How will they rule ??!

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Democrats and liberal individuals don't make political affiliation as much of their personal identity as those tied to the Fox News cycle

How did I miss this gem? I mean, the people who literally think skin color, gender (whether assigned or chosen), ethnicity, etc. are all indelible and irrevocable identifiers of political affiliation and relative place in a power dynamic don't think their politics are part of their personal identity?

And before you respond, I'm not saying that isn't true of Republicans either. Just pointing out how stupid it is to say the part of the Women's March and Black Lives Matter doesn't connect political affiliation with personal identity. Hint: it's really really stupid
That will be exactly how it will go down.

If the Blue Wave materialized, the Dems in the House will vote to impeach. The charge will not matter or have to hold water.

The House is the judge, jury, and prosecutor. They will push it through just like Obamacare.
But then it fails in the Senate, just like with Bill Clinton.
This isn't true. House is prosecutor with impeachment being equivalent to an indictment, CJOTUSSC is the judge, and the Senate is the jury.
However, the Senate "has the power" to try an impeachment. Doesn't say it has to. So they could just ignore an impeachment forever.
I think McCain is a scumbag opportunist and among the worst "go along to get along to keep my power and money" of the political class, but I don't care for the attacks on his time as a POW. All of the "Songbird John" has been shown to be fabricated or exaggerated.

Again, he's a worthless Senator, but I don't think mocking a man who was tortured for his country is how we should act
This is your original post.
I'm sorry you have such a hard time reading. I don't know what's so hard to follow: It is entirely possible that he gave up all the information that one random guy said he did BUT there is absolutely no evidence to support that and actual evidence to oppose that assertion. Ergo, while literally anything is technically possible, it is at this time most reasonable to believe the stories of the people who were POWs in the same prison as him.

I hope you don't apply this standard of "unless someone has personally seen it, it's just as likely to be true as not true" to every aspect of your life. Think of how silly that is for a second

Sorry for railing on you. I appreciate what said about his time as POW and normally would agree. But McCain has thrown all that good will from me away with the things he has done lately.
And at the same time, there are people in this thread wishing John McCain would die because he disagrees with them. Not that they don't exist on either side, but they are much more prevalent among the Trump base.
Leftists have been calling Trump supporters nazis and racist for over 2 years. Shove your BS up your ass.

Hell look what leftists are doing to Kanye. Came out as pro Trump and the guy is the freaking devil because of it.

The left is the one dehumanizing people.
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How did I miss this gem? I mean, the people who literally think skin color, gender (whether assigned or chosen), ethnicity, etc. are all indelible and irrevocable identifiers of political affiliation and relative place in a power dynamic don't think their politics are part of their personal identity?

And before you respond, I'm not saying that isn't true of Republicans either. Just pointing out how stupid it is to say the part of the Women's March and Black Lives Matter doesn't connect political affiliation with personal identity. Hint: it's really really stupid
I saw some polling this week from Pew or Gallup that showed just how authoritarian liberals are....notable how they are more likely to end friendships because of politics. I would go look for it but too tired and any POS like EKY that lies about being a republican and can make such idiotic statements is not worth the effort.
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This isn't true. House is prosecutor with impeachment being equivalent to an indictment, CJOTUSSC is the judge, and the Senate is the jury.
However, the Senate "has the power" to try an impeachment. Doesn't say it has to. So they could just ignore an impeachment forever.

I stand corrected on the procedure. I misremembered from the Bill Clinton days. I should have wiki'd before I posted.

The Senate still won't convict Trump though.
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Thanks for the link.

Damn, Tennessee is a shitty place to teach. Nashville has a higher cost of living than a lot of those places and teacher pay is garbage, even with a Master's degree (I don't have one).

I could see myself teaching some good ol' LIBERAL MATH in Portland someday...

Put some maths upside yo chillens head in Oakland, beee-itch!!!!

They also said no registration information or votes were changed.

But the committee said it saw no evidence that the Russians had ultimately changed vote tallies or voter registration information. In a few states, however, Russian hackers were “in a position to, at a minimum, alter or delete voter registration data,” the committee said. In those instances the intruders had the ability to change registration data but appeared unable to change votes, the report stated.
Plus, they concluded that Russia wasn't trying to help Trump, but instead they were trying to discredit the integrity of our elections. You suckers fell for it and have been carrying Putin's water for the last two years.

“These activities began at least as early as 2014, continued through Election Day 2016, and included traditional information-gathering efforts as well as operations likely aimed at preparing to discredit the integrity of the U.S. voting process and election results,” the senators wrote.

Had this in another thread, moved it to here cause it might bother Dio “what is that doing in the political board!”

But it’s about a white guy so he probably won’t care. If Ben was Mexican we would all be labeled rabid racists.
A modern day dixie chicks

They also said no registration information or votes were changed.

But the committee said it saw no evidence that the Russians had ultimately changed vote tallies or voter registration information. In a few states, however, Russian hackers were “in a position to, at a minimum, alter or delete voter registration data,” the committee said. In those instances the intruders had the ability to change registration data but appeared unable to change votes, the report stated.
Plus, they concluded that Russia wasn't trying to help Trump, but instead they were trying to discredit the integrity of our elections. You suckers fell for it and have been carrying Putin's water for the last two years.

“These activities began at least as early as 2014, continued through Election Day 2016, and included traditional information-gathering efforts as well as operations likely aimed at preparing to discredit the integrity of the U.S. voting process and election results,” the senators wrote.
Later on we will find out that Hillary knew and they were actually trying to help her. That reset button was just for that purpose.

I just reversed the Kilauea lava that devoured that white Mustang in Hawaii. American cars are just made better.

---Donald J. Trump
For the Righties here that think Mitch is so awful, remember this:

"to whom then-minority leader Mitch McConnell made this final plea prior to the fateful vote: ......... ""you’ll (Dems) regret this, and you may regret this a lot sooner than you think.”

"The Senate has confirmed 17 Trump nominees for federal district courts, most of whom replaced Democratic appointees. Trump has also filled 16 vacancies on federal appeals courts (the last stop before the Supreme Court). Six of those appointees replaced judges who were nominated by Democratic presidents. There are still 140 more vacancies in the federal district and appellate courts, and Trump has put forward nominees for about half of them. There could soon be 100 judicial nominees pending in the Senate...Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have already set a breakneck pace for judicial confirmations. If Republicans still control the Senate after this year’s midterms, no matter what else happens, that pace will continue — and the impact will be felt long after Trump's presidency ends."

" many Democrats are eager to exact revenge on McConnell and Republicans for their (entirely justifiable, precedented, and Democrat-inspired) blockade of Merrick Garland in 2016. ";
i.e., no Gorsuch.

Y'all need to give Mitch his due.