How will they rule ??!

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It won't. It never will. Americans are too comfortable with internet, electricity, food, clothing, etc. I want my country to succeed, but ultimately if the left wants to drive it off a cliff, I'm not going to pick up arms. And you are never going to be able to fight the government. The left has successfully convinced everyone the 2nd Amendment is about hunting, not fighting tyranny.

At the end of the day, successful, intelligent people like my wife and I will be in the minority and poor morons like Platinum will be populating the country with poor morons who need the government to provide every want and need. Idiocracy.
However, that type of government is not sustainable. Something eventually would have to give.
I think McCain is a scumbag opportunist and among the worst "go along to get along to keep my power and money" of the political class, but I don't care for the attacks on his time as a POW. All of the "Songbird John" has been shown to be fabricated or exaggerated.

Again, he's a worthless Senator, but I don't think mocking a man who was tortured for his country is how we should act
No one knows how they would respond to being tortured until they are in that situation.
If McCain keeps this shit up, trying to undermine Trump and bring the country down with every dying breath, I hope the songbird talk ramps up so he goes to his grave wondering if that will be his legacy.

Did he stop to ask whether that fiction novel he shopped to the FBI was true before committing treason?

**** him.
LMAO Starbucks is gay as hell for this...

Following the uproar over the way two African-American men were treated at a Philadelphia location last month, Starbuck’s executive chairman Howard Schultz announced plans to open its restrooms to anyone who wants to use them — whether they’re a paying customer or not.

"We don't want to become a public bathroom, but we're going to make the right decision 100% of the time and give people the key, because we don't want anyone at Starbucks to feel as if we are not giving access to you to the bathroom because you are less than. We want you to be more than," Schultz said on Thursday during a talk at the Atlantic Council in Washington.

So, they are officially a public restroom now (even though they don't want to be), and you can go do more heroin and more aids in their bathrooms because damnit you are not less than, you are more than!!!!!

Guess I will start going to Starbucks again. Only to take a nasty dump though. Still not ever buying anything from those MFers.
I think McCain is a scumbag opportunist and among the worst "go along to get along to keep my power and money" of the political class, but I don't care for the attacks on his time as a POW. All of the "Songbird John" has been shown to be fabricated or exaggerated.

Again, he's a worthless Senator, but I don't think mocking a man who was tortured for his country is how we should act

Is ranking 4th from last of his graduating class..yet still getting highly ranked and crashing 3 planes okay to bash him for?

Lets face it, we let a dumbass ride his daddies coattails into a high military ranking and then a job leading this nation and having a role in setting policy for all americans.

I have no doubt, 90% of the people in this thread have more brains than john mccain.
Is ranking 4th from last of his graduating class..yet still getting highly ranked and crashing 3 planes okay to bash him for?

Lets face it, we let a dumbass ride his daddies coattails into a high military ranking and then a job leading this nation and having a role in setting policy for all americans.

I have no doubt, 90% of the people in this thread have more brains than john mccain.
That has nothing to do with slandering his POW record. In fact, it has nothing to do with anything I wrote.
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That has nothing to do with slandering his POW record. In fact, it has nothing to do with anything I wrote.

Did i say it did? I was adding on the discussion.

But in a way it does, had he jot rode daddies coattails and got a position he wasnt qualified for.. he probably wouldnt have been in the position to be captured.

And you also said that its been disproven that he didnt sing.. where was that disproven? Did we ask his captors?
I think McCain is a scumbag opportunist and among the worst "go along to get along to keep my power and money" of the political class, but I don't care for the attacks on his time as a POW. All of the "Songbird John" has been shown to be fabricated or exaggerated.

Again, he's a worthless Senator, but I don't think mocking a man who was tortured for his country is how we should act
You may be right, but I do hope I am not like him at all in my dying days. Going out mean, angry and bitter is a horrible look for him. He may not even be remembered the way he should/could have been because of it.
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And you also said that its been disproven that he didnt sing.. where was that disproven? Did we ask his captors?

Because it is incumbent upon the person making an assertion contrary to known facts to provide evidence for their claim. You're asking me to prove a negative.

He may have spilled his guts, I don't know. I just know that the originator of the claim is a conspiracy theorist who claimed McCain was a "Manchurian Candidate" ... for the Vietnamese. O, and the people who were POWs with him deny the claim that gave info to the Vietnamese. But other than that, I suppose it's a mystery
Is ranking 4th from last of his graduating class..yet still getting highly ranked and crashing 3 planes okay to bash him for?

Lets face it, we let a dumbass ride his daddies coattails into a high military ranking and then a job leading this nation and having a role in setting policy for all americans.

I have no doubt, 90% of the people in this thread have more brains than john mccain.

I'm sorry he's dying, but he's voting and recommending by his anger at Trump. He campaigned on repealing Obamacare in 2016, yet he cast the vote that prevented it from happening.
He advises against voting for Haspel because she refused to say waterboarding was immoral, yet voted for Brennan who was actually in a position of authority in the CIA during that period.
He personally hand delivered the Dossier to the FBI, knowing full well that the DNC paid for it, but it would look more damaging if a Republican gave it to the FBI.

Finally, instead of relinquishing his seat knowing he can't carry out the task he was elected for due to illness, he's holding out long enough to prevent a special election, in order for him to name his replacement, his wife or a "McCain person" as if the Seat is his personal posession. He is the problem with Washington
I'm sorry he's dying, but he's voting and recommending by his anger at Trump. He campaigned on repealing Obamacare in 2016, yet he cast the vote that prevented it from happening.
He advises against voting for Haspel because she refused to say waterboarding was immoral, yet voted for Brennan who was actually in a position of authority in the CIA during that period.
He personally hand delivered the Dossier to the FBI, knowing full well that the DNC paid for it, but it would look more damaging if a Republican gave it to the FBI.

Finally, instead of relinquishing his seat knowing he can't carry out the task he was elected for due to illness, he's holding out long enough to prevent a special election, in order for him to name his replacement, his wife or a "McCain person" as if the Seat is his personal posession. He is the problem with Washington

This is 1000% correct. I'll never trash someone for serving our military, but McCain is showing exactly what is wrong with Congress. He should be forced to retire, give up his seat, and spend his last days around his family and friends.

What he is doing is utterly despicable and that may be too nice a word.
This is 1000% correct. I'll never trash someone for serving our military, but McCain is showing exactly what is wrong with Congress. He should be forced to retire, give up his seat, and spend his last days around his family and friends.

What he is doing is utterly despicable and that may be too nice a word.
I think him not inviting Trump to his funeral is pretty f****d up.
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Because it is incumbent upon the person making an assertion contrary to known facts to provide evidence for their claim. You're asking me to prove a negative.

He may have spilled his guts, I don't know. I just know that the originator of the claim is a conspiracy theorist who claimed McCain was a "Manchurian Candidate" ... for the Vietnamese. O, and the people who were POWs with him deny the claim that gave info to the Vietnamese. But other than that, I suppose it's a mystery

Only reason i mentioned it is because i thought you had said its been disproven.
Republican party is much more homogenized, both in beliefs and race. Easier to dehumanize the nonbelievers. Just look at any mention of the word liberal in this thread. Also Trump's base tends to be more authoritarian, more susceptible to conspiracy theories, etc.

Democrats and liberal individuals don't make political affiliation as much of their personal identity as those tied to the Fox News cycle, and it is really difficult for right wingers to comprehend that there isn't a left wing counterpart to their propaganda network. Normal people don't exist in this world where every event is processed in this politically partisan way.
Republican party is much more homogenized, both in beliefs and race. Easier to dehumanize the nonbelievers. Just look at any mention of the word liberal in this thread. Also Trump's base tends to be more authoritarian, more susceptible to conspiracy theories, etc.

Democrats and liberal individuals don't make political affiliation as much of their personal identity as those tied to the Fox News cycle, and it is really difficult for right wingers to comprehend that there isn't a left wing counterpart to their propaganda network. Normal people don't exist in this world where every event is processed in this politically partisan way.

Close to the biggest lie posted on this site. Incredible if you believe this.
Only reason i mentioned it is because i thought you had said its been disproven.
Well, it has. His fellow POWs say he didn't do it and the person who originally alleged that he did had no firsthand sources. To me, that disproves it. I mean, like I said, that doesn't mean he didn't (we can never know that), just that those specific allegations have been countered with better substantiated evidence from more reliable sources.
No one knows how they would respond to being tortured until they are in that situation.

While all are counseled to keep quiet I think the assumption is that captives will talk if they are tortured long enough. I wouldn't hold that against McCain. My problem with McCain is him being part of the swamp and going down swinging trying to defend it.
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Republican party is much more homogenized, both in beliefs and race. Easier to dehumanize the nonbelievers. Just look at any mention of the word liberal in this thread. Also Trump's base tends to be more authoritarian, more susceptible to conspiracy theories, etc.

Democrats and liberal individuals don't make political affiliation as much of their personal identity as those tied to the Fox News cycle, and it is really difficult for right wingers to comprehend that there isn't a left wing counterpart to their propaganda network. Normal people don't exist in this world where every event is processed in this politically partisan way.

Your head is planted firmly up your ass if you truly believe this.