How will they rule ??!

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Seriously libs, I’ve got most of you on ignore since you’ve proven to be absolute radicals and total retards but I want you brainwashed douchebags to know that you can GFY.

The Obama admin was the worst in history and in less than two years despite all of your hysterical BS, Trump has cleaned up most of Obama and the left’s insanity.
Marie Harf, the former Senior Strategic Communications Advisor to John Kerry, says holdover Kerry "friendlies" in the State Department are considering resigning because Trump pulled out of the Iran deal.

The law of unintended consequences finally working for the good of the people. Amazing what can happen when adults with actual knowledge of how the world works make decisions instead of people who only know what a leftist text book and leftist professor taught them about decision making.
Marie Harf, the former Senior Strategic Communications Advisor to John Kerry, says holdover Kerry "friendlies" in the State Department are considering resigning because Trump pulled out of the Iran deal.

I guess those deep staters thought getting rogered up the tailpipe by the Iranian mullahs was a good thing.
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the presser the WH sent out by Trump says that he has proof Iran broke the deal. 3 weeks ago Coats & Pompeo went in front of congress and said Iran was in full compliance. so who is lying director of national intelligence, cia director/sec of state, or Trump. that's an easy answer.
Your dad let Hezzbolah off the hook w the Iran deal concern from you tho.

Also what's your boo Kerry been doing over there
They already have the money. Now they have the money and no reason not to openly spend it all on nukes.

The US is in open war with Russia, trade war with china, war with syria, still at war with IS, trying to maybe get past war with NK. Iran backed by Russia & Syria. Now we want a new war with Iran. Great depression 2.0 incoming.
Iran is a weak're pretending to be concerned bc your dad told you too...and we just made them even weaker
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how does leaving the Iran deal fix anything? they go back to building bombs and we go back to threatening to invade them every few months. and now Kim Jong Un sees that the US doesn't deal in good faith. Iran already has all the advanced missile tech, they just needed more work on the bomb tech. Iran & NK go back to trading tech & arms and now our 2 biggest threats are nuclear powers. MAGA! the deal delayed the inevitable for 15 years. now in a few months you will see Iran doing nuke tests which starts a new arms race with Qatar & Saudis.
Hey dumb a$$, Europe still has their deal.Let those pu$$ies rein in Iran since they love Mooslims so much.
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So did we ever have any proof that Iran is secretly building nuclear weapons despite the agreement? All of our intelligence agencies, allies (other than Israel), and our former secretary of state felt the exact opposite.
So did we ever have any proof that Iran is secretly building nuclear weapons despite the agreement? All of our intelligence agencies, allies (other than Israel), and our former secretary of state felt the exact opposite.

Yes man. We did. Israel found tons of evidence to prove that Iran was building nuclear missiles.

Well our former sec of state is a piece of liberal dogshit who wants to see America burn to the ground.
On the subject of kid diddlers, has anyone seen those “my pillow” commercials? That dude Mike has had more adolescent wangs in his face than John Podesta.
That Iran had no intentions of complying. As soon as Iran got the money they were financing nuclear missiles along with financing terrorist group.

But this is 2018. Apparently liberals think muslim terrorism is a good thing
What evidence did Israel have of that being the case? I'm all for pulling out of the deal if that's what happened, but Israel seems to stand alone in their assessment of the situation.
What evidence did Israel have of that being the case? I'm all for pulling out of the deal if that's what happened, but Israel seems to stand alone in their assessment of the situation.

Because their secret service, the Mossad, did a very calculative organized spy mission that found over a ton of documents proving that Iran reneged on that deal.

Hell, even John Podesta knew it was a shit deal.

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Because their secret service, the Mossad, did a very calculative organized spy mission that found over a ton of documents proving that Iran reneged on that deal.

Hell, even John Podesta knew it was a shit deal.

I'm just worried about another Iraq situation, where even (some) of our own intelligence agencies said they had evidence that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. We later found out that was a false pretense for invasion. We needed to ask far more questions about the evidence back then. If America's intelligence agencies would back up Israel's assessment, I'd be less concerned.
So did we ever have any proof that Iran is secretly building nuclear weapons despite the agreement? All of our intelligence agencies, allies (other than Israel), and our former secretary of state felt the exact opposite.
Willy will give you a bunch of bs about Israel. but Pomoeo just had a congressional hearing where he said there was zero evidence Iran wasn't honoring the deal. he had aleady seen the israely files when he said that. Dan Coats said the same thing to the Senate intelligence committee.