How will they rule ??!

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KJU meeting with South Korea is being so downplayed by the MSM. There are moments in our lifetimes that we thought would never happen, and when they do, we never forget them. This will be one of those moments, and Trump absolutely deserves much of the credit for it. Yet somehow, all the msm wants to cover is Stormy Daniels and Ronny Jackson and Robert Mueller.
One could argue it’s a prime opportunity to get more shit through while they are fixated on all this dumbassery....
Kanye West...what a freaking BUM!!!

Dude said today that 400 years of slavery was a "choice" that African-Americans made.

Are you guys claiming him yet?

My dislike for the guy is well-documented. Musically? Always. Personality-wise? Probably from like 2010-present day. He and Trump are two peas in a pod when it comes to being total charlatans who somehow achieved fame and fortune.

But seriously...

Are any of you guys trying to defend your boy Kanye West today?

Kanye West...what a freaking BUM!!!

Dude said today that 400 years of slavery was a "choice" that African-Americans made.

Are you guys claiming him yet?

My dislike for the guy is well-documented. Musically? Always. Personality-wise? Probably from like 2010-present day. He and Trump are two peas in a pod when it comes to being total charlatans who somehow achieved fame and fortune.

But seriously...

Are any of you guys trying to defend your boy Kanye West today?


Umm, well considering most of that 400 years it was africans enslaving other africans. And the very small amount of time... historically speaking... america was involved...that they were sold to them by....other africans... i would say africans played a large role

Stick to your lame spin the bottle partying bruh
Kanye West...what a freaking BUM!!!

Dude said today that 400 years of slavery was a "choice" that African-Americans made.

Are you guys claiming him yet?

My dislike for the guy is well-documented. Musically? Always. Personality-wise? Probably from like 2010-present day. He and Trump are two peas in a pod when it comes to being total charlatans who somehow achieved fame and fortune.

But seriously...

Are any of you guys trying to defend your boy Kanye West today?


No, you're right
I could say this privately, but I'll say if publically. I can't believe that you give this son of a bitch the time of day. He's obviously against the things you believe in. He's against the country you know and I love. The stupid son of a bitch even thinks that if you agree with Trump, you are the same as the people who agree with Hillary.

He's a piece of shit who has no affiliation with this country other than his ability to make money off the privileges that yours and my thoughts provide him.

**** him, I expect more from you.
Umm, well considering most of that 400 years it was africans enslaving other africans. And the very small amount of time... historically speaking... america was involved...that they were sold to them by....other africans... i would say africans played a large role

Stick to your lame spin the bottle partying bruh
Be careful what you say. I said something similar and got a 3 month ban. The truth hurts.
Be careful what you say. I said something similar and got a 3 month ban. The truth hurts.

I think I have the record ban. Most know I had to make a new name. Banned in 17- till 2020.

Yea liberal douchebag mod wasn't happy. Also a few mods on ..... Oh forgot it.
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Umm, well considering most of that 400 years it was africans enslaving other africans. And the very small amount of time... historically speaking... america was involved...that they were sold to them by....other africans... i would say africans played a large role

Stick to your lame spin the bottle partying bruh

Damn, you really thought you were dropping some knowledge. Did you watch the video to catch the context?

I was just on Twitter and now I see that he's backtracking and pushing the good ol' "mentally enslaved" narrative that makes you guys love him even more.

"If only they...WORKED harder..."

Are you a Taylor Swift fan, by any chance?
Umm, well considering most of that 400 years it was africans enslaving other africans. And the very small amount of time... historically speaking... america was involved...that they were sold to them by....other africans... i would say africans played a large role

Stick to your lame spin the bottle partying bruh

Black people have to vote dem because reps are white trying to lock you back up

Democrats logic. Sad and fake
Damn, you really thought you were dropping some knowledge. Did you watch the video to catch the context?

I was just on Twitter and now I see that he's backtracking and pushing the good ol' "mentally enslaved" narrative that makes you guys love him even more.

"If only they...WORKED harder..."

Are you a Taylor Swift fan, by any chance?

Why are you such a racist?
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Black people have to vote dem because reps are white trying to lock you back up

Democrats logic. Sad and fake

Bro, are you Donald Trump?

"Sad and fake" LMFAO!!!!!!!!

How much cable news do you watch? You fascinate me. I want to get to know you a little better, USSLair. Tell me more.
His presence in the White House also reflects something bigger than his administration

A fed up voting populace that is looking for a non-statist approach to leadership
Just want you to know that there are many of us who see it this way. We don't care if its name is Trump or jabberwocky. Either way, mimsy are the borogovies.
Why are you such a racist?

I don't know, bro.

Maybe it's something similar to Newton's third law of motion. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

When I see a cuck like Donald Trump say that he's the least-racist person you'll ever meet, I guess I just became super-duper racist out of naturally-occurring, 100% organic, farm-to-table spite. Science is weird sometimes. In any case, my favorite bit from this board is STILL the first day I posted. Some scholar replied and said that I was "subliminally racist."

Is that the same thing as being an "accidental racist???"

Kanye West...what a freaking BUM!!!

Dude said today that 400 years of slavery was a "choice" that African-Americans made.

Are you guys claiming him yet?

My dislike for the guy is well-documented. Musically? Always. Personality-wise? Probably from like 2010-present day. He and Trump are two peas in a pod when it comes to being total charlatans who somehow achieved fame and fortune.

But seriously...

Are any of you guys trying to defend your boy Kanye West today?

No bc that's the difference in libs and cons. Cons know all celebrities are idiots...liberals believe everything they say. That's why dems push talking points to Kimmel fir instance
Remember, Bwls2 is school teacher. If he actually lives up to his commie mentality, then he should have no problem redistributing the good students grades to poor students grades to make everyone even.

Bet that doesn't happen though. GD hypocrite.
I don't know, bro.

Maybe it's something similar to Newton's third law of motion. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

When I see a cuck like Donald Trump say that he's the least-racist person you'll ever meet, I guess I just became super-duper racist out of naturally-occurring, 100% organic, farm-to-table spite. Science is weird sometimes. In any case, my favorite bit from this board is STILL the first day I posted. Some scholar replied and said that I was "subliminally racist."

Is that the same thing as being an "accidental racist???"


Funny how you commies use terms that were originally designated for your types.

Can't you commies come up anything orignial
^^^ CNN liberal douchebag stupid sheep I believe what I am told #1 Hillary/Obama is good fan.

Yep nobody here takes you serious because you are fake news and proven full of BS

Brodie, you can watch Fox News and not feel bad about it.

I just want you to admit to it.

Do you seriously watch cable TV news shows???

Actually, on second thought...don't admit that to me. Have some goddamn pride. You don't seem particularly bright, but hold your nuts on this one. DO NOT admit to me that you watch Fox/CNN/NBC/ABC news shows.
I think I have the record ban. Most know I had to make a new name. Banned in 17- till 2020.

Yea liberal douchebag mod wasn't happy. Also a few mods on ..... Oh forgot it.
Yeah, well I got a ban after giving this site $1400 and having said many things over the years. What changed? Someone new took over. That bastard didn't even have the balls to send me an email. He didn't want to discuss what I had said because he knew damn well he couldn't defend his position against me. What I said was the truth and he hated it. I suffered the consequences of his snowflake personality.
Brodie, you can watch Fox News and not feel bad about it.

I just want you to admit to it.

Do you seriously watch cable TV news shows???

Actually, on second thought...don't admit that to me. Have some goddamn pride. You don't seem particularly bright, but hold your nuts on this one. DO NOT admit to me that you watch Fox/CNN/NBC/ABC news shows.

Brodie, you can watch Fox News and not feel bad about it.

I just want you to admit to it.

Do you seriously watch cable TV news shows???

Actually, on second thought...don't admit that to me. Have some goddamn pride. You don't seem particularly bright, but hold your nuts on this one. DO NOT admit to me that you watch Fox/CNN/NBC/ABC news shows.

I watch the highest rated cable news channel on TV right now dumbass. It's not cnn, NBC or all the POS liberal trash you link.

You girl scout are fake news.
Brodie, you can watch Fox News and not feel bad about it.

I just want you to admit to it.

Do you seriously watch cable TV news shows???

Actually, on second thought...don't admit that to me. Have some goddamn pride. You don't seem particularly bright, but hold your nuts on this one. DO NOT admit to me that you watch Fox/CNN/NBC/ABC news shows.

You are fake news. And I refuse to stop saying it because dumbass liberals like you just don't get it.
You have spread a lil’ bit of encouragement today sir

It’s like crop dusting with tiny particles of hope
knew you'd catch that. I don't care if the Hammer is the prez. It's what he stands for that I care about. I want America to be strong. I want America to be so strong that we are able to make OTHER countries strong. I want to live in a world where the people who work the hardest profit the most.

If we had a world where people were expected to aspire in a world where aspirations were denied, then where would we be now?
HaHa, do you remember that night? I know me and Willy were here. It was HILARIOUS! Trump was down by what, 2 touchdowns? Ha, came back to win in a landslide with 2 seconds left on the clock. Not really though. Those of us in the know knew that he had won way before the election. Bring a stupid broke bitch to a mans fight and you're going to lose 10 out of 10 times my friend.
Damn, you have more forgiveness than I. If the truth offends some stupid white liberal 20 something year old that he bans me for it.. ta ta
I haven't said much about it because WHOEVER IT WAS THAT BANNED ME, is probably over 20. He's still a piece of shit though because he refused to discuss it. Remember that dude that kept posting here over and over no matter how many times they banned him? Yeah, well, I never posted one time in three months. I'm a bigger man with better takes than the piece of shit who banned me.
I haven't said much about it because WHOEVER IT WAS THAT BANNED ME, is probably over 20. He's still a piece of shit though because he refused to discuss it. Remember that dude that kept posting here over and over no matter how many times they banned him? Yeah, well, I never posted one time in three months. I'm a bigger man with better takes than the piece of shit who banned me.

Yeah, Windy City Cat got liberal privileges on here that no Trump supporter would get
I could say this privately, but I'll say if publically. I can't believe that you give this son of a bitch the time of day. He's obviously against the things you believe in. He's against the country you know and I love. The stupid son of a bitch even thinks that if you agree with Trump, you are the same as the people who agree with Hillary.

He's a piece of shit who has no affiliation with this country other than his ability to make money off the privileges that yours and my thoughts provide him.

**** him, I expect more from you.

So much message board anger.

Thanks for the financial help though, bud. Life is great! I play golf whenever I want to and never worry about money. Murca!
Some notes on the asymmetrical warfare being waged against the United States - Economics isn't my strongest topic - but I like to listen to others who know more --- and I do monitor for certain angles.....

Like -- when other nations dump the use of our dollar
And that's now spreading like wildfire

IMO the actual "physical downfall" of our nation will come from an economic collapse / reset / upheaval that features the removal of international dependency on our Dollar......just an opinion

Here are some links that I think any person would want to know about - political learnings notwithstanding

1) Turkey recalling their gold from the USA

2) China's petro-yean designed so that they can remove the dollar from the equation when they buy/trade oil

3) Iran (currently targeted for war) - joins the exodus and drops the dollar in favor of the Euro

Russia started doing the same things about 2 years ago....?

4) Rockefeller money, Rothchild money and George Soros -- all started moving money into cryptocurrency recently