How will they rule ??!

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Black unemployment is at an all time low. Blacks are opening there eyes and some are speaking out, Kanye, Candace, etc. Notice how they are treated for being open minded and thinking for themselves.

Blacks are letting themselves to be still treated as slaves by the Democratic Party. The Dems need blacks to shutup, collect your putrid monthly allowance the Dems give you and vote Democrat on elections. Some blacks are now starting to understand this and the Dems are losing their mind.

I've long thought that Trump should go to the worst area of Chicago and have a speech (yes, I know logistically it's tough, but figure it out). He could tout how other leaders have forgotten about them despite generations of handouts/democratic leadership. How crime, poverty, unemployment, etc haven't improved. it would be a bold move. Talk about how government isn't the answer, etc

Heck, do a ghetto road show - go to LA, New Orleans, NYC, Philly, heck hold a rally in DC.
Does this rationale remind you of someone here?

I welcome more of this stuff so they can see where they rank on the totem pole for the Dem Party.
At what point does the entire population of the earth disappear due to Trump's decision-making? Based on media coverage, I thought net neutrality would have killed us all off, but I'm obviously still here (unless this is all happening in the Matrix.. who knows).

The cycle works like this.

Whatever Trump does is going to kill us all, 24/7 coverage about it.
When it turns out to not be an issue, give it no attention
When Trump accomplishes stuff, give him no credit at all
Go nuts about his tweets, talk about him non-stop on your late night talk shows
Repeat the first step of fake outrage over latest decision
Create a protest and a hashtag
Does this rationale remind you of someone here?
Ben Norton went to UK with me and is one of the most insufferable, rude, and clueless morons I have ever had the displeasure of interacting with. Firstly, he is a literal Stalinist. Like STALIN DID NUFFIN WRONG! type of idiot. Secondly, he tried to tell me one time that North Korea is actually not that bad and it's only because I've been duped by the corporatist media that I believe the made up horror stories. And any of the bad things that happen there are because neoliberals are controlling their economy via the WTO. Lastly, he is just a really shitty person who thinks he's about 100 times smarter than he actually is and confuses "acting like a spoiled preteen throwing a temper tantrum at the mall" with "telling it like it is." The fact that he is verified on Twitter while another guy I went to school with isn't sort of explains a lot about said platform
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Ben Norton went to UK with me and is one of the most insufferable, rude, and clueless morons I have ever had the displeasure of interacting with. Firstly, he is a literal Stalinist. Like STALIN DID NUFFIN WRONG! type of idiot. Secondly, he tried to tell me one time that North Korea is actually not that bad and it's only because I've been duped by the corporatism media that I believe the made up horror stories. And any of the bad things that happen there are because neoliberals are controlling their economy via the WTO. Lastly, he is just a really shitty person who thinks he's about 100 times smarter than he actually is and confuses "acting like a spoiled preteen throwing a temper tantrum at the mall" with "telling it like it is." The fact that he is verified on Twitter while another guy I went to school with isn't sort of explains a lot about said platform

I found a letter to the editor he wrote in 2011 to the HL. He got "institutional racism" and cited the NYT in about 150 word post. lol

Still believe in the American dream? A recent study should be the final nail in that coffin.

Iswar Khatiwada, an economist at the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University, analyzed last year's census data and found that 37 percent of families with parents under the age of 30 were living in poverty. This is the highest the level has reached. A new low.

It gets worse. Institutional racism once again rears its ugly head as the study reveals that some of the highest rates are among black and Hispanic children, where close to two in five young families with children were living in poverty.

Yet the picture isn't complete. If such a large chunk of young American families are doing so poorly, surely most others must feel the financial onus of the recent recession.

Once more, think again. Corporate profits in the third fiscal quarter of the very same year were, according to the New York Times, "the highest figures recorded since the government began keeping track over 60 years ago, at least in nominal or non-inflation-adjusted terms."

In 1976 the richest 1 percent of the population owned almost 9 percent of the wealth; now it owns almost 24 percent. Income inequality is worse in the United States than it is in almost all of West Africa, North Africa, Europe and Asia.

Still believe in liberty and justice for all? Keep on dreaming.

We have become a country run by the few for the few.

Benjamin Norton


Found some more of his stuff.

Yeah, this guy really loves Stalin.
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The cycle works like this.

Whatever Trump does is going to kill us all, 24/7 coverage about it.
When it turns out to not be an issue, give it no attention
When Trump accomplishes stuff, give him no credit at all
Go nuts about his tweets, talk about him non-stop on your late night talk shows
Repeat the first step of fake outrage over latest decision
Create a protest and a hashtag
Were you surprised that the school teacher was the first SJW to defend Wendell Carter's mom?
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I found a letter to the editor he wrote in 2011 to the HL. He got "institutional racism" and cited the NYT in about 150 word post. lol

Still believe in the American dream? A recent study should be the final nail in that coffin.

Iswar Khatiwada, an economist at the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University, analyzed last year's census data and found that 37 percent of families with parents under the age of 30 were living in poverty. This is the highest the level has reached. A new low.

It gets worse. Institutional racism once again rears its ugly head as the study reveals that some of the highest rates are among black and Hispanic children, where close to two in five young families with children were living in poverty.

Yet the picture isn't complete. If such a large chunk of young American families are doing so poorly, surely most others must feel the financial onus of the recent recession.

Once more, think again. Corporate profits in the third fiscal quarter of the very same year were, according to the New York Times, "the highest figures recorded since the government began keeping track over 60 years ago, at least in nominal or non-inflation-adjusted terms."

In 1976 the richest 1 percent of the population owned almost 9 percent of the wealth; now it owns almost 24 percent. Income inequality is worse in the United States than it is in almost all of West Africa, North Africa, Europe and Asia.

Still believe in liberty and justice for all? Keep on dreaming.

We have become a country run by the few for the few.

Benjamin Norton


Found some more of his stuff.

Yeah, this guy really loves Stalin.
"The West actually supported Nazism!!!"

*googles Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact*

Story starting to spread that the 1.6million payment made by Broidy was on Trumps behalf and he just willingly took the fall to get influence for his businesses. For stormy, mcdougal, and bechard they all mysteriously use the same contract and the same lawyers and got paid by the same LLC. But Trump got Bechard pregnant, who got an abortion, and this one will be a big hit for him. Stormy's lawyer has been hinting this was the case in numerous interviews. It was always weird that Broidy would go to Cohen, who he had no relationship with, to represent him against Bechard. And Bechard also used the same lawyer for her visa that Trump used for Melania to get her visa. and the super creepy part is all these playmates look like Ivanka, Trump definitely wants to or already has banged his daughter. And the Bechard affair isn't old, happened in 15-16.
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Hopefully this labor tightening will start raising wages.

US jobs now equal number of jobless
A record number of U.S. job openings is about on par with the number of jobless, Bloomberg says. Citing the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey for March, the most recent data available from the Labor Department, the news service said the “quits rate” also rose to 2.3% from 2.2% in February, increasing pressure for higher wages. The equilibrium between those looking for work and 2.3 million job openings compares with the beginning of the Great Recession in 2007, when there were “1.9 people” for every opening.
Easy, conservatism is just a fancy word for "I've got mine, now the rest of you can F off." Most black people have never had enough to get to that point. The ones that get enough to switch sides want to keep their feet on others' heads to reduce competition just like their white brethren. Selfishness knows no race.
Ahhh the race card. When you are losing the argument or battle whatever it is, weaklings deploy that old standby. Loser.
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No shit, guys! You mean to tell me that Stormy wasn't the only one? So the same man who likes to openly brag/laugh about "grab them by the pussy", is actually tang slaying man whore? I'm shocked. Such a huge hit for him. He's surely going down this time. Definitely lost my support.
No shit, guys! You mean to tell me that Stormy wasn't the only one? So the same man who likes to openly brag/laugh about "grab them by the pussy", is actually tang slaying man whore? I'm shocked. Such a huge hit for him. He's surely going down this time. Definitely lost my support.

So the left doesn't care about Bill who shoved a cigar up an intern's vagina and then took a BJ while working for the taxpayer and then didn't care about the gay guy's claim of going down on Obama but I'm supposed to just step aside and let the radical left gain power because a billionaire celebrity had consensual sex with models and porn stars 13 years ago?
No shit, guys! You mean to tell me that Stormy wasn't the only one? So the same man who likes to openly brag/laugh about "grab them by the pussy", is actually tang slaying man whore? I'm shocked. Such a huge hit for him. He's surely going down this time. Definitely lost my support.
If the Bechard stuff is true then its losing his evangelical base with an abortion and getting hit with a federal bribery charge. The pregnancy was in 2016 and the payment was made after Trump was already President by a buisness man trying to lobby the administration. Broidy has been convicted already for this kind of thing. He plead guilty to bribing the comptroller in 2009
Platinumdrgn in the news?

Cops: Man Jailed For Beating Mom With Light Saber

-A 42-year-old Pennsylvania man is facing an assault and harassment charges after beating his mom with a light saber according to court records.....
When he was subsequently confronted by cops, Andrew Vargas denied striking his mother, and claimed that she was “hitting herself and that she has many issues.”

Andrew Vargas, who lives with his mother, was arrested on misdemeanor assault and harassment charges. He is being held in the Clearfield County jail in lieu of $10,000 bail. Vargas’s rap sheet includes prior convictions for theft, drunk driving, and criminal trespass
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If the Bechard stuff is true then its losing his evangelical base with an abortion and getting hit with a federal bribery charge. The pregnancy was in 2016 and the payment was made after Trump was already President.
you got him!!
So the left doesn't care about Bill who shoved a cigar up an intern's vagina and then took a BJ while working for the taxpayer and then didn't care about the gay guy's claim of going down on Obama but I'm supposed to just step aside and let the radical left gain power because a billionaire celebrity had consensual sex with models and porn stars 13 years ago?
Bechard was 2 years ago. She was Hefners girl and apparently why the 2 had a falling out before he died.