How will they rule ??!

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Your teachers did you a grave disservice, bro. I can understand why you seem so angry all the time.

You're dumber than a sack of crayons, my man. I'm borderline impressed with some of the people in this thread who can actually back up their opinions with reason. You, however?

You watch cable TV news all day.

I can absolutely handle some banter with conservatives, but typing words to a simpleton like you is downright morose at times. Our education system FAILED YOU, bro. You should be even more mad than you are right now, but you don't even understand that.

In the words of Emperor Trump...

It is failing now but, you are too dumb to see it because, you are part of the problem.
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man even fox news barely covered the prisoner release today. guess nobody cares about 2 naturalized Chinese and a Korean that were stupid enough to go work in NK. with Pomoeo so heavily involved they were probably cia. I thought it would be a decent win for Trump but litteraly nobody covered it. everybody was to busy finding out that the companies openly admitted to bribing Cohen millions.
man even fox news barely covered the prisoner release today. guess nobody cares about 2 naturalized Chinese and a Korean that were stupid enough to go work in NK. with Pomoeo so heavily involved they were probably cia. I thought it would be a decent win for Trump but litteraly nobody covered it. everybody was to busy finding out that the companies openly admitted to bribing Cohen millions.

you watch cable news, bro?
I have to wonder if Mcain's illness is causing him to talk out of his ass so much. Just trying to give him the benefit of the doubt because it seems to me that a christian on his deathbed would want to die with forgiveness in his heart rather than bitter hatred. And if Trump has not done so already he should take responsibility for his role in the fued and try to make peace as well.
Would love if Trump showed up at McCain's hospital to forgive him before he finally does America a favor and dies, and made a big spectacle of it.

Make sure to slip in a reference how just like torture can get you to say things to the Vietcong you shouldn't have, brain tumors can do the same thing.
Theres a 144 million people in Russia..I love how the media pretends if someone talked to a russian private citizen that means anything. Probably wont be long now until they accuse the brooklyn nets for influencing the election bc their owner is russian and he owns a new York team.
Supposedly they bombed Iran first. Well, not exactly Iran, but an Iranian missile base in Dasmascus, killing 15 Iranians. It happened yesterday, within an hour of Trump leaving the Iran deal. Israel hasn't taken responsibility, but that's who's being blamed.
Blame? How bout applauded?
Israel, Syria, Iran are now in open war. Bolton got exactly what he wanted. wish Trump would stand up for the one thing I think he actually believes in and pull all of our troops from the region. let these morons wallow in their shit and wipe each other out.
Israel, Syria, Iran are now in open war. Bolton got exactly what he wanted. wish Trump would stand up for the one thing I think he actually believes in and pull all of our troops from the region. let these morons wallow in their shit and wipe each other out.

You are fake news Copkilla. Trump owns dumbass liberals like you.
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now Saudi Arabia says it will start up a nuclear weapons program in response to Iran. you know the country where all the terrorists actually come from but who we provide all our weapons tech to. so we just kicked off a new arms race with a bunch of nutjobs.
Daniels denied a relationship with DJT repeatedly...until Avenatti convinced her that she could make more money by violating the agreement. Daniels is all about the money. Avenatti is all about bringing the DJT presidency into disrepute for political gain.

I'm pretty sure that DJT cheated on his wife and had sex with a porn star ~12 years ago. Not personally enamored by this, or his lying/covering it up. However, in the big picture, it is such a non issue when compared to what he has accomplished as president. Given recent polling numbers, I think the electorate agrees.

So keep parading Stormy and her lawyer, MSM. It only makes you look like hypocrites, and, as polls show, people really find all of it inconsequential given the efficacy of DJT's foreign and domestic policy. The mid-terms are not going to go as you had hoped.
Israel, Syria, Iran are now in open war. Bolton got exactly what he wanted. wish Trump would stand up for the one thing I think he actually believes in and pull all of our troops from the region. let these morons wallow in their shit and wipe each other out.

More fake news
now Saudi Arabia says it will start up a nuclear weapons program in response to Iran. you know the country where all the terrorists actually come from but who we provide all our weapons tech to. so we just kicked off a new arms race with a bunch of nutjobs.
More fake news, everyone please disregard.
man even fox news barely covered the prisoner release today. guess nobody cares about 2 naturalized Chinese and a Korean that were stupid enough to go work in NK. with Pomoeo so heavily involved they were probably cia. I thought it would be a decent win for Trump but litteraly nobody covered it. everybody was to busy finding out that the companies openly admitted to bribing Cohen millions.

now Saudi Arabia says it will start up a nuclear weapons program in response to Iran. you know the country where all the terrorists actually come from but who we provide all our weapons tech to. so we just kicked off a new arms race with a bunch of nutjobs.
Which countries haven’t produced terrorists? SA would be merely responding to their attacker, Iran. So it’s up to Iran to behave.
now Saudi Arabia says it will start up a nuclear weapons program in response to Iran. you know the country where all the terrorists actually come from but who we provide all our weapons tech to. so we just kicked off a new arms race with a bunch of nutjobs.

Obama now owns a home in Iran and is acting like a shadow leader for the Iran govt.
I have to wonder if Mcain's illness is causing him to talk out of his ass so much. Just trying to give him the benefit of the doubt because it seems to me that a christian on his deathbed would want to die with forgiveness in his heart rather than bitter hatred. And if Trump has not done so already he should take responsibility for his role in the fued and try to make peace as well.
He is asking forgiveness from the media for being a republican so they say nice things when he dies. Ego is his religion.