How will they rule ??!

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[laughing] Haters can't handle the awesomeness that is dragon energy. After all, or so it seems, he definitely doesn't party, bro.

Edit: Oh, and check this out. The Super Double Dragon Energy meme made it. These mofos put it on a damn t-shirt, are charging $26 a piece and have basically sold out.

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So much message board anger.

Thanks for the financial help though, bud. Life is great! I play golf whenever I want to and never worry about money. Murca!
Glad to see you took me off ignore. Your ability to face the truth inspires me. Your inability to accept it though proves my point about non-Americans.
the Trump soap opera is always solid gold entertainment. now u got 3 of Trumps guys committing larceny and violating HIPPA to go snatch up his medical files. if the doctor can be believed, common sense says he should have called the cops or he is liable for the HIPPA violation. this is the doctor Trump said was one of the finest in the world during his campaign.
Some notes on the asymmetrical warfare being waged against the United States - Economics isn't my strongest topic - but I like to listen to others who know more --- and I do monitor for certain angles.....

Like -- when other nations dump the use of our dollar
And that's now spreading like wildfire

IMO the actual "physical downfall" of our nation will come from an economic collapse / reset / upheaval that features the removal of international dependency on our Dollar......just an opinion

Here are some links that I think any person would want to know about - political learnings notwithstanding

1) Turkey recalling their gold from the USA

2) China's petro-yean designed so that they can remove the dollar from the equation when they buy/trade oil

3) Iran (currently targeted for war) - joins the exodus and drops the dollar in favor of the Euro

Russia started doing the same things about 2 years ago....?

4) Rockefeller money, Rothchild money and George Soros -- all started moving money into cryptocurrency recently

I’m digging my bunker tunnel system now. I think you’re right. Lots of people do.
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So funny how things explode.

A girl here that i happen to know was going thru mcdonalds.. the 7 blacks inside forgot the cheeseburger in the happy meal and the coke.. 5 year old in backseat

She pulls back through and the animals atart hooting and hollering. They point and laugh and refuse to give her the coke. She records it.. they then call the cops...

Bet none of yall will ever see this.

3 cases...starbucks, waffle house and this.. all 3, the people acting like aninals are being justified.. the bar is being lowered for them.. true racism.. towards whites and blacks.
Private payrolls grow by 204K in April vs. 200K est.: ADP/Moody's Analytics.

- Companies added 204,000 jobs in April, according to ADP and Moody's Analytics. That's just above expectations for 200,000.
- Service-related industries created 160,000 jobs while goods producers added 44,000, including 27,000 in construction.
- The number serves as a precursor for Friday's nonfarm payrolls report, which is expected to show growth of about 195,000.

#MAGA. :americanflag:
Remember, Bwls2 is school teacher. If he actually lives up to his commie mentality, then he should have no problem redistributing the good students grades to poor students grades to make everyone even.

Bet that doesn't happen though. GD hypocrite.
He`s a school teacher? No wonder kids today are so stupid. How can he teach when he`s on here all day? Night school?
I mean, one of those the guy had a heart attack two months before the shooting. Two officers pass away in three months? So?

People do die, imo.

You’re probably right. It is most likely nothing. But the way things seem to go today I wouldn’t be floored to learn otherwise.
I mean, one of those the guy had a heart attack two months before the shooting. Two officers pass away in three months? So?

People do die, imo.

I don't know if it's a wild conspiracy but imagine losing two co-workers in such a short period, months after a huge incident like that. Just weird.
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What other thing can leftists destroy? Nothing is safe. They're a wildfire that torches everything it touches.

They're pretty hellbent on making sure boys don't have role models or learn how to be men. Everything is "toxic masculinity" or "needs to be gender inclusive." Can't even go to a bathroom to pee without the left desperately wanting to put a mentally disturbed female beside you.

What else you got, libs?
as an eagle scout i like it because girl scouts is lame as hell. My sister used to have girl scout meetings at our house and all they ever did was arts & crafts and fundraising. the very few times they went camping it was always in cabins. I have 2 girls and would love them to do scouts if it's something they show interest in. last i heard they were only allowing it for cub scouts. My old troop was very active and had backpacking trips every other weekend. let the girls get some useful life skills instead of cookie sales. BSA membership is also plummeting so they are probably desperate for more people
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This is the left. This is what these mentally disturbed f... heads want. GD drag queen reading to toddlers. Teaching them about 98 genders, mental illness and "white privilege" as soon as they leave the womb.

Honestly, they're pure evil.

as an eagle scout i like it because girl scouts is lame as hell. My sister used to have girl scout meetings at our house and all they ever did was arts & crafts and fundraising. the very few times they went camping it was always in cabins. I have 2 girls and would love them to do scouts if it's something they show interest in. last i heard they were only allowing it for cub scouts. My old troop was very active and had backpacking trips every other weekend. let the girls get some useful life skills instead of cookie sales. BSA membership is also plummeting so they are probably desperate for more people

In the grand scheme of things this is small potatoes imo. Call it scouts and combine them. No big deal.

However I do agree the initial faux outrage towards it had nothing to do with such a simple concept. It had everything to do with destroying tradition
as an eagle scout i like it because girl scouts is lame as hell. My sister used to have girl scout meetings at our house and all they ever did was arts & crafts and fundraising. the very few times they went camping it was always in cabins. I have 2 girls and would love them to do scouts if it's something they show interest in. last i heard they were only allowing it for cub scouts. My old troop was very active and had backpacking trips every other weekend. let the girls get some useful life skills instead of cookie sales. BSA membership is also plummeting so they are probably desperate for more people
In the grand scheme of things this is small potatoes imo. Call it scouts and combine them. No big deal.

However I do agree the initial faux outrage towards it had nothing to do with such a simple concept. It had everything to do with destroying tradition
girls should have same exposure to activities that boys should. Absolutely I think calling it "scouts" is the correct call but this decision will probably trigger a lot of folks into the anarchist "change America" argument. Shouldn't be
HaHa, do you remember that night? I know me and Willy were here. It was HILARIOUS! Trump was down by what, 2 touchdowns? Ha, came back to win in a landslide with 2 seconds left on the clock. Not really though. Those of us in the know knew that he had won way before the election. Bring a stupid broke bitch to a mans fight and you're going to lose 10 out of 10 times my friend.

I remember it like yesterday. I was also here stayed up till 5 in the morning that night celebrating. Gloious
In the grand scheme of things this is small potatoes imo. Call it scouts and combine them. No big deal.

However I do agree the initial faux outrage towards it had nothing to do with such a simple concept. It had everything to do with destroying tradition

"In the grand scheme," is this is what the left does, chip away, normalize crazy shit, destroy tradition and then demand their way is the only thing that's acceptable. One of the quotes from the 1989 book "After the Ball" about the strategies to use to normalize homosexuality to the masses, was to desensitize you and gradually bombard you with it through signs, commercials, school and movies and said. "If they can't shut off the shower, they may at least eventually get used to being wet."

Ignoring all of the hilarious puns in there, you can see the tactics are similar. The left never stops. It's never satisfied. They continue on to the next thing after destroying something.
If only there had been an alternative to Boy Scouts, then maybe this wouldn’t have been an issue.

But, but, but the Girl Scouts don’t do the same things Boy Scouts do!!!!

Then go find a transgender/butch - who actually enjoys doing outdoor shit - to be troop leaders, and keep the regular mop squeezers who don’t like outdoor shit at home.

girls should have same exposure to activities that boys should. Absolutely I think calling it "scouts" is the correct call but this decision will probably trigger a lot of folks into the anarchist "change America" argument. Shouldn't be

How about make the Girl Scouts for girls, Boy Scouts for boys? Don't like what the girl scouts do? Change the leadership and offer what they do for boys but for girls. Is there nothing sacred anymore? Are boys allowed to do anything that helps them understand being a man without the constant overstepping of pushing BS on to them? It never stops. Throughout school and college, you're told that you're oppressive and need to sit through classes of how men are a danger and "rape" everybody, how "toxic" masculinity is, how gender roles are outdated, how you shouldn't segregate toy sections, how we need more "female superheroes" and rent out movie theaters just for all women, have every commercial/TV show portray dads and husbands as ignorant and weak, etc.

77 percent of all suicides in this country are men. Drug overdoses are overwhelmingly men. Huge numbers for prison stats as well. They're behind in education too. Testosterone continues to decline. Why is it not okay to just have something for boys to learn from good men and understand what being a man is without some gender neutral/gender inclusive BS robbing them of it? We are constantly going nuts about stuff with groups based on skin color and go nuts every time a woman does something and get the "pussy hats" marching through the street for their causes yet no one gives a shit about what is happening to boys/men in this country.
The only people bitching about the BSA change is the morons who were never involved in scouts. The troops love the change, my neighbor leads a wolf den of 2nd graders and they had 10 girls join at the beginning of the school year which almost doubled their size. The kids couldn't care less about having girls join in and it will probably increase the very poor retention rate from cub scouts to boy scouts. About 60% of boy scouts drop out in the 1st year because of how "uncool" it is. Give them the ability to interact more with girls that have the same interests as them and they will stay in scouts longer.