How will they rule ??!

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The uninsured rate among Republicans rose from 7.9 percent in 2016 to 13.9 percent in the current survey period, which was conducted between February and March of 2018. The uninsured rate among those who identify as Democrats stood at 9.1 percent, statistically unchanged from 2016.

That is hilarious, the GOP actively fought healthcare and managed to basically double the uninsured rate of their constituents. Liberal states and a couple smart conservative states fought back and managed to keep their people insured. You dopes got exactly what you voted for, enjoy those results when you get your hep A spreading across the state.

He posted nearly the exact same thing about north korea.

Based upon the leaked Mueller questions, chances Trump gets impeached/committed crimes? I thought 5% until I've read a bit about the questions, and now think 25% chance?

I'd say 5%. Not because he actually committed any impeachable offense. Just that the libs are in such a frenzy they may be able to eventually make a lie stick.

Those questions were all focused towards some notion of obstruction. None of them had any legal significance as someone can't be guilty of obstruction when they are within their authority to act.

So even if everything Mueller alleges is factually true (it isn't), it has no legal consequence. That's why it's more clear than ever this is a farce
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Nobody should be 100% for or against any politician. That would mean undying devotion regardless of what said politician does. I realize that some people on this board have openly declared actual love for Trump, but I'm going to write that off to mental illness. Even his most staunch followers should be able to find faults - otherwise it's basically a creepy, religious style obsession with the guy.
I agree with this. I like Rand Paul a lot, I think he'd be a terrific president and would love to see him elected. But as much as a like him, I can still see faults in him and there are areas in which we disagree. People have equated politics and politicians to sports. Come hell or high-water they cheer on their chosen politician regardless of what they say or do. I see UK fans do this and who cares? It's sports. Politics is serious business though and should not be seen this way. You should not be "fans" of politicians. Fans is short for fanatical. If anything, you should be hardest on your own party and the people you've voted for, as to hold them accountable. With all that being said, when your party is constantly being attacked, it's extremely difficult not to become defensive and retaliate.
Nobody should be 100% for or against any politician. That would mean undying devotion regardless of what said politician does. I realize that some people on this board have openly declared actual love for Trump, but I'm going to write that off to mental illness. Even his most staunch followers should be able to find faults - otherwise it's basically a creepy, religious style obsession with the guy.

Trump is not perfect by any means....but, he is infinitely better than anyone either party could offer as an alternative.
W was without question a worse president than Clinton, so you should probably include him in your 100% against category as well.

Totally agree. Life was rocking during that time with the dot com boom and what not but the corruption was pretty incredible. Still, W and Obama were 16 horrendous years of leadership. Two terrible presidents back to back who each got eight years was awful. Did my life end? No. But both were disasters.

W was awful and really damaged the Republican Party, which is why it was there for the taking with Obama.

I think some have pointed this out but

Bush sucked so bad that it gave us Obama
Obama sucked so bad that it gave us Trump

Both were big reactions to the previous admins.
Totally agree. Life was rocking during that time with the dot com boom and what not but the corruption was pretty incredible. Still, W and Obama were 16 horrendous years of leadership. Two terrible presidents back to back who each got eight years was awful. Did my life end? No. But both were disasters.

W was awful and really damaged the Republican Party, which is why it was there for the taking with Obama.

I think some have pointed this out but

Bush sucked so bad that it gave us Obama
Obama sucked so bad that it gave us Trump

Both were big reactions to the previous admins.

Bush was a victim of timing. The economy was beginning to decline at the end of the Clinton presidency. Go back and see declines in the stock market during his last year. Bush also had the misfortune of having to deal with 9/11. That single issue was sufficient to derail any plans for good, sound conservative change that could have occurred otherwise.
Bush was a victim of timing. The economy was beginning to decline at the end of the Clinton presidency. Go back and see declines in the stock market during his last year. Bush also had the misfortune of having to deal with 9/11. That single issue was sufficient to derail any plans for good, sound conservative change that could have occurred otherwise.

And got the housing bubble that popped, which Bill avoids blame for.
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I am 100% against Obama and Clinton. Did they do a single thing ever to put America above their own self interests?

Someone prove me wrong. Tell me something Obama or Clinton did that no reasonable person would oppose.

I believe Obama was one of the two worst presidents ever

But I agreed with his administrations efforts to seek nuclear modernization for our aging arsenal and to examine other options for modernization

He started a drawdown in Afghanistan that I agreed with as well- but then stopped shy of a full exit which I believed to be the best option

He agreed to work closely with the Russians (and announced it to their president over a live mic) ...which I believe we should generally do...

I don’t mind sharing agreement on good ideas from politicians I oppose....

But I can’t come up with anything more than those 3

I’m sure the traditional left would support the trump administrations efforts against pedophiles -
And probably several other initiatives if they were given ANY exposure

(I kept a running list at one time)
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Bush was a victim of timing. The economy was beginning to decline at the end of the Clinton presidency. Go back and see declines in the stock market during his last year. Bush also had the misfortune of having to deal with 9/11. That single issue was sufficient to derail any plans for good, sound conservative change that could have occurred otherwise.

Also, I never doubted Bush’s love for country. Obama on the other hand...
Totally agree. Life was rocking during that time with the dot com boom and what not but the corruption was pretty incredible. Still, W and Obama were 16 horrendous years of leadership. Two terrible presidents back to back who each got eight years was awful. Did my life end? No. But both were disasters.

W was awful and really damaged the Republican Party, which is why it was there for the taking with Obama.

I think some have pointed this out but

Bush sucked so bad that it gave us Obama
Obama sucked so bad that it gave us Trump

Both were big reactions to the previous admins.
Well said. Iraq alone makes Bush worse than Clinton, but BC made some shittastic policy that gets masked by the tech boom.
KJU meeting with South Korea is being so downplayed by the MSM. There are moments in our lifetimes that we thought would never happen, and when they do, we never forget them. This will be one of those moments, and Trump absolutely deserves much of the credit for it. Yet somehow, all the msm wants to cover is Stormy Daniels and Ronny Jackson and Robert Mueller.
I have to agree with this. No way England is going to go along with the NK- SK accord. France has made no bones about their desire to continue discord in the area. Don't even talk about Canada. We all know they want to ride the coattails of US aggression around the world.

Give him time and get off his ass and he will make deals for everyone to be happy. Must be the last thing SOME people want.