How will they rule ??!

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Yeah and he also said he had some sort of proof Obama was born outside US and his birth certificate is fake...still waiting, both for an apology and for Republicans to demand an apology to a sitting President who had his name sullied by a habitual liar and conman.

Like I've said before, Republicans showed no shame in stalling nominations, budgets, saying terrible things about Obama and first lady for 8 years...but now it's just awful!

Republicans have no shame. Not sure how you can even show your faces when to pay for a huge tax cut for the wealthiest Americans and corporations they think charging the poorest Americans more for rent is just fine...and this after paying 31k for dining furniture. Wealth redistribution is ok as long as it is flowing up.

Lol, i gave you facts.. and you repeat it again like a dumbass. The fact that youre on here bashing republicans for stalling obamas nominees... means you must be really sick of rhe democrats, considering obamas nominees were done 4 times as fast as trumps.

Or, you dont care because youre a shit eating hypocrite.
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that 56billion was the money we took from Iran. the 1.5billion was the money they paid for an arms deal in 79' when we were best friends that we never delivered. So we stole a shit ton of cash from them and reneged on a deal and finally made them whole.
So? They still got it from lying thru their a$$ for O's nuke deal.
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that 56billion was the money we took from Iran. the 1.5billion was the money they paid for an arms deal in 79' when we were best friends that we never delivered. So we stole a shit ton of cash from them and reneged on a deal and finally made them whole.

My goodness.
Obama is exactly who we knew he was when he ran in 2008. Anyone with half a brain who studied his past (what could be found) and the people he surrounded himself with explained it all at that time.
that 56billion was the money we took from Iran. the 1.5billion was the money they paid for an arms deal in 79' when we were best friends that we never delivered. So we stole a shit ton of cash from them and reneged on a deal and finally made them whole.
Somehow the last 4 Presidents found a way not pay them off. Glad you think they need to made whole though.
Its bruh... do you think this is 1996? You are trying too hard. After all, you're the guy the just tried shrooms for the first time.

Just adding in since we are talking about the whcd.

Brodie I can't count how many times I've eaten mushrooms. Not that big of a deal, as I'm sure you know. That time we got lost in the woods after sunset was one of my favorite experiences.

Wait a you even party, bro?
Which, if true, says more about Zion than this thread.

By the way, the thread is still going strong, Cal's recruiting is gangbusters. Maybe Cal is right, UK isn't for everyone, especially soft asses who get their feelings hurt over, and make an important life decision based on, what some random moron says on the internet.

Hey now, nobody called you a moron.

You just sound like a bigot most of the time. That's all. Then your bros pat you on the back and throw in their two pennies. The Bigoted Echo Chamber can be off-putting to some people, you know?

But hey, best wishes to Zion. Sure would've loved to see him play for the Cats, but it wasn't meant to be.
You just sound like a bigot most of the time. That's all.

Not bigoted. Although...

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Ol Big dick Michelle. What a lovely tranny.

And no. Zion never read this thread. That's a goddamn lie

Did you talk to the same coach I spoke to? He must be talking out of both sides of his mouth then.

Oh shit, you just made me realize something. I could achieve peak LIBERAL CUCK status if I let Michelle Obama bang my wife with that massive cock of hers. Would be kinda progressive, you know?
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Per normal, you missed the point. The outrage from the left would get people fired and have to give apologies if they were to attack Obama, Hillary, Michelle on these television programs. How can you be this dumb or blind? Go get your money back on your education and use it to travel the world to see the sites. Party less and get to know the real story.

Look, bro. With all due respect, you watch cable TV news. That is pathetic. You're stuck in the same time warp as our pussified president. God, Donald Trump is such a bombastic little bitch of a man. Did you watch his rally speech from the other night? Sad!!
Obama is exactly who we knew he was when he ran in 2008. Anyone with half a brain who studied his past (what could be found) and the people he surrounded himself with explained it all at that time.
It was explained & most still voted for him. Sad commentary on humanity.
The refusal of msm to ever give Islamic terrorism any negative treatment strongly suggest terrorist money is propping up the once bankrupt msm.

I still think Obama was born outside the US and forged that certificate. I just know nothing was ever going to be done about it so I gave up early on. I also think Michelle Obama looks like a man.

Those aren't unfunny jokes I'd make at a roast. Those are true statements.

His speaking engagement he described himself as foreign born. I don't think we ever saw enough to make a determination that explosive, but it certainly warranted more investigation.

Close call. There's also Clinton and Obama selling our uranium to Russia and the DNC doing hiring known foreign agents to run IT

Obama is exactly who we knew he was when he ran in 2008. Anyone with half a brain who studied his past (what could be found) and the people he surrounded himself with explained it all at that time.

Cause he's white, right?

Why is it always the racists and bigots who scream racism and bigotry the loudest? So predictable.

Goodness, moe. That take is so predictable. Take your head out of your ass, man. IT WAS A JOKE.

But seriously though...does Tyler Herro support the Muslim ban? I might need to start a thread on Rafters.
The refusal of msm to ever give Islamic terrorism any negative treatment strongly suggest terrorist money is propping up the once bankrupt msm.

His speaking engagement he described himself as foreign born. I don't think we ever saw enough to make a determination that explosive, but it certainly warranted more investigation.

Close call. There's also Clinton and Obama selling our uranium to Russia and the DNC doing hiring known foreign agents to run IT


The secrecy around Obama speaks volumes. Biggest con ever pulled on America was his election.

One of my favorite things the left tries to claim is that it’s “racist” to question Obama’s birth certificate. Lol. As if a black guy from Cleveland would somehow have his citizenship questioned simply because he’s black.
Hey now, nobody called you a moron.

You just sound like a bigot most of the time. That's all. Then your bros pat you on the back and throw in their two pennies. The Bigoted Echo Chamber can be off-putting to some people, you know?

But hey, best wishes to Zion. Sure would've loved to see him play for the Cats, but it wasn't meant to be.

Don't be backtracking. That takes the fun out of it. Own it.


Let's make an exception for our president though. I mean, he said it himself. We actually elected the "least racist" person that any of us will ever meet. We're lucky to have him in office, I guess.
i spoke to zion..he never saw this thread, but if he had he said he would have committed...and he would have done so by making a post in this thread.. hes 100% MAGA
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well, apparently stormy was mad that shes been out of the news for a whole week, so she has sued trump for defamation over the sketch artist drawing.

this is such a joke. if anything, she should be giving him a royalty for all her newly booked gigs.. hes made her more money than her manager ever could.
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Any word on if there's another "caravan" of people heading our way??

Is the wall built yet? That'll keep out the illegals for good, right? Not to mention the drugs that are, uh..."POURING" into our great country.

No, really. Do we have a wall built on our northern border? Nobody should be able to just walk into our country and take American jobs. I blame the Democrats.