How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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These bad ass white dentists will appropriate your culture and smile about it...
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Ina rogers. Another California nutcase.

More kids for the dems.

Funny how arrests for those charges are up, what, 400-600% in last 16 months?

Thanks, Donald!!

PS. No doubt he saw their filth. He knows.

Worst thing you will hear today. I like how they tweeted this at Kanye West, I hope he watched this garbage.
I didn't hear the Khaybar chant, but the Khaybar chant is hilarious for Muslims anyway. Lemme 'splain.

Khaybar was a Jewish town in Arabia at the time of Muhammad. After he left Mecca and started raping and pillaging the entire Middle East he came upon Khaybar, and the inhabitants chose to fight him instead of surrendering. Muhammad wiped them out save the women (so he could use them for sex slaves), BUT this dumb MF'er was so dumb that he allowed one of the remaining Jewish women (whose sons, brothers, and husband Muhammad had just slaughtered) to cook him dinner. Wouldn't ya know who won the pony, she poisoned the meal, killing one of Muhammad's companions and leaving him a disfigured mess. He would eventually die from the injuries of this poisoning a couple of years later.

Yes, Muslims chant about a battle in which a widowed Jewish lady killed their prophet because he was so stupid he didn't realize that maybe the families of people he just murdered might want revenge on him.
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his numbers are actually going down again atm so i think he forgot to look at any polls. After this new shit with Trump backing the chinese on their shitty cellphone company he's losing any credibility on his negotiating skills. Dumbass Jared spouting about peace in the middle east as 60 people are gunned down a few miles away. There will never be peace there, give it up. Trying to turn the McCain comments into a big "leaker" issue is also a loser. McCain may be a turd but he's the most liked turd in the Senate. Trumps lawyer taking millions in bribes, that of course Trump had no idea about, conveniently the most clueless person ever. All the seasonal food industries are being decimated by the tariffs and changes to Visa program.
his numbers are actually going down again atm so i think he forgot to look at any polls. After this new shit with Trump backing the chinese on their shitty cellphone company he's losing any credibility on his negotiating skills. Dumbass Jared spouting about peace in the middle east as 60 people are gunned down a few miles away. There will never be peace there, give it up. Trying to turn the McCain comments into a big "leaker" issue is also a loser. McCain may be a turd but he's the most liked turd in the Senate. Trumps lawyer taking millions in bribes, that of course Trump had no idea about, conveniently the most clueless person ever. All the seasonal food industries are being decimated by the tariffs and changes to Visa program.
He sounds done for. Once you lose "seasonal food" there is no coming back. Thx!
his numbers are actually going down again atm so i think he forgot to look at any polls. After this new shit with Trump backing the chinese on their shitty cellphone company he's losing any credibility on his negotiating skills. Dumbass Jared spouting about peace in the middle east as 60 people are gunned down a few miles away. There will never be peace there, give it up. Trying to turn the McCain comments into a big "leaker" issue is also a loser. McCain may be a turd but he's the most liked turd in the Senate. Trumps lawyer taking millions in bribes, that of course Trump had no idea about, conveniently the most clueless person ever. All the seasonal food industries are being decimated by the tariffs and changes to Visa program.

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his numbers are actually going down again atm so i think he forgot to look at any polls. After this new shit with Trump backing the chinese on their shitty cellphone company he's losing any credibility on his negotiating skills. Dumbass Jared spouting about peace in the middle east as 60 people are gunned down a few miles away. There will never be peace there, give it up. Trying to turn the McCain comments into a big "leaker" issue is also a loser. McCain may be a turd but he's the most liked turd in the Senate. Trumps lawyer taking millions in bribes, that of course Trump had no idea about, conveniently the most clueless person ever. All the seasonal food industries are being decimated by the tariffs and changes to Visa program.
