How will they rule ??!

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The only people bitching about the BSA change is the morons who were never involved in scouts. The troops love the change, my neighbor leads a wolf den of 2nd graders and they had 10 girls join at the beginning of the school year which almost doubled their size. The kids couldn't care less about having girls join in and it will probably increase the very poor retention rate from cub scouts to boy scouts. About 60% of boy scouts drop out in the 1st year because of how "uncool" it is. Give them the ability to interact more with girls that have the same interests as them and they will stay in scouts longer.
Jesus Christ. I was a Boy Scout for many years (until it started interfering with the 3 sports I played). So hopefully I qualify to have a GD opinion on the matter (even though I understand having a different opinion than the left holds puts me in danger of having my life ruined).

Also, my 1st grader thinks girls have cooties and doesn’t give 2 shits about ‘interacting’ with them. Hell, he hates the fact there is a girl on his baseball team (which is stupid as well, considering they’ll never play real baseball when older).
"Eagle Scout" is one of those resume items that the candidate probably thinks helps them, but I always immediately write them off. Makes sense Platinum is one.
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as an eagle scout i like it because girl scouts is lame as hell. My sister used to have girl scout meetings at our house and all they ever did was arts & crafts and fundraising. the very few times they went camping it was always in cabins. I have 2 girls and would love them to do scouts if it's something they show interest in. last i heard they were only allowing it for cub scouts. My old troop was very active and had backpacking trips every other weekend. let the girls get some useful life skills instead of cookie sales. BSA membership is also plummeting so they are probably desperate for more people
Then why dont they just change girl scouts to do those things instead of selling cookies...doesnt seem difficult to figure out
nobody forced BSA to make this change, till yesterday i've never even seen the media talk about it. they decided it was best for the future of their organization and forged ahead. the BSA leadership council is 8 men and 1 woman. the GSA is actually very mad about the change, they are super against co-ed scouting. all you crybaby snowflakes can go join them.
The original Boy Scout Oath:

On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country, to obey the Scout Law, to help other people at all times, to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.”

The original Boy Scout Motto:

"Do your best!"


New Scout Oath:

"On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to Soros and the New World Order, to obey the new and improved all-inclusive, gender neutral Scout Law, to help other people but only when they agree with what I think, to keep myself from judging other people's physical abilities and from assuming anyone's gender, and most importantly of forever remain socially woke and morally bankrupt."

New Scout Motto:

"Everyone gets a badge!!!"
nobody forced BSA to make this change, till yesterday i've never even seen the media talk about it. they decided it was best for the future of their organization and forged ahead. the BSA leadership council is 8 men and 1 woman. the GSA is actually very mad about the change, they are super against co-ed scouting. all you crybaby snowflakes can go join them.

You've never seen the media talk about it?

Could have sworn I have. Or maybe that's just when the left was fighting to make gay men scout masters.

Again, don't really give a shit about the scouts specifically, but you lunatics on the left fight some strange battles.
You've never seen the media talk about it?

Could have sworn I have. Or maybe that's just when the left was fighting to make gay men scout masters.

Again, don't really give a shit about the scouts specifically, but you lunatics on the left fight some strange battles.

Because they're at war with themselves and everyone else. They're so insane that they are desperate to feel like they're normal and not weird and they like to mandate this.

"I'm a butch girl and obvious lesbian, let's make sure that boys and girls toy sections aren't segregated. I don't want to feel different. Also, make it to where I'm on all of the same youth sports teams as boys. Destroy any tradition that is for boys while we're at it."

"I'm mentally ill and confused about my gender. People like me make up 0.03 percent of the country. Let's force every school and workplace to do mandatory lessons on my kind and make it mandatory that I can use the bathroom that I want because eff everyone else's comfort. If you don't participate in my delusion, you're a bigot and get shamed!"

"I'm a miserable single non-gender identifying specimen, the patriarch would call me a 'female' that owns cats. Life didn't turn out like I wanted because I'm not attractive. Boys didn't like me. So now I hate all men and dye my hair blue and purple. Let's throw out the entire history of this earth and get rid of gender roles and makes sure anything positive about what makes men actual men, is done away with."
Eagle Scout here and although it has been years since I have done anything Scout related it was one of the best experiences of my life. Achieving Eagle Scout used to be very difficult to achieve and is one of the top achievements of my life simply because of how hard it was to get and at a time where I desperately needed to learn discipline.

Some may not care about it because it was not cool when growing up, but it helped make me the person I am and I am proud to put it on my resume. I have gotten every major job I have applied for so I guess it has not hurt me. Several of the guys I was in it with have gone on to do great things as well.

That all said, how Scouts is today is likely much much different than during my days. Going back to that age, if they were letting girls join I would have been down with it (if they were cute).
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girls should have same exposure to activities that boys should. Absolutely I think calling it "scouts" is the correct call but this decision will probably trigger a lot of folks into the anarchist "change America" argument. Shouldn't be

"In the grand scheme," is this is what the left does, chip away, normalize crazy shit, destroy tradition and then demand their way is the only thing that's acceptable. One of the quotes from the 1989 book "After the Ball" about the strategies to use to normalize homosexuality to the masses, was to desensitize you and gradually bombard you with it through signs, commercials, school and movies and said. "If they can't shut off the shower, they may at least eventually get used to being wet."

Ignoring all of the hilarious puns in there, you can see the tactics are similar. The left never stops. It's never satisfied. They continue on to the next thing after destroying something.

Correct. In a microcosm this is no big deal. But it's further proof of the incrementalistic nature of the left.
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Trump = mean, hate speech

All things said about Trump = free speech

Kanye = lost his mind, needs to shut up

Michelle Wolf = free speech

Ben Shapiro = hate speech, racism

People calling for white genocide = free speech

He’s might be right... It’s almost like there’s a pattern of hypocrisy.

The many faces of this loser lib when he knew Trump would be his President for 8 years.

That night was so awesome. Winning like five national championships in a row on buzzer beaters couldn't match that euphoric feeling. It was like out of a movie. The villain looks like they're going to win and you land some final death shot to come out on top.
The left doesn't give a shit about scouting and they certainly wouldn't have their kids in scouting except for Platnums ghey ass troop.

It's all to make traditional center-right organisations less appealing to center right people.

My youngest will make Eagle Scout next spring and I can speak to the difference it made in him from moving from Cub scouts into Boy scouts.

Cub scouts held family camp outs. Anyone was invited.

Boy scout camp outs were male exclusive. No mothers. No coddling.

The scouts have to cook for themselves all weekend and maintain the camp.

As far as dwindling numbers, you don't have to look any further than the explosion of youth sports the last 20 years. Everyone has their hand out for your kids time and they are jealous if your kid has any other interest other than theirs.

Heading into the 2018 midterms, with Democrats hoping to take back the House of Representatives and even make a run at the Senate, the party has spent more than $2 million worth of campaign resources on payments to Hillary Clinton’s new group, Onward Together, according to Federal Election Commission filings and interviews with people familiar with the payments.

The Democratic National Committee is paying $1.65 million for access to the email list, voter data, and software produced by Hillary for America during the 2016 presidential campaign, Xochitl Hinojosa, a spokesperson for the DNC, told The Intercept. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has paid more than $700,000 to rent the same email list.

Clinton is legally entitled to rent her list to the party, rather than hand it over as a gift, but in 2015, Barack Obama gave his email list, valued at $1,942,640, to the DNC as an in-kind contribution.

The DNC announced in April 2017 that Clinton had turned over her email list and related data and tools as an in-kind contribution to the party, with no suggestion that payments would later be made for it.
Kane won the GOP nomination for Knox County Mayor?

Re Trump: Says he thinks Trump is doing really well. He really likes the regulations and tax cuts, and the booming economy, but he'll chokeslam Trump if we don't see some spending cuts.
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