How will they rule ??!

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Democrats and liberal individuals don't make political affiliation as much of their personal identity as those tied to the Fox News cycle, and it is really difficult for right wingers to comprehend that there isn't a left wing counterpart to their propaganda network.
My god, you can't be freaking serious with this. You must be trolling or dumb as shit.
Yeah, because it's Trump's base wanting speech laws put into place, who riot and assault people because of a hat, words and/or political party affiliation. It's also Trump's base who has been pushing the Russia conspiracy for the last two years.
And at the same time, there are people in this thread wishing John McCain would die because he disagrees with them. Not that they don't exist on either side, but they are much more prevalent among the Trump base.
Her sob story of a racist, white cop harassing her.

What really happened.

^^^ prime example?

Are you serious? How much BS do you have to consume to believe this?

"Republican party is much more homogenized, both in beliefs and race. Easier to dehumanize the nonbelievers. Just look at any mention of the word liberal in this thread. Also Trump's base tends to be more authoritarian, more susceptible to conspiracy theories, etc.

Democrats and liberal individuals don't make political affiliation as much of their personal identity as those tied to the Fox News cycle, and it is really difficult for right wingers to comprehend that there isn't a left wing counterpart to their propaganda network. Normal people don't exist in this world where every event is processed in this politically partisan way.

These two are my favorite. Republican Party is not lockstep in everything. The Dem Party absolutely is. When it comes to race, it's rather easy to see what has happened. Democrats thrive on identity politics and racial conflict. They need a boogeyman to sell to their base and that's white people. See, white people were no longer voting for Dems. It has been decades since they won the majority of the white vote. So what do they do? Import the third world. Big shock that most Republican voters are white because it seems, most people who like capitalism and want the western world are white. Non-whites are more likely to vote for bigger government, which is the Dem Party strategy.

Democrats don't make their political affiliation a part of their identity? You're trying to tell me the crowd who protests non-stop, has #resist and #blacklivesmatter in their bios don't use their political affiliation as their identity? No one freaks out more about disagreeing with their politics than a liberal, which is why there is a hit piece after hit piece over anyone who isn't on their side.

"there isn't a left wing counterpart to their propaganda network."

This is how I know you're brainwashed. There isn't a counterpart? THE ENTIRE MEDIA INDUSTRY IS A GIANT DNC mouthpiece. Fox is one network that is 50-60% more favorable in coverage where as liberal networks and publications is over 90 percent negative. You have 99 percent of media, the entire entertainment industry, academia, social media, etc. Conservatives cannot even compare to having the platform that the left gets.

Let's just throw some out there. See, you bitch about Fox because it's the only one who doesn't go left. Where do conservatives even start to discuss the liberal publications and networks/platforms you all use?

Every late night talk show- Colbert Report, Jimmy Kimmel
Comedy Central
Washington Post
Daily Beast
Daily Kos
The Guardian
The View (although it's just a bunch of liberal hags)
Mother Jones
LA Times
BBC is a liberal network overseas
Al Jazeera

I can't even imagine how sheltered in the bubble you have to be to ignore this simple fact.
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I think MSNBC and huffpost try to be that, but can't succeed at the level of fox news because - again - the audience isn't there for it in the way conservatives consume their info. The rest of those guys are primarily motivated by sensationalism, not politically motivated as Fox is.
And at the same time, there are people in this thread wishing John McCain would die because he disagrees with them. Not that they don't exist on either side, but they are much more prevalent among the Trump base.


McCain is using every last breath to do as much damage to this country as possible. It's not that I wish death upon him, it's that I hope the inevitable happens as quickly as possible.

I don't want him to die because I disagree with him. I want him to die because he has a goddam giant cancerous brain tumor, and he's using his fuddled demented cancer brain to do as much damage as he can while he's kept alive with taxpayer dollars for the specific reason of doing that damage.

Any reasonable person would have resigned and spent their final months with their family, not acting like a scorned lover.

There are plenty of people I disagree with on a lot of topics that I don't wish death upon. However, Pelosi, Clinton, Reid, McConnell, etc. can all get hit by a bus for all I care.
Not that they don't exist on either side, but they are much more prevalent among the Trump base.

[laughing] The amount of authoritarianism, fascism and conspiracies coming from the left since Trump's election has been staggering. It's nation wide on cable TV news 24 hours a day and you want to compare that to a couple of posts in the political thread on CatsPause? Okay.

I think MSNBC and huffpost try to be that, but can't succeed at the level of fox news because - again - the audience isn't there for it in the way conservatives consume their info.

MSNBC's Maddow is the number 1 nighty cable news show, easily surpassing Fox News' Hannity on at the same hour. Her show consist of 60 minutes worth of Russia circle jerk. I have a feeling you're uninformed about what you speak.
I think MSNBC and huffpost try to be that, but can't succeed at the level of fox news because - again - the audience isn't there for it in the way conservatives consume their info. The rest of those guys are primarily motivated by sensationalism, not politically motivated as Fox is.

My god, you are a dumb person. Goodness.

Every single time a lefty steps in here, they immediately expose themselves as having the IQ of a goddam tube sock.
[laughing] The amount of authoritarianism, fascism and conspiracies coming from the left since Trump's election has been staggering. It's nation wide on cable TV news 24 hours a day and you want to compare that to a couple of posts in the political thread on CatsPause? Okay.

MSNBC's Maddow is the number 1 nighty cable news show, easily surpassing Fox News' Hannity on at the same hour. Her show consist of 60 minutes worth of Russia circle jerk. I have a feeling you're uninformed about what you speak.
We'll just have to disagree on the characteristics of Trump voters, but I actually did not know that Maddow was doing well. I cancelled cable many years ago, and yes her increased ratings would indicate an equivalent propaganda outlet for the left.
Just read from March 7-May 10...

Stormy Daniels lawyer was on CNN 65 times, MSNBC 43 times...also been on late night comedy shows, morning shows etc.

108 appearances total in two months on CNN and MSNBC. Haha.

Does he have any other clients?

God, think how busy he'd be if those outlets weren't so fair and balanced in their coverage.
not politically motivated as Fox is.

It's also odd how you say this about Fox News as if it were fact, pretending they're some propaganda machine that the others just can't compare to. You do realize they done studies on this, don't you? The others are far worse.

Yes, of course Fox news is biased, they all are, but they came in the most balanced. 52% negative for Trump, 48% positive. CNN, MSNBC, CBS, and NBC all came in at 80 - 90% negative for Trump, 10 - 20% positive. So who's really politically motivated, pushing propaganda?
I think MSNBC and huffpost try to be that, but can't succeed at the level of fox news because - again - the audience isn't there for it in the way conservatives consume their info. The rest of those guys are primarily motivated by sensationalism, not politically motivated as Fox is.

And at the same time, there are people in this thread wishing John McCain would die because he disagrees with them. Not that they don't exist on either side, but they are much more prevalent among the Trump base.
False. Have you seen the well wishes Trump has received from those on the left? Neither have I but, I have seen how many want him dead, or cops dead, or senators and congressman on the right dead. They even tried to kill some at a softball game. Hypocrite much? Yes....yes you do.
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We'll just have to disagree on the characteristics of Trump voters, but I actually did not know that Maddow was doing well. I cancelled cable many years ago, and yes her increased ratings would indicate an equivalent propaganda outlet for the left.
You must combine MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, and others to that total.
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We'll just have to disagree on the characteristics of Trump voters, but I actually did not know that Maddow was doing well. I cancelled cable many years ago, and yes her increased ratings would indicate an equivalent propaganda outlet for the left.

You are extremely uninformed. Since 90+% of the media and most other institutions have normalized liberal bullshit, I can kind of see why.

Have you thought about what principles you stand for and do you understand the platform pushed by the democratic party? Time to wake the phuck up dude. Seriously.
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The Most Polarizing Brands and
Companies Measured by Morning Consult

1 Trump Hotels -52 +48 +99 Rep.
2 CNN +54 -28 +82 Dem
3 NBC News +72 +1 +72 Dem
4 The New York Times +47 -25 +71 Dem
5 MSNBC +54 -16 +70 Dem
6 Fox News -14 +55 +69 Rep.
7 National Football League +38 -24 +62 Dem
8 ABC News +71 +10 +61 Dem
9 HuffPost +43 -14 +56 Dem
10 CBS News +62 +14 +48 Dem
11 Chick-fil-A +24 +71 +47 Rep.
12 Fox Business -15 +31 +46 Rep.
13 Breitbart -34 +12 +46 Rep.
14 Cabela’s +28 +73 +45 Rep.
15 NBC Sports +65 +23 +42 Dem
^^^ prime example?

It's not an example, it's the truth of your own delusion.

The left has literally dehumanized Trump, and anyone that supports him. An example of it is in your very post where you claim that conservatives are more authoritarian, thats a GD joke. We are a nation of laws, thats the basic foundation of a nation. They need to be enforced, if we don't like them then change them, but don't just ignore them when it benefits.

The left wants the Govt to maintain a tight rein on everything, there is nothing more authoritatian than that.
What factors do you think would have made them vote for both?

I can't tell you why they voted for Obama. Maybe they were fooled by "Hope and Change", only to be let down, taxed to death, have their livelihoods regulated death and ultimately fleeing overseas, leaving them forgotten and struggling, while also forced to subsidize healthcare.

As for why they voted Trump? Did you not pay any attention to what the man said during general election and what has happened since? What's that phrase -- The economy, stupid.
I think MSNBC and huffpost try to be that, but can't succeed at the level of fox news because - again - the audience isn't there for it in the way conservatives consume their info. The rest of those guys are primarily motivated by sensationalism, not politically motivated as Fox is.
You need help. You are getting to Platinum level with this.
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I think McCain is a scumbag opportunist and among the worst "go along to get along to keep my power and money" of the political class, but I don't care for the attacks on his time as a POW. All of the "Songbird John" has been shown to be fabricated or exaggerated.

Again, he's a worthless Senator, but I don't think mocking a man who was tortured for his country is how we should act

Agree. Can bifurcate the two.

LMAO Starbucks is gay as hell for this...

Following the uproar over the way two African-American men were treated at a Philadelphia location last month, Starbuck’s executive chairman Howard Schultz announced plans to open its restrooms to anyone who wants to use them — whether they’re a paying customer or not.

"We don't want to become a public bathroom, but we're going to make the right decision 100% of the time and give people the key, because we don't want anyone at Starbucks to feel as if we are not giving access to you to the bathroom because you are less than. We want you to be more than," Schultz said on Thursday during a talk at the Atlantic Council in Washington.

So, they are officially a public restroom now (even though they don't want to be), and you can go do more heroin and more aids in their bathrooms because damnit you are not less than, you are more than!!!!!

When someone dies of a heroin overdose in their bathrooms, the family should sue them
Were you there with him? If not then STFU, because don’t know what you are talking about.

Random dipshit: "I saw a purple dragon that spoke Chinese today!"

Me: "Well, everyone who was with you said they didn't see it and there is no evidence any creature like that ever existed. I can't believe you unless you provide stronger evidence."

KyFaninNC, an intellectual: "Were you there with him? If not then STFU, because don’t know what you are talking about."
And at the same time, there are people in this thread wishing John McCain would die because he disagrees with them. Not that they don't exist on either side, but they are much more prevalent among the Trump base.
No. I just want him to burn for what he has done to this country.
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Random dipshit: "I saw a purple dragon that spoke Chinese today!"

Me: "Well, everyone who was with you said they didn't see it and there is no evidence any creature like that ever existed. I can't believe you unless you provide stronger evidence."

KyFaninNC, an intellectual: "Were you there with him? If not then STFU, because don’t know what you are talking about."

I may have been there with him. You don’t know.

You stated as a fact he didn’t sing. Fact is you don’t know.
I may have been there with him. You don’t know.

You stated as a fact he didn’t sing. Fact is you don’t know.
Because it is incumbent upon the person making an assertion contrary to known facts to provide evidence for their claim. You're asking me to prove a negative.

He may have spilled his guts, I don't know.

I'm sorry you have such a hard time reading. I don't know what's so hard to follow: It is entirely possible that he gave up all the information that one random guy said he did BUT there is absolutely no evidence to support that and actual evidence to oppose that assertion. Ergo, while literally anything is technically possible, it is at this time most reasonable to believe the stories of the people who were POWs in the same prison as him.

I hope you don't apply this standard of "unless someone has personally seen it, it's just as likely to be true as not true" to every aspect of your life. Think of how silly that is for a second
Republican party is much more homogenized, both in beliefs and race. Easier to dehumanize the nonbelievers. Just look at any mention of the word liberal in this thread. Also Trump's base tends to be more authoritarian, more susceptible to conspiracy theories, etc.

Democrats and liberal individuals don't make political affiliation as much of their personal identity as those tied to the Fox News cycle, and it is really difficult for right wingers to comprehend that there isn't a left wing counterpart to their propaganda network. Normal people don't exist in this world where every event is processed in this politically partisan way.
[roll] How screwed up can you be? Apparently, pretty badly.