How will they rule ??!

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Schneiderman is guilty as hell, Farrow had all the goods. now if only the Missouri governor would show the same kind of dignity and resign.
well stormy never claimed to be a victim.

Maybe not her personally, but her lawyer, who speaks directly for her, has been on national TV throwing the word "victim" around.

she just wanted to make a lot of money off Trumps little dick.

So you agree she extorted him. And don't give that shit he paid so it's not extortion. Him paying means she succeeded in extorting him instead of just attempting to extort him.

Not to mention, Stormy has made no mention of Trump’s penis size. Odd how you know in such detail. Is this your coming out of the closet moment? Have you been sucking Trump off. Spit or swallow?

at the time 130k looked good but now she sees big money.

The only place she's getting "big money" is from liberal imbeciles who hail her as an American hero. She's taking you suckers for a ride. Trump walks away from this laughing. Your favorite publication has even come to grips with reality.

Stormy Daniels and Michael Avenatti aren’t bringing down Trump
Vox - 12 hours ago

Easy, conservatism is just a fancy word for "I've got mine, now the rest of you can F off." Most black people have never had enough to get to that point. The ones that get enough to switch sides want to keep their feet on others' heads to reduce competition just like their white brethren. Selfishness knows no race.
well stormy never claimed to be a victim.

And I take that back. The day she went on 60 minutes telling some sob story, a story she hadn't told in at least four interviews prior (Wonder why that is? Did she make it all up?), about a man threatening her, producing a now famously mocked sketch years after the fact, she played the victim card like it was going out of style.
Easy, conservatism is just a fancy word for "I've got mine, now the rest of you can F off." Most black people have never had enough to get to that point. The ones that get enough to switch sides want to keep their feet on others' heads to reduce competition just like their white brethren. Selfishness knows no race.
Nah, conservatism is govt doesnt know best and isn't Santa claus...all it does is put ceilings on ppl and put money in dem politicians pockets
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Maybe not her personally, but her lawyer, who speaks directly for her, has been on national TV throwing the word "victim" around.

So you agree she extorted him. And don't give that shit he paid so it's not extortion. Him paying means she succeeded in extorting him instead of just attempting to extort him.

Not to mention, Stormy has made no mention of Trump’s penis size. Odd how you know in such detail. Is this your coming out of the closet moment? Have you been sucking Trump off. Spit or swallow?

The only place she's getting "big money" is from liberal imbeciles who hail her as an American hero. She's taking you suckers for a ride. Trump walks away from this laughing. Your favorite publication has even come to grips with reality.

Stormy Daniels and Michael Avenatti aren’t bringing down Trump
Vox - 12 hours ago
she did extort him and he allowed it, not my problem. she is the feature story of this months penthouse and said he had a tiny cheeto dick and his hair flooped around like a fat cockatoo.
she did extort him

But you're all about holding people accountable and justice, so shouldn't you be calling for her to be locked up?

said he had a tiny cheeto dick and his hair flooped around like a fat cockatoo.

Hate to tell you, but that actually makes her look much worse than him. She comes as a petty, vindictive, jilted sloot and makes Trump actually look good.

Here you have, in her words, a fat, orange man with a tiny dick and goofy hair, yet one of the most famous pornstars on the scene at the time gladly got kinky with him and let him penetrate her. If that's not a Boss then what is?

Seriously, who looks worse in that situation? The fat, orange, tiny dick, goofy haired man who got some pussy; or, the famous pornstar who gladly screwed that man, got her feelings hurt then extorted that man and is now vindictively trashing that man?
If Democrats want to lay all of the blame of water boarding on Gina Haspel then by default they have to give her all of the credit for the good stuff that came from it. You can't have it both ways. If all the bad is her fault then all the good that resulted from it is her accomplishment.

Without water boarding the 9/11 mastermind KSM doesn't break and give up bin Laden's courier. Without the identity of the courier the US never tracks him to bin Laden's Pakistan hideout where they eventually surprise and kill bin Laden. For all we know they'd still be searching for him in some obscure cave.
Easy, conservatism is just a fancy word for "I've got mine, now the rest of you can F off." Most black people have never had enough to get to that point. The ones that get enough to switch sides want to keep their feet on others' heads to reduce competition just like their white brethren. Selfishness knows no race.

Easy, conservatism is just a fancy word for "I've got mine, now the rest of you can F off." Most black people have never had enough to get to that point. The ones that get enough to switch sides want to keep their feet on others' heads to reduce competition just like their white brethren. Selfishness knows no race.

Look at this racist. Claims to care about black people, but whose party slaves them out for votes. Dems only care about black people during election years. Gets their votes and then forgets them. You're disgusting. Everyone is aware of the dem scheme. Dems don't want blacks to gain financially, because then they can't gaslight them into victimhood.

Blacks succeeding means they will want lower taxes and the Dems can't have that. They need black America poor and needing more government. Give it up. Everyone is aware of the Dem scheme
[laughing] They're broke and have absolutely nothing to offer the country. Six months until midterms and they're reduced to lying about the Mueller investigation for donations. No doubt they're targeting the platinum, bwls and cardkilla types. That swath of cretins will believe anything that's negative about Trump.

House Democrats Lie About Mueller Investigation In Fundraising Emails

Congressional Democrats are now lying to their supporters about the Russia investigation in an effort to pump up their fundraising efforts ahead of the midterm elections.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) sent out a pair of fundraising emails on Monday that claimed if they got enough signatures, President Donald Trump would be “forced” to interview with special counsel Robert Mueller.

“If we can gather 1,000,000 signatures, it will FORCE Trump to cooperate with the investigation once and for all,” read one email. (That’s false.)

“We need to gather 1 MILLION signatures for Robert Mueller to FORCE Trump to testify,” read another email. “We’re the only ones left who can help Robert Mueller.” (Also false.)

"Democrats can’t claim a moral high ground on telling the truth when their congressional campaign arm is often lying,” commented BuzzFeed reporter Dominic Holden, who first pointed out the misleading emails. “If Democrats care so much about ‘the truth,’ they should practice it in their emails,” he added.


Zero tolerance policy now at the border. No more catch and release honor system and everyone catches a charge.

Instead of being given a court date then released and trusted to show up two years later for your immigration hearing, 100% of those who cross the border illegally will be detained by DHS, referred to the DOJ for prosecution and remain detained until their cases are adjudicated.
Look at this racist. Claims to care about black people, but whose party slaves them out for votes. Dems only care about black people during election years. Gets their votes and then forgets them. You're disgusting. Everyone is aware of the dem scheme. Dems don't want blacks to gain financially, because then they can't gaslight them into victimhood.

Blacks succeeding means they will want lower taxes and the Dems can't have that. They need black America poor and needing more government. Give it up. Everyone is aware of the Dem scheme

Once you end up on government assistance it’s hard to get off of it. If the government really cared, they’d allow one to be weaned off food stamps, welfare, assisted living, etc.

I was on food stamps years ago. My wife lost her job because they cut positions and my place of employment closed down at the same time. You have to be dirt poor to get food stamps. Once I found a job again, they were gone. We made too much to qualify. If my wife hadn’t found a job I’m not sure how we get by. Point is, the government programs want you relying on nothing but the to survive, because they punish you heavily for trying to do it yourself.

That’s what they’ve done to a lot of blacks over the last 30-40 years. They convince the black community that they NEED the government to get by. And then they get an assisted living home which are in crappy parts of town. The government rewards them for reproducing, each child bringing in a little more money. But if they try to get a job then they go from getting welfare, assisted living, food stamps to nothing. And you know which party overwhelmingly supports government programs? Three guesses for our clueless Uber lefties!
You can't make this up. Judge Ellis made us all aware that the evidence Mueller has on Manafort isn't new evidence uncovered during the Russia investigation, but evidence from a decade old case that he took from the DOJ coffers, in which Manafort was never charged and eventually exonerated. Guess who one of the prosecutors was that worked the case back then? Rod Rosenstein.
April was best month in history for U.S. budget, according to CBO figures

The federal government took in a record tax haul in April en route to its biggest-ever monthly budget surplus, the Congressional Budget Office said, as a surging economy left Americans with more money in their paychecks — and this more to pay to Uncle Sam.

All told the government collected $515 billion and spent $297 billion, for a total monthly surplus of $218 billion. That swamped the previous monthly record of $190 billion, set in 2001.

CBO analysts were surprised by the surplus, which was some $40 billion more than they’d guessed at less than a month ago.

Analysts said they’ll have a better idea of what’s behind the surge as more information rolls in, but for now said it looks like individual taxpayers are paying more because they have higher incomes.

Trump White House sending proposed $15 billion in spending cuts to Congress

The Trump White House said Monday it will send lawmakers a proposal to slash $15 billion in unused funds, leaving the $1.3 trillion spending bill unchanged.

The multibillion-dollar roster of proposed spending cuts comes from leftover funding from previous years. A senior official said President Trump feels the so-called rescission package is an important tool to eliminate wasteful spending, and this measure will be the first of several rescission packages that focus on “unobligated balances.”

‘The Great Revolt’: Mighty Trump voters are now reshaping politics

The mighty Trump voter gets some significant analysis. “The Great Revolt: Inside the Populist Coalition Reshaping American Politics,” by astute syndicated columnist Salena Zito and veteran GOP strategist Brad Todd arrives Tuesday, revealing the authentic spirit and iron-willed determination of some 63 million voters who brought President Trump victory at the polls in 2016.

Trump’s candidacy would not only defy conventional labeling; the coalition it attracted would be forged on an entirely new axis, welding together the conservative bloc that had become almost chemically opposed to Hillary Clinton with an emerging populist cohort that voted based on its assessment of its own economic and cultural condition,” the authors write.

The book’s many chapters include “Hidden in Plain Sight” and “Red-Blooded and Blue-Collared,” all based on real reporting. The two authors traveled 27,000 miles and talked to 300 Trump voters in critical swing states.

“Virtually every political and media expert missed the potential of Donald Trump because they based their electoral calculus on assumptions that they hadn’t bothered to check since the last presidential election. To recognize the potential of the Trump coalition, analysts would have had to visit places they had stopped visiting, and listen to people they had stopped listening to,” the authors note.
Easy, conservatism is just a fancy word for "I've got mine, now the rest of you can F off." Most black people have never had enough to get to that point. The ones that get enough to switch sides want to keep their feet on others' heads to reduce competition just like their white brethren. Selfishness knows no race.
Black unemployment is at an all time low. Blacks are opening there eyes and some are speaking out, Kanye, Candace, etc. Notice how they are treated for being open minded and thinking for themselves.

Blacks are letting themselves to be still treated as slaves by the Democratic Party. The Dems need blacks to shutup, collect your putrid monthly allowance the Dems give you and vote Democrat on elections. Some blacks are now starting to understand this and the Dems are losing their mind.
Even if, a big if, there was some huge proven story actually investigated and covered and found true by our media fluffers like platinumkilla would be on here with Vox stories about how anal sex is actually good for child development.
CNN: Is entering into a cuckold relationship with your elementary school child the new path to family bliss? - Dan Savage
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Did he actually serve time?? Nevermind. Looked it up. 8 months in a halfway house.

"D'Souza pleaded guilty in 2014 for donating $20,000 to New York politician Wendy Long. He was sentenced to five years probation, eight months in a halfway house and paid a $30,000 fine."

Yep. When the judge sentenced him he called it a “community confinement center”.

According to legal dictionary, a community confinement center involves a “residence in a halfway house, restitution center, community treatment center, mental health facility, alcohol or drug rehabilitation center, or other community facility.”

He also had to undergo “therapeutic counseling” while confined.

Samantha Bee is at the forefront of #metoo and still went ahead with this interview.

#resist trumps #metoo.

Let me guess, the satirical reporter just found out about it like everyone else did when she read it in the paper.

There was a story out two years ago. She and her husband, Jason Jones, live in Manhattan. Their children's school was being moved. One proposal, the new site was located 15 blocks away in a poorer, more diverse neighborhood. They weren't having any of that.

Once the story took off, Jones told other parents to not talk to the press.

Good for the goose, not the gander.

Maybe Platnum can site Snopes charging FALSE when all of the above Snopes concluded was true.

We used to have TBS on as white noise in the house before Samantha Bee. All of the ****ing promos.

Ban hammer. She's just insufferable.

I know, I know, I shouldn't let someone else political hot takes influence my entertainment choices.
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My favorite Dem Party tactic is to try and fool you on their intentions.

"No one is trying to take your guns"

"No one is asking for open borders"
Keith Ellison wears a shirt saying "no borders."

They did the same with amnesty/immigration.

They do this all the time. Dems honestly want a totalitarian state. Their intentions are to chip away, worm their way into something and then take it over or destroy it. Anyone who trusts a Democrat is a moron. When you encounter one of them, you should know that these people are about as anti-American and brainwashed as you can get.