How will they rule ??!

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i spoke to zion..he never saw this thread, but if he had he said he would have committed...and he would have done so by making a post in this thread.. hes 100% MAGA

Freaking awesome, bro. GOD I wish Cal could have somehow closed the deal with that guy. Curious to see how K utilizes him. Probably poorly.
Did you talk to the same coach I spoke to? He must be talking out of both sides of his mouth then.

Oh shit, you just made me realize something. I could achieve peak LIBERAL CUCK status if I let Michelle Obama bang my wife with that massive cock of hers. Would be kinda progressive, you know?

You brag about your drug use and it's still minor league, little man.

You never spoke to a coach. Made up and never happened. Seriously full of shit. That never happened. Complete utter horse shit
A lot of snowflake conservatives come out of the closet this weekend. Wolf didn't even attack that dumb broads looks. She called her a really good liar, which is her job, so if anything it was a compliment. She should have grabbed her by the pussy or made hand motions to make fun of her being disabled and then you guys would be applauding.

You brag about your drug use and it's still minor league, little man.

You never spoke to a coach. Made up and never happened. Seriously full of shit. That never happened. Complete utter horse shit

I'm just genuinely curious if people like to party, bro. Minor league or major league.


I'd assume that people who party bigly are actually considered...


Also still need your input on me watching Michelle Obama having sexual intercourse with my wife. Cuck hard or go home, right??
I'm just genuinely curious if people like to party, bro. Minor league or major league.


I'd assume that people who party bigly are actually considered...


Also still need your input on me watching Michelle Obama having sexual intercourse with my wife. Cuck hard or go home, right??

Man, call me when get addicted to crack, guy.

Yes. You know the rules, Bwl2. Let Michelke bang your wife.
Re: The caravan members climbing the wall at the border in celebration and waving their country's flag.

"That's not something you do when you're trying to honestly migrate into a country, ready to assimilate and contribute. That's something you do in triumph to celebrate your invasion."
Look, bro. With all due respect, you watch cable TV news. That is pathetic. You're stuck in the same time warp as our pussified president. God, Donald Trump is such a bombastic little bitch of a man. Did you watch his rally speech from the other night? Sad!!

You are fake news and a dumbass to boot. No wonder you pussies are still pushing Russia.
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Brodie I can't count how many times I've eaten mushrooms. Not that big of a deal, as I'm sure you know. That time we got lost in the woods after sunset was one of my favorite experiences.

Wait a you even party, bro?
I'm beyond shrooms..those are kid drugs. Let me know when you get some hair on your chin. Do you even ball drop...bruh?

But no, dont do much partying these days. Many of us that dont think the govt is Santa claus go take care of responsibilities. Sorry bruh.
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The secrecy around Obama speaks volumes. Biggest con ever pulled on America was his election.

One of my favorite things the left tries to claim is that it’s “racist” to question Obama’s birth certificate. Lol. As if a black guy from Cleveland would somehow have his citizenship questioned simply because he’s black.
We knew some things

and didn't know others

some we just overlooked

Everyone in this thread knew he was full of shit. Biggest liar and con artist to ever hold office. I tried explaining to fuzz how stupid it was to pinky promise with Iran “it’ll stop nukes for 10 years! Yay Obama!” Lulz.

Obama got exactly what he wanted. He’s a globalist puppet who was doing his best to destroy America.
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