How will they rule ??!

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Everyone in this thread knew he was full of shit. Biggest liar and con artist to ever hold office.

This is the truth and the heart of the matter... results be damned, too many would rather have someone who talks like Obama, yet accomplished virtually nothing whereasTrump talks shit on twitter and ends the never ending Korean war.

They care more for their ideaology than results and truth
These leaked Mueller questions are hilarious. Especially the one about the pardon. The president can pardon whomever they choose whenever they choose. Just plainly ridiculous.

They also show that Mueller knows he will never get to ask trump those questions. He's hoping the press will out enough heat on to lure trump into responding
This is the truth and the heart of the matter... results be damned, too many would rather have someone who talks like Obama, yet accomplished virtually nothing whereasTrump talks shit on twitter and ends the never ending Korean war.

They care more for their ideaology than results and truth

The bolded sadly applies to both sides.

She has to ask herself that everyday if she truly thinks any of that.

The cool thing is, she showed how the left views the government as their "daddy." That's a great way to show a big difference between the two sides (one of many).

It's rather incredible to watch this many people go insane and create mass hysteria when literally nothing about their daily lives have changed. Not a single thing. For all of this supposed "oppression" surprisingly there's no one there preventing them from doing anything or going anywhere or doing whatever they want. lol

"Oh no, some people saved some money on taxes and we're not letting people take advantage of our country. EEEEEEK!"
lmao. the WH put out a statement this morning say Iran has a secret nuclear program and freaks out the world. and then goes "oops, we meant HAD a secret program. something we have known for over a decade.
A lot of snowflake conservatives come out of the closet this weekend. Wolf didn't even attack that dumb broads looks. She called her a really good liar, which is her job, so if anything it was a compliment. She should have grabbed her by the pussy or made hand motions to make fun of her being disabled and then you guys would be applauding.

No he didn't.

And snowflake is a liberal term for socialist pussies who cry like little girls.
Jackson violated patient confidentiality and went around telling WH staff about pences wife medical condition and attacked her doctor when confrontedabout it. her doctor wrote down memos detailing the entire event and reported it to kelly.
Jackson violated patient confidentiality and went around telling WH staff about pences wife medical condition and attacked her doctor when confrontedabout it. her doctor wrote down memos detailing the entire event and reported it to kelly.
Platinum, can you ever actually talk about the merits of your own party? What do the Dems want to do to make America better for all Americans? I've never once heard you talk about policy. All you ever do is bash Trump and his administration. You have a problem man. You hate Trump more than you care about your own country, and probably even more than you care about yourself. Seek therapy.
Jackson violated patient confidentiality and went around telling WH staff about pences wife medical condition and attacked her doctor when confrontedabout it. her doctor wrote down memos detailing the entire event and reported it to kelly.
yesterday: Iran needed to be made whole with a bunch of cash
today: WH doctor lauded by Obama is now bad

Good work!
Trump is attacking the leak of the Mueller questions when it looks like it was the WH that leaked the questions. the state of TRumps mind is just plain sad at this point.

Twitter promoted the bullying toward her. "People are angry." No, skanks, a few SJWs virtue signaling were angry. It's open season on whites apparently.
Foreign person wearing American clothing- "American imperialism"
Americans wearing something from another culture- "CULTURAL APPROPRIATION!!!!"

Next time, a white businessman should go up to a black person wearing a suit and yell, "MY CULTURE IS NOT A COSTUME!"

BTW, the Asian guy whose post bashing the teenage girl, repeatedly used the N word, called someone a gay slur, called white people "demons" and denies the holocaust.




Here he is wearing a leis


Trump’s former doctor looks like the guy who is always at your local gas station playing scratch off lottery tickets.
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That's racist.


Pretty damn simple to understand. America sucks. We are evil and mean. Have to lift up the rest of the world and repay them for our evil deeds.

Oh, and change the weather.
Dang it. Yes you are right of course. I'll try to be better.
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Shit like this will be TRump's downfall. When anyone shows even the slightest hint of disloyalty he goes scorched earth. But these days everyone keeps hidden digital records and loves to get their 15 mins of fame by telling all.
Umm...only a schmuck would not understand the gross violation of the physician-patient privilege. Don't blame Trump in the slightest, I would have done the same thing, and sooner. I'm surprised Trump didn't sue him.

Platinum, mind if I call your doctor up, ask him what medications you are currently being prescribed, and the condition(s) for which they are being prescribed?
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Jackson violated patient confidentiality and went around telling WH staff about pences wife medical condition and attacked her doctor when confrontedabout it. her doctor wrote down memos detailing the entire event and reported it to kelly.
Once again, CNN tell you that? Didn't you post something about me watching the news? Hypocrisy, or are you just plain stupid.