissertation?
The rats at DOJ and FBI are starting to squeal. If a couple get indicted, it is only a matter of time till Brennan or Clapper sing and point fingers at Obama. Loretta Lynch should be sweating about now.

Dumbass liberals still praying their boy Mueller can pull a rabbit out of his ass.
You are in the west... he is therefore likely and most everyone else you encounter in this respect would be talking about the JudeoChristian God, the God of Abraham and Jacob whose characteristics are clear and undeniable to anyone who lives or grew up in a western culture; you cannot feign incredulity to what His characteristics are. He is obviously not talking about Buddha, who was not a God or Krishna or Shiva or some Zorastrian whatever or Allah who seems to be ok with shoving homos off buildings.

I swear man, you marginally above average intelligence leftists will be the death of this country. You know full well what God he was talking about.

You see this flag?


This is a fundamental truth... Quit dividing us with your pseudo intelligent BS.
This needs to be liked a thousand times over. Unfortunately, this site will not let me do that.
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Didnt read all your post but I'm sure you, as all universal healthcare nuts leave out....the USA is the most diverse country on earth, therefore, healthcare is much more complex. It's hilarious when ppl point to Scandinavian or Asian countries where the entire country is completely homogeneous and every single person is genetically similar.

Btw, which country you think has the best physicians?

Also, which country you think develops and has the best med technology...probably the one that pushes innovation, competition.
Levi'sbooty is one of those liberals that reads something that they think is good and think it will work but, it is just ink on paper and a pipe dream.
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