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The Justice Hall of Mirrors
The latest intel leak is designed to block a House subpoena.

Late Tuesday the Washington Post published a story with the headline “Secret intelligence source who aided Mueller probe is at center of latest clash between Nunes and Justice Department.” The story reports that House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes recently sent a classified letter and subpoena to the Justice Department demanding information about a “top secret intelligence source.”

The story’s bias is that Mr. Nunes—you know, a nasty House Republican—is threatening to compromise national security. Yet the article itself discloses details that suggest the Post already knows who this “top secret” source is. For example, the source is a “U.S. citizen,” has been an informant for both “the CIA and FBI,” and has provided information that was given to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe.

The story also says intelligence officials fear that outing the source could “damage relationships with other countries,” suggesting the source has worked overseas. And the story says the “role of the intelligence source” could further provoke Republicans who have accused Justice and the FBI of engaging in “misuse of their surveillance power”—hinting that the government may have used the source to snoop on the Trump campaign.

We can’t say who talked to the Post, but with leaks it’s always useful to see who benefits. In this case the Post story was clearly spun to justify the DOJ’s noncompliance with the House subpoena, and it also reports on a White House-DOJ discussion that included only a few individuals. Readers can figure out who had the political motive and knowledge to leak.

Yet somebody who doesn’t want to cooperate with Congress leaked to the Post, and in the process left a trail of details describing the very source whose name the leakers say must be protected from disclosure to Congress. Who exactly is putting that source at risk? We now have an idea who this government informant is, though no one in Congress has provided or confirmed to us the name.

All of this underscores that Justice should be compelled to cooperate with this latest House subpoena. Judging by the Post story, everyone in Washington will soon know the exploits of this “top secret” source except for Members of Congress who are trying to understand what happened during the 2016 campaign.

Last summer Mr. Nunes subpoenaed information related to the FBI’s monitoring of the Trump campaign. Justice and the FBI resisted that request for months, and now we learn that even when they did cooperate they withheld critical parts of the story. Their warnings now about risks to a source and to intelligence relationships must be measured against their prior warnings that turned out to be false. The leak and spin to the Post confirm that Mr. Nunes is asking questions that deserve to be answered.

This latest hall-of-mirrors episode should also show President Trump that if he really wants Americans to learn the whole truth about the FBI and the 2016 campaign, he should order a full declassification and end these intelligence games once and for all.

Don’t undersell it.

Generally speaking I view all federal government employees as useless and incompetent. But Jesus Christ there has never been a person occupying any position and doing it as uselessly and incompetently as Jeff Sessions.

Unless his real job is to ensure this charade goes as long as possible and no true criminals go to jail. Then he's doing a bang up job.
The fact that trump is traveling around the country having rallies is crazy to me. QUIT WORKING SO HARD DONALD. You’re supposed to just go on Jimmy Fallon and chill. You’ve made it to the top. You’re supposed to layup and retire, plan your Trump foundation, etc.

Donald is that new guy at work everybody fn hates because he’s working circles around everyone and raised the bar. That fn guy has got to go. Wtf he think he is.

The sad thing is that there's even more truth to this knowing he's in DC. He's showing exactly how much government can get done and that is with 2/3 of government hating him and trying to slow him down at every corner. Imagine how much good he could do for America and her citizens if the people in Congress if just the people on the right (many of whom rode his coattail into office) did what they said they would during their campaigns.
Now reports say Mueller and his bunch are investigating Nunes and numerous other republicans?

These treasonous fools are trying to just overthrow the entire government. No way this is within his authority

I honestly have no idea how/when it will end. Mueller has made it obvious that his goal is to get rid of Trump any way possible and anyone standing in his way is potential collateral damage. Trump could end this with the threat of Congress impeaching him, so I don't think that will happen. Sessions could end it today if he wanted, but we all know that won't happen.

We are watching a very public attempt at a coup by actors from within our govt and some NWO's funding things. There's really no other way to look at it.
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I honestly have no idea how/when it will end. Mueller has made it obvious that his goal is to get rid of Trump any way possible and anyone standing in his way is potential collateral damage. Trump could end this with the threat of Congress impeaching him, so I don't think that will happen. Sessions could end it today if he wanted, but we all know that won't happen.

We are watching the public attempt at a coup. There's really no other way to look at it.

If Trump is impeached, there will be an uprising; complete turmoil in this country. The unrest demonstrated by the democratic losers/whiners following the Trump election has set a precedent as to how to protest....unfortunately, the childish antics of those persons will look like child's play compared to the rebellion of mature Americans that support Trump. Members of congress have to understand that they and this country are better off just letting Trump lead this country for the next 6+ years. They can then hope they can manage to get government back to its dysfunctional, self-serving, self-perpetuating way of doing business. Hopefully, by 2024 some party will have another Trump-like, anti-politician ready to take over. If not, we're screwed.
Darrell Issa's (R-CA) quote sums it all up when asked why he thinks the DOJ/FBI is refusing to cooperate with Nunes.

"Most people think the most protected and highest classification at the DOJ/FBI is 'top secret', but they'd be wrong. The most protected and highly classified material is actually unclassified material that's embarrassing and/or illegal."
I honestly have no idea how/when it will end. Mueller has made it obvious that his goal is to get rid of Trump any way possible and anyone standing in his way is potential collateral damage. Trump could end this with the threat of Congress impeaching him, so I don't think that will happen. Sessions could end it today if he wanted, but we all know that won't happen.

We are watching the public attempt at a coup. There's really no other way to look at it.
It very could potentially bring the US to a civil war.
If he's simply impeached for something ridiculous, it won't do anything and I doubt Trump will even care to be honest. It'll just give him more ammunition against the swamp/media etc.

2/3 of the Senate isn't going to remove him from office, it just isn't possible.

That will be exactly how it will go down.

If the Blue Wave materialized, the Dems in the House will vote to impeach. The charge will not matter or have to hold water.

The House is the judge, jury, and prosecutor. They will push it through just like Obamacare.

But then it fails in the Senate, just like with Bill Clinton.

It's comical that the Dems can only run the Blue Wave on impeachment. They are pretty vague on what exact charge, just Trump has to go.

Of course it's going to be a ridiculous charge, I'm pretty sure voiding their savior's EOs is not an impeachable offense.

If you live by Barack's Executive Orders, you die by Barack's Executive Orders.
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It very could potentially bring the US to a civil war.

It won't. It never will. Americans are too comfortable with internet, electricity, food, clothing, etc. I want my country to succeed, but ultimately if the left wants to drive it off a cliff, I'm not going to pick up arms. And you are never going to be able to fight the government. The left has successfully convinced everyone the 2nd Amendment is about hunting, not fighting tyranny.

At the end of the day, successful, intelligent people like my wife and I will be in the minority and poor morons like Platinum will be populating the country with poor morons who need the government to provide every want and need. Idiocracy.
I think McCain is a scumbag opportunist and among the worst "go along to get along to keep my power and money" of the political class, but I don't care for the attacks on his time as a POW. All of the "Songbird John" has been shown to be fabricated or exaggerated.

Again, he's a worthless Senator, but I don't think mocking a man who was tortured for his country is how we should act
Why leftist students are showing up to my 'Make Campus Great Again' talk

I have a college speaking tour called “Make Campus Great Again!”

Admittedly, my audience often skews Right and my invitations to campus are usually from conservative and libertarian groups. The crux of my speech is to encourage right-leaning campus activists to play offense instead of defense in the era of Trump.

Recently, I’ve noticed a growing number of left-leaning students at my events — and not to protest as you might assume. Instead, self-avowed Marxists and DACA-supporting students have been showing up to hear what I have to say. These students are starving for diverse ideas.

Timidly, they’ll admit to me after my speech that they can’t get along with their leftist peers. They’re too emotional in their arguments and aren’t interested in deep, challenging discussion, they tell me. Their professors aren’t much better, so they say. Frustrated, they find themselves in a classroom, listening to a 25-year-old Trump supporter talking about how to make campus great again.

I find this both incredibly sad and highly laudable.

It's sad because students should encounter varying viewpoints on campus every day. It's laudable because some students are recognizing that their universities are failing them, and they’re seeking out alternative means of education.

You may be shocked to hear, but many of the leftist students I speak with find free speech zones and safe spaces to be an affront on their civil liberties, progressive values, and academic merits.

Of course this doesn’t mean that there isn’t a cohort of immature emotional leftists crying in safe spaces while simultaneously lighting their campuses on fire. These students exist, in large swaths, and hold great power and privilege on campus with absolute support from administrators. Interestingly enough, their antics are failing to make a case for their cause, and are instead pushing away natural allies like the students showing up to my talks.

In an era where provocation seems king and polarization seems unavoidable, I’m meeting students who want more civil discussion, greater exposure to diverse viewpoints, and more out of their higher education, regardless of their political persuasion.

As leftists become more extreme and universities continue to narrow the type of thought acceptable on campus, more and more free thinkers (Republican or Democrat; conservative or liberal) will come out of the woodwork to reject the monolithic hivemind that higher education has become. It just requires someone to encourage this hunger for more — someone to point in the right direction and confirm that there are merited academic ideas other than what’s taught in the classroom — someone to say, "It’s okay to explore new ideas."

Sadly, many of our nation’s educators are teaching that ideas are scary. When students realize that this is a lie and that deep thinking and exploration of ideas is fulfilling, they’re going to revolt. I’m seeing the first few dissenters as they show up to hear my speeches, and they’re the ones who will Make Campus Great Again.
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LMAO Starbucks is gay as hell for this...

Following the uproar over the way two African-American men were treated at a Philadelphia location last month, Starbuck’s executive chairman Howard Schultz announced plans to open its restrooms to anyone who wants to use them — whether they’re a paying customer or not.

"We don't want to become a public bathroom, but we're going to make the right decision 100% of the time and give people the key, because we don't want anyone at Starbucks to feel as if we are not giving access to you to the bathroom because you are less than. We want you to be more than," Schultz said on Thursday during a talk at the Atlantic Council in Washington.

So, they are officially a public restroom now (even though they don't want to be), and you can go do more heroin and more aids in their bathrooms because damnit you are not less than, you are more than!!!!!