How will they rule ??!

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Story starting to spread that the 1.6million payment made by Broidy was on Trumps behalf and he just willingly took the fall to get influence for his businesses. For stormy, mcdougal, and bechard they all mysteriously use the same contract and the same lawyers and got paid by the same LLC. But Trump got Bechard pregnant, who got an abortion, and this one will be a big hit for him. Stormy's lawyer has been hinting this was the case in numerous interviews. It was always weird that Broidy would go to Cohen, who he had no relationship with, to represent him against Bechard. And Bechard also used the same lawyer for her visa that Trump used for Melania to get her visa. and the super creepy part is all these playmates look like Ivanka, Trump definitely wants to or already has banged his daughter. And the Bechard affair isn't old, happened in 15-16.
Hillary Clinton and the DNC murdered Seth Rich.
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At what point does the entire population of the earth disappear due to Trump's decision-making? Based on media coverage, I thought net neutrality would have killed us all off, but I'm obviously still here (unless this is all happening in the Matrix.. who knows).
I know Kung Fu
If the Bechard stuff is true then its losing his evangelical base with an abortion

[laughing] You lot are such dreadful morons. They knew exactly who Trump was before they voted for him. You honestly believe they think Trump is wholesome? Not to mention, you're talking like it's a given and has already started to happen. Couldn't be further from the case.

getting hit with a federal bribery charge.

You're literally making this up. Forgot who said it, but they had you pegged. You're so triggered you always let your assumptions and accusations outrun the facts, ultimately making you look stupid in the end. Here you are fellating yourself over a "theory" piece based on zero facts from a openly Trump hating publication. Do you ever learn?
Story starting to spread that the 1.6million payment made by Broidy was on Trumps behalf and he just willingly took the fall to get influence for his businesses. For stormy, mcdougal, and bechard they all mysteriously use the same contract and the same lawyers and got paid by the same LLC. But Trump got Bechard pregnant, who got an abortion, and this one will be a big hit for him. Stormy's lawyer has been hinting this was the case in numerous interviews. It was always weird that Broidy would go to Cohen, who he had no relationship with, to represent him against Bechard. And Bechard also used the same lawyer for her visa that Trump used for Melania to get her visa. and the super creepy part is all these playmates look like Ivanka, Trump definitely wants to or already has banged his daughter. And the Bechard affair isn't old, happened in 15-16.
More fake news. You will believe anything if it is anti Trump. LEMMING.
just to expose the truth?

Kind of hard when your lawyer is a fraud who spends all day on TV making stuff up. The NBC blunder really exposed him. He lied while trying to pretend to be in the know, claiming, for a fact, that Cohen's text messages were also tapped, but little did he know it was fake news and nothing of Cohen's was ever tapped.

It was “a fact” investigators had a wiretap on Cohen, Michael Avenatti, a lawyer for Daniels, claimed — hours before MSNBC’s correction.

“I don’t think we’re going to find out that this was confined just to email or voice wiretaps. My understanding is that they were also wiretapping text message communications for the weeks leading up to the FBI raids,” Avenatti said on MSNBC, where he appears frequently.

“I’m not speculating; that’s a fact,” he added.

Stormy has now been on SNL, GMA and may or may not have filmed some new scenes in the adult world (I uh, heard the latter from a friend).

DIdn't she say she wanted nothing from these accusations, just to expose the truth? Sounds like she just cashed in to me.

At age 39, Stormy is back to making porn, selling out gentlemen's clubs to watch her "dance", selling all kinds of trump merchandise and being booked for numerous TV appearances. She is making more now than she ever did as a top contract porn star over a decade ago when she was actually hot.
have filmed some new scenes in the adult world

At age 39, Stormy is back to making porn, selling out gentlemen's clubs to watch her "dance", selling all kinds of trump merchandise and being booked for numerous TV appearances. She is making more now than she ever did as a top contract porn star over a decade ago when she was actually hot.

Her new Brazzers scene is boring and meh. And that atrocious tattoo? It's a huge tramp stamp in the front. Looks like she was trying to cover up a C-section scar or stretch marks. Just trashy looking.
To be honest I was never a fan of her even in my highschool days. Either way, the entire thing is a non-story to me. Libs still don't care about Bill Clinton, The girl he raped (which might be the only girl raped in the history of rape where the left doesn't seem to care.. hmm) and they've yet to even comment on Schneiderman..

It's hard to take them seriously when they refuse to police their own party. How can you yell at the president for consensual sex with a pornstar 10 years ago, when your party literally can't keep it's dick in it's pants?
How it works when the news is uncomfortable

Pretty remarkable: Washington Post, Axios, CNN, NBC News, LA Times, Politico NY -- not a single one of these news outlets mentioned Eric Schneiderman's party affiliation in their breaking news alerts.

If he had been a republican not only would that be included every time he was mentioned...we would be inundated with articles like “The Republicans Have a Woman Problem”
To be honest I was never a fan of her even in my highschool days. Either way, the entire thing is a non-story to me. Libs still don't care about Bill Clinton, The girl he raped (which might be the only girl raped in the history of rape where the left doesn't seem to care.. hmm) and they've yet to even comment on Schneiderman..

It's hard to take them seriously when they refuse to police their own party. How can you yell at the president for consensual sex with a pornstar 10 years ago, when your party literally can't keep it's dick in it's pants?

I'm more concerned with the way they treat their inventory. I mean children.
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Won't come as a surprise to see Trump delay the Iran deal decision instead of ending it. Punt it to Congress/Europe, give them six months to fix it knowing they'll never succeed, then when it comes time for him to kill it he can look around and say, "I gave you your chance to fix it, you failed, now it's dead."
Would be nice to watch the Ds run on a platform of increasing taxes on US citizens and sending money to Iran throughout the fall.

Is there a single person in America, other than the lunatic fringe left, that actually thinks we are going to negotiate a deal with Iran to have them end their nuclear program? You'd either have to be mentally retarded or personally financially benefiting to make such a stupid claim.
Nothing official but just reported that Trump’s plan is to withdraw, allowing a 90 grace period to strengthen the deal. At the end of 90 days if a new deal isn't satisfactory, the US will withdraw for good and impose new sanctions.
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how does leaving the Iran deal fix anything? they go back to building bombs and we go back to threatening to invade them every few months. and now Kim Jong Un sees that the US doesn't deal in good faith. Iran already has all the advanced missile tech, they just needed more work on the bomb tech. Iran & NK go back to trading tech & arms and now our 2 biggest threats are nuclear powers. MAGA! the deal delayed the inevitable for 15 years. now in a few months you will see Iran doing nuke tests which starts a new arms race with Qatar & Saudis.
Great picture

the presser the WH sent out by Trump says that he has proof Iran broke the deal. 3 weeks ago Coats & Pompeo went in front of congress and said Iran was in full compliance. so who is lying director of national intelligence, cia director/sec of state, or Trump. that's an easy answer.
Because instead of appeasing them, lifting sanctions and paying them billions to not build missiles that they secretly build missiles with anyways, we're now going to pay them nothing and sanction their ass into submission.
they already have the 1.8billion payment & Europe already unfroze the 120billion in assets. im sure they were smart enough to move that money away from western hands. so now they have free reign to build nukes and the money to do it. and Trump is parroting regime change. have we not learned our ****ing lesson after GWB epic ****ups
how does leaving the Iran deal fix anything? they go back to building bombs and we go back to threatening to invade them every few months. and now Kim Jong Un sees that the US doesn't deal in good faith. Iran already has all the advanced missile tech, they just needed more work on the bomb tech. Iran & NK go back to trading tech & arms and now our 2 biggest threats are nuclear powers. MAGA! the deal delayed the inevitable for 15 years. now in a few months you will see Iran doing nuke tests which starts a new arms race with Qatar & Saudis.
So you are saying the old deal from the Obama admin did allow them to continue to build towards nuke's?
they already have the 1.8billion payment & Europe already unfroze the 120billion in assets. im sure they were smart enough to move that money away from western hands. so now they have free reign to build nukes and the money to do it. and Trump is parroting regime change. have we not learned our ****ing lesson after GWB epic ****ups
It is a good thing you are not involved in any of the negotiations. You have no clue how any of this works.
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You're full of shit, fear mongering like a f***ing drama queen fag. The deal prevented absolutely nothing. Every penny we paid them to not build missiles went towards building missiles. So, if they're building missiles regardless, why should we sit around funding it to appease them? Now we have the upper hand and aren't held hostage to some half ass, fake 'treaty'.
They already have the money. Now they have the money and no reason not to openly spend it all on nukes.

The US is in open war with Russia, trade war with china, war with syria, still at war with IS, trying to maybe get past war with NK. Iran backed by Russia & Syria. Now we want a new war with Iran. Great depression 2.0 incoming.
They already have the money. Now they have the money and no reason not to openly spend it all on nukes.

The US is in open war with Russia, trade war with china, war with syria, still at war with IS, trying to maybe get past war with NK. Iran backed by Russia & Syria. Now we want a new war with Iran. Great depression 2.0 incoming.

Lol, sound like my looney neighbor
Exactly, and when people go into voting booths dipshits like him stick in voters' minds more than than anything else. They will overlook Trump to get their obnoxious neighbor/coworker/cousin to STFU.

Yep. Nailed it
The US can't be at open war with Russia because Trump is Putin's puppet.

There is no trade war. Stop exaggerating.

We're in Syria murdering Isis. Syria doesn't want any.

Isis has lost 80 - 90% of the territory they once controlled under Obama. They're all but dead now. Even Jeh Johnson was forced to admit it.

Now NoKo knows to take Trump seriously. He's not going to be conned into some half ass deal for the sake of appeasement. It's going to be 100% denuclearization with unlimited access for inspection or no deal.

Iran doesn't want any.