How will they rule ??!

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Shit like this will be TRump's downfall. When anyone shows even the slightest hint of disloyalty he goes scorched earth. But these days everyone keeps hidden digital records and loves to get their 15 mins of fame by telling all.
You saw this on NBC? I thought you said something about me watching the news or checking the news. You do know a lot of the news on these liberal channels are fake right?
That’s a good point. It does seem that we have 3 legitimate groups out there now. D, R, and T(rump.)

No. No. No.

You have for Trump and against Trump. Given where the left idiots stand, the D is obvious, and despite a lot of R's being against him behind the scenes, they know better than to rock the boat because of how things are progressing. They will ride his coattails for the next 2+ yrs and then see where things stand.
Not the Trump side.
How far did your nose grow when you typed that sentence?

I find it extremely rich that Trumpies are so insulted and up in arms about a comedian taking shots at SHS but have turned their head and remained silent to the multitude of insults and childish name calling that Trump has hurled.

If Trump had any balls he could have shown up and taken his licks just as every other POTUS as done...but he might have gotten his wittle fweelings hurt so I guess it was best that he stayed away.
How far did your nose grow when you typed that sentence?

I find it extremely rich that Trumpies are so insulted and up in arms about a comedian taking shots at SHS but have turned their head and remained silent to the multitude of insults and childish name calling that Trump has hurled.

If Trump had any balls he could have shown up and taken his licks just as every other POTUS as done...but he might have gotten his wittle fweelings hurt so I guess it was best that he stayed away.
Talking about growing noses, you probably stabbed the next door neighbor in his ass with the every other POTUS remark. Obama was handled with silk gloves. You are such a liar or really dumb as hell.
No. No. No.

You have for Trump and against Trump. Given where the left idiots stand, the D is obvious, and despite a lot of R's being against him behind the scenes, they know better than to rock the boat because of how things are progressing. They will ride his coattails for the next 2+ yrs and then see where things stand.

Nobody should be 100% for or against any politician. That would mean undying devotion regardless of what said politician does. I realize that some people on this board have openly declared actual love for Trump, but I'm going to write that off to mental illness. Even his most staunch followers should be able to find faults - otherwise it's basically a creepy, religious style obsession with the guy.
He's tried to make this point twice, so it probably needs to be pointed out to him, but career bureaucrats actually work in the WH, and not all of them are the president's people.

The WH also illegally leaked his highly confidential conversations with Mexico and Australia. Do you think those were "his people" too?
Lol, a liberal fox contrinutor claimed that the NYT hinted that it was the white house leaking the questions.. and platinum acts as if its faith.. she also said that trump colluded with russia and she knows because he hasnt met with mueller yet.

Great source, platinumdouche

And if its true, i guess we can expect the NYT to name all their sources in future articles.. or its fakenews
Nobody should be 100% for or against any politician. That would mean undying devotion regardless of what said politician does. I realize that some people on this board have openly declared actual love for Trump, but I'm going to write that off to mental illness. Even his most staunch followers should be able to find faults - otherwise it's basically a creepy, religious style obsession with the guy.

3 greatest American presidents in American history

1. George Washington
2. Abe Lincoln
3. Donald Trump
Nobody should be 100% for or against any politician. That would mean undying devotion regardless of what said politician does. I realize that some people on this board have openly declared actual love for Trump, but I'm going to write that off to mental illness. Even his most staunch followers should be able to find faults - otherwise it's basically a creepy, religious style obsession with the guy.

K, find one fault.
Nobody should be 100% for or against any politician. That would mean undying devotion regardless of what said politician does. I realize that some people on this board have openly declared actual love for Trump, but I'm going to write that off to mental illness. Even his most staunch followers should be able to find faults - otherwise it's basically a creepy, religious style obsession with the guy.
You just described 90% of the idiots on this thread
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Platinum, can you ever actually talk about the merits of your own party? What do the Dems want to do to make America better for all Americans? I've never once heard you talk about policy. All you ever do is bash Trump and his administration. You have a problem man. You hate Trump more than you care about your own country, and probably even more than you care about yourself. Seek therapy.

Someone has a bad case of selective reading. I am curious as well what Platinum's party can do for the American people besides show their horrible case of TDS.
I am 100% against Obama and Clinton. Did they do a single thing ever to put America above their own self interests?

Someone prove me wrong. Tell me something Obama or Clinton did that no reasonable person would oppose.

W was without question a worse president than Clinton, so you should probably include him in your 100% against category as well.
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3 greatest American presidents in American history

1. George Washington
2. Abe Lincoln
3. Donald Trump

And he's just getting started bro!

Did he solve the Iran situation already? I flipped on Fox news and all Sheppard Smith (who might as well be on CNN, tbh) was talking about was some special counsel Russia questioning stuff. Some very serious stuff.

So, he solved world peace, he's gonna beat the Russia stuff (again, for like the 20th time since he was elected) and then he's probably gonna give black people reparations. Then they're probably gonna say Trump colluded with the Russians to make global warming worse.
It's ridiculous reading all the fake news. It's truly a scary sight. Every single fake news headline has key fake words indicators:

Maybe, sources, could be, possibly, some, people say/think/concerned, reports/experts say/think/feel.

Every single headline with any of those words/phrases are guaranteed fake news
My cover band played "I Feel Good" on Friday nite.

Am I guilty of cultural appropriation?
Depends. Did you feel good about it? If you felt good then yes, you should feel bad. If you felt bad about it then you should feel good. You knew that you should.
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The uninsured rate among Republicans rose from 7.9 percent in 2016 to 13.9 percent in the current survey period, which was conducted between February and March of 2018. The uninsured rate among those who identify as Democrats stood at 9.1 percent, statistically unchanged from 2016.

That is hilarious, the GOP actively fought healthcare and managed to basically double the uninsured rate of their constituents. Liberal states and a couple smart conservative states fought back and managed to keep their people insured. You dopes got exactly what you voted for, enjoy those results when you get your hep A spreading across the state.
You just described 90% of the idiots on this thread

Based upon the leaked Mueller questions, chances Trump gets impeached/committed crimes? I thought 5% until I've read a bit about the questions, and now think 25% chance?