How will they rule ??!

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You need to ask your hero Platinum, he post more hard line liberal/leftist crap by himself than everyone else does combined. That does not seem to bother you though so, hypocrite much? Yes, yes you do.

At least he posts his thoughts and not random Twitter douches.

You all seem like hateful, sad people. Buck up. Your simpleton bigot is in office.

Go out. Grab a beer. Buy a round for your “brothers”. Cheers to white supremacy.
At least he posts his thoughts and not random Twitter douches.

You all seem like hateful, sad people. Buck up. Your simpleton bigot is in office.

Go out. Grab a beer. Buy a round for your “brothers”. Cheers to white supremacy.

If she used one word or a similar meaning which deals with bullying then to you guys she plagiarized. If she wears a dress made in China, Africa, Taiwan, Mexico is cultural appropriation. If she wears a dress or clothes made in America she is a racist. The only thing you guys on the left have is made up BS. The Trumps are kicking ass so much out there you guys need to keep your base in line for any chance come November. The funny part is, you are too dumb to see how they are stringing you along.
she copied Obama's old pamphlet word for word and picture for picture. They didn't even try to hide it, it's an exact copy. she doesn't care about her husband anymore so she had someone dig through Michele's old stuff and figured a 2nd run for it can't hurt.
At least he posts his thoughts and not random Twitter douches.

You all seem like hateful, sad people. Buck up. Your simpleton bigot is in office.

Go out. Grab a beer. Buy a round for your “brothers”. Cheers to white supremacy.
You are another left wing brain washed idiot. Incredible how dumb you really are.
she copied Obama's old pamphlet word for word and picture for picture. They didn't even try to hide it, it's an exact copy. she doesn't care about her husband anymore so she had someone dig through Michele's old stuff and figured a 2nd run for it can't hurt.
Like your brother mustnotsleep, you are 2 of the most ignorant posters I have read on here. You are reaching ridiculous status.
Do you guys just follow alt-right/extreme conservative twitter accounts? Or do you frantically search for simple minded hashtag related tweets no matter who posted the meme? Zero thought into whether it’s accurate or sane?

Asking for a friend.
NY democrats constantly beating women and being pedophiles isnt inaccurate. Maybe you should go follow all the obama bros randomly scrambling with contradictory statements on the Iran deal, bc mo one was ever supposed to question God king.
At least he posts his thoughts and not random Twitter douches.

You all seem like hateful, sad people. Buck up. Your simpleton bigot is in office.

Go out. Grab a beer. Buy a round for your “brothers”. Cheers to white supremacy.
Sorry you feel butt fvcked by the election. Rest easy, your kind are due for another run in 2024. We’ll clean up your mess afterwards.
she copied Obama's old pamphlet word for word and picture for picture. They didn't even try to hide it, it's an exact copy. she doesn't care about her husband anymore so she had someone dig through Michele's old stuff and figured a 2nd run for it can't hurt.
So then you should think its gospel then came from God king. Weird, you dont like it now?
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Donald Trump isn't just draining the swamp, he's single handedly killing the democratic party. They're losing their minds and constituents at an ever increasing pace. The black community is finally catching on to their tricks and there is no way they can survive that loss.

Once this thing breaks loose, and it looks like it will, then we may find out just how much of the $150 billion we sent to Iran was actually funneled back to O'bama, Clinton, Kerry, et al. Now that the Russian collusion farce has blown up in their faces, rats will jump ship and seek protection. They'll climb on each others heads to sing the truth and save their own ass.

This is going to be so much fun!
By the way, not sure how many NHL fans we have in this thread, but as a die hard Caps fan I would just like to say... They finally did it! F*** Sidney Crosby! I can't stand that phaggot!
Memo to Trump: Defy Mueller

If Donald Trump does not wish to collaborate in the destruction of his presidency, he will refuse to be questioned by the FBI, or by a grand jury, or by Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his malevolent minions.

Should Mueller subpoena him, as he has threatened to do, Trump should ignore the subpoena, and frame it for viewing in Trump Tower.

If Mueller goes to the Supreme Court and wins an order for Trump to comply and testify to a grand jury, Trump should defy the court.

The only institution that is empowered to prosecute a president is Congress. If charges against Trump are to be brought, this is the arena, this is the forum, where the battle should be fought and the fate and future of the Trump presidency decided.

The goal of Mueller’s prosecutors is to take down Trump on the cheap. If they can get him behind closed doors and make him respond in detail to questions — to which they already know the answers — any misstep by Trump could be converted into a perjury charge.

Trump has to score 100 on a test to which Mueller’s team has all the answers in advance while Trump must rely upon memory.

Why take this risk?

By now, witnesses have testified in ways that contradict what Trump has said. This, plus Trump’s impulsiveness, propensity to exaggerate, and often rash responses to hostile questions, would make him easy prey for the perjury traps prosecutors set up when they cannot convict their targets on the evidence.

Mueller and his team are the ones who need this interrogation.

For, after almost two years, their Russiagate investigation has produced no conclusive proof of the foundational charge — that Trump’s team colluded with Vladimir Putin’s Russia to hack and thieve the emails of the Clinton campaign and DNC.

Having failed, Mueller & Co. now seek to prove that, even if Trump did not collude with the Russians, he interfered with their investigation.

Trump’s lawyers should tell Mueller to wrap up his work, as Trump will not be testifying, no matter what subpoena he draws up, or what the courts say he must do. And if Congress threatens impeachment for defying a court order, Trump should tell them: Impeach me and be damned.

Will a new Congress impeach and convict an elected president?

An impeachment battle would become a titanic struggle between a capital that detests Trump and a vast slice of Middle America that voted to repudiate that capital’s elite, trusts Trump, and will stand by him to the end.

And in any impeachment debate before Congress and the cameras of the world, not one but two narratives will be heard.

The first is that Trump colluded with the Russians to defeat Hillary Clinton and then sought to obstruct an investigation of his collusion.

The second is the story of how an FBI cabal went into the tank on an investigation of Clinton to save her campaign. Then it used the product of a Clinton-DNC dirt-diving operation, created by a British spy with Russian contacts, to attempt to destroy the Trump candidacy. Now, failing that, it’s looking to overthrow the elected president of the United States.

Unlike Watergate, with Russiagate, the investigators will be on trial as well.

Trump needs to shift the struggle out of the legal arena, where Mueller and his men have superior weapons, and into the political arena, where he can bring his populous forces to bear in the decision as to his fate.

This is the terrain on which Trump can win — an us-vs-them fight, before Congress and country, where not only the alleged crimes of Trump are aired but also the actual crimes committed to destroy him and to overturn his victory.

Trump is a nationalist who puts America first both in trade and securing her frontiers against an historic invasion from the South. If he is overthrown, and the agenda for which America voted is trashed as well, it may be Middle America in the streets this time.
Both Harvey Weinstein & Eric Schneiderman were at the Women's March, orchestrated by convicted terrorist Rasmea Odeh & Linda Sarsour, who's tied to the Muslim Brotherhood, while Madonna said she wanted to blow up the White House.

This WAS the democrat party.

tweaked it for ya.